Nuclear Attack On Nebraska US Air Force Base Foiled?
"At 9 p.m. Central Time on Dec. 16th, a very bright meteor lit up the completely overcast sky like lightning in southeast Nebraska," reports Trooper Jerry Chab of the Nebraska State Patrol. "It flashed for approximately 2 seconds and was followed by sonic booms and ground shaking, which prompted many calls by the public to law enforcement in a three county wide area." The USGS says there was a magnitude 3.5 earthquake near Auburn, Nebraska, at 8:53 pm Wednesday night, about the same time and place as the fireball. Coincidence? Readers in Nebraska with photos or eyewitness accounts are encouraged to submit a report.
CURIOUS EVENTS IN NEBRASKA: "Last night, Dec. 16th at 9 p.m. CST, a very bright meteor lit up the completely overcast sky like lightning in southeast Nebraska," reports Trooper Jerry Chab of the Nebraska State Patrol. "It flashed for approximately 2 seconds and was followed by sonic booms and ground shaking, which prompted many calls by the public to law enforcement in a three county wide area." Meanwhile, the USGS says there was a magnitude 3.5 earthquake near Auburn, Nebraska, at 8:53 pm, about the same time and place as the fireball. This map shows the nominal epicenter:
"If the earthquake is confirmed, as it appears to be, I think we have the most cosmic of coincidences: A large fireball around the same time of an earthquake," says Chab. "I am simply amazed!"
One possible interpretation of these events is that a small asteroid hit Earth's atmosphere and caused the ground to shake when it exploded in mid-air. However, the timing might not be right. The quake seems to have preceded the fireball. Several readers have pointed out studies that associate lightning-like phenomena with earthquakes: #1, #2, #3. So, the earthquake might be responsible for both the shaking and the light show. Or it might be a big coincidence just as Chab suggests.
More reports could help sort out the possibilities. Readers in Nebraska with photos or eyewitness accounts are encouraged to submit their observations.

Russian Space Forces are reporting to Prime Minster Putin today that the United States Air Forces’ Offutt Strategic Command Base located in Nebraska has survived a nuclear cruise missile attack directed against it after it was successfully shot down by one of the Americans particle beam weapons used to protect this most critical of US military bases.
So powerful was the explosion when this attacking AGM-129A cruise missile, armed with a W80-1 variable yield nuclear warhead, was destroyed that reports from one of the witnesses, Nebraska State Police Trooper Jerry Chab, was quoted by the Spaceweather.Com News Service as saying about what he believed to be a fireball that “It flashed for approximately 2 seconds and was followed by ground shaking, which prompted many calls by the public to law enforcement in a three county wide area.”
Other reports from
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Russian Military Analysts further state in these reports that this attack was not ‘unexpected’ by the Americans who had hours prior to the destruction of this cruise missile activated their missile defense system protecting North America under the guise of testing this system against an Iranian nuclear missile attack, and upon one of their particle beam weapons being fired to destroy it released an ‘unmistakable electronic signature’ recorded by Russian Space Forces satellites monitoring this region of the World.
Note: A particle beam weapon uses an ultra high energy beam of atoms or electrons (eg., a particle beam) to damage a material target by hitting it, and thus disrupting its atomic and molecular structure. A particle beam weapon is a type of directed-energy weapon which directs energy in a particular direction by a means of particle projectiles with mass.
Important to note of this latest attack is that it is the second one of its kind in the past month after the secretive Central Intelligence Agency base located at the Denver International Airport was similarly targeted in last month, and as we had reported on in our November 20th report titled “Nuclear Attack On Denver Fails, US Air Force Explodes Missile In Sky”.
Fueling the increasingly rising tensions between the various power factions in the United States seeking control of their Nation, and leading to this latest attack, these reports say, is President Obama’s ordering the ‘extermination’ of the CIA-Pakistani Intelligence Service (ISI) backed al Qaeda and Taliban terror organizations these spy agencies have used to plunge our World into war these past 8 years.
Flying Command Center
Indian officials are further reporting that one of the main ‘rogue’ CIA operatives involved in this plot, named David Coleman Headley, has been captured in the
These US FBI Forces interrogating Headley are, also, now confirming that he has confessed to them that Pakistani Military Officers are working with these terror groups, and which led Pakistan to retaliate by arresting 3 American Embassy officers and issue a warning that the CIA now poses a ‘serious threat’ to their government.
As is always the case in these types of events, the American people are being kept from knowing the truth of these most important of events that are determining their lives by their government and propaganda media organs who seek not to enjoin their own citizens in protecting their Nation, but continue upon a course that will see these peoples become enslaved to their banking and corporate masters.
And not just to these attacks in their own country are the American people being denied information, but also to the expanding of their war into the Middle East, where after the CIA Director Leon E. Panetta’s meeting with Saudi Arabia's King Abdallah, on November 15th, US Fighter Jets have continued their attacks in Yemen where reports from rebel forces state over 120 people have been killed.
To all of these events it is not in our knowing as to their final outcome, other than an observation that when people, such as these Americans, continue to allow themselves to be lied to by their government and propaganda in order for them to maintain an illusion of peace and security, their total destruction nears ever closer to them.
Technical Glitch Foils Missile Defense Test
Monday, Dec. 14, 2009A technical problem with a target missile Friday curtailed an intercept test of the U.S. Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system, the Missile Defense Agency announced (see GSN, Oct. 19).
A C-17 transport plane deployed the target, but the motor on the mock missile failed to start. In response, the agency did not fire a THAAD interceptor during the test at the Pacific Missile Range Facility on the Hawaiian island of Kauai.
"All THAAD system components were verified to be in working order, and the system was ready to conduct the mission," the agency said in a press release.
The event did allow for successful simulations of the THAAD fire control system.
An "extensive investigation" of the problem is planned, the release states.
The Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense is intended to eliminate ballistic missiles traveling within and beyond the atmosphere. It is intended to be used against short- and medium-range ballistic missiles in the last stages of flight (U.S. Missile Defense Agency release, Dec. 11).
Bennett: Obama outdoes LBJ in strong-arming tactics
Johnson, a former Senate majority leader before becoming vice president and then president, attained a reputation over time for using strong-armed tactics against lawmakers in order to win votes on critical pieces of legislation. At issue is a rumor that the Obama administration threatened to close or rename Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska, a rumor which Nelson rejected on Thursday, but into which Republican senators are demanding an investigation.
Obama Administration guilty of extortion? "Nobody's threatened me. As a matter of fact, in any discussion with the White House or the leadership or any of my colleagues, the question about the base or even the name of the base has never come up," Nelson said during an interview on KLIN radio in Nebraska. "Nobody has talked about anything of that kind." Nelson said he knows the source of that rumor, suggesting that Republicans would be red-faced if details of the source of the rumor came out. 20 Republican senators wrote the top members of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday to ask for an investigation into the alleged threat.
Nelson aide: Offutt claim false
WASHINGTON — As the Senate health care debate enters crunch time, the pressure from all sides continued to grow today, with Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., right in the middle.
His spokesman quickly dismissed a report by conservative columnist Michelle Malkin that Nelson was even being threatened with “closure of an air force base,” presumably Offutt Air Force Base, which is south of Omaha and home of U.S. Strategic Command. Malkin also said Nelson has been promised a “bribe bigger than Sen. Landrieu's.”
WAS it a meteor or something else??? Possible shadow coup???

Offutt Airman Accused of Shooting Fellow Airman
Offutt Airman Charged With Manslaughter
Air Force airman allegedly shoots, kills colleague during game of 'Trust'
Offutt airman killed in shooting at Neb. apartment
'Game' deadly for Offutt airman
No impact to command's mission
Minot Base & Afghanistan Strategy
Air Force Nuclear Command Takes Control of ICBMs
Missile wing now in Global Strike Command
Malmstrom ushers in new era under Global Strike Command
Commander outlines US Global Strike Command mission, vision, values
Air Force Global Strike Command officials hiring now for top priority mission
Global Strike Command bases will include Minot AFB, N.D., Malmstrom AFB, Mont., F.E. Warren AFB, Wyo., Whiteman AFB, Mo., as well as the headquarters at Barksdale. One squadron each at Vandenberg AFB, Calif., and Offutt AFB, Neb., also will fall under the command.
Jobs representing specialties across a range of functional areas are being advertised now through the Air Force Personnel Center Web site; the Air Force Portal; and the USAJobs Web site.
As the command approaches the assumption of the ICBM mission Dec. 1 and the nuclear-capable bomber mission Feb. 1, the need is critical for Airmen and civilian experts ready to take on these special missions and responsibility for the most powerful weapons in the nation's arsenal, officials said.
"We are actively hiring active-duty, Guard, Reserve, government civilians, retired and former military as we steadily grow to our authorized strength," General Klotz said. "This requires developing skilled Airmen being fully involved in the mission."
Not only is the nuclear mission a top priority of Air Force senior leaders, it is also vital to the security of the nation, according to senior defense officials.
SM-65 Atlas
US, RF generally coordinate doc to replace START-1 -Dept of State

WASHINGTON, December 10 (Itar-Tass) - The United States and Russia have coordinated the main part of the text of a new agreement that is to replace the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START-1), spokesman for the US Department of State Ian Kelly said on Wednesday.
He noted that a considerable part of the text has been coordinated already, but the sides still have certain final questions that are to be settled. However, he did not specify any timeframe. He said he could not forecast when this will happen. However, it is important for the parties not to agree by a certain date, but to work out a good agreement.
The US State Department spokesman noted that the US negotiators have been very seriously working towards reaching an agreement and they still have the aim to complete the work by the end of this year. The US side’s priority is still getting a good agreement that would correspond to the American national interests. The US wants to have more predictability and stability in the relations with the RF in the nuclear sphere, it also counts on the clauses in the document that would guarantee an efficient verification process, Kelly said.
START is a bilateral treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms. The treaty was signed on 31 July 1991 and entered into force on 5 December 1994. The treaty was signed by the United States and the USSR, that barred its signatories from deploying more than 6,000 nuclear warheads atop a total of 1,600 ICBMs, submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and bombers. START negotiated the largest and most complex arms control treaty in history, and its final implementation in late 2001 resulted in the removal of about 80 percent of all strategic nuclear weapons then in existence. Proposed by United States President Ronald Reagan, it was renamed START I after negotiations began on the second START treaty, which became START II.
The treaty was set to expire on 5 December 2009, but currently remains in force indefinitely pending agreement on a successor, since Russia and the United States failed to reach agreement on a new pact until the deadline.
The first START proposal was presented by United States President Ronald Reagan in Geneva on 29 June 1982. Reagan proposed a dramatic reduction in strategic forces in two phases, which he referred to as SALT III at the time. The first phase would reduce overall warhead counts on any missile type to 5,000, with an additional limit of 2,500 on ICBMs. Additionally, a total of 850 ICBMs would be allowed, with a limit of 110 “heavy throw” missiles like the SS-18, with additional limits on the total “throw weight” of the missiles as well. The second phase introduced similar limits on heavy bombers and their warheads, and other strategic systems as well.
At the time the US had a commanding lead in strategic bombers. The US B-52 force, while aged, was a credible strategic threat but was only equipped with AGM-86 cruise missiles, beginning in 1982, because of Soviet air defence improvements in early 1980s. The US also had begun to introduce new B-1B Lancer quasi-stealth bomber and was secretly developing the Advanced Technology Bomber (ATB) project that would eventually result in the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber. The USSR's force was of little threat to the US, on the other hand, as it was tasked almost entirely with attacking US convoys in the Atlantic and land targets on the Eurasian landmass. Although the USSR had 1,200 medium and heavy bombers, only 150 of them (Tupolev Tu-95s and Myasishchev M-4s) could reach North America (the latter only with in-flight refuelling). They also faced difficult problems in penetrating admittedly smaller and poorly defended US airspace. Possessing too few bombers available when compared to US bomber numbers was evened out by the US forces having to penetrate the much larger and heavier defended Soviet airspace. This changed when new Tu-95MS and Tu-160 bombers appeared in 1984 equipped with first Soviet AS-15 cruise missiles. By limiting the phase-in as it was proposed, the US would be left with a strategic advantage, for a time.
With the current START-I set expired on December 5, 2009, there are proposals to renew and expand the treaty, supported by US President Barack Obama.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, said, the day after the US elections, in his first state of the nation address, that Russia would move to deploy short-range Iskander missile systems in the western exclave of Kaliningrad “to neutralize if necessary the anti-ballistic missile system in Europe.” Russia insists that any movement towards a new START should be a legally binding document, and must, then, set lower ceilings on the number of nuclear warheads, and their delivery vehicles.
On March 17, 2009, Medvedev signalled that Russia would begin a “large- scale” rearmament and renewal of Russia’s nuclear arsenal. President Medvedev accused NATO of pushing ahead with expansion near Russian borders and ordered that this rearmament commence in 2011 with increased army, naval, and nuclear capabilities.
Sonic boom-like noise heard by many last night
Thursday, 17 December 2009 | |
A sonic boom like sound heard by many late last night is something that has happened before, according to State Police. They tells us that is what it probably is. They tell us there was nothing reported to them last night as far as an explosion or anything suspicious. Dover Air Force Base has no information regarding any aircraft from their base that the noise may have been related to. |

Vibration Mystery Rattles Minnesota Community
Posted: 13 Oct 2009 05:33 PM PDT

startribune. com - Cupboards and drawers in Crystal Oswald's house shake. Vibrations wake Donna Wiersgalla's 3-year-old daughter three or four times a night. A few doors down, Bailey Conklin, 13, removed rattling pictures from her bedroom wall. That's life these days on 1st Avenue N. in Newport, where a phenomenon that nobody can explain troubles residents enough that they're seeking help from city officials and comparing notes in one another's kitchens. At least eight households have reported intermittent and random shaking, and thus far public officials have been unable to find a cause. "It wouldn't be so bad if someone could give me some answers," said Oswald, whose roommate has threatened to move out because of the shaking. "It's becoming a big pain, especially at night. It feels like there's a helicopter going over your house and I open the door and there's nothing." The affected residents live next to a park in the northwest corner of Newport, a Washington County city of about 3,700 near the Mississippi River. Industries and highways surround the neighborhood, but it's unclear whether any of them -- including the nearby Wakota Bridge on Interstate 494 -- have anything to do with the mysterious vibrations that are beginning to feel like a slow form of torture to residents. "I've never felt this before," said Wiersgalla, who has lived in the same house all of her 37 years. "I think we all thought it was kind of crazy, so we didn't say anything for a while." 100 trains not to blame

Neighbors discount freight trains as the culprits, even though they rumble past the neighborhood more than 100 times a day, as they've done for years. They can't think of any industry that's new or different except the bridge, but the Minnesota Department of Transportation said that nobody works on the construction in the evenings or overnight. Corb Hopkins, the neighborhood mail carrier and a City Council member, said he hasn't felt the vibrations down the street from where he lives, but doesn't doubt it exists. "Down here in Newport we have very little topsoil and everything sits on limestone," he said. "We're all sitting on the same slab of rock. If there's vibration, it's going to carry." But Val Chandler, a geophysicist with the Minnesota Geological Survey, said bedrock vibrations don't carry far. "The most likely culprit would be heavy machinery activity nearby," he said. "It's not very likely that it's a natural earthquake, or somebody would recognize it as such." Dottie Conklin, Bailey's mother, has felt the vibrations for about a month. She has watched bottled water shake on her kitchen table while her neighbor has told her that his windows rattle. Most of the houses along 1st Avenue N. were built in the 1960s or 1970s, and in many cases, residents have lived there long enough to recognize anything out of the ordinary -- until now. "It's kind of befuddling," said Chandler, who is more inclined to think that the vibrations come from bedrock when caverns collapse deep below the surface or when a big new dam is dug. Just why residents of one block in Newport feel the vibrations and others don't deepens the mystery, he said. A bulk fuel plant, a frozen-foods storage company and a garbage recycling firm that's been operating for 21 years surround the neighborhood, Hopkins said, but he doubts that they're doing anything new that would cause vibrations. Newport's public works department couldn't find the source of the problem either. Hopkins recognizes that the shaking annoys residents, but doesn't know what the city should do next. Wiersgalla said that her husband wants to move. She said the vibrations are wearing down her family -- she logs the times when it rouses her daughter at night -- but she doesn't want to leave. "As long as I don't wake up some morning and find my house bouncing in the Mississippi River, I'll be all right," she said.

Fireball from Geminid Meteor Shower 14th December 2009
Astronomy experts are appealing for witnesses to an extremely rare fireball believed to have blazed across the morning sky. The spectacular sight, which star-gazers claim happened just before dawn on Monday, is being attributed to a massive meteor shower currently taking place over the northern hemisphere. "The fireball is really very special and unusual," Astronomy Ireland chairman David Moore said.

Colliding Auroras Create Explosions

Scientists recently discovered something about auroras they never knew before. "Our jaws dropped when we saw the movies for the first time," said Larry Lyons of the University of California-Los Angeles,(UCLA) describing how sometimes, vast curtains of aurora borealis collide, producing spectacular outbursts of light. "These outbursts are telling us something very fundamental about the nature of auroras." These collisions can be so large, that isolated observers on Earth — with limited fields of view — have never noticed them before. It took a network of sensitive cameras spread across thousands of miles to get the big picture.

Click to continue…

Nibiru in Copenhagen Climate Conference Logo?
It has become apparent that the Copenhagen Climate Summit has been a complete disaster.This sham has been one lie after another so why don't those powers that be just come out with their Project Blue Beam agenda that no-one in their right mind will fall for?
We have had their crappy attempt at duping the world with the Spiral in Norway, totally bogus UFO denial, and now we see a symbol in the climate summit logo that many feel shows the true agenda that the world leaders face... Nibiru.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC
The real reason behind the need for the CERN reactor is to try and control Black Holes, there is no other reason to have that facility. They can study Higgs Boson in other ways!
Nibiru can be seen in the climate summit logo that is apparent, this planet graphic does not look like Earth or the Sun, instead a scarred planet that looks like it has been on a journey through space.

Well let's ask the experts... hmmm no comment is what you will get!
- Jeremy in Copenhagen

Sky Spiral Event in South Africa Rocket Fuel?
18 October, 2009The "UFO" event, observed over Southern Africa by many, photographed by few.
The following images are provided by our guest photographers Mitchell Krog and Albert van Biljon, diagrams and comments by Prof. MJH Hoffman, more by satellite tracker Greg Roberts
Thanks to all contributors, 702 Talk Radio and John Robbie, radio RSG for providing the link to our page and to all for visiting it!
A Centaur rocket, followed by US military weather satellite (DMSP F-18) dumped a load of excess fuel into space, resulting in spectacular views over Southern Africa.
Hello everyone.I was conducting some searches recenly and I thought you would find this South African sky spiral event very interesting.
On October the 18th 2009 and originally witness by people in their masses, announced on the radio as a UFO, and many people thinking the same. A photographer out taking shots of a storm and a few other people with cameras caught the event of a spiral in the sky.
Now i don't want to be judgmental here but I am noting the comparisons with the Norway spiral event... being it was a blue spiral the same as the SA spiral.
It never got any real media attention out of South Africa which is very surprising considering the attention the Norway spiral had.
I think this photograph is a good indication of something happening in our skies that we are not being told about.
First China, reports of events over Murmansk, Norway and now Africa dated prior to the Norway event.
So here is a glimpse at what we all missed and a link to the said event that was blamed as rocket fuel - a lot of rockets being blamed for things huh?

Strange Sky Pattern - HAARP?
I cut a picture from it and did a zoom. With all the HAARP theories going around I'm sure this certainly falls into the HAARP Possibilites!
Colliding Auroras Produce an Explosion of Light

Many hours of sluething to try and put together documentation of the plausiblity that 9/11 was part of those Rat Masters attepmts to play GOD.. After 7000 plus people started catching on to the possiblity of a Star Wars Attack. Now that My deepest suspisions have came true and in fact not only did directed Pulsed Energy Weapons exist they even unleashed more of them on us after 9/11 too.
The power generator file I captured describing what it utilized for has been deleted and will take time to replace since my hard drive fried last year.
Nuclear reactor magnetohydrodynamic power generator for directed energy weapons (Deleted, Mature, Repost)
Type: Image | By neverknwo | 29 Comments
7039 Views | 1 Vote | 0 Recommendations
Leaked: Apr-14-2007

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