NWO Gestapo train for 'House to House' gun confiscations in Iowa

Martial Law Drill in Arcadia, Iowa
In addition to surveillance, searching and apprehension, the exercise will also give the troops valuable experience in stability, support, patrol, traffic control, vehicle searches and other skills needed for deployment in an urban environment.
"This exercise will improve the real-life operational skills of the unit," said Kots. "And it will hopefully improve the public's understanding of military operations."
The pre-drill work with residents is as important at the drill itself.
"It will be important for us to gain the trust and confidence of the residents of Arcadia," said Kots. "We will need to identify individuals that are willing to assist us in training by allowing us to search their homes and vehicles and to participate in role-playing."
"We really want to get as much information out there as possible, because this operation could be pretty intrusive to the people of Arcadia."

Posted on February 19, 2009 at 5:28pm
Hey Folks,
OK... thanks Shirliann for starting the blog. Here's more info....
Texas State Senator, Dan Patrick, was on FoxNews this morning at 8:45am. He said he had some "breaking news to share". Boy was it!!! The Texas State Legislature had been trying very hard to get the Obama Administration to respond to a critical situation on the Texas Border. The Administration had not gotten back with Texas as of last night. So the State of Texas told Washington D.C. basically they could go jump, and "we'll take care of Texas!". As of last night... the Texas National Guard has been put on High Alert!!! This is the first time in history! Texas tried, desperately to get Washington's approval... but when they could not get it... they acted on their own. Which I say.... it's about damn time!!! I personally applaud the guts it took to defy the Fed's and act in our best interest! In case you are unaware of what the problems are .... Sen. Dan Patrick spelled it out nicely!
What Happens to the U.S. if Mexico Collapses?
As drug cartels continue to terrorize Mexico, Texas officials are planning for the worst-case scenario: how to respond if the violence spills over the border, and what to do if thousands of Mexicans seek refuge in the United States.
Katherine Cesinger, a spokeswoman for Texas Gov. Rick Perry, said a multi-agency contingency plan is being developed, and it will focus primarily on law enforcement issues, including how to handle an influx of Mexicans fleeing violence.
"At this point, what we're focusing on is spillover violence," Cesinger told FOXNews.com Thursday. "The immediate concern, if any, would be that."
More than 5,300 people were killed in Mexico last year in connection to criminal activity, and some experts predict things will get worse. Along with Pakistan, Mexico was identified in a Department of Defense report last year as a country that could destabilize rapidly.
If that were to happen, officials are concerned that the drug violence could cross the Rio Grande into southern Texas.
Cesinger said the plan currently does not address a potential flood of refugees, though "It may be something that comes into consideration."
"Worst-case scenario, Mexico becomes the Western hemisphere's equivalent of Somalia, with mass violence, mass chaos," said Ted Galen Carpenter, vice president for defense and foreign policy at the Cato Institute, a Washington-based think tank. "That would clearly require a military response from the United States."
Carpenter, who recently authored a study entitled "Troubled Neighbor: Mexico's Drug Violence Poses a Threat to the United States," said Mexican government could collapse, although it's unlikely.
"That's still a relative longshot, but it's not out of the question," Carpenter said. "It's obviously prudent for all of the states along the U.S.-Mexican border and the military to consider that possibility and not get blindsided should it happen."
Some lawmakers in Texas have begun questioning how to deal with a potentially massive influx of Mexican citizens.
"Do you strengthen the borders so people cannot get in by the thousands every day, or do you create detention centers where people are held until their status is determined?" asked state Sen. Dan Patrick. "This is a potential refugee problem..."
$125000 missile sits in woman’s basement
Watch more ClipSyndicate videos on AOL Video
ST. LOUIS (KMOV)-- A Missouri Air National Guard missile is caught in the middle of a divorce case.
St. Louis woman wants the air guard to pick up a missile that's sitting next to her furnace.
That never happened and now their getting a divorce and she wants it out of her basement.
Military jets will be taking off from Nellis Air Force Base for the next three weeks during a special Red Flag air combat exercise at the 15000-square-mile ...
Special Red Flag military air exercise begins Monday
416th FLTS first AFMC unit participates at Red Flag Edwards Air Force Base, CA - Through the Red Flag exercise, the 416th FLTS was able to fly 54 sorties at a cost equivalent to flying eight to 10 Integrated Systems Evaluation sorties at ... |
Mayor Daley has argued that security and terrorism won’t be an issue if his Olympic dreams come true because, by 2016, there will be a surveillance camera on every street corner in Chicago.
But even before that blanket coverage begins, the “Big Brother’’ network is being put to better use.
Islands may get surveillance cams - The Macomb Daily News ...

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is working on plans to erect three aerial towers carrying video surveillance cameras on two islands in Lake St. Clair, according to state and local officials.
Federal officials want to place the towers on Harsens Island and Gull Island, both located in St. Clair County waters to focus on the Canadian shoreline for drug smuggling, illegal immigration and human trafficking.
"That's definitely one of our security issues," said Russell Gullett, chief of staff for the Michigan Department of Homeland Security.
Under the plan, two towers would be constructed on Harsens Island and one on Gull Island. Each would be equipped with 360-degree surveillance cameras that would monitor the waterways 24 hours a day.
Speak Out Against NAIS (National Animal Identification System)
this. If it isn't stopped, you'll be next if you own a single cat or dog. It's
The Truth About the Animal ID Plan
NAIS: Get the government out of my barnyard!
The loons at the USDA are taking comments for the next few weeks.
We need everyone to make your voice heard.
We the people have prevailed in the past on these kinds of "tell us what you
think" from govmint alphabet soup agencies.
Link is here:
Speak Out Against NAIS
Chinese Military (The Rise of the Dragon)
U.S. Marine Corps Bases Japan, Japan -
These building entry techniques are often used in military operations in urban areas, requiring forces to enter hostile or unknown buildings. ...
U.S. Marine Corps Bases Japan, Japan -
KORAT, Thailand (February 20, 2009) -- The US Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and the Royal Thai Air Force worked together to conduct a combat search and ...
Military.com -
HAT YAO BEACH, THAILAND -- Before the assault, this tawny-sanded coastline was at peace. In the hazy beyond, the USS Essex appeared only in silhouette. ...
31st MEU in Thailand for Cobra Gold
Casper Star-Tribune Online, WY -
In 2002, then-Wyoming Department of Agriculture Director Ron Micheli invited a Utah cloud-seeding consultant to a meeting of our state's drought task force. ...
San Jose Mercury News, USA -
Staffing shortages and winter storms have delayed a power company's plans to install cloud-seeding stations in Northern California to draw out more ...
North state cloud seeding delayed
February 20, 2009
from Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
"We were waiting for this one," said Peter Michelson, the principal investigator on Fermi's Large Area Telescope at Stanford University. "Burst emissions at these energies are still poorly understood, and Fermi is giving us the tools to understand them."
Gamma-ray bursts are the universe's most luminous explosions. Astronomers believe most occur when exotic massive stars run out of nuclear fuel. As a star's core collapses into a black hole, jets of material -- powered by processes not yet fully understood -- blast outward at nearly the speed of light. The jets bore all the way through the collapsing star and continue into space, where they interact with gas previously shed by the star and generate bright afterglows that fade with time. FULL ARTICLE: http://earthchangesmedia.com/secure/3247.326/article-9162524162.php |
Research of the Sun - Earth Connection and 2012 | |
Send your request for speaking engagements to: mitch@earthchangesmedia.com PRESENTATION OUTLINE: Mitch Battros presents fascinating, and sometimes shocking, research from the world's top scientists. After years of dialogue with these experts, Mitch has been accepted into the guarded halls of NASA, NOAA, ESA, Royal Observatory, the US Naval Observatory and other highly esteemed scientific bodies. In addition to the latest research on the Sun's influence on our weather, Mitch will also present ground-breaking evidence of how the Sun and other celestial orbs produce 'charged particles' and their impact on humanity. ![]() Just as the Sun's solar weather affects the Earth's magnetic field, so does this wave of electrical currents affect the human body's magnetic field. Mitch will also reveal a little-known development from modern medicine known as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). TMS provides empirical evidence of how magnetic fields can influence human emotions. Solar Cycle 24 has begun - and it has been predicted by NASA, NOAA and ESA to be up to 50% stronger than its 'record breaking' predecessor Cycle 23 which produced the largest solar flare ever recorded. The Sun will reach its 'apex' (maximum) in late 2011 into 2012. "I believe it will be the magnetic influence produced by the Sun which will usher in what is described by our ancient ancestors as "the transition" bringing us to a new state-of-being". (Mitch Battros) |
We Are a Nation of Junkies Hooked on Media-Fabricated Outrage
Bruce Mirken
I'm not sure if it's because we're strung out on "Lost" episodes, or if it's because we're still suffering from a post-9/11 stress disorder that makes us crave "breaking news" alerts, or if it's because the economy has turned us into distraction junkies. But one thing is painfully obvious after Michael Phelps' marijuana "scandal" erupted last week: Our society is addicted to fake outrage -- and to break our dependence, we're going to need far more potent medicine than the herb Phelps was smoking.
Eric Holder, the nation's first black attorney general, said Wednesday the United States was "a nation of cowards" on matters of race, with most Americans avoiding candid discussions of racial issues. In a speech to Justice Department employees marking Black History Month, Holder said the workplace is largely integrated but Americans still self-segregate on the weekends and in their private lives.
"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards," Holder said.
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