Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's a New Dawn!!!

Hear me Roar!!!

Tonight voters are sending King Tarzan in Washington D.C. a very serious message.

You're Fired!!!

We want our Country Back and Law Makers to follow the Constitution.

It's a New Dawn and a New Beginning.

I spoke with Marlin on his Victory after working all these years to get a Constitutionalists back in D.C. and how close in some precincts split the vote very close against Dem. Tom Hayhurst.

THE CLASS OF 2010...
Obama Dealt Tough Hand...
Fournier: Washington the Biggest Loser...
DeMint: Less Government, More Freedom...
Shift Stirs Economic Jitters Abroad...
GOP likely to urge Obama officials not to shred documents...
Next up for House Dems: Ethics trials for Rangel, Waters...
Most Powerful Woman in Politics Falls...

The day after the midterm elections, there seems to be an American hangover. Whether you were celebrating the Republicans winning the majority in the House or are trying to pick yourself up after the Democrats' defeat.

Hear what people on the streets of Washington had to say and what their opinions are on the outcome of the US midterm elections.

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