By Dr. Tom Termotto, BCIM, DCAE
Deepwater Horizon lies on tectonic fault line causing earthquakes
There has been much speculation lately about a nuclear device being planned for closing in the BP Macondo Well in the Gulf of Mexico. The consequences of exercising this option go well beyond killing the Gulf of Mexico; there would be far-reaching and profound ramifications for the oceans of the world. There are many risks associated with this option that must be considered. Let’s review some of these before BP finishes the relief wells, which are allegedly being utilized for the strategic placement and detonation of a nuclear device.
MSM calls for Crackdown on Bloggers
The radioactive levels of the hydrocarbon brew that has been flowing for over 90 days into the Gulf is already cause for alarm. The deeper the well, the greater the likelihood that the oil and gas effluent will have greater concentrations of radioactive components, particularly radium, thorium and uranium.
“Helium is a naturally occurring gas formed in oil reserves. So common in fact, that helium detectors have been used to discover oil reserves. Helium is an inert gas known to be a by-product from the radiological decay of uranium and thorium. Uranium and thorium are known to be in great quantities at greater depths within the mantle of the earth. Radioactive elements occur naturally and can be found and detected in trace amounts in shallow oil reserves. Oil reserves that do not produce large amounts of methane also lack uranium and thorium. The presence of methane is proportional to the presence of uranium and thorium, both radioactive elements.
The more methane that is present reflects the amount of uranium and thorium in the oil reserve. The deeper the oil well, the younger the radiological decay which will therefore produce more helium. The Eugene Island 330 rig was quickly replenished as a result of massive quantities of deep oil sources re-supplying the more shallow oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico just off the coast of Louisiana.” (Per “Urgent – Radioactive Oil From BP Blowout!” at link below)
It is quite significant to point out that even the American Petroleum Institute (API) has designed elaborate protocols for workers in the Oil & Gas Industry who are exposed to Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM). The API readily acknowledges the existence of elevated levels of radium in virtually any geological formation that contains oil and gas, and yet their website fails to mention uranium and thorium concentrations. This omission is quite curious and begs for a more thorough explanation of the radioactive dimensions associated with the entire industry. Click on the API link below for more info:
For anyone who doubts that the development of oil and gas reserves will always have radioactive hazards, please read the following authoritative papers starting with the Scientific American article below:
Scientific American: Natural Gas Drilling Produces Radioactive Waste
Radioactive Pollution at the Oil Fields of the Apsheron Peninsula, Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan
Radium-226 and Radium-228 in Scale and Sludge Generated in the Petroleum Industry
Investigation of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in Oil Fields and Oil Lakes in Kuwait
Legacy of nuclear drilling site in Parachute lingers – Boulder Daily Camera
The real issue here is that, due to the deep source of these hydrocarbons (18,000 to 30,000 feet deep Macondo Prospect) the oil and gas effluent that has already poured into the Gulf possesses a discernible radioactive hazard. If a nuclear device was detonated to close off the well, many things could go wrong in the process that could actually worsen the current scenario. We could be left with a predicament that would contribute significantly to the already excessive radioactive burden throughout the Gulf. How so?
First of all, the only precedents we have for the nuclear option are those put forth by Russia. According to Komsomoloskaya Pravda, “the Soviets deployed specially designed nuclear explosions to extinguish well fires on at least five separate occasions”. However, the context was completely different than the one in the Gulf. The Gulf Macondo Well is not on land, nor is it a gas fire. It is also 5000 feet under water, and then another 18,000+ feet deep into the earth’s crust. To draw a parallel between the two scenarios doesn’t get more apples and oranges. Oil gushers under 5000 feet of water does not compare with natural gas fires on land.
Therefore, the danger in this alternative is twofold. In the aftermath of a nuclear explosion, the oil volcano could be transformed into a super-volcano spewing more mantle-generated radioactive hydrocarbons into the water. Secondarily, if the radioactivity associated with the detonation is allowed to escape due to an unsealed well, or worse, a larger opening in the earth that has received the radioactive fallout from a subterranean explosion, then we have a true doomsday scenario in the making.
Per Wikipedia: “The New Madrid Seismic Zone (pronounced /njuː ˈmædrɨd/), sometimes called the New Madrid Fault Line, is a major seismic zone and a prolific source of intraplate earthquakes (earthquakes within a tectonic plate) in the southern and midwestern United States, stretching to the southwest from New Madrid, Missouri.” “This New Madrid Seismic zone lies within the central Mississippi Valley, extending from northeast Arkansas, through southeast Missouri, western Tennessee, western Kentucky to southern Illinois. Historically, this area has been the site of some of the largest earthquakes in North America. Between 1811 and 1812, 4 catastrophic earthquakes, with magnitude estimates greater than 7.0, occurred during a 3-month period. (Per St. Louis University Earthquake Center) Distant from the Mississippi Canyon? Yes, but still very much connected by deep geological formations which can, and do, refer seismic waves along great distances depending on the depth, intensity and cause of the earthquake.
A Metaphor To Contemplate
Nothing on this planet ever happens in isolation. We have all heard how a butterfly beating its wings in Brazil can have effect on a brewing hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico. We start with this premise regarding the gathering energies around an event in the Mississippi River, Basin and Canyon. The river, herself, has been progressively staight-jacketed over many decades by the Army Corp of Engineers. She has been forced to carry a payload of pollutants down her water-course for an equal number of years. Bear in mind that she conveys every form of contaminant and chemical that is dumped into her by all the major tributaries that stretch throughout the heartland. Chemical fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, insecticides, antibiotics, bovine growth hormones, pharmaceutical medications, industrial sludge and effluent, residential wastewater, runoff from hundreds of thousands of square miles, animal farm wastes, etc. are just some of those ubiquitous pollutants. The entire Mississippi River System has been severely compromised in so many ways, and stress of this kind will always seek relief as a sort of self-protective mechanism.
Can there be a connection between chemical overload and mechanical stress triggered by a sub-seafloor nuclear detonation? If so, can such a relationship contribute to the precipitation of an inordinate seismic convulsion?
If the workings of the human body provide any indication, the answer is YES!
Our thesis is best presented by the analogy of the human body because quite often chemical, mechanical and emotional stresses do converge in such a way as to directly cause heart attacks, strokes, ruptured vertebral discs, inguinal hernias, gall bladder attacks and so on. When there is an accumulation of toxic burden in the body that overwhelms an organ, or organ system, the innate intelligence will sometimes take a more radical and dramatic approach in relieving itself of this toxic load. A convulsion of the liver to expel a gallstone stone in the biliary system is a good example of this self-cleansing mechanism at work. There are many more examples and they all point to Gaia, the planet and Her biosphere, doing much the same thing from time to time via hurricanes and tornadoes, mudslides and avalanches, volcanoes and earthquakes.
As of 2006 there were almost 4000 Active Platforms in the both the Western and Central Planning Areas many of which are located in the Mississippi Canyon. Each one of these platforms represents not one drilled well, but many wells, as each platform is capable of drilling numerous wellbores and servicing multiple wells at one time. Which is why the above map of the Western and Central Planning Area is so significant? The obvious density of drilling activity over so many decades has surely created geological stress that has not been taken into account – by anyone except the undersea ecologist who is brutally aware of these realities. Because of how this map overlays with the following map of the Mississippi Canyon, we think it is high time to contemplate what outcomes might surface from this OIL & GAS ARMAGEDDON in the making :
We already know that the sub-seafloor geology of the Mississippi Canyon has been profoundly and fundamentally altered by decades of oil and gas drilling and extraction operations. We also know that the Gulf of Mexico has entered a period of higher than normal seismological activity, as evidenced by the higher incidence of undersea earthquakes in the Gulf. As follows:
Rare Earthquake Shakes Gulf of Mexico
Given the propensity of the Oil & Gas Industry to ignore vital data about their own backyard of oil and gas leases, it is necessary to point out some quickly changing realities. The concentration of nearly 4000 oil and gas platforms spread throughout an area known as Hurricane Alley ought to give cause for concern in light of the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon. An additional pause ought to occur when one considers the 27,000 abandoned platforms throughout the Gulf that are sitting idle, unattended, rusting and vulnerable to Category V hurricanes. As follows:
Enviro groups stunned that govt ignoring 27K wells
The global climate change predicament has brought to bear an understanding regarding methane gas which can no longer be overlooked. With enormous amounts of methane dissolving into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and even greater amounts being released into the atmosphere above the Gulf, we see the development of a potentially volatile situation. Of all the major greenhouse gases, methane is the one that contributes an inordinate amount of stress on homeorhesis, a little known “concept encompassing dynamical systems which return to a trajectory, as opposed to systems which return to a particular state, which is termed homeostasis. The Earth (atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere) are closely integrated to form a complex interacting system that maintains the climatic and biogeochemical conditions on Earth in a preferred homeorhesis.” (Per Wikipedia)
“Compared with carbon dioxide, methane has a high global warming potential of 72 (calculated over a period of 20 years) or 25 (for a time period of 100 years.” (Per Wikipedia) CH4, aka methane, is also the principal component of natural gas (about 87% by volume), which brings a whole set of other obvious issues into focus, as it increases in global atmospheric concentration especially in and around the Gulf of Mexico. “In addition, there is a large, but unknown, amount of methane in methane clathrates in the ocean floors. The Earth’s crust contains huge amounts of methane. Large amounts of methane are produced anaerobically by methanogenesis. Other sources include mud volcanoes, which are connected with deep geological faults, landfill and livestock (primarily ruminants) from enteric fermentation.” (per Wikipedia)
When you add to this mix the pervasiveness of METHANE HYDRATE, aka methane clathrate, within this same area of the Gulf, as determined by the US Geological Survey and US Department of Energy, and its tendency to convert to gas at a much higher rate during periods global warming (one cubic foot of frozen methane hydrate produces 160 cubic feet at sea level), it’s easy to understand how combustible the whole situation really is. The Interagency Coordination on Methane Hydrates R&D has produced a telling document which, when viewed through the lens of the preceding set of circumstances, illustrates the rapidly increasing potential for cataclysmic destruction.
The Interagency Coordination on Methane Hydrates R&D Report:
We’re not even talking about the entire Gulf of Mexico becoming a veritable DEAD ZONE due to the deadly combination of oil, methane, petrochemical derivatives, dispersants (COREXIT), radioactive effluent, and rotting carcasses of every sort and kind. We’re not talking about the growing DEAD ZONE that has been gradually taking shape for decades through the myriad forms of pollution, which have been channeled into the Gulf by the Mississippi River. We’re not talking about the proliferation of radioactivity due to a nuclear detonation either.
We are referring to a confluence of circumstances, which has been relentlessly put into place by a convergence of highly unenlightened industrial, political and economic interests and forces. Their obliviousness to the aforementioned realities on the ground (undersea floor), in the water (Gulf of Mexico) and in the air (atmosphere suffused with powerful GHG emissions such as methane) will push the entire civilization into a corner with no way out.
If BP is allowed to use a nuclear device, it will be the first time that the US Federal Government has allowed a foreign multi-national corporation to exercise such overwhelming power in US Territorial Waters. It may even be the first time that a publicly held corporation has detonated a nuclear device anywhere on the planet. It therefore speaks to a corpocracy that has somehow arrogated power unto itself unlawfully – powers of destruction which can have extraordinary consequences for the entire planet.
Our greatest concern, throughout these remaining days of BP attempts to neutralize the well, is that BP will execute an implementation plan to insert a nuclear device into the well system without the knowledge of the American people. We know this corporate entity is completely without conscience, and therefore willing to do almost anything to bring an end to this PR nightmare.
We also know that our own US Federal Government is looking desperately for a way out of this Perfect Storm. The Obama Administration has caved in at every key juncture and with respect to every critical decision. It’s as though the British Crown still operates as though we (US) are still a subservient colony. And that the City of London issues orders directly to BP, or through their proxies employed by the Departments of Energy, Interior, Homeland Security and the EPA.
What to do? Especially in light of what modern day prophets say, who have foretold of a time when a rift would occur in the Mississippi River Basin, which would divide in a day the land mass of the USA after inconceivable earthquakes rock the area!
Earthquakes triggered by what?!
Dr. Tom Termotto
National Coordinator
Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (International Citizens’ Initiative)
P.S. For the initiated, the demise of Atlantis took place after a similar gross abuse of that civilization’s energy platform. Although their crystalline-generated energy source was much further advanced than ours, there came a time when it was misused by those in power. Many of us know the story – the sinking of a multi-island nation in a single day with loss of life of perhaps 350,000,000 souls.
Fast forward to 2010 and we now have a Hydrocarbon Fuel Paradigm which undergirds the global energy grid, as it interpenetrates every sphere of life on planet Earth. The outworking of the institutional superstructure, as well as corporate infrastructure, of this energy platform has likewise heaped decades of abuse on the planet, as it has on every living thing.
We have before us a similar defining moment for modern civilization in the Gulf of Mexico. Mother Earth is surely giving humankind another opportunity to get it right. Even now we have yet another message from the universe, as China’s worst ever oil spill is challenging the Eastern Hemisphere to take a closer look at the terribly destructive side of the Oil & Gas Industry.
Scientists Confirm Matt Simmons Claim by discovering 2 Giant Underwater Oil Spills
ST. PETERSBURG (2010-7-23) -
It's official -- the oil plumes USF scientists found deep underwater in the Gulf are definitely from the BP blowout.
USF researchers said Friday they used chemical fingerprints to directly tie the clouds of oil to the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
When USF scientists first discovered the plumes, top BP officials questioned the findings, saying oil should float to the surface. Researchers believe the use of chemical dispersants may explain why oil remains suspended deep underwater.
Researchers have been saying for some time that they believe massive plumes of oil in the Gulf were related to the BP disaster.
According to USF chemical oceanographer David Hollander, extensive water samples tests during a research cruise in late May were compared to samples BP provided last month.
USF chemical oceanographer David Hollander says microscopic droplets of oil were found between 400 and 1,400 meters below the surface. And unlike oil at the surface, it doesn't appear to be going away anytime soon.
"The subsurface oil is not degraded nearly at the rate of surface oil degradation is. There appears to be a lengthy persistence of these molecules in the environment," he said.
In Hollander's words, their discoveries transform the notion of what an oil spill is.
"It has gone from a two-dimensional disaster to a three-dimensional catastrophe."

Subsurface Monitoring Stations within 20 km of the Wellhead. Joint Analysis Group (JAG) Review of Preliminary Data to Examine Subsurface Oil In the Vicinity of MC252#1
May 19 to June 19, 2010.
High resolution (Credit: NOAA)
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) today released its second peer-reviewed, analytical summary report about subsurface oil monitoring in the Gulf of Mexico. The report contains preliminary data collected at 227 sampling stations extending from one to 52 kilometers from the Deepwater Horizon/BP wellhead. Data shows movement of subsurface oil is consistent with ocean currents and that concentrations continue to be more diffuse as you move away from the source of the leak. This confirms the findings of the previous report.
The report comes from the Joint Analysis Group (JAG), which is comprised of the afore mentioned agencies and was established to facilitate cooperation and coordination among the best scientific minds across the government and provide a coordinated analysis of information related to subsea monitoring in the Gulf of Mexico.
Jindal declares State of Emergency /Evacuations Imminent

2 Senators want to Illuminate BP/ Pam Am Bomber Conspiracy (Pt. 2)
2 Senators want to Illuminate BP/ Pam Am Bomber Conspiracy Briefing (Pt. 3)
Oil Spill Commander Allen Deepwater Horizon Operation Briefing 7/25 (Pt.1)
BP Shows ROV-Footage not from Gulf of Mexico
Rear Admiral Paul F. Zukunft Deepwater Horizon Operation Breifing 7/25
Where did all the oil go?
BP Hayward to get life back.
Businesses hurt by oil spill want BP to dig deeper
MEMA says 'Oil may come onshore' declares 'State Of Emergency '
Oil spill evacuation will likely last 48 hours: US official
Jindal stresses get prepared for FEMA and Evacuations
Jindal declares State of Emergency says get Evacuation Plans Ready
New Orleans Emergency Planners discusses BP Oil Spill Evacuations
Jindal, Landrieu say they're prepared for Oil in N.O. Streets
Jindal: Who pays damage if Oil washes into people's homes?
Hurricane Evacuation Training
Hurricanes will paint the Gulf Coast Black
Matt Simmons says Mass Cover-up / NEW hurricane will require Gulf evacuation
Matt Simmons on what a Hurricane will do to the Oil Spill
Scientists Confirm Matt Simmons Claim by discovering 2 Giant Underwater Oil Spills (Pt.1)
Scientists Confirm Matt Simmons Claim by discovering 2 Giant Underwater Oil Spills (Pt.2)
Scientists Confirm Matt Simmons Claim by discovering 2 Giant Underwater Oil Spills (Pt.3)
USF scientists confirm 2 huge plumes came from BP well
Matt Simmons explaining the 2nd Leak as the Blowout
Oil Spill Chief says 2nd leak from Rigel Well
Simmons, former Bush energy advisor: “We've now killed the Gulf of Messico...
Gulf Oil Disaster tells a 'real ugly story'
A sample of Gulf oil spill doomsday theories
Citizens angered by Coast Guard storm preps
BP using Prison Labor for Oil Spill Clean up
Whitehouse House Press Briefing 7/22
Biden talks about oil spill relief efforts from the Gulf Coast.
120 Hour Gulf Surface Loop Current Forecast
What hurricanes may do to the oil spill
Oil Dispersant effects in the gulf
Toxic Dispersants Near Gulf Harm Humans and Wildlife
Gulf Water Sample Explodes when Tested
Mikulski: "I don't want dispersants to be the Agent Orange of this oil spill"
When you wish upon a tar-ball
Residents worried about Toxic Oil Spill Land Fill
Along Gulf Coast, Effects of Chemicals in Oil Dispersant Questioned
Storms could Reopen containment cap and checking for Oil in the Gulf
Weather threatens Gulf Oil Clean-up / Methane kills Miners
2 Oil plumes definitely from BP's well
A little oil seap on the sea floor?
27,000 Abandoned Wells Pose Threat to Gulf Coast
MSV BSkandi Neptune -- ROV 2 Cam Footage 7/21/10
Olympic Challenger UDH 30 CAM 7/21/10
BP Photoshops Another Official Image Terribly
5 Leaks Now Officially Confirmed By Thad Allen Oil Spill Chief
Still don't believe in Chemtails?
Here is Absolute PROOF - Chemtrail Spraying from a Plane,
Obamanation have been sockpuppets for BP Oil Disaster Cover-up
Matt Simmon's 2nd Oil Well Leaking In Gulf confirmed
BP fakes another oil spill photo, this time of 'top kill' exercise
BP Photoshops 'fake photo' of 'Crisis Command Center', a Wag the Dog Scenario?
BP = 'Bad Photoshop'
Oceaneering - ROV 2 (30948) Cap Leakage Cam Footage 7/19/10
Officials say possible Methane Gas and Oil seeping found 2 miles away probably not from well
Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen (Ret.): Sea floor 3 miles away from well and Oil Cap are leaking
Government says leak detected several miles from' oil well
They're still lying about oil disaster (Pt.1)
They're still lying about oil disaster (Pt. 2)
They're still lying about oil disaster (Part 3 of 3)
Oil/Gas Erupting from Fractued Gulf sea floor!
Dr. Michio Kaku: "This a huge science expeiriment and we are the guinea pigs"
Military Involved with the Gulf Oil Spill From the Beginning
Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen (Ret.) Oil Spill Briefing 7/15
17,500 National Guard troops authorized to fight the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The BP 'Super Weapon' OMEGA Plan [EPFCG]
NATO delivers 'Oil Spill Kits' to the Arctic for 'Op Nanook'
Bomb found on Gulf Beach
Well from Hell
Ret. Lt. Gen. Russell Honore: BP Oil Spill like World War 3
Williams testifies about Lack of Safety at Oil Rig Hearing
BP Disabled Alarms on Transocean's Gulf Oil Rig
Offshore Drilling Hearing July 22, 2010
Congress Explores Shared Responsibility of Gulf Spill
BP board game foreshadows Gulf disaster
ILLUMINATI New World Order Card Game Shows Oil Spill Was Planned
NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Gov. Bobby Jindal says he has declared a state of emergency as a tropical depression moves toward the Gulf of Mexico and threatens to strike the Louisiana coast on Sunday.
- Jindal, Landrieu Discuss Local Storm Preparat
On Bloomberg: Simmons Says Government Should Take Over BP Oil Clean Up
On CNN: The Gulf Coast oil spill’s Dr. Doom
With Dylan Ratigan on MSNBC:
Jindal said Thursday that some parishes were preparing similar declarations. He says he expects local leaders in coastal parishes to call for evacuation of low-lying areas outside of levee protection systems as early as Friday morning.
Jindal says residents should prepare for the arrival of a minimal-strength hurricane although the National Hurricane Center so far does not expect the system to exceed tropical storm strength, or winds of 35 miles per hour.
He says state and local officials and the Coast Guard would work to quickly clean up areas if storm surge washes oil inland from the BP spill in the Gulf.
Whether planning to relocate now or later, or whether considering ways to help people fleeing their poisoned homes, the following information provided by Where Is Truth and Angelina Jolie is relevent.
Dr. Riki Ott has stated that Gulf Coast people have 3 choices: leave home, wear a respirator, or become seriously ill and suffer long-term illness. Unless the reader is wearing a respirator, it is time to plan to relocate.
Could A Tsunami Crash Into Our Coast As A Result Of The Oil Spill?
The Florida Department of Environmental Management is trying to dispel rumors that the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill could send a tsunami crashing into the Gulf Coast.
The myth’s scenario involves a large release of methane from the Macondo Discovery, the petroleum reservoir into which the Deepwater Horizon production well was drilled. The DEP says the situation is unlikely to produce a tsunami.
“Science does not support the notion of a methane-induced tsunami resulting from Deepwater Horizon activities. However, while the possibility of an induced tsunami is extremely remote, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) continues to take all concerns seriously and is consulting with experts in all related scientific fields,” the DEP said in a news release.
To read the complete release from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, click hereA myth is circulating regarding a methane gas bubble that could cause a tsunami, impacting Florida. Tsunamis are unlikely to occur as a result of the Deepwater Horizon incident.
These rumors involve the naturally occurring methane beneath the seafloor in the Macondo Discovery, which is the petroleum reservoir into which the Deepwater Horizon production well was drilled. Scientists and engineers are aware of the physical and chemical behavior of methane in the earth and ocean, as well as during production of petroleum.
Science does not support the notion of a methane-induced tsunami resulting from Deepwater Horizon activities.
However, while the possibility of an induced tsunami is extremely remote, DEP continues to take all concerns seriously and is consulting with experts in all related scientific fields. View the following DEP fact sheet with more information about methane gas and the Deepwater Horizon incident: LINK`http``color: rgb(51, 51, 51); text-decoration: underline; `LINK.
Read in full

DK Matai: Gulf Oil Gusher: Danger of Tsunamis From Methane?
A new and less well known asymmetric threat has surfaced in the Gulf of Mexico oil gusher. Methane or CH4 gas is being released in vast quantities in the Gulf waters. Seismic data shows huge pools of methane gas at the location immediately below and around the damaged “Macondo” oil well. Methane is a colourless, odourless and highly flammable substance which forms a major component in natural gas. This is the same gas that blew the top off Deepwater Horizon and killed 11 people. The “flow team” of the US Geological Survey estimates that 2,900 cubic feet of natural gas, which primarily contains methane, is being released into the Gulf waters with every barrel of oil. The constant flow of over 50,000 barrels of crude oil places the total daily amount of natural gas at over 145 million cubic feet.
DK Matai Cloud Computing Tsunami 2010: Systemic Crisis: Rise of Machines, Casinos and Illiquidity - DK Matai: Huffpost - Unprecedented financial markets turmoil
Roberta Gudmund Cloud Computing Tsunami 2010: Are Global Warming, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Linked? DK Matai, Huffington Post
So far, over 8 billion cubic feet may have been released, making it one of the most vigorous methane eruptions in modern human history. If the estimates of 100,000 barrels a day — that have emerged from a BP internal document — are true, then the estimates for methane gas release might have to be doubled.

Scientists from St. Petersburg find high methane readings near oil ...
ST. PETERSBURG — Two years before the Deepwater Horizon explosion, scientists from SRI International took readings on the levels of methane in the Gulf of Mexico less than 10 miles from the rig. Last year, they went back and did it again.
Now, after the rig blew up and gushed oil for more than 80 days, SRI's scientists from St. Petersburg have returned to the same area just northwest of the disaster and taken fresh readings.
They found levels of methane — a particularly potent greenhouse gas — are now 100 times higher than normal, SRI scientists said. They can't say for sure it's from BP, said SRI director Larry Langebrake, but "it is a sign that says there are things going on here that need to be researched."
Higher levels of methane can cause problems both in the gulf and around the globe.
Seeps in the ocean floor put small amounts of methane into the water, where it's consumed by naturally occurring microbes. Higher concentrations of methane can cause the microbe population to boom, gobbling up oxygen needed by other marine life and producing dead zones in the gulf.
The other problem, said Langebrake: "Methane is a stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide."
In fact, it's 20 times worse than carbon dioxide, trapping lots more heat close to the earth, contributing to climate change. And it can hang around in the atmosphere for up to 15 years.
Methane in Gulf “astonishingly high”
Texas A&M University oceanography professor John Kessler, just back from a 10-day research expedition near the BP Plc oil spill in the gulf, says methane ...In addition to the increased amount of methane, the SRI tests "did show indications that the methane was further up in the water column than we had seen it before," said Carol Lutken of the University of Mississippi, which is part of a consortium with SRI that has been doing the tests.
The findings from SRI are not the first to suggest that Deepwater Horizon is gushing methane as well as oil. Scientists from Texas A&M who tested the water within 5 miles of Deepwater Horizon reported finding methane concentrations that were 100,000 times higher than normal.
However they do suggest that the methane may be spreading throughout the gulf just like the underwater plumes of oil found by oceanographers from the University of South Florida and other academic institutions.
SRI is still analyzing the results. "We're still trying to understand what those things are telling us," Langebrake said.
Halliburton-Last.two .Hours .Chart
SRI, based in Menlo Park, Calif., is the nonprofit scientific research institute that began as the research arm of Stanford University. In 2006 St. Petersburg persuaded the company to open a marine technology operation here to take advantage of research being produced at nearby state and federal facilities. Its offices opened last year near Albert Whitted Airport.
SRI is part of a consortium of institutions that has been studying natural seeps in the ocean floor for what until recently was known as the U.S. Minerals Management Service. The seeps come from deposits of methane gas that, because they are so deep beneath the ocean, have frozen into icy crystals.
Disturbing those deposits — say, by drilling an oil well through them — can turn that solid methane into a liquid, leaving the ocean floor unstable, explained Lutken.
Worse, the freed gas may explode. One theory on the cause of the Deepwater Horizon disaster blames a methane gas bubble for causing the explosion and fire that sank the rig. There have been rumors that a similar methane explosion could cause a tsunami, a concern that government officials say is unfounded.
Generally the oil industry tries to avoid methane areas during drilling for safety reasons. But the U.S. Energy Department wants to find a way to harvest fuel from those methane deposits, Lutken said.
For its research, the consortium persuaded the government to let it take over an area of the gulf floor that turned out to be in the same deepwater canyon as BP's well, Lutken said. But they're to the northwest and on a slope, just over half a mile deep, while Deepwater Horizon's well is a mile below the surface.
That means that the methane in higher levels that SRI discovered during the most recent tests on June 25 and 26 has apparently been flowing upslope, Lutken said.
What may turn out to be as important as those higher methane readings, though, are the earlier test results from research cruises before the oil rig explosion, she said, because they offer a snapshot of what "normal" should look like.
"We have what it was like in the neighborhood before Deepwater Horizon occurred," she said.

Where Will All This Oil Be in August?
As government officials continue to nervously monitor the cap on the Deepwater Horizon well, there are still millions of barrels of oil oozing around in the Gulf of Mexico. In order to minimize the damage, scientists, engineers, and government officials need to figure out where that oil is headed. The bad news: Few things on the planet are as unpredictable as the currents in the Gulf of Mexico.
While the spill is constantly being photographed both by satellite and aerial imagery, those pictures are incomplete. Because the source of the spill is so far beneath the waves, a great deal of the oil that's been spewed has never reached the surface.
This is where complex models of the gulf's currents and eddies come in handy. The National Center for Atmospheric Research has used 120 years of data to simulate how the gulf behaves. In order to determine where the oil from the BP spill might end up, the NCAR inserted a "virtual dye"—essentially, digital food coloring—into their enormously complex three-dimensional models. The result: lots and lots of oil-spill scenarios.
Synte Peacock, who led the modeling effort, provided Slate with data from three of NCAR's scenarios, which are displayed below. These three visualizations begin immediately after the spill and stop after the oil has been swimming around for 130 days or more. While it may seem strange to look at a simulation of the oil spill's past behavior, it's worth remembering that NCAR's 3-D models go well beyond our limited knowledge of what's really happening in the Gulf of Mexico. In particular, they can show what might happen to oil—or at least virtual oil—that flows beneath the water's surface.
What's most noteworthy about these simulations? In the more than 20 scenarios the scientists conducted, the dye never stayed entirely in the Gulf of Mexico. (Two other modeling efforts reached similar conclusions.) If these models are to be believed, then the oil from the BP spill will reach the Atlantic at some point in the next several months, quite likely coating much of the coastline in the process. But there is also a distinct possibility that, depending on the whims of the eddies that form over the next few weeks, a good deal of the spill will remain in the center of the Gulf, drawn away from the Florida straits.

Corexit 9500

by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
This is the event I was expecting as per my 14-day window after a full solar eclipse. Three very large earthquakes have hit the southern Philippine Islands.
Within minutes of each other, three separate quakes struck measuring 7.3 - 7.6 - 7.4 magnitude. At this time, there are no reports of damage or casualties.
- Tsunami Threat -
A destructive widespread tsunami was not generated based on historical earthquake and tsunami data. However, earthquakes of this size sometimes generate local tsunamis that can be destructive along coasts located within a hundred kilometers of the earthquake epicenter. Authorities in the region of the epicenter should be aware of this possibility and take appropriate action.
The Japan Meteorological agency may also issue a tsunami message for this event to countries in the Northwest Pacific and South China Sea region. In case of conflicting information, the more conservative information should be used for safety.
- Volcano Watch -
There may be more to come - I am keeping a close eye on volcanic activity as part of this unstable period. Watch Pagan, Mariana Islands and Irazu, Costa Rica volcanoes. Pagan volcano is at code Yellow as unrest continues. A steam and gas plume continued to be observed at Pagan in satellite imagery this past week.
Three Russian volcanoes, Sheveluch, Klyuchevoskoy, and Karymsky are at code Orange. Explosive-extrusive eruption of the volcano continues. Ash explosions >10 km (>32,800 ft) ASL could occur at any time. The activity of the volcano could affect international and low-flying aircraft. At times ash columns rose up to 6.3 km (20,700 ft) ASL.
Lava flow continues to flow at the southwestern flank of the volcano. According to satellite data, a big thermal anomaly was registering over the volcano all week.

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