Queen Gives Marching Orders to the United NationsQueen Gives Marching Orders to the United Nations
US Marines Set to Invade Costa Rica 05 Jul 2010 The online gambling friendly Central American nation of Costa Rica is about to be invaded by US marines. The United States is sending 46 war ships, 200 helicopters and 7,000 Marines to 'help' in Costa Rica's efforts to rid itself of drug cartels, smugglers, gangs and, quite possibly, even a bookmaker or two. Costa Rica does not have an army and its police force has a reputation for corruption. In recent years the crime rate continues to escalate. The Costa Rican press doesn't seem all too thrilled by these latest developments.

Historians Find King Arthur's Knights of the Holy Grail Round Table
Researchers exploring the legend of Britain’s most famous Knight believe his stronghold of Camelot was built on the site of a recently discovered Roman amphitheatre in Chester. Legend has it that his Knights would gather before battle at a round table where they would receive instructions from their King. But rather than it being a piece of furniture, historians believe it would have been a vast wood and stone structure which would have allowed more than 1,000 of his followers to gather. Historians believe regional noblemen would have sat in the front row of a circular meeting place, with lower ranked subjects on stone benches grouped around the outside. They claim rather than Camelot being a purpose built castle, it would have been housed in a structure already built and left over by the Romans. Camelot historian Chris Gidlow said: “The first accounts of the Round Table show that it was nothing like a dining table but was a venue for upwards of 1,000 people at a time.
Global Governance And World Order Studies
There are those in academia and the elite news media who characterize anyone who raises the impending spectre of a coming “New World Order” as a “conspiracy theorist.” Such “researchers” who attempt to document plans for the implementation of an authoritarian world government with far-reaching political and financial control are simply delusional and suffer from status anxiety, psychological projection, fusion paranoia, conspiracism, or producerism. Since historian Richard Hofstadter’s Ur-text in the field, The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays, was published in 1965 (following the Goldwater presidential campaign debacle); a thriving sub-genre of debunking screeds have appeared in the academic and popular press attacking these alleged “conspiracy theorists.” This has been exceedingly disingenuous and deceptive. During this same period we saw the emergence at universities coast-to-coast of what has been labeled “World Order Studies.” For over twenty five years I have had a copy of Peace and World Order Studies: A Curriculum Guide, published in 1978. It is 476 pages in length, and is a collection of introductory essays, course outlines or syllabi from university faculty across the nation (along with a bibliography of books and periodicals) for teaching global studies leading to the implementation of a New World Order.
Engineered Global Depression Being Used To Bring In One World Currency
There is absolutely no doubt that we are heading towards the establishment of a new one world global currency system. The latest piece of evidence comes from a new United Nations report released over a week ago calling for the abandonment of the U.S. Dollar as the main global reserve currency. What would replace the U.S. Dollar to serve this function? The answer is that no existing currency would be able to fill that gap. Even the Euro which may have been a viable alternative a few years ago would currently not be sufficient considering the horrendous economic problems of European countries like Portugal, Italy, Iceland, Greece, Spain and others. So what does the United Nations report suggest? You guessed it, the establishment of a global reserve currency managed by the International Monetary Fund. From Reuters: A new United Nations report released on Tuesday calls for abandoning the U.S. dollar as the main global reserve currency, saying it has been unable to safeguard value. The report supports replacing the dollar with the International Monetary Fund's special drawing rights (SDRs), an international reserve asset that is used as a unit of payment on IMF loans and is made up of a basket of currencies...
The secret code in U.S. Cyber Command's logo
The newly formed U.S. Cyber Command is supposed to centralize and focus the military's ability to wage war over the Internet, but so far it's basically famous for brainteasers. The command's fancy logo contains a super-secret code in its inner gold ring: 9ec4c12949a4f31474f299058ce2b22a. Though some people noticed the code late last month, Wired's Threat Level Danger Room blog picked it up Wednesday morning and announced a contest, with a free T-shirt (or a ticket to the International Spy Museum) going to the first reader to crack the code.
[Would new legislation give the president an "Internet kill switch"?]
Trouble is, no one knows for sure yet precisely what the 32-character code means. Or at least no one at Cyber Command appears to know. Lt. Cmdr. Steve Curry, a spokesman, says "it's definitely the mission statement" of Cyber Command. "What part of the mission statement: That's what I'm waiting to find out on from the people who designed it."
Indeed, the heraldry notes accompanying the logo - i.e., explanations of what the symbols mean - say it contains a "computer code that ties the command back to the early days of computer networking; USCYBERCOM's mission statement is encrypted within this code." Curry suspects that the designers used a cryptographic algorithm called an MD5 hash to transform the mission statement into the string of characters, but he doesn't know whether they took choice bits or the whole statement, which reads:
USCYBERCOM plans, coordinates, integrates, synchronizes, and conducts activities to: direct the operations and defense of specified Department of Defense information networks and; prepare to, and when directed, conduct full-spectrum military cyberspace operations in order to enable actions in all domains, ensure US/Allied freedom of action in cyberspace and deny the same to our adversaries.
[Federal embrace of 'cloud computing' scares some experts]
We tried encrypting that entire statement using an MD5 hash generator, and we didn't get a match to the logo code. So it looks like just a portion of the statement has been encoded. Eventually someone will figure out which portion, and win a T-shirt from Wired - at which point the CIA will laugh at the whole episode, because it still has Kryptos, an encrypted sculpture commissioned on the grounds of its Langley headquarters. The code displayed on Kryptos hasn't been fully solved in 20 years and contains one of the world's most elusive cryptographic puzzles. Nice try, Cyber Command!
Art Imitating Life: Giant Eye To Watch Over Chicago
Open your eyes, Chicago, and meet the gaze of a 30-foot eyeball. That stare--from the 30-foot "EYE" sculpture--officially opens this morning in Chicago’s Loop. Tony Tasset, the artist behind the eyeball--adorned with a blue iris and blood vessels--modeled it after one of his own. For help with his handiwork, Tasset turned to Wisconsin-based Fiberglass Animals, Shapes & Trademarks. Sculptors built and painted the ocular mass by hand, using between 8,000 and 9,000 pounds of fiberglass and another 9,000 pounds of steel. "Tony’s a great guy to work with," says Darren Shauf, general manager of F.A.S.T. "He’s got a great eye." That aesthetic sensibility will be put to the test as the eye is officially unveiled in Pritzker Park. For some, judgment need not wait. "I think it’s awful," says Tony Dreibus, who lives less than a block from the sculpture. He explains: "It’s a giant eyeball, which I guess is art in some people's eyes, but not mine." The installation is funded by the Chicago Loop Alliance, a group of businesses that brings events and pop-up artwork to the area. Along with "EYE," the CLA is also sponsoring Tasset’s "CARDINAL," a collection of 156 red-cardinal adorned street banners. The project cost "a little over the six-figures mark," said CLA Executive Director Ty Tabing in the Chicago Tribune.
Bomb goes off at Houston oil executive's home
A seemingly anonymous gift left on the front porch of a Houston home owned by an oil company executive has the city's affluent population of oil profiteers on edge this weekend, after that package exploded and seriously injured a 62-year-old woman.
Neighbors of the victim told an ABC News affiliate in Houston that the bomb was disguised as a box of chocolates in a gift bag, left on the home's doorstep around Thursday.
Police refused to release the victim's name and none of the area media stated who the home belongs to or which oil company employs that individual.
However, an examination of the homefront shown on local news reports correlated to images featured on Google Street View. A series of basic searches across a publicly available property database revealed the home's owner to be James Brock Moore III, president of Adams Resources Exploration Corporation (AREC). A separate name listed on the home's appraisal record, one Vennie Wolf, may or may not be the bomb's victim.
The company brags on its Web site that it successfully "exploited" the "Austin chalk," which is a geological formation that's proved tricky to drill under due to its fractured oil and gas stocks. Many companies have adopted advanced horizontal drilling techniques to conquer the chalk and penetrate even deeper into underground Texas mineral reserves. AREC says its areas of interest stretch along the Gulf coast from south Texas all the way to Alabama.
No further details could be confirmed at time of this writing.
Neighbors described the bomb's detonation as sounding similar to a transformer blowing out. One man, Dennis McCoy, who spoke to Houston's KHOU 11 News, claimed to have been asked by the woman if he'd left a box of candies on her doorstep. The box apparently carried a simple note saying, "Thank you."
Initial online speculation centered on whether the bombing may be a targeted hit on someone associated with embattled oil company BP, which is currently held as responsible for the worst environmental accident in humanity's history. A connection of that nature is at least not immediately apparent. Such speculation would appear to be driven only by police refusal to release the victim's name and local media's reticence to give a precise address.
Local reports said that the package note also carried the woman's name, except misspelled.
"I can't believe anyone would do something as terrible and tragic to a person like this lady," Karen Gennity, a neighbor, told ABC 13.
This video is from Houston's ABC 13, broadcast Saturday, July 10, 2010.

Marines come to Los Afganistan learn how to be Cops
LA as Afghanistan: LAPD Train Marines to Teach Afghan Police
Marines team up w/ LAPD for Afghan training

Dark Matter May Be Building Up Inside the Sun
The sun could be a net for dark matter, a new study suggests. If dark matter happens to take a certain specific form, it could build up in our nearest star and alter how heat moves inside it in a way that would be observable from Earth.
Dark matter is the mysterious stuff that makes up about 83 percent of the matter in the universe, but doesn’t interact with electromagnetic forces. Although the universe contains five times as much dark matter as normal matter, dark matter is completely invisible both to human eyes and every kind of telescope ever devised. Physicists only know it’s there because of its gravitational effect on normal matter. Dark matter keeps galaxies spinning quickly without flying apart and is responsible for much of the large-scale structure in the universe.
Current dark matter detectors are looking for WIMPs, or weakly interacting massive particles, that connect only with the weak nuclear force and gravity. Based on the most widely accepted theories, most experiments are tuned to look for a particle that is about 100 times more massive than a proton. The chief suspect is also its own antiparticle: Whenever a WIMP meets another WIMP, they annihilate each other.
“This is something that has always worried me,” said astroparticle physicist Subir Sarkar of the University of Oxford. If equal amounts of matter and antimatter were created in the big bang, the particles should have completely wiped each other out by now. “Obviously that did not happen, we are here to prove it,” he said. “So something created an asymmetry of matter over antimatter,” letting a little bit of matter survive after all the antimatter was gone.
Whatever made regular matter beat out regular antimatter could have worked on dark matter as well, Sarkar suggests. If dark matter evolved similarly to regular matter, it would have to be much lighter than current experiments expect, only about 5 times the mass of a proton. That’s a suggestive number, Sarkar says.
“If it were five times heavier, it would get five times the abundance. That’s what dark matter is,” he said. “That’s the simplest explanation for dark matter in my view.”
The trouble is, these light particles are much more difficult to detect with current experiments. In a paper in the July 2 Physical Review Letters, Sarkar and Oxford colleague Mads Frandsen suggest another way to find light dark matter: Look to the sun.
Because lightweight dark matter particles wouldn’t vaporize each other when they meet, the sun should collect the particles the way snowballs collect more snow.
“The sun has been whizzing around the galaxy for 5 billion years, sweeping up all the dark matter as it goes,” Sarkar said.
The buildup of dark matter could solve a pressing problem in solar physics, called the solar composition problem. Sensitive observations of waves on the sun’s surface have revealed that the sun has a much easier time transporting heat from its interior to its surface than standard models predict it should.
Dark matter particles that interact only with each other could make up the difference. Photons and particles of regular matter bounce off each other on their way from the sun’s interior to its surface, so light and heat can take billions of years to escape. But because dark matter particles ignore all the regular matter inside the sun, they have less stuff in their way and can transport heat more efficiently.
“When we do the calculation, to our amazement, it turns out this is true,” Sarkar said. “They can transport enough heat to solve the solar composition problem.”
Next, Sarkar and Frandsen calculated how being full of dark matter would affect the number of neutrinos the sun gives off. They found that the neutrino flux would change by a few percent. That’s not much, Sarkar said, but it’s just enough to be detected by two different neutrino experiments — one in Italy called Borexino and one in Canada called SNO+ — that are soon to get under way.
“It’s a speculative idea, but it’s testable,” Sarkar said. “And the tools to test it are coming on line pretty fast. We don’t have to wait 20 years.”
The idea of lightweight dark matter influencing the sun is “not too much of a stretch, in my opinion,” said physicist Dan Hooper of Fermilab in Illinois. “I look at their numbers, and they’re very plausible to me.”
Some puzzling results from dark matter detectors hint that these lightweight particles could have already been detected. Earlier this year, a germanium hockey puck in a mine in Minnesota called the Coherent Germanium Neutrino Technology (CoGeNT) detected a signal from a particle about 7 times the mass of the proton, though they’re not sure yet whether it’s dark matter. Another detector in Italy called DAMA has reported similar results.
“There’s an increasingly compelling body of evidence accumulating” that dark matter is just a few times as massive as a proton, Hooper said. “The jury is still out, but if this is really what’s going on, we should be able to know it with some confidence in the next year or so.”
Update: Regular matter makes up 5 percent of the energy density of the universe, and dark matter makes up 25 percent (five times more than regular matter). The remaining 70 percent is dark energy.
Image: NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory

Phonecall to FEMA (Texas 28/06/10)
Compartimentalised Fema-Worker explains why there's absolutely nothing with the Feds. The Sheriff will have to ask for it first. That's how Operation Soft Death is called Swift Fox.
Here's Tom with the Weater..
"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration -- that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves."

NOAA - Emergency Managers to Test Atlantic/Gulf Tsunami Warning and Response
Residents and visitors along the Atlantic coasts of the United States and Canada, the Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands should not be alarmed when they hear tsunami test messages broadcast over their televisions and radios on Thursday, April 2, 2009. That day, at 9:00 a.m. EDT (8:00 a.m. CDT), officials will test the region’s communication and response plans to help communities prepare for a tsunami.
Co-sponsored by NOAA and the U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, this is the first region-wide tsunami warning test to include the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States, Canadian Atlantic Provinces, and the U.S. Caribbean Territories and Commonwealths.
Jul 12, 2010
Melvin Kaku, director of the city Emergency Management Department, said the updates, still in draft form until they are presented to the public, will not affect flood insurance rate maps ... Melvin Kaku, director of the city Emergency Management Department, said the updates, still in draft form until they are presented to the public, will not affect flood insurance rate maps. (Honolulu Star-Bulletin)
California Notified Of Massive Gulf Evacuation Plans
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