Australian Unveils World Satanic Control

Australian Adept Unveiled World Satanic Control

In an explosive deathbed confession, a former head of the satanist "Alpha Lodge" in Sydney, Australia, revealed the pervasive worldwide power of organized Satanism, which is synonymous with the Illuminati.
"Things are not as they seem -- and they have not been for a long, long time," he wrote, describing a wholesale betrayal of society by its ostensible leaders.
"Petor Narsagonan" aka "Frater 616" died March 25, 2004. Recently, his executor, an "Aloysius Fozdyke" (their satanic names) sent the 15 pp. document by email to Arthur Cristian, webmaster of ""
"I have felt it necessary to edit very little of this work," "Fozdyke" wrote to Cristian, "although legal considerations have ensured that some names and details were excised. It was His intention to have this published in the popular media."
What follows is a synopsis of this shocking document focusing on Satanic power and influence.
Satanic influence is "now so pervasive as not to be readily noticed," Frater says.
Satanists are laced throughout Australian society, and the pattern is replicated everywhere.
They include politicians, doctors, high ranking police officers, lawyers, decorated military men, media personalities, fashion models and social workers. The most talented have lifestyles maintained by crime under a veneer of respectable professionalism and knowledge. Marginal types (prostitutes, drug dealers) are important to Satanism but are merely tools.
Frater explains he got involved in a satanic group in university in 1971. "I fell through a crack in reality...I escaped the mundane through one of western society's fault lines."
"A mentor" in the Satanic network set him up in the travel business and for years Frater live a life of unimaginable wealth, occultism and debauchery. He studied the blacks arts: divination, dark meditation, sacrifice, sexual vampirism, voodoo dolls and sex magic. Each day ended with a "Black Mass orgy of unforgettable and unspeakable delight."

The US-based "Church of Satan" was the public face of "an ancient body whose very existence had never before been imagined." He lists as "influential members" J.P. Morgan, Drs. James McDonald and Rene Hardy, the Kennedy's (including Jackie), Irving Berlin, Groucho Marx, Elvis Presley, Garner Ted Armstrong, Sammy Davis Jr., Ronald Reagan, Edward Heath, Thomas Plantard de St Claire and the Bushes. He later mentions Stephen Spielberg, George Lucas and Gerald Ford as members.
Intelligence agencies are instruments of the Illuminati central bankers. Frater says, "American Intelligence Services" funded the occult.
"Many of America's high ranking military men were members of various Satanic Lodges or kindred organizations." They overlapped with organized crime and drug trafficking. US and Australian Navy ships were used, as well as oil tankers.
Brothels and porn are a small part of the "International Satanic Empire" (i.e. Illuminati.) Most of the money comes from CIA drug trafficking, sophisticated blackmail, money lending and currency trading.
"Satanists of the highest order are behind a number of wealthy, Conservative, New Right Christian churches and organizations in America. These are some of contemporary Satanism's best cash-flow enterprises (mostly indirectly) and allow mass indoctrination and networking."
Henry Kissinger first proposed using fundamentalist Christianity to bring about war, first in the Middle East and then globally. Kissinger "refined Hitler's 'Terror Technique' ... building tension within a society and then finding a scapegoat. Dark Path adepts do this ... to move people to more gross and hideous behaviors."
The aim of the Alpha Lodge is 66% illiteracy rates in the Western World by 2010, and "the destruction of at least 70% of the globe's population by the year 2030."
Most governments count on their "sheeple" to respond in "typical infantile fashion" and to identify with " a more powerful force-- even if it enslaves, brutalizes and humiliates them."
Frater attributes the following to the "influence of Satanism in the modern world:"
-The developed world is heading toward Third World status because the central banks are owned by Satanists.
-Multinationals rape the environment and reap the rewards from Australia's natural resources.
-The media in the Free World is "heavily controlled" and in bed with the government.
-Fluoride in Australia's water supply.
-Educational standards dumbed down.
-Multiculturalism foisted on the First World (with exception of Japan.)
-Illuminati Satanists behind 9-11.
-Mossad came up with weapons of mass destruction rationale for Iraq Invasion. Illuminati uses Israel to run US foreign policy.
Frater says politicians know that if they feign interest in the welfare of the sheeple, they will go along with their policies "because it is the line of least resistance."
"Homo sapiens are herd animals, after all! ...Give them an election with no policy choices and for the most part they are happy. Allow their children no real prospects of success, inhibit their natural drives, particularly their sex drives; limit their options, coarsen their choices and society (such as it still is) quickly falls apart into predetermined categories. No families, just weak individuals free to do as they are told. Satan is a wonderful 'systems man.' "
The first and foremost responsibility of government is to prevent devil worshippers from taking control. It has failed.
What do we say about a youth who can't tell the difference between good and evil? Increasingly this is the condition of society as a whole.
The world is indeed controlled by Satanists who indulge in the most heinous crimes with impunity. Membership in this club appears to be the price of success, whether political, economic or cultural. "Progress" and "social change" are synonymous with mass social induction into Satanism.
Frater 616: "Every hour of every day and every night, people are knowingly engaged in Satan's service. Human sacrifice--whether ritually and quicker, or slowly and degradingly over time -- is all harnessed to specific ends. "
"Politicians are introduced by a carefully graded set of criteria and situations that [convince] them that their victims will be "Our Little Secret." Young children sexually molested and physically abused by politicians worldwide are quickly used as sacrifices."
The social contract is broken. Any government that fails to tackle this cancer is illegitimate. Any society that tolerates it deserves what it gets.
A number of years ago, when I was visiting Los Angeles, I was lucky enough to be steered and beered around the town by my good friend Blair MacKenzie Blake (whose writing appears online at the website of prog-rock band Tool, and also in print via our own Darklore anthology). During that visit, I was given a glimpse of Blair's amazing esoteric book collection - a veritable treasure trove of first editions on various occult topics, from Crowleyana to pulp ufology, collected over many years by a man who knows the topics inside out. I certainly felt privileged to lay my hands - if for a short time - on such precious pieces of history. It's just a good thing that I didn't drool all over them, as any lover of books and/or esoterica might have done if put in my position (and I hope BMB has since taken on board my suggestion for a fireproof storage option!).
Now you too can get a taste of Blair's awesome collection, with the release of The Wickedest Books in the World: Confessions of an Aleister Crowley Bibliophile:

The Wickedest Books in the World is a large format (9 X 12) coffee table-style hardcover book containing over 50 glossy full color photographs of the rare, often magnificently produced, first edition books of the renowned British occultist, Aleister Crowley that are currently in the collections of both Blair and fellow bibliophile, Danny Carey (Tool's drumming genius).
Collectors please note! Printed and bound by one of the top printers in the world, this first hardcover edition... strictly limited to 1000 copies, with the first 156 copies numbered by way of an anti-consecrated page carefully removed from the author’s personal copy of the 1922 British first impression of Crowley’s notorious The Diary of a Drug Fiend (placed inside a clear envelope). Additionally, the first 333 copies are individually numbered and SIGNED by both the author and the author of the book’s foreword, DANNY CAREY (who is featured throughout the book as avid collector of Crowleyana).
Along with the wonderful images you'll find text touching on Crowley's history, the story of how many of his most coveted books have meandered their way through the decades and into Blair's collection, and also a foreword by Danny Carey. You can pick up your own copy of this wonderful book via Danny Carey's newly redesigned website (and I suggest you don't wait too long). Alternatively, go directly to the purchasing page.
(And don't forget to check out Blair's book of sumptuous occult-influenced prose-poems, Ijynx too!)
A diplomatic dispute between China and Britain risks escalating into all-out war. But rather than launching a barrage of ballistic missiles and jet fighters to destroy key British targets, Beijing has a far simpler plan for defeating its enemy. It simply turns off the lights. At the flick of a switch elite teams of Chinese hackers attached to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) launch a hi-tech assault on Britain's computer systems, with devastating consequences. Within minutes the country's power stations, water companies, air traffic control, government and financial systems are totally shut down. Britain's attempt to respond by launching nuclear-armed Trident missiles at China has to be abandoned, as the computer systems that control the weapons system are no longer functioning. At a time when relations between China and Britain are supposed to be improving, the prospect of Beijing launching a cyber attack against Britain and its allies might seem to be the stuff of fantasy. After all, it is only two years since Gordon Brown made a highly successful visit to Beijing where the two countries agreed to increase trade by 50 per cent by this year, and to cooperate on a range of issues, such as global warming. But last week Mr Brown came up against an altogether different kind of China, one that appears to have no interest in behaving like a proper ally.
Kepler telescope has turned up five 'exoplanets,' NASA scientist announces
The universe is looking more familiar and yet stranger at the same time.
Monday morning at an astronomy meeting here in Washington, the lead scientist for a new NASA space telescope announced the discovery of five more "exoplanets" far beyond our own solar system, and expressed optimism that his team is on a path to finding an Earth-sized planet in an Earth-like orbit in the near future.
But the new trove of data from the telescope named Kepler has also turned up space oddities that make astronomers wonder what exactly they're looking at.
For example, Kepler found a star with a small orbiting object that is hotter than the star itself. The object is too hot to be a planet but is the wrong size and density to fit any known profile for a dwarf star.
One of the five planets announced by William J. Borucki, the top scientist for the telescope, is so fluffy that "it has the density of Styrofoam," he said.
Kepler was launched last March and is in an Earth-trailing orbit around the sun. It was designed to look at more than 100,000 stars in our galaxy in a patch of sky in the constellation Cygnus. The telescope finds planets using a technique that measures the very slight dimming of starlight as a planet passes in front of a star.
Most planets, particularly small, rocky bodies like the Earth that orbit fairly far from the star, won't be properly aligned to be seen from our vantage point. But the detection of even a few "Earths" could be extrapolated to suggest that there are a great many such planets in our galaxy. Although hundreds of "exoplanets" have been found since the first such detection in 1995, most are "hot Jupiters," and none has been simultaneously the size of Earth and in the habitable zone -- the orbit where water might be liquid at the surface.
Borucki, speaking at the American Astronomical Society meeting at the Marriott Wardman Park, announced results from the first 43 days of Kepler data, with another eight months of data yet to be analyzed. The early results were necessarily skewed toward the most easily detected planets, which tend to be large, Jupiter-sized planets that orbit their parent stars in just a few days. Borucki said that about 100 candidate planets are currently being studied as ground-based telescopes follow up the initial Kepler detections.
The more significant result might be that Kepler is working splendidly. Astronomers not affiliated with Kepler were enthusiastic about the news announced Monday.
"If there are Earth-like planets in habitable zones, we will find them," said Mario Livio, an astrophysicist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore. "This is going to be really a treasure of data that they will produce."
Alan Boss, an astrophysicist at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, said that Kepler is finding things that no one has ever seen before.
"They're going to find all kinds of weird stuff," Boss said. "The universe, it really is a weird place. It's fantastic."
Carolyn Porco flies us to Saturn
Planetary scientist Carolyn Porco shows images from the Cassini voyage to Saturn, focusing on its largest moon, Titan, and on frozen Enceladus, which seems to shoot jets of ice.
About Carolyn Porco
As the leader of the Imaging Team on the Cassini mission to Saturn, Carolyn Porco interprets and shares the pictures coming back from this fascinating planet, its rings and its moons. Full bio and more links
Africa: Climate Treaty - Africa Ready to Accept US $100 Billion Funding Deal
- Club of Rome (1974) Mankind at the Turning Point
In my previous article, The First Global Revolution, I described the two most well-known reports published by the Club of Rome. In The Limits to Growth (1972) they conclude that “the earth is facing an imminent catastrophic collapse if human civilization continues on its current trajectory.” Twenty years later, in The First Global Revolution they state that the situation is now so dire that drastic actions are required. According to the CoR “democracy has failed and new forms of governance are required” and “a common enemy must be found, one either real or invented, to unite humanity." They then state that “in searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.”
These two reports have had a profound influence on the modern green movement. However, the CoR has produced many other reports that are just as provocative and controversial including:
In this article I will briefly discuss a few of these reports and provide the reader with some interesting quotes and excerpts. In their capacity as official consultants to the United Nations the CoR has authored many other reports for UNEP, UNDP, UNESCO etc and these can be tracked down at
Although aspects of my website may appear to fringe on the realms on conspiracy theory, remember … they wrote these reports, not me! When you read what they have actually written and then see it being adopted as UN and Government policy it starts to get a bit creepy. And bear in mind that this is no ordinary ‘think-tank’, these people are top UN officials and Heads of State like Robert Muller, Maurice Strong, Bill Clinton, Javier Solana, Al Gore, Tony Blair and Mikhail Gorbachev. They possess the power to bring their vision to “transform humanity into a sustainable global interdependent society, based on respect and reverence for the Earth” into reality.
Mankind At The Turning Point
Interdependence is Totalitarian - Mankind at the Turning Point - Brent Jessop
The second report produced by the CoR in 1974 was titled Mankind at the Turning Point. This report develops further the concept on the World Problematique they introduced in The Limits to Growth. They state that “the world is facing an unprecedented set of interlocking global problems, such as, over population, food shortages, non-renewable resource depletion, environmental degradation and poor governance.”
Once again turning to ‘nature’ for an answer the report states "In Nature organic growth proceeds according to a Master Plan, a Blueprint. According to this master plan diversification among cells is determined by the requirements of the various organs; the size and shape of the organs and, therefore, their growth processes are determined by their function, which in turn depends on the needs of the whole organism. Such a ‘master plan’ is missing from the process of growth and development of the world system.”
“Such an approach must start from and preserve the world's regional diversity. Paths of development, region-specific rather than based on narrow national interests, must be designed to lead to a sustainable balance between the interdependent world-regions and to global harmony - that is, to mankind's growth as an "organic entity" from its present barely embryonic state."
"An analysis of problems and crises as reported indicate that (1) a "horizontal" restructuring of the world system is needed, i.e., a change in relationships among nations and regions and (2) as far as the "vertical" structure of the world system is concerned, drastic changes in the norm stratum - that is, in the value system and the goals of man - are necessary in order to solve energy, food, and other crises, i.e., social changes and changes in individual attitudes are needed if the transition to organic growth is to take place."
"Cooperation by definition connotes interdependence. Increasing interdependence between nations and regions must then translate as a decrease in independence. Nations cannot be interdependent without each of them giving up some of, or at least acknowledging limits to, its own independence."
"Now is the time to draw up a master plan for organic sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources and a new global economic system. Ten or twenty years from today it will probably be too late..."
So, the Club of Rome states that a ‘master plan’ must be developed to guide mankind through the plethora of ‘crises’ embodied in the World Problematique. It suggests that the world system must be restructured drastically into a ‘horizontal system’ which would involve interdependent ‘world regions’. An extract from their report describing these regions in detail can be found here. In fact the report even includes a map illustrating how the world can be divided into 10 regions:

The report, in a chapter called ‘The Transition – A New Mankind’ then goes on to list specific goals that must be achieved or humans are “as good as doomed.”
“1) A world consciousness must be developed through which every individual realizes his role as a member of the world community... It must become part of the consciousness of every individual that "the basic unit of human cooperation and hence survival is moving from the national to the global level."
2) A new ethic in the use of material resources must be developed which will result in a style of life compatible with the oncoming age of scarcity... One should be proud of saving and conserving rather than of spending and discarding.
3) An attitude toward nature must be developed based on harmony rather than conquest. Only in this way can man apply in practice what is already accepted in theory - that is, that man is an integral part of nature.
4) If the human species is to survive, man must develop a sense of identification with future generations and be ready to trade benefits to the next generations for the benefits to himself. If each generation aims at maximum good for itself, Homo sapiens are as good as doomed."
Now I don’t know about you but this seems to be a blueprint for the whole rise of Sustainable Development, Agenda 21 and the modern ‘environmental ethic’ which now pervades our society. In their later report The First Global Revolution they admit that Global Warming is being used as a ‘the common enemy’ to develop a new world consciousness and environmental ethic. Interestingly the apparent successor to the CoR is called the World Council on Global Consciousness and Spirituality. The report then goes on to say:
"Governments and international organizations are currently too preoccupied with military alliances and bloc politics. But this problem is becoming of secondary importance... Therefore, barring suicide, mankind will face the most awesome test in its history: the necessity of a change in the man-nature relationship and the emergence of a new perception of mankind as a living global system."
So, unless mankind renounces his destructive ways and returns to his place as a simple part of the great Gaia Organism then he is surely doomed. The report makes no attempt to hide it’s opinion of humans, it states “The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man." It also states:
“Being but a part of nature, man has always affected and has always been affected by his environment. However, due to the disproportionate increase in numbers and due to increased sophistication in man's intervention in natural processes, the interference of man is taking on a completely new dimension with unpredictable and potentially catastrophic consequences.”
"On certain growth issues there would seem to exist universal agreement. Consider, for example, the issue of population growth. Few would quarrel with the position that the global population cannot and should not be permitted to grow unchecked forever. That the population must level off some time, i.e., that population growth should stop, is the view gaining universal acceptance."
The report concludes:
“The odds seem against man. Yet we are moderately hopeful. The winds of change have begun to blow. A keen and anxious awareness is evolving to suggest that fundamental changes will have to take place in the world order and its power structures, in the distribution of wealth and income, in our own outlook and behavior. Perhaps only a new and enlightened humanism can permit mankind to negotiate this transition without irreparable lacerations. In the UN, for example, new concepts such as that of "world collective economic security" as a necessary correlative to political security, and an innovative "charter of duties and rights" of member states is under consideration.”
So ‘Mankind at the Turning Point’ gives a clear insight into the world-view and goals of the Club of Rome. Their words speak for themselves and little commentary seems necessary.
Goals For Mankind
The fourth report by the Club of Rome was published in 1976 and titled Goals for Mankind - A report by the Club of Rome on the new horizons of global community. The lead author was the then President of the CoR, Ervin Laszlo. This very long report basically expands on the concept first suggested in ‘Mankind at the Turning Point’ of dividing the world into interdependent super-regions.
A detailed computer model was developed (the CoR seems to LOVE computer models, there is usually at least one in each report) which assigned different ‘goals and responsibilities’ to each region, e.g. North America was responsible for 1: food production, 2: natural resources, 3: mid-tech manufacturing; Japan – 1: high-tech manufacturing, 2: fisheries, 3: mid-tech manufacturing; Europe – 1: financial services, 2: high-tech manufacturing, China – low-tech manufacturing; Africa and the Middle East – natural resources etc.
The authors stated that “This proposed new global system is highly interdependent as, in the same manner that the human body assigns different tasks to its various organs, each region is assigned specialized and specific tasks, and is each is dependent on the others for their common survival.” A large number of different scenarios were fed into the model which concluded that the “resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than one billion.”
The report also explored different scenarios by which these new global systems could be successfully introduced and adopted. They state:
"Of all possible scenarios for the solution of world problems, the authors feel that the most hopeful scenario -- that group which is most likely to lead world consciousness to an awareness of its problems and to its solutions is contained in the 'religion science-led scenario’. The greatest hope for the Earth lies in the religionists and scientists uniting to awaken the world to its near fatal predicament and then leading mankind out of the bewildering maze of international crises into the future Utopia of humanist hope…”
So they consider that an alliance between scientists and ‘religionists’ (i.e. all Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus) would be the most successful approach in leading humanity into a “Utopia of humanist hope” (their words, not mine!). This might explain the rapid rise of eco-spirituality and religious movements such as Creation Care.
This article is getting a bit long so I think I’ll leave it there for now. I encourage the reader to track down and read some of the other CoR reports I referenced. Very interesting! Also the reports published by the CoR’s sister and sibling organisations listed in my article The Green Web.
Keep an eye on private property
There is an organization once called, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, now called "Local Governments for Sustainability, ICLEI." They are paid dues with public money in several places in Virginia, Roanoke is shown on their web page. Has Appomattox been offered assistance by ICLEI to have sustainability over unsustainable matters?
Reading up on the United Nations 1992 Earth Summit agenda 21, there are many items. It is public information, get a copy. Nature is principal over all else! That sounds like humans now go to the back of the bus! Earth warming, going green, clean air or water, community service, community development, control of private property, farming control, 31 wild lands projects. All familiar titles but if sorted out, very different results! About CO2 emissions the global environmentalists want to stop. Why? Plants love CO2! A minister under the honorable Margaret Thatcher of England said, "to gain an average of one degree cooler, all factories, ships, cares, trucks and electricity would have to cease completely for 32 years," (Sir Monckton). About DDT, eggs of wild birds were affected? Did you ever hear about an egg producer farm worldwide complaining about their egg production? Not one. Why?
Control of private property has already begun with the New London court case where private property was taken for private us not necessity for public use. The socialist handbook says, "property and business are to be kept in the name of the owner, keeping them responsible for taxes and other expenses, however, control is in the hands of the community." This marks the third time 'community' was mentioned. Interesting, who will 'community' report to? Who is driving the global bus the humans are riding on in the rear?
About property, everyone knows that our founding fathers warned future generations "that should private property be taken away, all other rights will be taken away." So upon the New London decision was any tea thrown over the side in Boston Harbor? Was there action on Concord Bridge or the green at Lexington? The tea at Boston was over a simple taxation... to date we have lost private property coast to action, why?
Our constitution states that all laws are the business of the people, congress, where does it say the judiciary also? Bills are approved by our president but not the judiciary. All federal posts are first initiated by oath to the constitution meaning the court must only adhere only to the constitution.
Our founding fathers far ahead of their time wrote that should the court error on a decision, the legislature shall correct. Today the court is a law making body without correction. Why? Making inroads into our judicial system is the international court. Why? Well, find out!
Walter F. Heydt
Bedford, VA
The UN and Interpol How the UN will gain power | |
By Barry Napier - BLN Contributing Writer It is interesting that the man who cast aside the US Constitution like a rag, and imposes his own laws without consent, has agreed to allow an international police authority to overrule the US government.Barack Obama signed an Executive Order giving express permission for Interpol to supersede the laws and police authorities of the USA. Some have seen this as heralding loss of sovereignty. The truth is, the USA already lost it when it voted for Obama. Before the election he promised to hand over sovereignty to the UN, and this will indeed occur if the people allow him to carry on implementing his own Executive Orders without the consent of Congress or the people! InterpolInterpol operates with the consent of 188 member countries (so far). Its aim is to combat international crime and seek cross-country police cooperation. This is based on the “limits of existing laws in different countries and in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (which has itself caused more mayhem than it is worth). Its constitution prohibits being involved in political, military, religious or racial conflict. Tell that to the fairies! In 2005, Interpol briefed members of the UN’s Security Council Counter Terrorism Committee on its work to combat terrorism and its “growing cooperation with the UN in a range of anti-crime areas”. But, what is considered to be ‘crime’? Whatever the UN decides it will be. Interpol has an office in the UN’s New York building. The links between Interpol and the UN are very strong, if not interwoven. Interpol spokesmen say that Interpol can give “teeth and real impact to Security Council Resolutions”. According to Interpol’s Article 2, Interpol is looking for “new opportunities” to expand its operations within the UN. In other words, Interpol is to be the police eyes and ears of the UN worldwide. Doesn’t this sound rather familiar? (If it doesn’t, read up on Soviet KGB operations). Remember, too, that anti-environmentalism is being called ‘terrorism’. Interpol has a worldwide anti-terrorism network. Yet, Obama is nestling up to terrorist organisations and countries. This means that the central theme of ‘terrorism’ will change dramatically under Obama. Also, Obama is planning to make the owning of small arms illegal, effectively making US people defenceless, not just before criminals but also before government. Interpol will be used to discover and arrest those who own small arms. Another aim of Interpol is to provide support for UN peacekeeping missions. Anyone who knows the truth recognises that these UN peacekeeping missions are anything but! They are killing sprees, with UN troops at the helm, making sure Marxist regimes stay in power, or gain power. How can Interpol claim neutrality when it assists UN troops in murderous ‘peacekeeping’? This is of prime importance when Interpol says that another area of crime it wishes to obliterate is “Genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity”. Yet, the UN Charter includes the notion of genocide, its troops are guilty of war crimes, and the UN says that anti-greens are acting against humanity! Anti-Greens are ‘Criminals’According to Interpol, “Environmental crime is a serious and growing international problem… it is not limited to criminals polluting the air, water and land and pushing commercially valuable wildlife species closer to extinction; it can also include crimes which speed up climate change… and exhaust essential natural resources.” What did Interpol say about not being involved in politics? Very clearly, Interpol is working behind the scenes to identify ‘criminals’ who oppose climate change plans by the UN! Can’t you see what is going on? Can’t you see that we are seeing the creation of a Marxist regime far greater than the Soviets could have dreamt of? Far greater than the one now existing in China? Interpol speaks of these ‘crimes’ as being harmful to the economy and security… blatant political propaganda dressed up in police uniforms! What has a police organisation got to do with the economy? The economy is to do with politics! The organisation says that organised crime is behind anti-green activities. This tells us which way Obama and the UN are moving to silence their foes. “In this way we can contribute to the ongoing conservation of the world’s environment, biodiversity and natural resources.” This is nothing but police being used as the strong-arm men of the UN to silence anti-green activity. What has a police organisation to do with ‘conservation’ and ‘natural resources’? Nothing! But, under the UN, Interpol will make very sure people like me are eliminated. (Of course, before that, they will ensure that our names are ridiculed and our protests are muffled, which works just as well). One must ask Interpol why it doesn’t investigate the CRU at East Anglia University, or other scientists about their fraud, or Greenpeace about its sabotage… or Obama and Brown taxing the people fraudulently. “Corruption undermines political, social and economic stability”. In which case, why isn’t Interpol investigating every country involved in the recent Copenhagen Summit, or that imposes tax based on fraudulent green claims? It is evident that Interpol is not genuine! UN and ‘Natural partners’ ( 11th October, 2009)The UN already has its own police force (UNPOL) – did you know that? But, Interpol will take precedence. The UN’s Secretary General says that the “only way to succeed is to join forces.” Succeed at what? The UN has no place in the world, but it acts anyway! Wherever it goes it creates, not reduces, conflict, often to the point of murder, rape and pillage… and I am taking here about UN troops. The UN Security Council, supposed to look after peace and reduce tensions, is dominated by Islamic countries that hate Israel. Every meeting starts with hateful statements against Israel. Every meeting begins with demands to sanction Israel. Therefore, Interpol is part of this hate campaign against the Israeli nation, by siding with Islamic extremist governments who make their own ‘laws’ against Israel! What you think of Israel is not the issue. The real issue is that if the UN gets away with this, the next one to suffer could easily be YOU. Singapore SummitOn 11th October, 2009, Interpol’s Secretary General met with the UN’s Secretary General in Singapore. In the meeting praise was given to police forces joining together to fight organised crimes worldwide. This is fine. But, they don’t need the UN for this! The UN is a Marxist organisation, corrupt and trouble-making. The opening speech spoke of a new era when Interpol will work with the UN by “entering into a strategic partnership to promote state stability, and, in turn, global law and order.” Police forces can do this on their own – they don’t need the sticky fingers of the UN. Law officers are seconded to Interpol for particular operations, so, in theory, there are no actual ‘Interpol officers’. But, with the USA being handed over to the UN by Obama, it makes no real difference – the UN will control what local officers, FBI, etc., do. UN (23rd December) says that all this is just ‘fear mongering’. Is it? Given Obama’s lamentable record in his first year of office (assuming he is there legitimately, of course), we have every right to be concerned. The Norwegian UN mission ( 16th April 2009) states: “the role of the police is considered pivotal in consolidating peace and building sustainable security.” Perhaps Norway should go back a few years and remember how this worked when Hitler decided to make his land-grab! In every country Hitler took, the ‘pivotal’ force was the national and local police forces. They made sure Nazi plans were adhered to, and arrested anyone who didn’t make the grade, often leading to their deaths. Fear mongering? No, it is a step closer to “common goals of global security and peace”. The best peace we can have is to retain national borders and national policing. The worst move is to bring in the UN and its notion of Marxist world government. Secretary General of SecrecyIt is no coincidence that this joining of the UN and Interpol should come under the Secretary-Generalship of Ronald K Noble. He is a tenured professor of law at New York University, and previously worked as the US Dept of Treasury as First Undersecretary for Enforcement. He has held many law-related positions in the US and has Obama’s right hand. This man is complicit in the aim of Obama to keep documents from the sight of Americans, by claiming protection for Interpol officers who are now able to work with diplomatic immunity. Thus, any documents Obama wants hidden can simply be given to Interpol! In this way Obama jumps over the head of the Constitution, and Interpol are not held to the Freedom of Information Act. This is all going on underneath your noses! I wonder if this is where Obama’s birth certificate will be going? During Hitler’s time, Interpol was under the command of the SS. ( The FBI sought membership of Interpol in 1938, despite it being riddled with, and ruled by, the SS. Thus, today, only the type of socialism has changed… Interpol is now under Marxist rule. The continued membership of the USA in Interpol, and the new status of Interpol as diplomatic, with immunity, means that Obama can operate under the radar as much as he likes, by placing documents with Interpol. And Interpol can be used as the bully-boys of state, with no come-backs. Interpol will work alongside the UN’s stormtroopers, as enforcers of UN laws and whims. It has immunity in the USA – no doubt it will gain immunity in many more countries as they mimic Obama’s duplicity. They will investigate and arrest any who dare to oppose UN policies, whether social, criminal or economic, including anti-greens. Watch for it, because it is bound to come. |
Nova Scotia's church star map mystery

An attempt to restore a Nova Scotia church has revealed a mysterious arrangement of stars:
Parishioners at one of Canada's oldest Anglican churches will be puzzled by an enduring enigma when they gaze heavenward this Christmas.
The conundrum emerged after the church, built in 1754, burned on Halloween night in 2001 as a result of arson. The parish sought to reconstruct the building's interior as closely as possible, and it brought in parishioner Margaret Coolen in 2004 to re-create the ceiling over the altar.
But the church didn't have a complete set of photographs of the original star pattern, so Coolen, hoping the pattern reflected the actual alignment of heavenly bodies in the night sky, sought the help of astronomer David Turner of Saint Mary's University in Halifax.
That's when the first mystery emerged.
Turner recognized the constellation Perseus in the photos of the eastern part of the chancel ceiling. But Perseus, seen from Lunenburg, always lies in the northern part of the sky and never due east.
"We looked at them and didn't recognize any of the star groups," Coolen explained of the constellations' positions. "It looked like they might just simply be put up at random, but it didn't seem like someone would go to that trouble to put just random stars on the ceiling."
Coolen suggested that Turner instead look at the stars' alignment around 2,000 years ago — on Christmas Eve in the year of Jesus' birth.
Then, using software that plots the positions of heavenly bodies throughout history, Turner had a revelation: The chancel ceiling's pattern indeed reflected quite closely how the night sky would have looked from Lunenburg all those years past, when constellations appeared in somewhat different locations than today.
"I set the scene for sunset, and bingo! I found myself looking at Perseus in the eastern sky," he said.
A discovery Channel piece on the mystery:
I assume that, even before the age of computers, it would have been possible to work out the positions of stars - the ancients seemed to have know about precession after all. However, it would still have been an impressive undertaking and one that was, apparently, not noted or remembered despite the amount of planning or effort that had gone into it. Also worth nosing through the comments as someone there points us to this page which explains how the church has been remodelled over the years and the ceiling was actually painted by a woman with the surname Page, in 1860. Not that this diminishes the achievement but it keeps the facts straight.
That said, somewhere Dan Brown is stroking his chin trying to work out how he can work this up into a new book, probably throwing in the Oak Island Money Pit for good measure, and perhaps even Roanoke.
Graham Hancock: 2012 - The Mayan Science! UPDATE: Terrence McKenna - Time Travel, Consciousness & The Age Of Aquarius!

The calendar cosmology of the ancient Maya of Central America states that the world is due for renewal in the years around A.D. 2012. Recent breakthroughs in understanding the astronomical underpinnings of this "millennial" temporal turning point shows that the Maya believed a rare alignment of the solstice sun with the Milky Way (or Galactic Plane) would be responsible for an era of great transformation on earth. We can refer to this event as a Galactic Alignment. It is an astronomical fact that the solstice meridian will be precessing (by way of the precession of the equinoxes) through the Galactic equator in roughly the year 2000. Although the sociological implications of the concept of Galactic Alignment is unfamiliar to mainstream scientific discourse today, there is ample evidence in the scientific work of several researchers that suggests our changing relationship to the Galactic Plane is important. There is further evidence in the traditions of the major ancient civilizations (namely, Egypt, Mayan, and Vedic) that this alignment was thought of as being a significant transformative event for human beings on earth. The Galactic Alignment of era-2012 served the Maya, as well as many other ancient civilizations, as a type of temporal marker around which gravitate sociological effects typical of what we call "millennial fever." Hancock's research identifies the underlying empirical reason that Maya cosmology holds responsible for millennial visions, calendars and traditions. - Conspiracy Fact.UPDATE: Terrence McKenna - 2012, The Maya, Time Travel, Consciousness & The Coming Age Of Aquarius!
What will become of the world on December 21st, 2012 when the ancient Mayan calendar ends? Could it be the end of man as a species, or simply the beginning of an enlightened world where global consciousness comes together as one to create the kind of world we should be living in. Is this is the evolution of the mind leading into the astrological sign of Aquarius and the Golden Age. - Conspiracy Fact.
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