If the talks that resulted in an imperfect deal to combat global warming provided anything, it was a glimpse into a new world order in which international diplomacy will increasingly be shaped by the United States and emerging powers, most notably China. Friday's agreement, sources involved in the talks said, boiled down to President Obama and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao personally hammering out a pact both could live with, even if many other leaders could not. Wen even squelched his own negotiator's protests... As such, the deal may portend how issues from world trade to nuclear proliferation will be negotiated in the years ahead, with China leading a caucus of rising powers on one side and the United States on the other. "The mark is being stamped on a new political world," said Duncan Marsh, who directs international climate policy for the Nature Conservancy. Said Jake Schmidt, international climate policy director for the Natural Resources Defense Fund: "Coming into this conference, it was about 193 countries, and coming out of it, it clearly came down to a conversation between the leaders of those two superpowers." Orville Schell, a longtime China watcher who is director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations at the Asia Society, said the erratic dance between China and the United States is another example of how the bilateral relationship is at a tipping point.
Secret financial maneuvers fail to save Copenhagen climate summit

The Copenhagen talks on combating so-called “global warming” ended in failure last week, marking a bitter defeat for the fascist globalist cabal. The failure became inevitable after a secret financial operation was quashed in Washington last week, depriving the globalists of any cash to hand out to poor countries in order to get their agreement.
The operation last week involved a top level operative reporting to the Chinese politburo, George Soros, Al Gore, the Japanese emperor (operating under instructions from Senator J. Rockefeller) and Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa. They were hoping to cash bonds issued by the Federal Reserve Board in the 1930’s that were backed with Chinese imperial gold. The money was then going to be used to promise $100 billion in bribes to poor countries in order to get them to go along with the creation of a fascist world government. A top Chinese government official was also promised the job of secret world emperor. Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa led a 600-person delegation to China last week as a part of this operation.
The operation was stopped by a secret but very powerful group known as the Black Dragon Society. This group is capable of mobilizing the British Empire, the Vatican, many of the oil producing states, at least half of the Pentagon, the Japanese military/police establishment and the over 50 million people studying martial arts worldwide. It was their allies in the US who froze the funds the Emperor was supposed to release.
Further attacks against the globalist fascists seen during the past week include the announcement by the Gulf Oil Producing states that they will no longer trade oil in dollars. Dubai, for its part, has cut off its ties with the globalists and is now suing Citibank for tens of billions of dollars. Most of the South American nations have also now renounced the use of US dollars for regional trade.
The Chinese have, for their part, made an end run around the US dollar by buying up all the physical commodities in the world. They are now in a position, if they desire, to triple the prices Western countries pay for their raw materials. They are unlikely to do this, of course, because that would amount to a declaration of war against the militarily more powerful Western powers.
Pentagon war-gaming scenarios call for the US Navy to blockade the Persian Gulf while the US army seizes Mexican and Venezuelan oil fields if a blockade is declared against the US.
The Russians, for their part, are contemplating forming a Western Alliance ranging from Vladivostock to Vancouver but not including the Nazi US regime. They are allied with the Chinese in the Shanghai Cooperation agreement but they view this as a marriage of convenience designed to counter-act the Nazi US threat. They still have a visceral, historical fear of the “yellow-peril,” meaning the Chinese would be foolish to overplay their hand.
The BDS has put a counter-proposal on the table. They promise to erase from the financial system all the dollars (running literally into the quintillions) created fraudulently by the Federal Reserve Board since the Greenspan/Clinton years. They will then back the remaining dollars with gold. Once this is done an intensive 3-year campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction will be financed.
As a part of this, a top level Japanese delegation led by Hajime Ishii, the number 2 in the Japanese government, will be visiting a site in the Philippines containing gold hoards and discussing the 3-year campaign plans with BDS representatives.
The BDS plan involves firstly an emergency global mobilization to immediately provide adequate nutrition to the 1 billion mal-nourished and starving people on this planet. They will also finance a 2-year stand-down of the world’s deep ocean fishing fleets in order to allow the oceans to replenish. This will be accompanied by efforts to seed the dead parts of the oceans with nutrients in order to vastly increase fish numbers.
The British Empire will form an alliance with the Gulf Oil Kingdoms to use previously suppressed energy technology to remove salt from sea-water and turn the deserts green. The alliance between the Gulf Oil Kingdoms and the British Empire may ultimately involve some sort of marriage based coalition. This may be followed by the alliance of Protestant Christianity with moderate Sufi Islam.
The Vatican, for its part, will mount their own campaign using their own free energy technology to end poverty and turn deserts green. They will also try to deepen their ties with Asia to counter-act what they see as a growing Islamist threat to Christianity.
The BDS allies in the US, meanwhile, plan to return the US to constitutional rule and begin a swords-to-ploughshares transition of the Pentagon. The Philippines gold will be used to write-off US external debts and finance a reconstruction of the US industrial base. The Pentagon will begin allowing the wide-spread civilian use of Stirling engines and other high-technology previously kept from the public for “security reasons.”
The Japanese, for their part, will begin introducing their own suppressed technology in an orderly manner designed to make sure there is minimal social disruption as the oil and nuclear power industries are phased out. They will also be re-integrating the Yakuza and right-wing gangs by converting them into a Japanese version of the CIA/FBI. They will be setting up a massive new martial arts university to act as their headquarters.
In any case, the Black Dragon Society has been contacted during the last week by the Yakuza, the British Royal Family, the KGB, the Vatican, the Pentagon and others in the run-up to the trip to the Philippine gold fields.
The transition away from the post-World War 2 power structure will probably take about 3-years to complete. However, there could be major announcements as early as January. We will report back from our Philippine trip next week.
Weekly geo-political news and analysis
Events are approaching an end-game compromise with communist China. The Chinese are now allied with the global warming fraud faction in an attempt to establish a world dictatorship. The Black Dragon Society will not allow this to happen.
As reported by multiple news sources as well as our own direct sources, many of the chief Nazi operators in Washington D.C., including Alan Greenspan and Henry Heinz Kissinger have been placed under house arrest. Following this the Federal Reserve Board was audited and dollars created via “derivatives” fraud are being eliminated from the system. If these dollars were not removed from the system and the dollar was forced to be backed by hard assets, then the dollar would be worth less than 0.06 cents.
The Chinese, in the meantime, have systematically used their fiat dollars to corner the global physical commodity markets. This means that if the US devalued unilaterally, the Chinese dollar holdings might become worthless paper but the renminbi would become the de facto world currency.
The problem with that scenario is that 90% of the dollars ever created through honest hard work are not owned by Americans. If these dollars were devalued, many people around the world would suffer great harm.
This is why the Black Dragon Society is proposing to take the U.S. dollars created through hard work, back them with gold as an interim measure and then rename them Hong Kong dollars or renminbi or Hong Kong yen or whatever. The new currency would then be backed by the renminbi.
This plan has prompted an attempt by the communist Chinese to buy gold. However, so long as the Chinese support the fraudulent global warming CO2 world dictatorship plan, they will not be allowed to buy gold. They have been trying to go behind our back but they will be wasting their time.
Meanwhile some fundamental changes have taken place in the Japanese secret government. The Federal Reserve Board/Ming Chinese faction have been ousted and the Japanese right-wing will no longer be acting as enforcers for foreign governments be they American or Chinese. Instead the Japanese now intend to act as neutral intermediaries between all concerned parties. A new right-wing party will also be formed to replace the Liberal Democratic Party and to make sure the Democratic Party of Japan does not become a dictatorship ruled in secret by Ichiro Ozawa.
The Japanese, the Middle-Eastern oil nations, the United States armed forces, the Vatican and the British Commonwealth will oppose such a plan. These groups support a plan to end poverty, end environmental destruction (i.e. stop the destruction of eco-systems) and start a new golden age by rolling out hitherto suppressed technology. This includes intensive efforts to turn the deserts green and replenish the oceans. They do not support a plan premised on lies (CO2=global warming) and designed to enrich a small elite.
Any new system of world governance must not be allowed to become like the secret system of Babylonian tyranny that has existed to this date. To understand how this system works, one must compare a Western communal dining table to an Asian one. In a Western system a long rectangular table is used. At the head of the table sits the dominant patriarch. To his right sits the number two and so-on. The lower one is in the hierarchy, the further one is from the head of the table.
In the Asian system, as well as the system used by the Knights of the Round Table, a round table is used. This means decision making by consensus rather than by patriarchal decree.
Weekly geo-political news and analysis [Sample Report]

The ongoing global financial war is reaching its final stages. Multiple reliable sources in three continents are all now reporting that a major breakthrough in the financial logjam is imminent. We can confirm from our own sources (including MI6 and Japanese military intelligence) that a large delegation descended on Washington last week and read the riot act to the Washington D.C. establishment. They have been informed the Federal Reserve Board must be shut down immediately and the new financial system must be implemented or else the United States would be totally cut off from the world. The military is also close to open revolt with more than half of the military supporting a total clean up of Washington D.C., according to a CIA source. The Washington establishment therefore faces a choice between stepping aside and facing a truth commission or else arrest, civil war,chaos and eventual death for all members of the ruling cabal. We believe that sane minds will prevail in such a situation and that a peaceful resolution is imminent. However, it is not over until it is over.
Last week the Chinese were on the verge of helping the US government kill the supporters of the new financial system in Washington until the Japanese government intervened to provide protection. There were then discussions with the Chinese where they were given an explanation of the inner workings of the international financial system. They were also made an offer.
What was told to them was that over 90% of the dollars ever created were not owned by Americans. The people who own those dollars do not want them to become worthless paper when the Federal Reserve Board implodes. Instead, all dollars earned through honest work (i.e. not through derivates and other types of fraud) would be backed by gold. These gold backed dollars would then be renamed. The Chinese want to call it the Renminbi. The Rothschilds want to call it the Hong Kong dollar. Our proposal is to call it the Hong Kong yen (pronounced yuan in Chinese). Many details will have to be worked out by experts. However, it is certain that never again will it be possible for private individuals to manipulate the world through the creation of money. The Chinese insist the creation of new money should be a job run by the government and this was agreed to by the concerned parties.
A high powered Japanese government delegation will be going to the Philippines towards the end of the year to deliver Chinese gold taken there in the 1930’s to China to be used for the purposes of backing up their dollar holdings. The Japanese delegation, led by the Japanese government& rsquo;s number two man, Hajime Ishii will also be given presentations about suppressed technology.
I will also be going there to give them some ideas about a new structure of global governance.
The Chinese want to move the UN headquarters to Laos because it is the site of some of the most ancient and pristine Asian culture. This seems like a nice idea. Of course the UN is now an extremely dysfunctional organization and will have to be totally revamped. It now serves as a global control mechanism for the victors of World War 2. This will be fundamentally changed.
In addition, the functions of the World Bank will be moved to China, probably to Hong Kong. All current World Bank employees will have their
track records examined and only those who have contributed positively to the planet will be re-employed.
The IMF will be disbanded because it has only caused misery and poverty throughout the world. It has functioned mainly to steal resources and property from the people of the world. In its place the Japanese will set up a new institution that will function to ensure the safety and stability of the global financial system. Hopefully it will be headquartered in Osaka.
All of these institutions will be set up as meritocracies. Anybody will be allowed to take the exam to join them. In addition, there will no longer be places at the top reserved for people of specific ethnic backgrounds.
The new organizations will all be very busy because the entire commercial structure of the planet will be changed. The industries that are expected to vanish or shrink dramatically include: petroleum, war, nuclear power and pharmaceuticals and automobiles. Companies in these industries will need substantial help to transform themselves. The petroleum industry, for example, could be changed into a geo-engineering industry. The armaments folk will move into space exploration. The automobile industry will start to manufacture anti-gravity scooters. The transformation of all the obsolete industries needs to be carried out in a manner that causes as little social disruption and dislocation as possible.
In addition all countries will have to agree to submit to the international court of Justice. Disputes between countries should be settled through negotiations or else in court.
However, it might be possible for countries to also agree to settle disputes through ritual warfare. They could, for example, each send 10 of their best martial artists to a desert island to duel it out but no killing will be allowed. The winning country will then get a more advantageous settlement of whatever the dispute was.
In any case, humanity is about to be freed from the grips of a horrific cult that has killed hundreds of millions of people over the years. Most of the 800 US military bases world-wide may well be shut down. The US military will have to be transformed into an entirely different organization dedicated to planetary defense and big projects for humanity.
We are headed for an unprecedented historical transformation. Hang on to your hats.

Jay-Z: Hip-Hops Master Mason (Guy Releases DVD About Rumors Of Hov Being Apart Of The Illuminati) [1 Hour 30 Min Exposed Documentary]
If vidoe doesnt play wait 5 minutes. It takes tiime to load
Cartel reports "This DVD documentary exposes Jay-Z as a 3rd degree Mason or a "Master Mason". Breaks down the albums from Blueprint 1 thru Blueprint 3 and their true meanings, Freemason symbols

The Right to Link: the right to create, forward and follow links.

Meteor hunt in Beijing continues

By Cui Xiaohuo (China Daily)
Updated: 2009-12-21 08:03
The search continues for a full moon-bright meteoroid likely to have landed in west suburban Beijing on Wednesday in what astronomers said could lead to one of the biggest discoveries in Beijing this year.
Witnesses in Beijing and nearby Tianjin recorded a clearly visible fireball-like meteorite descending near the west horizon of Beijing at 10:23 pm on Dec 16.
The surveillance camera from the planetarium taped a 2-second footage of the fall phenomena, in which a bright shooting star, carrying a visible tail, flew towards the east and exploded into greater brightness before disappearing on the horizon.
"We were at Jianxiangqiao Bridge when driving west-bound on the North Fourth Ring Road when we caught sight of the brightness moving to the southeast," Li Xin, a researcher with the Beijing Planetarium, wrote on the organization's online forum before posting the surveillance video right after the witness.
"The brightness of the meteor was close to a full moon," he wrote. "If this meteorite can be recovered, it can become one of the biggest discoveries in Beijing."
Other residents in Beijing also reported witnesses of the "fireball-like meteorite" to the planetarium.
"Wow, what was it that I saw," wrote one Beijing-based blogger on the popular portal douban.com, only 12 minutes after the fall phenomena occurred.
"I was at Chaoyangmen on the East Second Ring Road and I just saw a bright green ball of light moving to the south. There were no noises and everything seemed fine outside my car," wrote the blogger, who named himself "awkward uncle".
But the online witnesses did not draw much serious attention before verified by the astronomy authority.
"You were really awkward, dear uncle. That was Optimus Prime," a comment from reader "XY" followed. Other readers exclaimed the entire witness sounded "very Sci-Fi".
Astronomers from the Beijing Planetarium said the witness was telling the truth and researchers said they have already reported the witness to the International Meteor Organization as the latest visual meteor on Earth.
Li also estimated the location of the landing to be about 40 km west of downtown Beijing, while Zhu Jin, director of the planetarium, put the estimation at between 100 and 200 km from central Beijing. The Baihuashan mountainous area at the border of Beijing and nearby Hebei province was noted to be the most possible location, Zhu said.
Scientists have launched a campaign online and through TV to collect witnesses and accounts. Residents in west Beijing are encouraged to contribute.
But it was unknown what the debris of the meteor would be like, experts said. If recovered, the discovery will be viewed as a "fall" according to international practice.
The Beijing Planetarium has never collected any meteorite from past meteors in Beijing.
As of mid-2006, there have been approximately 1,050 witnessed falls producing specimens for the world's collections.
"The witness was lucky. No techniques were involved whatsoever," Li said.
Meteor Lights Up Sky in Beijing - Photos
Witnesses in Beijing and nearby Tianjin recorded a clearly visible fireball-like meteorite descending near the west horizon of Beijing, China. The surveillance camera from the Beijing Planetarium taped two second's footage of the bolide phenomena. "The brightness of the meteor was close to a full moon," he wrote. "If this meteorite can be recovered, it can become one of the biggest discoveries in Beijing."
Scientists have launched a campaign online and through TV to collect witnesses and accounts. Residents in west Beijing are encouraged to contribute. But it was unknown what the debris of the meteor would be like, experts said. If recovered, the discovery will be viewed as a "fall" according to international practice. (Photos Inside)
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