5 years ago

If Gravity has nothing to do with Earth’s Magntic Field than how do you explian this
Scientists: Quake may have made Earth wobble
The deadly Asian earthquake may have permanently accelerated the Earth’s rotation, shortening days by a fraction of a second and caused the planet to wobble on its axis, U.S. scientists said Tuesday.
5 years ago

That story has nothing to do with either gravity or magnetism. That’s simple physics. The earth is a spinning ball in space. The earthquake literally caused it to quiver a little, and it wobbled in its spin and maybe lost a little angular momentum. That has nothing to do with magnetism or gravity, both of which are inherent properties of matter.
5 years ago

If an Earthqauke can make the Earth wobble, Can a bigger Earthqauke shift the Earth’s Axis?
5 years ago

If the Earth’s axis shifts can the cause of theu unbalanced globe create other plates to shift?
5 years ago

It would take something stronger than an earthquake to permanently shift the axis. The only thing I can think of would be something the size of the moon hitting Earth. So no, I don’t think so.
5 years ago

Whatz holding all those plates around that Lava?
5 years ago

1. No. An axial shift would not create earthquakes.
2. The plates are essentially floating on top of the mantle lava.
5 years ago

Whats makes the moon orbit the Earth?
5 years ago

Does Water float over the Earth?
5 years ago

Do Earthqaukes trigger Tsunamis that trigger the earth to flip over triggering the plates to float away and the lava hitting the moon?
5 years ago

Do Earthqaukes trigger the plates to float away triggering Tsunamis that trigger the Earth to flip over and triggering the Lava to float away hitting the moon?
5 years ago

Quake may have shifted earth
Geophysicist Richard Gross, a member of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, thinks that a shift of mass toward the Earth’s center during the quake caused the planet to spin 3 microseconds faster and to tilt the planet about an inch on its axis.
5 years ago

Did the Earth Expand or contract on X-Mas?
5 years ago

A Smaller Earth
DECEMBER 29, 2004 22:47
by Seung-Ryun Kim (srkim@donga.com)
An argument has been released on December 28 that the earth has contracted and its rotation period permanently reduced, though insignificantly, due to the earthquake that hit the Southeast Asian region on December 26.
Reuters reported that researcher and geophysicist Richard Gross with the U.S. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory theorized, “The tectonic plate of the Indian Ocean has gone under the boundary of a different plate, which resulted in the earth’s ‘slight’ contraction and ‘miniscule’ acceleration of its rotation.”
http://english.donga.com/srv/service.php3?biid=20041230495185 years ago

Be Quite Fitting the Earth is beginning to show some signs of it having Labor Contractions. The Legend is so Real this year with the EQ’s and Tsunami.
What if the Earth is just a Egg and inside is a Baby Sun wanting to get out?
What if One day a third of the crust of the earth could rip apart and get shot into outer space while a chunk is being hurled into the universe the rest of the earth begins it’s crumbling and the debis turns into astroids?
Christmas, once celebrated as Yule in ancient times, is a time of rebirth; the return of the sun after the longer darkness of night. According to the legend, on the night of the Winter Solstice (the longest night of the year), the Great Mother Goddess gives
birth to the baby Sun God, symbolizing the return to longer days of sunlight.
by Barbara Aho
The great Bimillennial celebrations which were launched in December of 1999 presaged the celebration of Christmas in a new form. Evangelical leader Jay Gary, in collaboration with former U.N. Assistant Secretary-General, Robert Muller, called for “an entire year of Christmas” through A.D. 2000. Commencing these high profile celebrations on this particular holiday signified quite another commemoration than the birth of Jesus Christ. In the various pagan religions of remote antiquity, December was the celebration of the Winter Solstice. Alexander Hislop revealed the true meaning of the festival of the Winter Solstice in his classic work, The Two Babylons:
“This festival has been commonly believed to have had only an astronomical character, referring simply to the completion of the sun’s yearly course, and the commencement of a new cycle. But there is indubitable evidence that the festival in question had a much higher influence than this—that it commemorated not merely the figurative birthday of the sun in the renewal of its course, but the birth-day of the grand Deliverer…the Sun-God and great mediatorial divinity.” 1.
The Sun-god Osiris and his consort, Isis, together with Re-Atum, the “Father of the Gods,” were regarded by the ancient Egyptians as the supreme rulers of a Golden Age of plenty called Zep Tepi or the “First Time.” Their kingdom ended abruptly when Osiris was murdered by his evil brother, Seth or Typhon. The childless Isis searched for the dismembered body of Osiris, which she then reassembled and resuscitated long enough to conceive a son named Horus. Horus was believed to be the reincarnation of Osiris, and the new husband of Isis, whose destiny it was to repossess the Kingdom of Osiris from the control of Seth.
The myth of Horus is, of course, an allegorical perversion of the Genesis account of God’s judgment of Nimrod and the Babylonian religious system from which the Egyptian mystery religion derived. The interpretation of the Horus myth is explained in the book, Spiritual Politics: Changing the World From the Inside Out by Corrine McLaughlin and & Gordon Davidson:
“Like the goddess Isis, who found and restored all of the lost pieces of her husband, Osiris, many are restoring the unity of all life, bringing together the separate parts of humanity — different races, religions and cultures.” – 42:62
The fable of Isis and Osiris, which forms the basis of Freemasonry and other occult belief systems, is currently experiencing a revival through entertainment, literature, education, and religious traditions. For example, the theme of Horus is the basis of the popular Hollywood production, Lion King. Through many points of entry, the pagan alternative to Jesus Christ is subtly being introduced to the world—and also to the Church—as mankind is subconsciously undergoing preparation for a universal return to the ancient practice of Sun worship.
http://www.threeworldwars.com/new-world-order.htm New World Order Definition
Letter of Transmittal
To the convener of this group:
Attached is the Report of the Special Study Group established by you in August, 1963, 1) to consider the problems involved in the contingency of a transition to a general condition of peace, and 2) to recommend procedures for dealing with this contingency. For the convenience of nontechnical readers we have elected to submit our statistical supporting data, totaling 604 exhibits, separately, as well as a preliminary manual of the “peace games” method devised during the course of our study.
We have completed our assignment to the best of our ability, subject to the limitations of time and resources available to us. Our conclusions of fact and our recommendations are unanimous; those of us who differ in certain secondary respects from the findings set forth herein do not consider these differences sufficient to warrant the filing of a minority report. It is our earnest hope that the fruits of our deliberations will be of value to our government in its efforts to provide leadership to the nation in solving the complex and far-reaching problems we have examined, and that our recommendations for subsequent Presidential action in this area will be adopted.
Because of the unusual circumstances surrounding the establishment of this Group, and in view of the nature of its finding, we do not recommend that this Report be released for publication. It is our affirmative judgement that such actions would not be in the public interest. The uncertain advantages of public discussion of our conclusions and recommendations are, in our opinion, greatly outweighed by the clear and predictable danger of a crisis in public confidence which untimely publication of this Report might be expected to provoke. The likelihood that a lay reader, unexposed to the exigencies of higher political or military responsibility, will misconstrue the purpose of this project, and the intent of its participants, seems obvious. We urge that circulation of this Report be closely restricted to those whose responsibilities require that they be apprised of its contents.
We deeply regret that the necessity of anonymity, a prerequisite to our Group’s unhindered pursuit of its objectives, precludes proper acknowledgement of our gratitude to the many persons in and out of government who contributed so greatly to our work.
For the Special Study Group
[signature withheld]
30 September, 1966
MYSTERY BABYLON – mp3 http://www.deepabove.com/hott.htmDownload and listen to these before they ‘go away’.
I’ve listened to Bill several years ago his broadcasts over the years, and I pick up on more each time.
William Cooper is explains what UFO NEVERKNWO and has done
deeper research than anyone I’ve found.
5 years ago

Did an Earthquake trigger the return of a Star?
5 years ago

Are Stars the controlling force in the Universe?
5 years ago

Snark, why do you even bother replying to this knob?
He’s an idiot, fuck him.
Go to Los 2 Pedros and have a taco – forget this douchebag.
5 years ago

Did anyone see a Wormwood on X-Mas?
5 years ago

The Coming Asteroid
There is a asteroid headed our way according to the scientists. It will arrive in the year 2028 in October. It was first reported that it could come possibly within 26,000 miles of the surface of the earth or about 1/4 of the distance from the earth to the moon according to the first calculations. The size of this large asteroid called “1997 XF11” is one mile in width. If it was to hit the earth, it would be bad news. If it landed in the ocean, the tidal waves would wipe out all coastal cities. If it hit the land, it could have the power of a couple million atomic bombs. The debris could darken the sky for weeks. The more recently reports indicate that it could miss the earth by 600,000 miles. Only God knows for sure what will happen. Of course, the scientist are also tracking 109 potentially dangerous asteroids.
Could this asteroid be the star that falls to earth in Revelation 8:10-12 called “Wormwood” or will there be another??? You be the judge.
“And the angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and on the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the water became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them ws darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise”
5 years ago

Is not the the Area effected from the Tsunami’s close to 1/3 of the Earth, and that thier water supply has turned bitter?
5 years ago

PREDICTION: Dateline Jan 26th, 2003. There is a chill wind blowing. Make no mistake, this is going to induce a wobble in the Earth’s axis of rotation.
Not a big wobble mind you but a wobble nonetheless.
Think I’m another Joeshmuck?
You simply can’t get away with messing with geomagnetic magma currents inside the Earth —especially when it goes on for days— without generating a wobble in the Earth Axis. They better get this Iraq issue sorted out very soon or there will be literally hell to pay.
The technology being used is on a different scale entirely to the space-based scalar system which was used to take down the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on 9/11. It’s like the difference between a cannon and a popgun.
It’s a VERY big HAARP indeed.
But it’s not going to be music to anyone’s ears.
The Earth is no hard-boiled egg. This is an old party trick which will give you an idea of the fluid dynamics involved in all this: Place a raw egg on a table top and spin it. Then stop the spin by quickly pressing your finger on the egg, and as quickly removing it. The egg starts to spin again. Why? The fluid inside was not stopped when you stopped the shell. That trick can be used to tell the difference between a raw and a hard boiled egg.
And those are exactly the dynamics involved in the Earth’s rotation. Except for one difference. The Earth is spinning within a stasis system that involves the Sun and the operation of gravity as well as magnetics. It’s a delicate balance.
But when you turn on this kind of weapon it is drawing it’s energy from magma currents inside the Earth. Maybe the scalar science of all this is beyond you, but the fluid dynamics certainly is not. It’s basic physics.
Mess with the magma and you mess with the spin angle of the earth. The Earth will inevitably twist to reestablish stasis.
Another illustration: Imagine a gyroscope sitting on the end of your finger spinning with it’s axis at the same angle as the Earth. Now bring a strong electromagnet near the gyroscope so that it interferes with the internals of the gyroscope. The angle of the gyroscope will shift.
In exactly the same manner, the Earth will change it’s angle of rotation. It’s will do so, slowly, ponderously —but inevitably. The effect will be only fractional, but do you really want to mess with that angle. I don’t think so!
Neither does Yuri Solomatin. In a front page article of the online edition of the Russian version Pravda he spoke about the dangers of deployment of scalar weaponry at full intensity. The kind of intensity that is being used to create the big chill in the USA. Who is doing it? Go figure.
What was the purpose of such a high-profile article on a topic that is an open secret in the top echelon of science and politics -but still unknown to the average person? Certainly it’s unknown to Joe Six-pack in the USA, who doesn’t even know what a Scalar Weapon is!
Yuri is the man in charge of the Committee with responsibility for the cleanup of the world’s worst nuclear accident: Chernobyl.
Think about that.
Think about it some more.
5 years ago

Sunday Times, UK
4th August 2002
PAGE URL http://www.gulufuture.com/future/anti-gravity_z.htm
When a Russian scientist announced he had invented an anti-gravity machine,
he was ridiculed. Now aerospace companies are racing to copy his work.
Jonathan Leake reports.
The fumes would mean hours of recalibration, but the smoker was his superior and Podkletnov, a quiet, shy man, felt unable to stop him. Then, in the midst of his annoyance, he spotted something peculiar. As the smoke drifted over his machine it suddenly changed direction, shooting upwards to form a bizarre column shape above it. .
At the time it seemed no more than a curiosity. But that observation, in an obscure university in Finland 10 years ago, would soon change his life and prompt some of the biggest aerospace companies to come knocking at his door. For Podkletnov had unwittingly discovered a device that, if his claims are to be believed, can change gravity itself.
From futuristic airliners hanging weightless in the sky to hovering cars held aloft by gravity repulsion, the significance of such a discovery is not hard to fathom for any fan of science fiction. The science fact, though, is a little more complicated.
Podkletnov had built his equipment to test superconductivity, the ability of some metal alloys to transmit electricity with no resistance at low temperatures.
The kit was basic by current scientific standards: a ceramic disc coated in specially formulated alloys was cooled to -220C and then spun at high speed in a magnetic field.
It was important but dull work, and had no apparent link with challenging the forces of gravity.
But when Podkletnov observed his columns of smoke he was puzzled enough to investigate further. First he suspended a metal ball above the machine, then some silicone and wood. Each time he found that the objects lost about 2% of their weight above the spinning disc.
That wasn t all. Investigating further, Podkletnov found that the anti-gravity effect extended far above the machine, right to the ceiling. Then he went up to the roof and, sure enough, there was a narrow circular beam penetrating right the way through the building which reduced the weight of anything placed in its path. It was just as strong there as it was above the machine. His anti-gravity beam, it seemed, had no limit. It extended upwards forever.
Podkletnov, an experienced researcher with two doctorates, immediately knew the impact of his discovery. If he had found a way of changing an object s weight, even by a small degree, then the aerospace and transport industries could be revolutionised.
PODKLETNOV was not the first man to dream of the benefits of anti-gravity. More than a century ago H G Wells, the writer, suggested that spacecraft might fly to the moon using gravity shields. He had realised that a device that could negate gravity would enable spacecraft to launch without fuel. It followed that planes, ships and even cars could also have their weight reduced, saving on fuel and enabling incredible speeds.
Others imagined a more sinister purpose. Nazi Germany devoted serious research to developing an anti-gravity weapon in a programme headed by the Austrian scientist Viktor Schauberger.
For the past five decades Schauberger s achievements have remained shrouded in mystery. When the war ended, the invading Americans stripped his laboratories of all machinery and documents and shipped them home.
Last year, however, Nick Cook, an aerospace expert at Jane s Defence Weekly whose book The Hunt for Zero Point describes the history of gravity research tracked down Schauberger s family and former colleagues. From them he coaxed an extraordinary tale of flying saucers that levitated without fuel and glowed silver and green.
Sadly for Schauberger, the machines also apparently all crashed. They had, however, hinted at the power of an undreamt of new technology and within months of the war ending his documents and prototypes were in the hands of engineers at secret US laboratories.
Two years after the war the knowledge gleaned from them prompted Nathan Twining, a general in the US air force, to state that America could now build a plane that would defy gravity.
Then everything went silent. The world has still never seen a plane that flies without fuel or a spacecraft that can defy gravity. No research papers have been published and official sources deny all knowledge of anti-gravity research before 1990. What could have happened?
One logical answer is that anti-gravity research proved fruitless. Cook believes otherwise. Over the past few years he has interviewed dozens of researchers from Lockheed Martin, Boeing and other companies involved in aviation research. His conclusion? That the anti-gravity research programmes have continued amid the utmost secrecy.
Someone realised that anti-gravity could be so destructive that it would endanger world peace and decided to keep it secret for a long time, he claims.
COULD it be, then, that Podkletnov had stumbled on a secret other scientists had been trying to keep quiet for half a century? What is certain is that since his work was released to the public in 1996 some very big names have admitted their enthusiasm.
Last week George Muellner, the executive who oversees Phantom Works, Boeing s secretive research organisation, told The Sunday Times that anti-gravity works . He added: We know it can work but what we don t know is whether it can be useful. The systems we have seen consume too much energy. I believe that one day there will be a breakthrough but it is a long way away.
What Muellner would not talk about was an internal seminar held at Boeing earlier this year in which the researcher Jamie Childress and other senior Phantom Works executives described the potential of anti-gravity research.
Childress, who has been in contact with Podkletnov, concluded: It is plausible that gravity modification is real. He warned that, if it were proven, the aerospace industry would experience a gold rush that would alter Boeing s entire business.
The story is similar at Nasa. It has commissioned a 3m study that will aim to replicate Podkletnov s work. Mark Millis, head of Nasa s breakthrough propulsion programme at the Glenn space centre in Cleveland, confirms he is particularly interested in Podkletnov s recent claim that he has generated a beam that can exert a force 1,000 times more powerful than Earth s gravity.
Podkletnov s device, built with Giovanni Modanese, a respected Italian physicist, could be the basis for launching anything from spacecraft to missiles.
Millis, like Boeing, emphasises the peaceful uses of such technology, but both accept that it could have a darker purpose. Such a beam could, for example, be projected against an aircraft, satellite or missile, knocking it off course or smashing it apart from huge distances.
Like Boeing, Nasa has been trying to bring Podkletnov and his equipment to America, but has been blocked by Russian laws banning the transfer of such sensitive technology.
Nasa may, however, have more of a head start than it is admitting. It emerged recently that in 1993 the advanced concepts office at the Marshall Space Flight Center received a paper written by Ning Li and Douglas Torr, both respected physicists, who knew nothing of Podkletnov but like him described how rotating superconductors could alter gravity.
Nasa immediately set up a programme to study the phenomenon which has continued ever since.
SUCH potential has also interested British researchers including some at BAE Systems. It has appointed Ron Evans, a senior researcher and mathematician, to run its anti-gravity research, codenamed Project Greenglow. Similar work is under way at Toshiba s research centre in Japan.
Getting any of these companies to discuss their work is another matter. Whether for fear of ridicule, or to protect the scope of their discoveries, none will outline the form or success of their experiments.
The same applies to Podkletnov. Since 1996, following the surge of media attention that greeted his research, he has been a near-recluse. The last public sighting of him was two years ago, when he slipped into Britain to give a lecture at Sheffield University and sensationally announced that he d been able to reverse gravity so effectively that his experimental equipment had actually levitated just as Schauberger s flying saucers had done five decades earlier.
But having dropped his bombshell, Podkletnov disappeared again and has never published details of that work. Officially he still works for the Moscow Chemical Science Research Centre, a secretive institute that does not even publish its address.
This weekend The Sunday Times traced Podkletnov to Finland, to a home near the University of Tampere, where he did his first gravitational research. He will not talk to anyone about anything, said a woman who then slammed the phone down. What is he hiding from? What does he know?
One day all may be revealed. Boeing, Nasa and BAE are taking his principles seriously enough to challenge our most basic understanding of gravity itself. It could be that the very force that binds us to the ground could be harnessed to carry us to the stars.
5 years ago

Tsunami death toll hits 144,000
THE RAPTURE? 144,000 suddenly ‘dispappear, are ‘swept’ away…
5 years ago

Seven year tribulation . . . 2005 + 7 years =
Tibetan monks see Extra Terrestrial powers saving the World from destroying itself in 2012
Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from a few Tibetan monasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely alarming and fascinating.
According to these tourists remote viewers are seeing world powers in the course of self-destruction. They also see that the world will not be destroyed. Between now and 2012 the world super powers will continue to engage in regional wars. Terrorism and covert war will be the main problem. In world politics something will happen in and around 2010. At that time the world powers will threaten to destroy each other.
Between 2010 and 2012, the whole world will get polarized and prepare for the ultimate dooms day. Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations will take place with little progress.
In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive nuclear war.
And at that time something remarkable will happen, says, Buddhist monk of Tibet. Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at this time.
Scientific interpretation of the monks’ statements makes it evident that the Extra Terrestrial powers are watching us every step of the way. They will intervene in 2012 and save the world from self-destruction.
When asked about recent UFO sightings in India and China, the monks smiled and said the divine powers are watching us all. Mankind cannot and will not be allowed to alter the future to that great extent.
Every human being though their current acts in life called “Karma” can alter the future lives to some extent, but changing the destiny in that large extent will not be allowed to that great an extent.
Monks also mentioned that beyond 2012 our current civilization would understand that the final frontier of science and technology is in area of spirituality and not material physics and chemistry. Beyond 2012, out technologies will take a different direction. People will learn the essence of spirituality, the relation between body and the soul, the reincarnation and the fact we are connected with each other are all part of “God”.
In India and China UFO sightings have increased in many folds. Many say the Chinese and Indian Governments are being contacted by the Extra Terrestrials.
In recent days most UFO activities have been seen in those countries who have indigenously developed Nuke capabilities.
When asked if these extra-terrestrials will show up in reality in 2012, the answers remote viewers are giving is: they will reveal themselves in such a way that none of us scared. They will reveal themselves only if they have to. As our science and technology progresses, we are destined to see them and interact with them any way.
According to the remote viewers, our earth is blessed and is being saved continuously from all kinds of hazards all the time that we are not even aware of. As our technologies progress we will realize how external forces saved us.
5 years ago

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5 years ago

5 years ago

X-FLARE: The New Year began with a bang. A powerful X2-class solar flare erupted near sunspot 715 at 40 minutes past midnight GMT on Jan. 1st. The explosion might have hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Earth. If it did, the CME would reach our planet on Jan. 3rd and possibly spark auroras.
5 years ago

Tsunami from Asteroid/Comet Impacts
by Michael Paine
Comment on the SE Asian tsunami disaster, 26 Dec 04.
This horrific tsunami was caused by an earthquake – not an asteroid – but the consequences are similar. Like the asteroid threat, warnings from experts about the risk and consequences of major tsunami have been largely ignored, except in Japan and Western USA.
Japan and the USA have a very a effective tsunami warning system in the Pacific Ocean. It is based on pressure sensors on the ocean floor. Tsunami waves are so long that they change the pressure at the seafloor whereas wind waves get smoothed out.
5 years ago

Although, for a given location on the Earth’s surface, the risk of a “direct” hit from an asteroid is slight, researchers realized that an ocean impact had the potential to be much more destructive due to the effects of tsunami. An airburst explosion is a three dimensional event and energy decreases according to the square of the distance but a radiating ocean wave is a two-dimensional phenomenon and, in theory, energy decreases in proportion to distance. Since the early 1990s some advanced computer simulations have been conducted to estimate the effects of asteroid impacts above deep oceans.
The dramatic picture by Don Davis is a little misleading. When an asteroid hits the ocean at 70 000km/h there is a gigantic explosion. The asteroid and water vaporize and leave a huge crater – typically 20 times the diameter of the asteroid (that is, a 100m asteroid will create a 2 kilometre diameter crater). The water rushes back in, overshoots to create a mountain of water at the middle and this spreads out as a massive wave – a tsunami. The centre of the “crater” oscillates up and down several times and a series of waves radiate out. An idea of the mechanism can be obtained by bursting a balloon in a bathtub.
5 years ago

The main items of contention appears to be:
the initial size of the wave – based on analysis of the size and shape of the “crater” and the manner in which it collapses, and
the rate at which a tsunami from an asteroid impact dissipates as it travels.
500m diameter asteroid impacting 5km deep ocean.
From Crawford & Mader 1998.
Crawford & Mader (1998) explain that, for an impact to produce a coherently propagating wave (one that does not dissipate substantial energy when it travels over great distances) the “cavity” must be 3 to 5 times broader than the depth of the ocean. Using a rule-of-thumb (derived from simulations) that the cavity diameter is 20 times the asteroid diameter then, for a typical ocean depth of 4km, the impactor must be at least 1 km in diameter to produce a coherent wave. On this basis, for asteroids smaller than about 1km, the wave will dissipate considerably as it travels over thousands of kilometres of ocean.
Table 2 – Estimated deepwater wave height (above sea level) at a point 1,000km from an asteroid impact (selected research results)
5 years ago

5 years ago

Would the airburst from an Explosion from a falling Meteor Create an Earthqauke?
5 years ago

5 years ago

5 years ago

5 years ago

5 years ago

A spokesman for the Turkish UFO and Paranormal Organization says that
ever since the devastating earthquake that hit Turkey on Aug
17, “strange lights are seen all over Western Turkey. They are
incredibly clear, circular or triangular in shape, white, yellow, red
and blue colored, remain visible in the sky for 5 to 20 minutes,
following a materializing-dematerializing pattern. It has become a
routine thing, as they have been showing up twice or three times a
week recently. They have become an inevitable component of
the TV news and media.”
5 years ago

“Several loud blasts believed to be caused by a meteor shower echoed
across the Indonesian capital of Jakarta and nearby towns early on
Sunday,” December 19, 2004, “startling residents who reported seeing
flying objects in the sky.”
“Police said they found no evidence that the blasts were caused by
bomb attacks.”
“An official from the Indonesian space centre LAPAN told the official
Antara news agency that the explosions were likely to have been
caused by a meteor shower.”
“´It´s probable that a fireball originating from a big meteor entered
the earth´s atmosphere. This created the explosion,´ said LAPAN space
expert Thomas Djamaluddin.”
“Police had said they were investigating the blasts.” (See the Lahore
Daily Times of Pakistan for December 21, 2004, “Indonesian blasts
likely meteor shower.” Many thanks to Robert Fischer and Muhammad
Ayub Khan for forwarding this newspaper article.)
5 years ago

WTF?! Neverknwo, what are you on about? You’re not winning any of us over with your obsessive compulsive disorder! Whats with all these pix? And whats supposed to happen on the 3rd of January 2005 (today)? I’m still waiting.
5 years ago

Yet Another Prime Time Clue For You all.
Small Asteroid Passes Between Satellites and Earth
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 22 December 2004
10:24 am ET
Astronomers spotted an asteroid this week after it had flown past Earth on a course that took it so close to the planet it was below the orbits of some satellites.
The space rock was relatively small, however, and would not have posed any danger had it plunged into the atmosphere.
The object, named 2004 YD5, was about 16 feet (5 meters) wide, though that’s a rough estimate based on its distance and assumed reflectivity. Had it entered the atmosphere, it would have exploded high up, experts figure.
Satellite territory
The asteroid passed just under the orbits of geostationary satellites, which at 22,300 miles (36,000 kilometers) altitude are the highest manmade objects circling Earth. Most other satellites, along with the International Space Station, circle the planet at just a few hundred miles up.
2004 YD5 is the second closest pass of an asteroid ever observed by telescope, according to the Asteroid/Comet Connection, a web site that monitors space rock discoveries. The closest involved a rock that flew by last March and was not announced until August.
2004 YD5 was discovered Tuesday, Dec. 21 by Stan Pope, who volunteers his time to examine images provided by the FMO (Fast Moving Object) project, an online program run by the University of Arizona’s Spacewatch Project. After the initial detection, other observers noted the object’s position during the day and its path was then calculated back. Closest approach occurred on Dec. 19.
The rock approached Earth from near the Sun and so would have been nearly impossible to detect prior to close passage. It soared over Antarctica — underneath the planet, Washington State University researcher Pasquale Tricarico told the Asteroid/Comet Connection.
Astronomers are aware of this significant blind spot for asteroids that approach Earth while in the glare of the Sun. Only a space telescope could detect such objects before they arrive.
Similar events
WATCH VIDEO: Prepare for impact! Join the watch for killer comets and ominous asteroids. Spend the night on Kitt Peak with the SPACEWATCH Project stalking the flying mega-mountains that could destroy us … or save us.
Asteroids orbit the Sun, mostly in a belt between Mars and Jupiter. Some are redirected closer to the Sun, often by gravitational nudges provided by the planets. Earth has been hit by devastatingly large asteroids many times in the distant past. Astronomers say sooner or later the planet will be struck again, but the odds of a large impact occurring in any given century are extremely small.
This has been an interesting year for asteroid encounters.
On March 18, a giant boulder about 100 feet (30 meters) wide passed just above the orbits of geostationary satellites. Its path was bent about 15 degrees by Earth’s gravity. The asteroid, 2004 FH, was discovered a mere three days prior.
On Sept. 29, the largest asteroid ever known to pass near Earth, named Toutatis, roamed by at about four times the distance to the Moon. Astronomers had known for years the flyby would occur, since Toutatis is 2.9 miles (4.6 kilometers) long and had been in Earth’s vicinity before.
But many near misses by small asteroids likely go unnoticed, astronomers say, because the entire sky is not continuously monitored. Such small asteroids have been detected only in recent years as more sophisticated telescopes have been hooked up with digital cameras.
And some asteroids come even closer, entering the atmosphere. Most never reach the ground because they break apart under the stress of entry. One study of data collected by U.S. military satellites logged 300 in-air asteroid explosions.
2004 YD5 was announced Tuesday evening by the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Mass, where comet and asteroid observations from around the globe are digested.
5 years ago

Komet flyby and Earthqaukes isnt that some urban legend tale ?
GREEN COMET: Comet Machholz (C/2004 Q2) is approaching Earth and gliding through the constellation Taurus. It’s easy to find. Go outside and look south between 9 and 10 PM: sky map. To the unaided eye, it looks like a faint and fuzzy green star. Through a small telescope, you can see the comet’s two tails:
5 years ago

Earth’s Safe Zone Became Hot During Legendary Solar Storms
A NASA-funded study found a region between radiation belts surrounding the Earth is not as benign as once thought. The region was considered a safe zone for satellites in “Middle Earth” orbits, because of relatively small amounts of radiation.
The observations revealed the Van Allen Radiation Belt Slot, often considered a safe zone, filled with concentrated radiation during the ferocious solar storms of October and November 2003. The radiation surge was the most intense ever observed in this region, according to researchers.
“Space weather matters. We know that no matter what orbit we choose, there is the possibility a spacecraft could get blasted by a significant dose of radiation,” said Daniel Baker, Director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and lead author of the study. “We need to take space weather into account when designing spacecraft. We also need the ability to continuously monitor space weather, so satellite operators can take protective measures during solar storms,” he said.
High radiation occasionally forms in the safe zone during solar storms. This radiation is usually not intense and dissipates in a few days. During the 2003 solar storms, billion-ton eruptions of electrified gas slammed into the Earth’s magnetic field at millions of miles per hour. This generated powerful electric fields that forced much of the plasmasphere into interplanetary space. It was eroded to an unprecedented degree, to the point below the safe zone. Since the plasmasphere was below the safe zone, an intense radiation belt powered by the solar storms formed in the region.
If the Van Allen radiation belts were visible from space, they would resemble a pair of donuts around the Earth, one inside the other with the planet in the hole of the innermost one. The safe zone would appear as a gap between the inner and outer donut, beginning about 7,000 km (4,350 miles) and ending approximately 13,000 km (8,110 miles) above the Earth’s surface. The belts are comprised of high-speed electrically charged electrons and atomic nuclei trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field.
The Solar, Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX) satellite flies through these belts, taking measurements of the particle types, their energy and abundance. SAMPEX observed the formation of the new belt in the safe zone on October 31, 2003. The radiation remained intense for about two weeks, and then gradually dissipated.
NASA’s Imager for Aurora to Magnetopause Global Exploration (IMAGE) satellite observed the loss of the plasmasphere during the solar storms. Since solar ultraviolet radiation energizes helium ions in the plasmasphere, causing them to glow in ultraviolet light, the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager instrument on IMAGE can record the extent of the plasmasphere by observing this glow.
IMAGE discovered the plasmasphere was at its lowest point on October 31, 2003. The plasmasphere slowly expanded past the safe zone, replenished by particles from Earth’s upper atmosphere. After its expansion beyond the safe zone, SAMPEX observed the dissipation of the new radiation belt.
“We were surprised to see the radiation belt persist so long after the plasmasphere expanded past the safe zone,” said Jerry Goldstein of the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), San Antonio, a co-author of the paper. “Radiation in the safe zone remained strong for a few weeks, a lot longer than usual,” he said.
The research used theory, modeling, and observations from work sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The research team included Drs. Shri Kanekal, Xinlin Li, and Steven Monk also of the University of Colorado and Dr. James Burch of SwRI.
The research data was presented today during the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting in San Francisco, and it appears tomorrow in the journal Nature. For more information about the research and images on the Web, visit:
http://www.nasa.gov/vision/universe/solarsystem/safe_zone.html For information about NASA and agency research programs on the Web, visit:
5 years ago

Last year I had an ultra-sound surgen blast my Kidney Stone into pieces, couldn’t ultra-sound blast and explode parts of earth?
Solar Ultrasound Waves Discovered By Satellite
The Sun’s atmosphere is filled with ultrasound-like waves that may help solve decades-old mysteries about the Sun and space weather, according to Southwest Research Institute scientists who found the waves in data from NASA’s TRACE spacecraft. Astrophysical Journal Letters reported on the findings in its December 10 issue.
Dubbed “solar ultrasound,” the waves are approximately 300 times deeper than the deepest pitch audible to the human ear, at a frequency of 100 millihertz (10-second period).
“At 10-second period, these waves qualify as ultrasound because individual atoms on the Sun experience only a few collisions during the brief passage of each wave, just as with ultrasound here on Earth,” says Dr. Craig DeForest, a senior research scientist in the SwRI Space Science and Engineering Division. DeForest found the signature in TRACE data collected in January 2003.
The waves are most likely created by the sudden collapse of magnetically induced electric currents (magnetic reconnection) or by lower frequency sound waves that crash like ocean waves as they make their way up from the surface of the Sun. Both of the sources are likely candidates for the source of the solar atmosphere’s mysterious extra heat, making the new waves a valuable tool for exploring a decades-old mystery.
At up to 100,000 deg C (180,000 deg F), the chromosphere, or middle solar atmosphere, is nearly 20 times hotter than the 6,000 deg C (11,000 deg F) surface of the Sun. The solar corona, at 1,000,000 deg C (1,800,000 deg F), is about 10 times hotter still, or 200 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. Although scientists have been studying the process for more than 50 years, the reason for this difference in temperature remains elusive.
“By examining these waves more closely, we should be able to discern the source of energy release in the solar atmosphere, just like you can tell by listening whether the car is running in a dark garage,” says DeForest. “In both cases, something is releasing energy into the environment, and that release has a recognizable sonic signature.”
The Sun is filled with lower-pitched waves, at about 3 mHz (5-minute period), that are used to probe the solar interior and even to make images of the far side of the Sun. The solar ultrasound is too high pitched to be directly related to these more well-known “photospheric oscillations.”
Sound waves cannot travel through interplanetary space, so they are detected remotely as small fluctuations in the brightness of solar ultraviolet emissions. The TRACE spacecraft, built by Lockheed-Martin for NASA’s Explorer program, is an ultraviolet telescope in orbit around Earth. The solar ultrasound is at the limit of detectability by TRACE — so faint that individual waves cannot be resolved. Instead, DeForest sleuthed for patterns in the background noise of the telescope.
“Each individual wave train has an amplitude of about one-tenth of the smallest brightness value that TRACE can see,” he says. “But when we average many images together in the right way, a pattern emerges that we can recognize as the signature of trapped waves.” The pattern emerges through three-dimensional Fourier analysis, a mathematical technique that isolates individual types of motion from the morass of activity above the solar surface.
Although the waves appear faint, they are quite energetic. “These ripples seem to be carrying about 1 kilowatt of power per square meter on the surface of the Sun,” says DeForest. “That is similar to the sonic energy you might find coming out of the speakers at a rock concert. Very loud.”
“The discovery of coherent waves at such high frequencies in the upper solar atmosphere challenges our understanding of the magnetic structures in the quiet Sun,” says Dr. Joseph Gurman, TRACE mission scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.
“This work proves that we need new tools to understand the propagation of energy into and out of this part of the solar atmosphere where much of the activity that can affect life here on Earth originates.”
The open data policy of the TRACE mission boosts scientific productivity by allowing researchers and the general public to download solar data collected by the spacecraft. This allows individuals to re-use the data for purposes beyond those of the original mission.
Future instruments will be able to better detect the waves. While TRACE is a simple telescope that can detect only changes in brightness, the waves are likely to have a much stronger Doppler signature. One problem remains, however; Earth’s ozone layer is opaque to the ultraviolet light used to see and “hear” the solar ultrasound, making the light difficult to detect from the ground.
SwRI scientists are designing rocket- and balloon-borne instruments to observe from above the bulk of Earth’s atmosphere to catch a better glimpse of the wave spectrum for probing the solar atmosphere.
5 years ago

Huh, maybe more of the Chicken Littles will arise an overthrow all you Ostrich’s?
Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Fading
John Roach
for National Geographic News
September 9, 2004
Earth’s magnetic field is fading. Today it is about 10 percent weaker than it was when German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss started keeping tabs on it in 1845, scientists say.
If the trend continues, the field may collapse altogether and then reverse. Compasses would point south instead of north.
Not surprisingly, Hollywood has already seized on this new twist in the natural-disaster genre. Last year Tinseltown released The Core, a film in which the collapse of Earth’s magnetic field leads to massive electrical storms, blasts of solar radiation, and birds incapable of navigation.
5 years ago

Mercury, Mars and Venus to Align in a Way That’s Not Been Seen for a Century
Fright Night – alignment of planets frightens superstitious – Brief Article
DES MOINES, Iowa Dec 26, 2004 — Three planets will align over the weekend, giving Iowans a glimpse at something they haven’t seen for at least 100 years, astronomy experts said.
Mercury, Mars and Venus will be able to be seen in the southeastern part of the sky before sunrise from Saturday through Wednesday, said Michael Bakich, associate editor at Astronomy Magazine.
“Next to the sun and the moon, (Venus is) the brightest in the sky, so it’ll be brilliant,” he said.
Mars will be to the upper right of Venus and Mercury will be noticeable at its left.
It’s been at least 100 years since the planets have aligned this way, Bakich said.
He speculated that the bright star the Bible says wise men followed to Bethlehem to find Jesus may have been a similar grouping of planets.
“Nobody really knows what’s called the Star of Bethlehem was,” he said.
Information from: The Des Moines Register,
Doomsayers are howling through their teeth about the alignment of planets on May 5
THIS MONTH IT WON’T BE EASY TO DISTINGUISH REAL sky drama from hype. A so-called grand conjunction, in which Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn line up with the Earth, sun, and moon, has generated a New Age buzz with its own cryptic warning label: Beware , doomsayers claim, gravitational forces reverberating throughout the solar system will trigger earthquakes and volcanoes on Earth.
The Question
(Submitted October 29, 1996)
Is it possible that on May 5, 2000 the alignment of the planets can have enough gravitational effect on the earth to cause it to tip slightly causing mass destruction.
I have tried to find this answer from many, but everyone refuses to respond. Please help.
The Answer
We are not solar system . So we don’t know which, if any, planets align on May 5, 2000. But we know for sure that what the other planets in our solar system do cannot have any profound effects on the motion of the Earth. Let us explain.
Long ago Sir Isaac Newton gave us a mathematical description of how one object affects, and is affected by, the gravitational force of another object. Many, many years of observations have proven this description to be accurate (at least for masses like those of the planets). Newton’s Law of Gravitation states: The force between any two objects having masses M1 and M2 separated by a distance R is an attraction along the line joining the objects and has a magnitude
F = (G x M1 x M2) / (R x R)
G is the universal gravitational constant which has a value of 6.6732 × 10-11 newton-meters2/kg2 for all pairs of objects. A “newton” is a unit of force that physicists use. It is defined to be the amount of force needed to accelerate a 1 kg mass at 1 meter per sec2. The important thing to remember here is that a newton, as a unit of force, is fairly small… like a millimeter is a small unit of distance or a microsecond is a small unit of time.
So let’s examine the pull of the planets on the Earth.
We know the following:
Planet Planet Mass Minimum Distance from Earth (Earth Masses) (106 km)
Mercury 0.0549 91
Venus 0.807 41
Mars 0.106 79
Jupiter 314.5 629
Saturn 94.1 1,277
Uranus 14.4 2,720
Neptune 16.7 4,346
Pluto 1.0 5,751
The Earth has a mass of about 6 × 1024 kg.
So… let’s hypothesize that we can miraculously put all the planets at their minimum distances from Earth, all in a straight line in one direction — so their gravitational forces add. This, of course, can never actually occur, but it will give us the maximum possible gravitational pull of the other planets on the Earth. So let’s pretend that we can do this. What do we get?
If you put all the numbers in Newton’s law (and make the units compatible), you get that the maximum force that all the other planets can exert on the Earth is roughly 3 × 1018 newtons. What sort of result will this have on the Earth… well, we use Newton’s First Law which says that if a force F is applied to a mass M, the mass is accelerated by a value A. (This is the famous equation F=ma). A force of 3 × 1018 newtons acting on the Earth causes the Earth to accelerate by 5 × 10-7 meters per second per second. In other words, the planets in our solar system — aligned or not — cannot cause a shift in the movement of the Earth which will lead to mass destruction.
To compare, let us look at the gravitational force that the Sun exerts on the Earth. The mass of the Sun is about 329,400 times that of the Earth. They are separated on average by approximately 149,000,000 km. Thus, the Sun exerts a force of ~3.5 × 1022 newtons on the Earth. So you see, that the other planets in our solar system don’t matter at all compared to the Sun!
To be entirely correct, we must tell you that the laws of physics involved actually show that the Moon is the one of the most important objects to the Earth… gravitationally speaking. It is the Moon which is responsible for things like ocean tides and such. All the other planets in our solar system added together do not have as large a gravitational effect on the Earth as the Moon does.
Here is a table of tidal forces of the Sun, Moon, and Planets. With the sun’s tidal force equal to 1.00, the following values are given in Thompson (1981):
Moon 2.21
Sun 1.00
Venus 0.000113
Jupiter 0.0000131
Mars 0.0000023
Mercury 0.0000007
Saturn 0.0000005
Uranus 0.000000001
Neptune 0.000000002
Pluto 0.0000000000001
A last thought: alignments of various planets in the solar system occur all the time. It seems that every time one comes along, doom-sayers arise to cry that this is the end of life on Earth as we know it. The laws of physics, however, cannot be denied in this Universe of ours. If life on this Earth ends, it will not be because of planets aligning in our solar system.
5 years ago

At first glance, the claims that planetary alignments or groupings will cause earthquakes, floods, solar eruptions, and perhaps even the destruction of the Earth do seem interesting. Gravity is a long reaching force, and the planets are big. Can their influence reach across the solar system and cause all sorts of headaches here on Earth?
5 years ago

Here comes the Floods!
Flooding ocuring throught the Mid-West Tonite, Bitter Cold and Major Snow Storm expected tommorrow!
Flood watch issued
The Advocate – 2 hours, 12 minutes ago
The National Weather Service has issued a flood watch until 7 a.m. Thursday for most of Ohio, including Licking County. Rainfall today and tonight combined with the large amount of snow that melted in the previous week, could lead to flooding.
Flood watch today, more snow possible soon
The News-Messenger – Jan 03 10:35 AM
The new year is off to a wild weather start. After highs in the 50s Sunday and almost a half-inch of rain overnight, a flood watch was issued for today and snow and sleet are likely later in the week.
Much of Central Indiana is under a flood watch until 6 p.m. today after being under a flood warning most of the morning.
More than an inch of rain fell in Indianapolis since midnight.
With streams and creeks rising in west-central Indiana, the National Weather Service issued a flood warning for Clay, Parke, Putnam, Vigo and Vermillion counties.
The downpours around Indianapolis created ponding on streets and flooding of low-lying areas.
Dispatchers in Marion County said a creek spilled over to the road in the 5000 block of Winterberry Drive on the Northwestside, just northwest of 56th Street West and Georgetown Road. Also, a street was flooded in the 5200 block of Eastbourne Drive at East 46th Street and North Emerson Drive.
At Indianapolis International Airport, the National Weather Service at 2 p.m. had recorded 1.36 of inches of rain since midnight after .41 was recorded on Sunday.
About one-third of an inch of rain may still fall today, forecasters said.
Moderate to heavy rain is expected to continue across the area on Tuesday.
Freezing rain may hit northern parts of Central Indiana on Tuesday night and Wednesday, forecasters warned.
River levels rise in region, spur flood warnings
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette – Jan 03 3:11 AM
Rainfall anticipated Tuesday and Wednesday may push area rivers up to flood stage, the National Weather Service of Northern Indiana said Sunday night.
Parts Of North Texas Under Flash Flood Warning Area Under Flood Watch Through Monday Evening
NBC 5 Dallas Fort Worth – Jan 03 7:22 AM
DALLAS — Tarrant County is under a Flash Flood Warning until 10 a.m. as rain moves across the DFW area. Heavy rain was falling in a line from Granbury to McKinney, StormTrack 5 Radar showed at 9 a.m. Monday.
5 years ago

neverknwo – I think I know what you’re talking about.
under the influence of mind-bending cosmic rays, caused by the explosing of an interstellar spacecraft outside the orbit of jupiter, caused sea turtles in the indian ocean tp all start humping on a certain spot on a circular plate, causing the earthquake leading to the tsunami.
5 years ago

Under the influence of mind-bending cosmic rays caused by the explosion of an interstellar spacecraft outside the orbit of jupiter, sea turtles in the indian all start converging on a rare circular plate, where the start mating, unleasing the power of the eath’s magma, and causing the earthquake responsible for the tsunami.
5 years ago

woah…god I feel like a moron.
5 years ago

You just don’t got Questions!
You got Anwsers!
5 years ago

ICE: The Ultimate Disaster
By Richard W Noone
On May 5 in the year 2000, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will be aligned with the Earth and her Moon. On that day the ice at the South Pole will upset the Earth’s axis—sending trillions of tons of ice and water sweeping over the surface of our planet. Not since the days of Noah has Humankind been faced with this ultimate catastrophe.
Astonishing Evidence Points to Worldwide Disaster in Our Lifetime!
The number of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and freakish climate changes are increasing as we inexorably move closer to 5/5/2000.
Bits of vanished civilizations preserved in museums, evidence of entire forests fossilized instantly, and animals quick-frozen and preserved for millennia prove that a sudden, momentous change in the Earth’s surface occurred in the past.
An extensive study of the Great Pyramid reveals a mathematical message of warning built into the structure by survivors of a similar catastrophe millennia ago.
The 3-mile-high ice mass at the South Pole continues to grow more unstable, and in January 2000 a massive solar storm will crash into Earth’s magnetic field.
This edition of Richard Noone’s classic contains the original text with its incredible wealth of factual evidence, including 223 illustrations and interviews with geologists, archaeologists, and climatologists. The new epilogue details exciting current research further confirming Noone’s hypotheses.
Richard W Noone has spent the last twenty years researching his theories. He received the Georgia Grand Master’s Award for his discovery of Masonic Influence in Ancient Egypt and his work has been featured on major national media including Oprah, Donahue, CNN, Sightings, and the top-rated TV show Millennium.
5 years ago

More Bizzre Weather Stories:
UAE sees snow for first time ever
Thu Dec 30,12:09 PM ET Mideast – AFP
DUBAI (AFP) – Snow has fallen over the United Arab Emirates for the first time ever, leaving a white blanket over the mountains of Ras al-Khaimah as the desert country experienced a cold spell and above-average rainfall.
Dubai airport’s meteorology department told AFP that snow fell over the Al-Jees mountain range in Ras al-Khaimah, which is the most northerly member of the UAE federation.
The English-language Gulf News reported that the mountain cluster, 5,700 feet (1,737 metres) above sea level, “had heavy night-time snowfall for the past two days as a result of temperatures dropping to as low as minus five Celsius (23 Fahrenheit)” and stunning the emirate’s residents.
5 years ago

Tornado, rain hit Los Angeles
140,000 people in 5 counties lose power
Associated Press
LOS ANGELES – A lingering storm flooded streets Wednesday, spawned a damaging tornado and knocked out power to thousands of people in Southern California as it coated local mountains with heavy snow.
The slow-moving storm continued to send bands of rain across the southern half of the state even as another storm approached California’s north and central coasts, the National Weather Service said.
Power outages hit more than 140,000 customers across five counties and portions of several highways were closed due to flooding, mud or snow. Statewide storm-related deaths since Monday mounted to five.
The tornado struck the Los Angeles suburbs of Inglewood and Ladera Heights around 1:30 a.m., ripping the roof off a house, snapping trees and damaging cars, but causing no injuries. Dan Keaton, an NWS meteorologist, confirmed that it was a twister after examining the damage.
Derek Williams said he awakened when the tornado blasted out a bedroom window of his Ladera Heights home.
‘‘I heard sort of a low rumbling noise, sort of like a freight train and shortly after that, I heard a ripping noise — obviously, that was my roof,’‘ Williams told KCAL-TV. ‘‘Thank God everyone was OK in the house.’‘
Lightning flashed and thunder cracked over the Los Angeles area throughout the early morning, but after dawn the bands of rain became intermittent. Storminess continued in the inland region to the east, where warnings remained in effect in the wintry mountains.
Interstate 5, the state’s major north-south artery, was blocked overnight by snowfall high in Tejon Pass north of Los Angeles, but reopened around 5 a.m.
Twin 44-year-old brothers were rescued in the afternoon after being stranded on Mount Baldy, a huge peak northeast of Los Angeles that got up to 30 inches of snow. Richard and Robert Encinas, of Rancho Cucamonga and Covina, respectively, were uninjured, said San Bernardino County sheriff’s spokeswoman Cindy Beavers.
The storm’s two days of heavy rain in Los Angeles and Ventura counties amounted to between 2 inches and 6 inches in coastal and valley areas, and 6 inches to 12 inches in foothill and mountain areas, the NWS said.
In Manhattan Beach, children paddled improvised rafts on streets flooded by runoff.
High winds in San Diego County snapped off the top 170 feet of the KSON radio tower in National City and bits of the falling tower struck about 20 cars. The mishap took two radio stations and a cable television station off the air, said Darrel Goodin, vice president and general manager of Jefferson Pilot Communications San Diego, which operates four radio stations in the area.
In Orange County, wind toppled a brick wall onto a carport roof in Costa Mesa.
are tornado hits California
Montana Standard – Dec 30 11:27 PM
LOS ANGELES A slow-rolling series of storms that battered the West this week brought snowfall and high wind Thursday to parts of California, where weather-weary residents have already endured lashing rain, heavy snowfall and a destructive tornado.
5 years ago

To: xxxxxx xxxx xxxx@yahoogroups.com
From: “xxxxxxx” Add to Address Book
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2005 21:47:40 -0600
Subject: Pandemic, Weather, and Earthquake Weapons Technology: Conspiracy Fact, not Theory
Man is “playing God”, rejecting the true and casting away all fear of Him, and nothing but tyranny, devastation, destruction on mass scales, like that recently in Indonesian earthquake and Tsunami (where the “official count” is over 140,000), are sure to come, and make 9/11 to pale as a speck of dust in comparison. These “technologies of terror”—“weapons of mass destruction”—are more alarming than that of nuclear weapons, in that they can be prolonged at will, wielded upon any provocation, at the mere whim or unchecked temper of any government, real or “shadow”, in complete stealth, by whoever has the power in their hands, and no God-fearing conscience to restrain them. Whole nations (like Sumatra) can be overthrown in a day, without standing armies, sorties of bombers, or fleets of ships. World Revolution will come as an “act of God”, creating fear and terror, by the “lying wonders” of Man who plays God, and usurps control and power, like Leviathan, which no man can prevent or subdue by any normal means. They can “shake the heavens and the earth” and cause all to bow to their global craft of a new world order and claim that the “god of forces” is on their side, that “he is fighting for us”. “Who can make war with the Beast?”
The following credible testimonies to this fact are so detailed in some, that even their calm recitation of the means that can be employed with these techologies is enough to strike alarm in the most calm and sedated minds.
- Secretary of Defense William Cohen speaking at an April 1997 terrorism conference at the University of Georgia, revealing the existence of earthquake weapons
“[W]eather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary… In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels.”
- Air University of the US Air Force, AF 2025 Final Report
“Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised… [T]echniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm.”
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Adviser, Between Two Ages, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1992)
“All distant-destruction can be done from a control room, and to any point on earth. The destructive power of ‘men’ has just increased by orders of magnitude. While the United States has experimented with electomagnetic weapons using ordinary transverse EM waves, the longitudinal [LW] weaponized waves are truly of another order altogether. For one thing they do not have to travel through space, for they come from the time domain, which is everywhere. The energy of the blast, the heat or light or whatever, comes from the vacuum of space at the location of the target itself. This is astonishing. The weapons actually just trigger the release of immense energy from the vacuum at the target location. Here’s how you initiate a very large earthquake with such weapons. Take a convenient fault zone or set of them. Focus the interferometry on the fault zone, in the “diverging” mode, and deposit EM energy there in the rocks on both sides, increasing (slowly) the stress in the rocks by the reverse piezoelectric effect (deposit excess energy, get crystal mechanical movements). Do it slowly, and the stress will build up to large pressures well-above a plate slip minimum energy required. At some point, the rocks yield and one or both sides “slip” and move rather sharply, giving a very large earthquake in that zone. Do the same thing down in the earth (remember, LWs easily penetrate right through the earth and ocean at will, and so the ‘interference zone’ focus can be inside the earth or beneath the ocean, at will).”
- Tom Bearden, Ph.D., nuclear engineer, retired Lieutenant Colonel (U.S. Army), CEO of CTEC, Inc., Director of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists, and Fellow Emeritus of the Alpha Foundation’s Institute for Advanced Study, in “The Tesla Howitzer and its Modes of Action”
“We need a treaty now…before the military leaders of the world start directing storms, manipulating climates and inducing earthquakes against their enemies.”
- Senator Claiborne Pell, as chair of a Senate sub-committee hearing in 1975 on artificially induced earthquakes
5 years ago

B Quite Fitting the Earth is beginning to show some signs of it having Labor Contractions. The Legend is so Real this year with the EQ’s and Tsunami.
What if the Earth is just a Egg and inside is a Baby Sun wanting to get out?
What if One day a third of the crust of the earth could rip apart and get shot into outer space while a chunk is being hurled into the universe the rest of the earth begins it’s crumbling and the debis turns into astroids?
Christmas, once celebrated as Yule in ancient times, is a time of rebirth; the return of the sun after the longer darkness of night. According to the legend, on the night of the Winter Solstice (the longest night of the year), the Great Mother Goddess gives
birth to the baby Sun God, symbolizing the return to longer days of sunlight.
by Barbara Aho
Reverend, reverend,
Is this some conspiracy?
Crucified for no sins
Put an image, beneath me
What’s within my plans for life
It all seems so unreal
I’m a man, couldn’t have feel this world
Left in my misery
The reverend he turned to me
Without a tear in his eyes
Nothing new for him to see
I didn’t ask him why
I will remember
The love our souls had
Sworn to make
Now I watch the falling rain
All my mind can see
Now is your (face)
Well I guess
You took my youth
And gave it all away
Like the birth of a
New found joy
This love would end in rage
And when she died
I couldn’t cry
The pride within my soul
You left me incomplete
All alone as the
Memories now unfold
Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the
Cemetary gates
Sometimes when I’m alone
I wonder all aloud
If you’re watching over me
Some place far abound
I must reverse my life
I can’t live in the past
Then set my soul free
Belong to me at last
Through all those
Complex years
I thought I was alone
I didn’t care to look around
And make this world my own
And when she died
I should’ve cried and spared myself some pain…
You left me incomplete
All alone as the memories still remain
The way we were
The chance to save my soul
And my concern is now in vain
Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the
Cemetary gates
The way we were
The chance to save my soul
And my concern is now in vain
Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the
Cemetary gates
The great Bimillennial celebrations which were launched in December of 1999 presaged the celebration of Christmas in a new form. Evangelical leader Jay Gary, in collaboration with former U.N. Assistant Secretary-General, Robert Muller, called for “an entire year of Christmas” through A.D. 2000. Commencing these high profile celebrations on this particular holiday signified quite another commemoration than the birth of Jesus Christ. In the various pagan religions of remote antiquity, December was the celebration of the Winter Solstice. Alexander Hislop revealed the true meaning of the festival of the Winter Solstice in his classic work, The Two Babylons:
“This festival has been commonly believed to have had only an astronomical character, referring simply to the completion of the sun’s yearly course, and the commencement of a new cycle. But there is indubitable evidence that the festival in question had a much higher influence than this—that it commemorated not merely the figurative birthday of the sun in the renewal of its course, but the birth-day of the grand Deliverer…the Sun-God and great mediatorial divinity.” 1.
The Sun-god Osiris and his consort, Isis, together with Re-Atum, the “Father of the Gods,” were regarded by the ancient Egyptians as the supreme rulers of a Golden Age of plenty called Zep Tepi or the “First Time.” Their kingdom ended abruptly when Osiris was murdered by his evil brother, Seth or Typhon. The childless Isis searched for the dismembered body of Osiris, which she then reassembled and resuscitated long enough to conceive a son named Horus. Horus was believed to be the reincarnation of Osiris, and the new husband of Isis, whose destiny it was to repossess the Kingdom of Osiris from the control of Seth.
The myth of Horus is, of course, an allegorical perversion of the Genesis account of God’s judgment of Nimrod and the Babylonian religious system from which the Egyptian mystery religion derived. The interpretation of the Horus myth is explained in the book, Spiritual Politics: Changing the World From the Inside Out by Corrine McLaughlin and & Gordon Davidson:
“Like the goddess Isis, who found and restored all of the lost pieces of her husband, Osiris, many are restoring the unity of all life, bringing together the separate parts of humanity — different races, religions and cultures.” – 42:62
The fable of Isis and Osiris, which forms the basis of Freemasonry and other occult belief systems, is currently experiencing a revival through entertainment, literature, education, and religious traditions. For example, the theme of Horus is the basis of the popular Hollywood production, Lion King. Through many points of entry, the pagan alternative to Jesus Christ is subtly being introduced to the world—and also to the Church—as mankind is subconsciously undergoing preparation for a universal return to the ancient practice of Sun worship.
http://www.threeworldwars.com/new-world-order.htm New World Order Definition
http://www.retortmag.com/issue2/conspire.htm An Introduction to Conspiracy By William Clifford
http://www.wealth4freedom.com/wns/truth.htm The Search For Truth Is A Dangerous Thing
http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_021703_mind.html Mass Mind Control: Calculated Victim Mentality
http://www.barefootsworld.net/usfraud.html Who Is Running America? The Bankruptcy of America, the Corporate United States, and the New World Order
http://www.rense.com/general22/high.htm Historic Precedents Of Globalist Corruption And High Treason
http://www.iff-ifoundfreedom.com/freedom/slave.html How to Enslave a Population – the Plan Right in Under Your Nose! – IFF
http://www.iff-ifoundfreedom.com/index1.html International Freedom Foundation
http://cyberjournal.org/cj/rkm/WE/jun00Matrix.shtml Richard K. Moore: Escaping the Matrix (Spoken http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=4101)
http://www.rense.com/Datapages/skolnickdatapage.html http://www.skolnicksreport.com Sherman Skolnick
http://www.davidicke.com David Icke: “Remember that all I am offering is the truth. Nothing more.”
http://www.mega.nu Daniel Pouzzner’s Den http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/ The Architecture of Modern Political Power
http://www.geocities.com/lord_visionary/wake_up_america.html Wake up America
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/ What Really Happened, The history the government hopes you DON’T learn!
http://www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html Conspiracy Nation
http://www.ihps.net/hellslawyer/ Lawyer from Hell, a voice of warning about the approaching one-world government
http://www.weirdload.com/ Covering the conspiracy spectrum from Church to State, Magic and Myth, UFOs and Outer Space
http://www.mindgallery.com/hiddenroom/ Hidden Room – is government killing us
http://www.sonic.net/sentinel/gvcon6.html FEMA – The Secret Government
http://www.civil-liberties.com/books/ The U.S. is Still a British Colony
http://www.gregpalast.com/ Gregory Palast: Journalism & film articles
http://www.savethemales.ca/000034.html Henry Makow: Conspiracy Too Monstrous To Conceive
http://www.deepblacklies.co.uk/feature_article_listing.htm Deep Black Lies – Articles by David Guyatt
http://www.rense.com/general17/aforcegreaterthan.htm A Force Greater Than The United States
http://watch.pair.com/reich.html The Rise Of The Fourth Reich: The Bush Family Oligarchy Funding The Hitler Project
http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/wa…reet/index.html Antony C. Sutton: WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER
http://www.fortune.com/fortune/articles/0,...,370593,00.html The Big Guys Work For the Carlyle Group
http://www.universalway.org/Foreign/silentweapons.html Bill Cooper: Beyond a Pale Horse
http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/ Center for an Informed America – disinformation-free news and commentary (author: David McGowan)
http://www.seebo.net/index.html Seebo SEE Beyond the Obvious – Truth Seeking, Corruption Exposing & Conspiracy Fact Source
http://www.rense.com/general20/unholy.htm Eric Jewell: The Unholy Alliance – Christianity & The NWO
http://eaglehost.com/ Citizens Against the NWO
http://100777.com/nwo/plan.htm Discover the only way you can defeat the NWO
http://www.theanalysis.net/ The Analysis – The New World Order is no longer a conspiracy theory
http://www.radioliberty.com/stones.htm The Georgia Guidestones
http://4truthseekers.com/treeoflife/articl…O1_children.htm Peter Farley: Humanity vs The NWO Mind Control & Ritual Child Abuse—The True Weapons of Mass Destruction
http://www.stuartwilde.com/Articles/SW_art…WO_collapse.htm The Fifth Reich and How The New World Order Collapsed
http://www.liferesearchuniversal.com/orwell.html#1984 George Orwell’s 1984
http://www.wealth4freedom.com/free.html Harold Thomas: Little Book of Wisdom & Freedom
http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/bb990201.htm World Depopulation and Slavery
http://www.redmoonrising.com/Ikhwan/Clash.htm The Globalists and the Islamists: Fomenting the “Clash of Civilizations” for a New World Order
http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles2004/countries.html David Icke: A Game Called “Countries”
http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=78&row=0 Greg Palast: The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold
http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=125&row=1 Alex Jones Interviews Reporter Greg Palast – World Bank Secret Documents Consumes Argentina
http://www.motherjones.com/mother_jones/MA00/argentina.html Don’t Cry for Bush, Argentina
http://www.stuartwilde.com/Articles/SW_art…WO_collapse.htm The Fifth Reich and How The New World Order Collapsed
http://roswell.fortunecity.com/angelic/96/pcissu11.htm Coup D’etat In Australia
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/pinegap.htm Pine Gap, Australia ~ Secret Base
http://www.alphalink.com.au/%7Enoelmcd/ahistory.htm Liberty Australia – Australian History
http://www.alphalink.com.au/%7Enoelmcd/austgate/austgate.htm AustraliaGATE: From Affluence to Austerity
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/steveseymour/...ion/vermin.html Lab Rats of the New World Order – Myths, Mayhem and Mind Control in Australia
Bali Bombing
http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/print.asp?ID=424 Bali bombing: An investigator’s analysis (Robert S. Finnegan, The Jakarta Post – Jan 03, 2003)
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2002/nov2002/bali-n11.shtml Unanswered questions in Bali bombing investigations (By Peter Symonds 11 November 2002)
http://www.voxfux.com/articles(closed)/00000033.htm Bali Disco Bombing – Another US “Inside Hit.” or Looks like another US Military/Intelligence Black Op by voxfux
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2002/nov2002/fcnr-n22.shtml Australian ABC falls into line on Bali bombing (By Peter Symonds 22 November 2002)
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/steveseymour/..._micro_nuke.htm Bali Micro Nuke – Lack of Radiation Confuses “Experts” “The bomb flashed and exploded like a micro nuke, but our Geiger counters don’t show any radiation”
http://www.geocities.com/wijedoru/bali.htm Bali, 9/11 & Oklahoma, a comparison
http://www.users.bigpond.com/Takver/soapbo…021014_bali.htm Terror in Paradise THE WAR AGAINST TERROR?
Bilderberg Group
http://www.rense.com/general26/skol_bld.htm Skolnick – The Bilderberg Syndrome -Part 1
http://www.bilderberg.org/ The Bilderberg Group ‘The High Priests of Globalisation’
http://www.americanfreepress.net/06_09_02/...tters_bush.html Bilderberg Batters Bush; But Unity remains on NWO
http://www.nexusmagazine.com/Bilderbergers.html The Bilderberg Group – The Invisible Power House
http://www.rense.com/general17/quote.htm David Rockefeller’s 1991 Bilderberg Quote…Ten Years Later
http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles2/rd-table.html The Round Table-Bilderberg Network
http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles/bilders.html · Bilderberg Group Secret Minutes Revealed
http://spotlight.org/Bilderberg_Page/bilderberg_page.html Bilderberg Page
http://www.sumeria.net/politics/bilders.html The Bilderbergers
http://www.devvy.com/bilderbergers.html Bilderbergers
CFR (Council for Foreign Relations)
http://users.bigpond.net.au/trt/SourceCopy/Myron_Fagan.htm Myron Fagan: Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations
http://www.carnicom.com/contrails.htm Clifford E Carnicom: Chemtrail Crimes & Cover-Up Documented
http://www.kosmosltd.net/chemtrailupdate.htm F.A.C.T. Chemtrail Update
http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/Willthomas/homepage.html William Thomas – Investigative Journalist, Author, Videographer
http://www.chemtrailcentral.com/report.shtml Chemtrail Central – Trail Research Report
http://www.geocities.com/lord_visionary/chemtrailsindex.htm Chemtrails and population control
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/chemtrailtrackingusa/ Chemtrail Tracking USA – Yahoo group for reporting chemtrails
http://www.lacarte.org/health/chemtrails/photos.html Chemtrail Photos, à la Carte
http://strangehaze.freeservers.com/index.html Strange Haze The Contrail/Chemtrail Controversy Over The Skies Of America
www.globalresearch.ca/articles/GEF203Ap.html Monsanto Moves to Control Water Resources & Fish Farming in India & the Third World
http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=78&row=0 The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold
http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0213/black.php How IBM Helped Automate the Nazi Death Machine in Poland – Final Solutions
Illuminati (Alumbrados)
http://www.savethemales.ca/141002.html Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy
http://www.centrexnews.com/columnists/sval…01/svali07.html The Illuminati – Part 7 – Illuminati Symbols and Clues; Level of Infiltration
http://web.archive.org/web/20010607062501/...iilluminati.htm Illuminati News (archive)
http://www.freeworldalliance.com/illuminati.htm Myron Fagan: The Illuminati And The Council On Foreign Relations
http://www.freemasonwatch.freepress-freesp…illuminati.html The Writings and Correspondance of Adam Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati
http://www.tisheloo.com/readme/Bloodlines_…inati/index.php Fritz Springmeier: Illuminati Bloodlines
http://conspiracyarchive.com/ The Illuminati Conspiracy Archive
http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/gracebelievers/illuminati.html Illuminati And Freemasonry
http://www.benabraham.com/html/illuminati_-_666.html The New Age & The Illuminati – 666 – Novus Ordo Seclorum Who is behind it? Where did it come from?
http://agenturus.i8.com/ The truth will set you free but first it will piss you off
http://www.universalway.org/Foreign/illuminati.html Illuminati Links
http://web.archive.org/web/20011218011725/...ebooksindex.htm Illuminati Online Books
http://fusionanomaly.net/illuminati.html Illuminati
http://fusionanomaly.net/freemasons.html Freemasons
http://4truthseekers.com/treeoflife/articles/explanation.htm Peter Farley: By Way of Explanation – Illuminati Elite and the “Good” Organizations
http://www.savethemales.ca/000082.html “Protocols of Zion” is the NWO Blueprint
http://www.fourwinds10.com/news/05-governm…t-covenant.html The Secret Covenant [Of The Reptilians]
http://truedemocracy.net/td2_4/05b-mcdonald.html The McDonald Bloodline
http://www.apollonius.net/boulay-index-en.html Flying Serpents And Dragons
http://www.savethemales.ca/251102.html Bin Laden, Bush Serve the Same Master
Bush Crime Family
http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
http://www.khilafah.com/home/category.php?...ID=2986&TagID=2 Bush family’s dirty little secret
http://www.newscoast.com/headlinesstory2.cfm?ID=35115 Bush’s Grandfather Linked To Nazis Says FL Holocaust Museum
http://baltech.org/lederman/bush-nazi-fortune-2-09-02.html How the Bush family made its fortune from the Nazis
http://www.iraqwar.ru/iraq-read_article.ph…Id=5817〈=en Bush family funded Adolf Hitler
http://wsws.org/articles/2003/jun2003/bush-j05.shtml The Holocaust and the Bush family fortune
http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0204-06.htm Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United
http://www.realchange.org/bushjr.htm Bush Jr.‘s Skeleton Closet
http://www.bushnews.com/ Bush Watch
http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/bush2.htm David McGowan: The Bush Coup in Perspective
http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles/bush.html Bush~Windsor~Piso Bloodline
http://www.gwbush.com/ GW Bush – White House Office of Journalistic Complicity
http://www.bushisms.com/ Bushisms
http://www.gregpalast.com/columns.cfm?subj…20Bush%20Family Greg Palast columns – The Bush Family
http://www.hereinreality.com/familyvalues.html The Bush Family Values Photo Album
http://baltech.org/lederman/bush-conspiracy-11-23-01.html GW Bush on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?articl…8&group=webcast Meet the men behind George Bush
http://www.stephenasmith.com/stuff/BushUnmasked.html Bush Unmasked
http://www.savethemales.ca/000010.html Henry Makow: Bush Crucifies Christ’s Message
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3397.htm In Bed with Bush – The Bechtel Story
http://www.rense.com/general7/gw.htm Robert Lederman: The GW Bush Gang: IG Farben 2001
http://www.rense.com/general44/dealings.htm Bush-Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951 – Federal Docs
http://www.wburg.com/0202/arts/lombardi.html “Obsessive—Generous” Toward a Diagram of Mark Lombardi
Jesuit Order & the Zionist Movement
http://www.rense.com/general36/chpp.htm Dr J Chiappalone: When Common Sense Fails…Evil Prevails
http://www.deepblacklies.co.uk/holy_smoke_mirrors.htm David Guyatt: Holy Smoke & Mirrors – The Vatican Conspiracy
httP://www.vaticanassassins.org Eric Phelps: Vatican Assassins
http://hardtruth.topcities.com/blackpope.htm The “Black” Pope Count Hans Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General
http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/blackpope.htm The Most Powerful Man in the World? The “Black” Pope
http://www.reformation.org/vatican_city_state.html VATICAN CITY STATE
http://www.reformation.org/five-deadly-jesuits.html 5 Deadly English Jesuits
http://www.realnews247.com/spec_rpt_jew_against_zionism.htm Jews against Zionism: The Hidden Protest
http://www.nkusa.org/activities/recent/MABLondon03.cfm Declaration on ‘the Palestine issue’ by Neturei Karta of the UK
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3940.htm The Myth of Tiny, Little Israel: Zionist Tentacles Everywhere
http://www.rense.com/general37/10qs.htm A Rabbi’s Ten Questions To The Zionists
http://www.marxists.de/middleast/schoenman/index.htm Ralph Schoenman: The Hidden History of Zionism
http://abbc.com/islam/english/toread/pr-zion.htm or http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/przion1.htm The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion
http://www.rense.com/general45/protodd.htm Makow – Protocols Forgery Argument Is Flawed
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/9991/protocols.html The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Anti-Masonry and Anti-Semitism Leon Zeldis, FPS, 33°
http://www.truthcampaign.ukf.net/articles/...ocols_text.html The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: Text and Commentary (Victor E. Marsden’s translation)
http://www.truthcampaign.ukf.net/articles/...cols_proof.html The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: Proof of an Ancient Conspiracy
http://www.savethemales.ca/000082.html Henry Makow: “Protocols of Zion” is the NWO Blueprint
http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~antis/doc/graves/graves.a.html The Truth about the Protocols: A Literary Forgery
http://www.freedomdomain.com/racism/protorefute.html Protocols of the Elders of Zion: FORGERY
http://www.savethemales.ca/000014.html Henry Makow: Do Jews Suffer from False Consciousness?
http://www.jewishtribalreview.org/ Jewish Tribal Review A collection of links to online articles about Jewish ethnocentrism, Jewish racism, Jewish influence, Jewish power, Jewish crime, Jewish lobbying, Israel, Zionism, and other related themes.
http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/jews.htm Publications Showing the Jews to be Khazars and Not Israelites
http://churchoftrueisrael.com/bacu/freedman/ Benjamin Freedman Speaks: A Jewish Defector Warns America (condensed version)
http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/hoax/freedman.htm Benjamin Freedman Speaks: A Jewish Defector Warns America (complete version)
http://www.abbc2.com/koestler/ Arthur Koestler: The Thirteenth Tribe
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2003/665/op1.htm Israel’s anti-Semitism
http://www.alfredlilienthal.com/greaterisrael.htm Greater Israel — What Does It Really Mean?
http://thegoldenreport.com/articles.aspid=00180.html Jerry Golden “REPORT” The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem
http://www.homevideo.net/FIRM/archives/arch24.htm Palestinian Control of Hollywood
http://www.shellyshona.freeserve.co.uk/ziocommie.htm The Birth of Communism and Zionism
http://www.israeleconomy.org/strat1.htm A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (Richard Perle leader for Study Group on “A New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000”)
http://www.netureikarta.org/ Jews United against Zionism
http://www.JewsNotZionists.org Jews Not Zionists
http://www.natvan.com/who-rules-america/ The National Alliance: Who Rules America?
http://www.cactus48.com/truth.html The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict
http://www.wrmea.com/jews_for_justice/ The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict
http://www.nkusa.org/AboutUs/Zionism/judai…not_zionism.cfm Judaism And Zionism Are Not The Same Thing
http://www.nkusa.org/AboutUs/Zionism/greatgulf.cfm The Great Gulf Between Zionism And Judaism
http://www.ihr.org/books/hoggan/A1.html The Jews That Aren’t
http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/khazar.html Israel, Jews And ‘‘Anti-Semitism”
http://alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=15935 Leo Strauss’ Philosophy of Deception
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/EE09Ak01.html Neocons dance a Strauss waltz
http://www.rense.com/general45/zzo.htm The Zionist Jewish Role In Causing World War II
http://www.guerrillanews.com/cgi-bin/wwwth…&sb=5&o=0∂= Adolf Hitler’s Last Will & Testament 1945 (Revised 2003)
http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/ Hannah Newman The Rainbow Swastika – Report To the Jewish People About New Age Antisemitism
http://www.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptori…es/jdecwar.html The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany
http://rense.com/general48/Palestinians.pdf The Origin of the Palestinians and Their Genetic Relatedness with Other Mediterranean Populations
http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Kissinger/HKissinger.html Henry Kissinger Page
http://www.bilderberg.org/kissing.htm Henry Kissiger – World’s number one state terrorist at large?
Merovingian Blood Line (European Royalty) see Bush Crime Family also
http://www.ellisctaylor.com/QM.html Anus Horribilis (Terrifying Old Woman)
http://www.larouchepub.com/other/1995/2249_windsor_food.html The Windsors’ Global Food Cartel: Instrument for Starvation
Mind Control
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/MC.htm NSA Mind Control and Psyops
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/ The Use Of Military ‘Non – Lethal’ Weapons Upon Society Toward Social Control
http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?...50&s1=3,951,134 US Mind Control Patent: Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/PRcorrupt.html Derrick Jensen: An Interview with John Stauber: WAR ON TRUTH The Secret Battle for the American Mind
http://www.rense.com/general17/dos.htm New Documents On Human Drug Testing And MK-ULTRA Mind Control
http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?...RS=PN/5,159,703 United States Patent 5,159,703, Lowery, October 27, 1992 Silent Subliminal Presentation System, Inventors: Lowery, Oliver M. Appl. No. 458339 Filed December 28, 1989. (http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1345.cfm)
http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?...8&RS=PN/6506148 Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
http://www.catalase.com/patent.htm Patents for Electromagnetics and Biomanipulation
http://www.rense.com/general17/imp.htm Microchip Mind Control, Implants And Cybernetics
http://www.trance-formation.com/ Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips: Trance formation of America
http://www.truthcampaign.ukf.net/articles/...thyandmark.html Mind Control Out of Control, Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips
http://www.ou-research.com/ewpatents/nsaPR.html Project StarGate Mind control patents
http://mindcontrolforums.com Mind Control Forum
http://www.mk-resistance.com/ The Government Psychiatric Torture Site
http://www.angelfire.com/or/mctrl/gall.html Richard G. Gall: Mind Control & MK-ULTRA
http://web.archive.org/web/20011127122908/...97/kubarkin.htm The CIA’s Secret Manual on Coercive Questioning
http://web.archive.org/web/20011201070154/...ds/mkultra0.htm Jon Elliston: MK-ULTRA: CIA Mind Control
http://www.bvalphaserver.com/sections.php?...ticle&artid=193 The Black Vault FOIA Documents: Project MKUltra, The CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification
http://www.bvalphaserver.com/sections.php?...ticles&secid=19 The Black Vault FOIA docs: Mind control articles
http://www.crvmanual.com/docs/hp95.html CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing At Stanford Research Institute
http://www.jfkmontreal.com/john_lennon/len…hapmans_version Rethinking John Lennon’s Assassination – New research exonerates murder suspect Mark David Chapman.
Oklahoma Bombing
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/OK/ok.html Were there additional explosive charges and additional bombers?
http://www.uhuh.com/reports/ocbomb/ocgrabbe.htm Secret Pentagon Report on Oklahoma City Bombing : Evidence of an Inside Job?
http://www.uhuh.com/reports/ocbomb/okcover.htm Oklahoma City Bombing Cover-up
http://www.devvy.com/oklahoma.html OKLAHOMA CITY: Have You Been Told The Truth?
http://www.rense.com/general11/know.htm The OKC Bombing Chronology You’re NOT Supposed To Know
http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americ…jsp?story=71520 The Oklahoma Conspiracy
http://www.blazing-trails.com/DarkConspira…/okbombing.html OK Bomb Conspiracy and Coverup
http://www.brasscheck.com/OKBOMB/ The Oklahoma City Investigation: A Sick $89 Million Joke
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/apfncont.htm Oklahoma City Bombing Cover-Up
http://www.skolnicksreport.com/okcity.html OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBINGS—-SPLIT IN FBI?
http://www.skolnicksreport.com/okcity2.html OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBINGS—-SPLIT IN FBI? more details
Prison Planet/Camps
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/internment.html Internment Camps and Authoritarian US Fast Becoming Reality
http://www.nick2211.yage.net/chips.htm Blueprint for a Prison Planet by Nick Sandberg
http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louis…internment.html Field Manual 3-19.40 Plans for Civilian Internment: Stalag 17 American Style
http://www.geocities.com/theawakeningnews/..._Locations.html Concentration Camps on US soil: Full list
http://www.conspiracyworld.com/index0015.htm US Concentration Camps
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/camps.htm American Concentration Camps
Port Arthur Massacre
http://www.reclaimaustralia.net/TIMBIP/main.htm The International Martin Bryant Innocence Project
http://www.shootersnews.addr.com/snportarthur.html Information About The Deception & Coverup At Port Arthur
http://www.2012.com.au/NWO.html MARTIN BRYANT and Port Arthur The Not So Lone Assassin?
http://www.alphalink.com.au/%7Enoelmcd/portarth.htm Liberty Exposure The Incident at Port Arthur
http://geocities.com/vialls/portarthur.html Joe Vialls: Deadly Deception at Port Arthur
http://www.joevialls.co.uk/passover/bryant.html Australian Officials Recklessly Endanger Martin Bryant’s Life
http://iresist.com/cbg/rockefeller.html Eustace Mullins: Murder by Injection (Chapter 10)The Rockefeller Syndicate
http://www.tisheloo.com/readme/Bloodlines_…20Bloodline.php The Rockefeller Bloodline
http://www.voxfux.com/features/rockefeller…ex.html#metatop The Rockefeller File by Gary Allen
http://www.reformation.org/rockefeller.html Rome, Rockefeller, the U.S. and Standard Oil
http://www.reformation.org/rockefeller-inv…gates-bush.html Rockefellers and Rothschilds are the same Satanic Bloodline
http://wealth4freedom.com/Rothschild.html The Satanic Rothschild Dynasty
http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/rothschild2.html#metatop The Rothschilds, LBMA, and Gold
http://www.savethemales.ca/000275.html Makow: Rothschilds Conduct ‘Red Symphony’ The 20th Century Unveiled
http://www.savethemales.ca/000280.html Makow: Terminated! Freemasonry’s Final Revelation
Secret experiments on people
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/experiment.htm Secret US Human Biological Experimentation
http://www.global-elite.org/modules.php?op…order=0&thold=0 PORTON DOWN – the terrible secret
http://www.global-elite.org/modules.php?op…order=0&thold=0 The CIA’s Secret Experiments on Humans Code Name: Artichoke
http://www.rense.com/general25/militaryadmits.htm Military Admits Using Nerve Gas On US Personnel In 60s Tests
www.rense.com/general17/USadmitsbiological.htm US Admits Biological Warfare Test On Troops
http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?click_id=22…165886&set_id=1 IOL US admits biological warfare tests on troops
http://www.americansovereign.com/articles/...rimentation.htm History Of Secret Experimentation On United States Citizens
http://home.earthlink.net/~bkonop/GermIncidents2.html Germ Warfare
http://hardtruth.topcities.com/populationcontrolagenda2.htm Robert Howard: A History Timeline of Population Control
http://www.rense.com/general24/secret.htm Millions Of British Citizens Used In Secret BioWarefare Tests
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3511.htm A History of Secret Human Experimentation
http://www.rense.com/general36/history.htm A History Of US Secret Human Experimentation
Skulls & Bones
http://www.msnbc.com/news/802773.asp?cp1=1#BODY ‘Secrets of the Tomb’ Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power
http://www.rense.com/general28/ssb.htm CNN Refuses To Run Connie Chung’s Skull & Bones Broadcast
http://www.observer.com/pages/story.asp?ID=4136 At Skull and Bones, Bush’s Secret Club Initiates Ream Gore
http://www.freeworldalliance.com/filmreviews.htm The Skulls – Anthony J. Hilder (Film Review)
http://www.rense.com/politics6/skull.htm Anthony Sutton On ‘Skull & Bones,’ US Banks Financing Hitler, & ‘Trance-Formation’
http://www.geocities.com/knoxvillegreenpar…secret_society/ Scarabbean Senior Secret Society
http://www.questionsquestions.net/feldman/ford_sb.html Ford Foundation’s Skull & Bones Link
http://www.flight800.org/ Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization
http://www.insightmag.com/news/257507.html Seeking New Light On TWA Flight 800
http://orlingrabbe.com/donaldso.htm The Donaldson Report on TWA Flight 800
World Bank/IMF
http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=125&row=1 World Bank Secret Documents Consumes Argentina – Alex Jones Interviews Reporter Greg Palast
http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=78&row=0 The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold
http://www.economist.com/finance/displaySt…tory_id=1214462 The Fund bites back
http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=128&row=1 Greg Palast On Globalization
http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/PAL203A.html IMF/World Bank/Enron/Bush – Grand Theft Larceny
Guest Posted: Dec 30 2004, 10:55 PMUnregistered
The Report From Iron Mountain by Leonard Lewin“The organizing principle of any society is for war. The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers.”
Table of Contents
Section 1: Scope of the Study
Section 2: Disarmament and the Economy
Section 3: Disarmament Scenarios
Section 4: War and Peace as Social Systems
Section 5: The Functions of War
Section 6: Substitutes for the Functions of War
Section 7: Summary and Conclusions
Section 8: Recommendations
Footnote Section
Leonard Lewin’s self-review
Letter of Transmittal
To the convener of this group:
Attached is the Report of the Special Study Group established by you in August, 1963, 1) to consider the problems involved in the contingency of a transition to a general condition of peace, and 2) to recommend procedures for dealing with this contingency. For the convenience of nontechnical readers we have elected to submit our statistical supporting data, totaling 604 exhibits, separately, as well as a preliminary manual of the “peace games” method devised during the course of our study.
We have completed our assignment to the best of our ability, subject to the limitations of time and resources available to us. Our conclusions of fact and our recommendations are unanimous; those of us who differ in certain secondary respects from the findings set forth herein do not consider these differences sufficient to warrant the filing of a minority report. It is our earnest hope that the fruits of our deliberations will be of value to our government in its efforts to provide leadership to the nation in solving the complex and far-reaching problems we have examined, and that our recommendations for subsequent Presidential action in this area will be adopted.
Because of the unusual circumstances surrounding the establishment of this Group, and in view of the nature of its finding, we do not recommend that this Report be released for publication. It is our affirmative judgement that such actions would not be in the public interest. The uncertain advantages of public discussion of our conclusions and recommendations are, in our opinion, greatly outweighed by the clear and predictable danger of a crisis in public confidence which untimely publication of this Report might be expected to provoke. The likelihood that a lay reader, unexposed to the exigencies of higher political or military responsibility, will misconstrue the purpose of this project, and the intent of its participants, seems obvious. We urge that circulation of this Report be closely restricted to those whose responsibilities require that they be apprised of its contents.
We deeply regret that the necessity of anonymity, a prerequisite to our Group’s unhindered pursuit of its objectives, precludes proper acknowledgement of our gratitude to the many persons in and out of government who contributed so greatly to our work.
For the Special Study Group
[signature withheld]
30 September, 1966
5 years ago

5 years ago

You suck.
5 years ago

Was the Christmas/Boxing Day 2004 Earthquake-Tsunami Event Caused by Seismic Warfare?
author: EcoNews Service e-mail: info@peaceinspace.com
Was the Christmas/Boxing Day 2004 Earthquake-Tsunami Event Seismic (Tectonic) Warfare?
There at least eight (8) “frames” of preliminary alternative analysis or perception regarding cause-effect cycle of the Earthquake-Tsunami Event of Christmas/Boxing Day 2004. Seismic (Environmental) Warfare: One “frame” of analysis or perception places the event in the context of Environmental Warfare, as tectonic (seismic) warfare.
Was the Christmas/Boxing Day 2004 Earthquake-Tsunami Event Caused by Seismic (Tectonic) Warfare?
http://www.ecologynews.com/ecologynews103.html5 years ago

Project INTAS 99-064
Final Report: May, 2000 ? May, 2002
Co-ordinator: Valerio De Rubeis
Address: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Via di Vigna Murata, 605, I-00143, Roma, Italy
Phone: +39 0651860215?
Fax:???? +39 065041303
e-mail: derubeis@ingv.it
Summary of the obtained results:
The seismic, tectonic and geologic data in northern Tien Shan and Pamir were refined. The data on the influence of the firing runs of pulsed MHD generators, underground nuclear explosions, magnetic storms on seismicity were gathered. The records of temporal variation of potential geophysical triggers were compiled. The statistical analysis of the above data sets was performed to establish possible cause-effect relationships between seismicity and the various potential triggers. The spatio-temporal and energetic characteristics of induced seismicity and its relationship with the natural and technogenic triggering processes under study were investigated, and databases of temporal variation of the various geophysical fields ? potential triggers were created. The results of this study shows that the action of high energy electromagnetic pulses radiated by MHD generators causes substantial changes in the seismicity of earthquake source zones by accelerating the release of energy stored in the crust due to the activity natural tectonic processes in the form of comparatively small seismic events. Based on the consideration of energy balance to be preserved in the crust, it can be conjectured that a man-induced increase in the ratio of seismic energy radiated in the form of small earthquakes leads to an additional release of tectonic stresses, thereby diminishing the likelihood of catastrophic events (or at any rate, reduces the energy of such events). The high efficiency of electromagnetic excitation suggests the conclusion that the effect discussed can be used in development of the earthquake prevention techniques.
The experimental study of electric impact on the stressed rock specimen showed that at all stages of deformation an acoustic emission (AE) in the periods of electrical excitation was by 2 – 5% higher than at the phases of natural activity. The transmission of impulses of amplitude of the order of 3 kV caused short-term increase of AE by 10 – 15% as compared to the level of natural activity. A sharp decrease of activity was noted then within 2 – 3 seconds. The main conclusion from our first laboratory experiments could be stated as following: increasing of acoustic emission (AE) activity of loaded samples was found as result of triggering effect produced by electric pulses. The nature of the phenomena is remained not yet clear, although there are some reasons to assume trigger mechanism for AE initiating.
An hypothesis is proposed on physical nature of the EM impact on the seismicity regime. A phenomenological model is proposed of interaction between electromagnetic and seismic fields. The model includes electrokinetics as a dominant mechanism of energy conversion from electromagnetic into acoustic (seismic) form. Thus, as the medium is pored and fluid saturated, double electric layers are assumed to play the most significant role. All the media may be considered to be composed of sequence of the double electric layers, and electromagnetic impact produces variation of dielectric permittivity and thus variations in intra-pore stresses.
The laboratory experiments carried out by Georgian group were aimed to reproduce on the small scale the impact on mechanical stability of strong EM pulses that was discovered in the field experiments. It has been shown that: 1. strong EM pulses applied to the mechanical system (rock sample on the inclined surface) driven close to the critical state, initiate slip with some probability or hampers it depending on the mutual orientation of electrical field and slip surface; 2. weak (relative to the pulling force) periodical force of mechanical or EM origin applied to the sample pulled with constant speed on the horizontal surface invokes quite different regimes of slip depending on the amplitude and the frequency of applied perturbations. The regimes of slip vary from the perfect synchronization (control) of slip events with the perturbing periodical mechanical or EM impact to the complete desynchronization of these phenomena. The elementary theory of slip EM enhancement/hampering, similar to pore pressure approach in shear fracture is suggested.
Besides experiments, non linear analysis methods were applied to the sequences of interevent times of earthquakes of Bishkek region for three periods: before, during and after MHD experiments. It is shown that strong EM discharges lead to the significant increase of regularity in earthquakes temporal distribution.
In the Work Programme (WP), the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and Institute of Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (ITSAK) undertook to analyze the effect of the MHD discharges on the region?s seismicity (evolution in space, in time and energy distribution). The work was carried out jointly by INGV and ITSAK, with application of a jointly developed multifractal formalism.
Results show that, although the seismicity of the study region exhibits multifractal patterns both in space and in time, the stronger multifractality of the catalog corresponding to the period of the MHD runs is due to the spatio-temporal clustering of the aftershocks of a strong (m=6.28) event. Upon removal of this sequence, the three catalogs (before, during and after the MHD tests) show similar multifractal behaviour. On the other hand, seismic energy release is monofractal and unaffected by the electromagnetic discharges. All in all, our results imply that the EM discharges had a negligible (difficult to detect) effect on the spatio-temporal and energetic evolution of seismicity in the study region, as characterized by its multifractal structure. Nevertheless it should be noted that seismic catalogue of the region covering periods without EM discharges had strong events too. Corresponding sequences did not show the strong multifractal character of the main sequence during EM experiment in time and space domain. An open question can be formulated: did EM discharges affect the dynamics of the main sequence?
Impact of the results:
The results obtained may be potentially applied in any statistical processing of various natural and technogenic events. Especially useful are databases collected: refined catalogues of various natural (earthquakes, magnetic storms, earth tides) and technogenic (nuclear explosions, MHD generator runs) events. The high efficiency of electromagnetic excitation suggests the conclusion that the effect discovered can be used in a development of the technology of release of tectonic stresses in the Earth crust for the earthquake hazard mitigation.
5 years ago

“Results show that, although the seismicity of the study region exhibits multifractal patterns both in space and in time, the stronger multifractality of the catalog corresponding to the period of the MHD runs is due to the spatio-temporal clustering of the aftershocks of a strong (m=6.28) event.”
String together enough techno-babble, and every yutz on the internet will believe you.
Drew Hempel?
5 years ago

I have to disagree with you on that last point. We actually have an enormous moon given the size of our planet. The only one that beats our moon to planet ratio is Pluto-Charon. Even in just strict size terms our moon is still rather large.
5 years ago

A truck is stopped due to heavy snow on Interstate 5, the primary north-south route connecting California, near Gorman, Calif., Monday, Jan 3, 2005. Heavy snow shut down the major highway north of Los Angeles and slowed post-holiday travel in the Sierra Nevada as Californians grappled with a second week of stormy weather. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)
5 years ago

5 years ago

Freezing rain, snow possible
Peoria Journal Star – Jan 04 2:12 AM
PEORIA – Possible freezing rain and snow has meteorologists watching the skies while the Illinois Department of Transportation watches the pavement. “We’re going to have a real wide range of weather,” said Patrick Bak, meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Lincoln.
Freezing rain causes
Greater Milwaukee Today – Jan 04 10:28 AM
Chevo Gonzales salts the sidewalk adjacent to his home in the 1100 block of South East Avenue on Monday. Freezing rain swept into the southeastern part of the state early in the afternoon, making for slippery streets and sidewalks.
Freezing rain predicted tonight
Galesburg Register-Mail – Jan 04 9:09 AM
GALESBURG – A mixture of freezing rain and snow is expected today through Wednesday, but quickly-changing forecasts make it difficult for local street departments to prepare for the storm.
Freezing rain creates havoc on area roads
Ionia Sentinel-Standard – Jan 04 6:28 AM
IONIA — Freezing rain on roads around Ionia County led to several minor accidents Monday evening around rush hour.
Freezing Rain Will Turn To Heavy Snow
WHBF-TV Quad Cities – Jan 03 3:35 PM
Time to get ready for a double punch of winter. The freezing rain we have will soon turn to snow. All over the Quad Cities the salt truck are getting ready and people are stocking up on food and supplies.
Southern Iowan Copes With Freezing Rain More Winter Weather Expected This Week
KCCI 8 Iowa – Jan 03 4:18 PM
OSCEOLA, Iowa — It was slow going for drivers in Osceola Monday morning where freezing rain moved in overnight. George Thompson, a postal carrier, tread carefully through Osceola neighborhoods to deliver mail to many who had the day off as a result of the weather.
Freezing rain in forecast
Ironwood Daily Globe – Jan 03 12:14 PM
Mother Nature sharpened her skates Thursday morning, and continued skating through the night. Freezing rain began to fall in the Ironwood area just after 9 a.m. Thursday, and continued through most of the afternoon, as a cold front moves through the region from the Dakotas.
Freezing rain slicks area roads; Dover fire truck hit twice
Foster’s Daily Democrat – Jan 03 9:04 AM
By BRUNO MATARAZZO Jr. DOVER— Chaos ensued on roadways across the region Sunday evening as freezing rain turned portions of highways and roads into skating rinks.
Freezing rain continues to fall
Press-Citizen – Jan 03 8:48 AM
Freezing rain will continue to hassle the Iowa City area until the early afternoon today, according to a warning is-sued by the National Weather Service.
Freezing rain causes temporary airport closing, crashes
Gazette Extra Sports – Jan 03 6:54 AM
Freezing rain and slippery ground conditions led to the temporary closing of the Dane County Regional Airport and a rising number of traffic accidents in southwest and east-central parts of Wisconsin on Saturday.
5 years ago

That’s some serious ADD you’ve got there, neverknwo.
5 years ago

5 years ago

Note: extreme seismic activity prior to 01.00 GMT
“To be able to cause natural disasters to that extent could put the entire world in jeopardy. Mother nature isn’t exactly a force to reckon with, nor try to manipulate on such a large scale. “
Title: HAARP-watch: fake HAARP tremors rock earth deep beneath San Andreas Fault
Author: haarp-watch, Michel Chossudovsky
Date: 2004.12.11 07:02
Description: Mysterious tremors deep beneath the San Andreas Fault near the quake-prone town of Parkfield are shaking the earth’s brittle crust, FAR BELOW THE REGION WHERE EARTHQUAKES NORMALLY STRIKE — and scientists say THEY CAN’T UNDERSTAND WHAT’S HAPPENING or what the motions mean. Seismic researchers are monitoring the strange vibrations…”...“We see this kind of tremor activity inside volcanoes like Mount St. Helens,” Nadeau said, “but that’s due to the movement of rising magma, and in the tremors we’ve recorded there’s NO EVIDENCE OF VOLCANISM and NO SEISMIC WAVES TYPICAL OF ORDINARY EARTHQUAKES.”
“In the US, the technology is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP) as part of the (“Star Wars”) Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI). Recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Potentially, it constitutes an instrument of conquest capable of selectively destabilising agricultural and ecological systems of entire regions.”the how of HAARP causing seismic irregularities 11.Dec.2004 23:16
more link
“A short scan of the verbiage pertaining to HAARP in this post shows no theories offered as to how a high-powered radio-frequency transmitter like HAARP can cause seismic irregularities.”
I’m sure other people are curious so here is more:
SAID IN APRIL 1997 BY THE U.S. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, WILLIAM COHEN: “Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations… It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.” —- Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.
“In short,...the Secretary of Defense of the United States confirmed that there are indeed novel kinds of EM weapons, right now and have been for some time, which have been and are being used to (1) initiate earthquakes, (2) engineer the weather and climate, and (3) initiate the eruption of volcanoes. We wrote about those exact uses of the weaponry decades ago. Several nations now have such weapons. Three of them (two on one side and the other on a hostile side) are even firing practice shots into Western Australia, as a convenient test range.” [or undersea Indian ocean, just to see what their power can do].
http://www.earthchangestv.com/ufo/0209gandor.htm http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/12/305741.shtml5 years ago

Typhoon Muifa creating battering waves
11 minutes ago Weather News – weather.com ®
Tim Ballisty, Meteorologist, The Weather Channel
What started Tuesday innocently enough as a moderate tropical storm has become a small, but potent, typhoon east of the Philippines. Typhoon Muifa (Moy-fa) became worthy of its prefix today when winds were estimated at near 105 mph. Muifa is at best meandering to the north while churning in the Philippine Sea just east of Manila. In fact, for all intents and purposes, the typhoon has stalled. Though forecast to move west over the islands, forward progression will be slow. Bad news for the island chain as flooding and mudslides will result from the copious amounts of rain expected to fall over the next 48 hours. There is no doubt that the large and powerful waves have been battering the eastern coast of the northern Philippines. The system is forecasted to weaken gradually over the next 5 days as it heads towards southern Vietnam
5 years ago

Killer typhoon death toll hits 66

The death toll from powerful Typhoon No. 23, which tore across Japan on Wednesday, rose to 66 people as of 9 p.m. Thursday, with 20 people still unaccounted for, making it the worst typhoon in 10 years in terms of damage.

The typhoon left many areas across Japan submerged in water. In Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, 37 people were forced to spend the night on top of a bus whose roof was only centimeters above the water, while in Izushi, Hyogo Prefecture, 80 people who evacuated to a primary school were left isolated when the Izushi River gave wa
5 years ago

Typhoon rips through Honshu leaving several dead
Mainichi Daily News – Dec 31 9:45 PM
A powerful typhoon that hit Shikoku Island in western Japan moved away from Japan’s main Honshu Island and out to the Sea of Japan, weather officials said Monday night
5 years ago

Winter Storm Hits Pakistan and Afghanistan
A wave of cold weather, heavy rain, and snow crippled much of Pakistan and Afghanistan on January 1 and 2, 2005, as floods and ice combined to close roads and hinder travel. The storm has claimed at least ten lives in Pakistan, according to local news reports. After the storm passed, the high mountains of northern Pakistan and most of Afghanistan were covered in a blanket of snow. Even the Chagai Hills of southwestern Pakistan are coated with snow in this Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image, acquired by NASA’s Terra satellite on January 3, 2005. As in many regions of the world, snowfall in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan is crucial in recharging the region’s water supply, which is fed by melting snow.
5 years ago

Cosmology & zero point energy & Bondi
Posted on Monday, January 03 @ 16:28:45 PST by vlad
Dr. Jack Sarfatti wrote: O Paul is being too mystical in (2) the gravitational effects of zero point energy density are now completely understood. A good reference is Mike Turner’s Op Ed in April 2003 Physics Today.
The basic equation is Einstein’s: Guv + /zpfguv = 0
Dr. Jack Sarfatti: I say it again. The basic principles of the gravitation influence of ZPE are now COMPLETELY UNDERSTOOD indeed it’s explicitly done in Chapter 1 of John Peacock’s text book “Cosmological Physics” used at Cal Tech. No need to mystify it. Of course, how to apply that to practical metric engineering devices is not at all understood.
5 years ago

Astronomers at Gemini Observatory are ushering in the New Year with a striking image that dazzles the eye with stellar pyrotechnics.
The image of the face-on spiral galaxy NGC 6946 is ablaze with a colourful galactic fireworks display fuelled by the births and deaths of multitudes of brilliant, massive stars. Astronomers suspect that massive stars have been ending their lives in supernova explosions throughout NGC 6946 in rapid-fire fashion for tens of millions of years.
5 years ago

What effect did the Planet Alignment have on Volcano activity?
Remember the Fuego en Buenos Aires Fire in Buenos Aires nightclub kills 169
in the town where a Volcano is erupting.
Fire in Buenos Aires nightclub kills 169
A blaze in a Buenos Aires nightclub packed with young people celebrating the New Year holidays killed at least 169 and injured 375, city officials said on Friday. The blaze is thought to have been caused by a flare being fired into the club’s ceiling, sending burning debris onto the crowd and triggering a stampede.
“The fire spread in a minute and we were a mountain of people trying to escape,” said survivor Ariel Monges, 25, who lost a friend and a cousin in the fire and was searching for another friend at the Rivadavia Hospital.
The flares are sold on streets all over Latin America for the New Year holiday festivities.
Barren 1 Volcano (India)
12.29 N, 93.87 E, summit elevation 305 m, stratovolcano
Friday 31st December 2004
[Barren 1 volcano has erupted. The volcano erupted on Tuesday 28th December after the great earthquake and aftershocks hit the area a few days previously.
People have been evacuated from the area around the crater near Baratang town on Middle Strait island, about 100 kilometres (60 miles) from the capital Port Blair.
Flames and lava are shooting up three metres high. The population has been cleared from a half kilometre range as a precaution and barricades have been put up.
Barren 1 volcano last erupted in 1996. Earlier reports mistakenly sited the volcano on Barren Island, site of a crater traditionally known as the only active volcano in India.]
5 years ago

Manam Volcano (Papua New Guinea)
4.10 S, 145.06 E, summit elevation 1807 m, Stratovolcano
Sunday 26th December 2004
Volcanic activity at Manam volcano remains high. Ash emissions have reached 20,000 ft. The volcano remains at level 3 alert. The aviation colour code is red.
5 years ago

Manam Volcano (Papua New Guinea)
4.10 S, 145.06 E, summit elevation 1807 m, Stratovolcano
Sunday 26th December 2004
Volcanic activity at Manam volcano remains high. Ash emissions have reached 20,000 ft. The volcano remains at level 3 alert. The aviation colour code is red.
5 years ago

India’s last active volcano erupts on Andamans
30 December 2004
PORT BLAIR – India’s last active volcano, in the Andaman and Nicobar islands, has erupted in the aftermath of the huge earthquake that set off tsunamis killing thousands of people, official sources said Thursday.
People have been evacuated from Barren Island since the eruption began Tuesday night and there were no reports of injury.
Lava was flowing out of the rim of the crater which towers above the Indian Ocean some 500 metres (yards) away, the sources said.
Tourists used to visit by boat and the island has a police station.
The volcano, known as Barren 1, is located some 135 kilometres (80 miles) northeast of the capital Port Blair, and last erupted in 1996.
It runs about 150 fathoms deep under the sea and usually gives off smoke.
M.M. Mukherjee of the Geological Survey of India told AFP the volcano presents little real danger.
“The risk is minimised because it is surrounded by the sea so if at all there is a lava flow it will roll off into the sea,” he said.
The Andamans has reported a series of major aftershocks daily since Sunday’s massive undersea quake off Sumatra.
5 years ago

Over the period of time mentioned above the comet has been coming closer to the earth. The following distances are in A.U.‘s:
12/24/04 = .392AU’s
12/26/04 = .379AU’s
1/1/05 = .354AU’s
1/5&6/05 = .347AU’s
The 5th & 6th being the closest point to the earth in its orbit.
5 years ago

You know nobody is actually reading this stuff, right?
5 years ago

More Proof Of Solar System Connection
Did you see the report? “Brownsville Texas gets first snow in 109 years!” In California the rains are breaking records almost every day. Says weatherman Fritz Coleman, “In two weeks, California has gotten a year’s worth of rain.” “The worst snow storm in 18 years” – CHP speaking of the Cajon Pass. Funnel clouds over the Pacific and tornadoes in the Los Angeles area. Sounds like a recent movie. The Midwest and East are experiencing snowstorms that are halting traffic and transportation in its tracks. Nearly the entire United States over the past few weeks has had some of the worst weather ever seen. And like Rush Limbaugh says, “ It ain’t Global warming!”.
The Media has been focusing on the results of the 9.0+ earthquake and subsequent tsunami in South Asia. The destruction was quite severe. The estimates of deaths are really only beginning at 150,000. There have been plenty of other disasters over the past few years that have taken more lives. Typhoons, Malaria and other examples, consistently take equally or greater numbers of lives.
But before I go there, let’s get this out of the way at the top of the story: This quote from one of our favorite detractors:
“It seems every time we have a modestly bright comet, someone or group or tabloid will claim that the comet is a threat to the Earth, has a spaceship traveling next to it or some other nonsense. They get on the radio and call themselves “scientists.” To them, those of us that provide legitimate information on comets are obviously part of some grand conspiracy. If you are one that believes the nonsense that these people promote, that is certainly your right. However, remember their predictions. When they do not come true…and none of them came true with Comet Hale-Bopp…perhaps next time you will not be so willing to believe the psuedo-scientific predictions they make.”
Charles S. Morris
Mr. Morris wrote this a couple years ago after we made claims concerning Comet Lee and previously – Hale Bopp. I’m sorry to bring up the issue, however the statements that we made were 100% true and they stand true today. It is typical for people such as Mr. Morris to call people names and to avoid arguing the points, so they can avoid any conflict with their own paradigm. Insults are not really very becoming of an employee of honest tax payers. I am very willing to meet, talk to, or publically discuss these issues with Mr. Morris or any other person from a similar situation at their conveneince.
Now that’s out of the way, let’s talk about some recent events that appear to be strongly connected.
The day before the 9.0+ earth quake that resulted in the now infamous tsunami in South Asia, an earthquake measuring in excess of 8.3 struck 500 miles south of Tazmania. There was no media coverage even though the quake did not result in a tsunami. Actually, there was a whole string of earthquakes during the same period. First I want to present what the sun was doing during these few days before and during these quakes.
The first graph below is from December 23 through December 26.
On December 24th there was a noticable spike, a “C” flare and then quickly dropped off to low levels. The next graph shows this drop off – a distinct event.
The 8.3 south of Tazmania and 9.0+ that resulted in the devistating tsunami occurred during this very LOW period of Solar Flux. Then the record shows a dramatic increase:
There then occurred four “M” flares. And then this monster:
This was an “X” flare, on January first. The following image is of the Comet Machholz Q2 in early December:
In this image Comet Machholz 2 clearly has two tails. The traditional or the status quo theory is that comets begin to sublimate or “melt” if you will at four, maybe five AU’s (93 million miles) close to the sun. They say this because they believe that comets are “dirty snowballs”. For the following reason, pretty much the following reason alone, we are called “quacks” among other fond names.
We prescribe and cling to the theories of Velikovsky, in that the universe is full of plasma and electromagnetic flux is more of a force than gravity. We also support the writings of James McCanney (blackballed Cornell University Professor) which theorizes that comets are charged and are affected by the charges of the solar system. You can read his theory HERE.
If these two tails of Machholz 2 are the trailing gas of a dirty snowball, then why is it that there is one tail behind the comet and one that stretches out in another direction? Many times comets have what are commonly referred to as “antitails”. In McCanney’s theory the comets are connected to the sun by the dielectric field of the sun which extends out through the ecliptic of the solar system. We also recommend the writings of Wal Thornhill at Holoscience – The Electric Universe, which support the same ideas.
We postulate that as Comet Machholz 2 has come closer and closer to the earth and its position relative to the earth and the sun has changed, the flux that has been theorized in the above works disconnected from the sun on or about the 24th of December and then “re“connected strongly over a few days following the excited discharge into the earth which caused the earthquakes of the 26th and is causing the severe weather currently and in recent weeks. Comets are highly charged, fastly moving bodies (planetoids/planets) that travel through the flux/plasma of our solar system, wreaking havoc and truly earning their reputation as harbingers of disaster. No wonder historians have compelled us to view comets with mystery and fear; even in the face of criticism, name calling and even anger from the uniformitarians of our day.
The proximity of the comet to the earth in the Starry Night simulation to the right is only mildly misleading. The comet is traveling from above the plane of the ecliptic to below the ecliptic. This actually increases the power of the connection and disruption as the comet is breaking the plane. The greatest amount of flux from the sun out to the planets is on the ecliptic plane. It has been well documented that comets can break up when they cross this highly charged area of space. More on this can be read HERE. Also actual images of this type of event occurring can be seen HERE.
Over the period of time mentioned above the comet has been coming closer to the earth. The following distances are in A.U.‘s:
12/24/04 = .392AU’s
12/26/04 = .379AU’s
1/1/05 = .354AU’s
1/5&6/05 = .347AU’s
The 5th & 6th being the closest point to the earth in its orbit.
Before I close, there was one more contributing variable in all of this. During the week of the earthquake and tsunami there was a full moon. Now before the critics go off on me, let me say this: It is a common thing for there to be earthquake increases during a full moon. Because the moon is full to the eye doesn’t mean that it’s bigger or especially closer to the earth. However these occurrences are reportedly relative to tidal forces. However the reason that the moon is “full”, is because it is opposite the sun. This is an alignment of the sun, earth, and moon. Moreover it is an alignment of the field. This is an oversimplification of the event, however adequately expressed. Adding the influence of the comet to the alignment of the field between the sun, earth and moon, we have the recipe for a strong electrical discharge. Will we have another “event” the next full moon? Or will we have another event before then? We’re watching.
Machholz 2 is currently a naked eye comet in the night sky of North America. It can be seen between Taurus and the Plaeides from dark areas, better with small binoculars. But the question is, will there be more earth connections and disconnections in the next few weeks?
5 years ago

This is the sort of beast that may be brewing under the newly-active MAJOR seismic zone NW of Sumatra.
TOBA lies just inland from the 9.0 Richter tsunamis-forming earthquake epicentre – on a previously created NW trending fault harmonic – located onshore within the NW Sumatra Island Arc
During an explosive mega-erruption some 75,000 years ago, TOBA is thought to have nearly taken out the entire human race.
Krakatoa was a baby’s baby in comparison !!!
I am indebted to anthropologist Sandra Belanger of San Francisco for the data sources re TOBA.
The NW Sumatra seismic event is still in progress (Monday 3-01-05) with regular periodic 5.0-6.5 richter quakes and thousands of smaller tremblors largely focussed within the proto NNW trending Andaman-Nicobar-Sumatra Island Arc.
This remains a HIGHLY-DANGEROUS situation and will remain so for many months.
The lack of regular press alerts on this scenario is disturbing. The public need to know the potential dangers involved AND what to do in case of an alert.
Here is a full article on TOBA from the BBC ...
5 years ago

Remember This Christmas Story, I almost Forgot about?
South Texas snow would be first in 100 years
South Texas has a white Christmas
Star-Telegram – Dec 25 6:38 AM
VICTORIA – More than 10 inches of snow fall on Victoria on Friday, giving the South Texas city its first white Christmas in 86 years. “Everybody’s freaking out,” said Megan Gohlke, 22, an employee at a Denny’s in the town located about 125 miles southwest of Houston.
5 years ago

Quake’s Jolting Effect Leaves
The Earth Ringing
By Andy Geller
New York Post
Because of Sunday’s gargantuan quake, planet Earth is ringing like a church bell.
You can’t hear it, but it’s being measured at seismic stations around the world, including Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, N.Y.
It will last for three days, perhaps longer.
The quake, which measured 9.0 on the Richter scale, was caused by the shifting of geological plates along a 600-mile area.
This changed the Earth’s mass.
As the mass returns to normal, it moves back and forth, much like a church bell when struck by a tong, said Stony Brook geophysicist Teng-fong Wong.
The phenomenon was observed after the 9.5-magnitude quake in Chile in 1960 and the 9.2 magnitude temblor in Alaska in 1964.
After both quakes, the ringing lasted for three days, getting smaller every day.
The ringing now should last about that long and there’s no need to worry.
Scientists say it’s harmless. “Everything will calm down. We don’t have any reason to be scared,” said Constantin Cranganu, a geophysics prof at Brooklyn College.
Of far greater concern is the strong possibility of aftershocks as the geological plates adjust.
These could measure 6.0 to 7.0 on the Richter scale, the size of many earthquakes, and so could cause additional damage, said Lamont-Doherty seismologist Art Lerner-Lam.
He said, however, that it’s unlikely the tremors will trigger the tsunamis, or killer waves, that caused most of the death and destruction in Sunday’s quake.
Lerner-Lam said the aftershocks could last for months, although their size and frequency will die down.
The quake caused a shift in the Earth’s rotation, as the change in the planet’s mass altered the effect of the pull of gravity on the Earth.
But not to worry. The same thing happens in the summer and winter. It’s harmless and it shouldn’t last long.
A tsunami last crossed the Indian Ocean in 1509. Scientists had not expected anything close to the quake and killer waves that struck Sunday because 90 percent of tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean, where there are warning systems.
Copyright 2004 NYP Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 years ago

Introducing Asteroid 2004 MN4
Numerous readers wrote in with bits about a potential asteroid collision: “The recently discovered asteroid 2004 MN4 is currently listed as having a 1/233 chance of hitting the Earth. It is 420 m across and if it strikes the Earth it will release an energy of 1,900 Megatons of TNT (the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated, Tsar Bomba had a yield of only 50 Megatons). It is also the only asteroid
5 years ago

here’s some more info:
- Dec 24 – Cassini, Huygens Probe Release
- Dec 24 – Comet C/2003 K4 (LINEAR) Closest Approach To Earth (1.153 AU)
- Dec 24 – Asteroid 2004 VW14 Near-Earth Flyby (0.013 AU)
- Dec 24 – Asteroid 2002 VY91 Near-Earth Flyby (0.189 AU)
- Dec 25 – Asteroid 5035 Swift Closest Approach To Earth (1.251 AU)
- Dec 26 – Comet C/2004 D1 (NEAT) Closest Approach To Earth (4.987 AU)
2004 VW14 Orbital Elements
5 years ago

Possible Meteor Rocks Indonesian Capital
Saturday, December 18, 2004
JAKARTA, Indonesia — A loud noise that several witnesses said resembled an explosion was heard in parts of Jakarta (search) early Sunday.
Media reports said an object that might have been a meteor (search) was seen flashing across the sky above the capital, but did not make clear if it had hit the earth.
Several callers to el-Shinta radio station reported a noise that sounded like an explosion at around 7:30 a.m. in western Jakarta.
Metro TV station reported that a large object, believed to be a meteor, was seen falling toward the earth at around the same time, also to the west of the city. The report did not say whether the object had hit the ground.
Police said they were investigating, but had no report of any bombings in or near the capital, or of any objects falling from the sky.
No other details were immediately available.
5 years ago

Like a Thief in the Night
Tsunami death toll hits 144,000http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0…3%255E2,00.html
THE RAPTURE? 144,000 suddenly ‘dispappear, are ‘swept’ away…
2004 December 26 00:58:53 UTC ! http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqinthenews/2004/usslav/96_3_globe.jpg!
Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 5.6 km (3.5 miles); depth fixed by location program
Parameters Nst=276, Nph=276, Dmin=654.9 km, Rmss=1.04 sec, Gp= 29°,
M-type=teleseismic moment magnitude (Mw), Version=U
5 years ago

Top Stories – Los Angeles Times
Gravity May Lose Its PullTue Dec 21, 7:55 AM ET
It was in 1980 that John Anderson first wondered if something funny was going on with gravity.
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory physicist was looking over data from two Pioneer spacecraft that had been speeding through the solar system for nearly a decade.
Only something was off base. The craft weren’t where they were supposed to be.
Rather than traveling at a constant velocity of more than 25,000 mph toward the edge of the solar system, Pioneers 10 and 11 were inexplicably slowing down. Even factoring in the gravitational pull of the sun and its other planets couldn’t explain what he was seeing.
Some cosmologists even speculate the Pioneer Anomaly might help unravel some of the thorniest problems in theoretical physics, such as the existence of “dark matter” or mysterious extra-dimensional forces predicted by string theory.
For the record, gravity is one of the most closely studied forces in the universe.
Sir Isaac Newton first measured it in the 17th century. Every object in the universe attracts every other object, Newton determined, with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. That means the bigger things are, and the closer they are, the greater their gravitational pull.
In 1915, a former Swiss patent clerk named Albert Einstein refined the theory, arguing that gravity occurs when planets or stars warp the fabric of space around them, much like a bowling ball on a trampoline warps the surface of the trampoline. Instead of a sucking force, Einstein’s general theory of relativity said small objects fall toward larger ones like a marble rolling down the slope of the trampoline to the bowling ball.
One possibility is that invisible, so-called dark matter is holding the spacecraft back. Some cosmologists believe that dark matter exists because only 10% of the expected mass of the universe has been found. If 90% of the universe’s mass and energy is invisible, maybe it could exert gravitational pull on spacecraft.
Another possibility, even more fanciful, is that invisible dimensions of space are tugging at the Pioneers. This idea has its origin in string theory, an idea that suggests we are surrounded by far more than the three dimensions we know about. Some versions of string theory suggest there may be as many as 11 dimensions, most of which are curled up and hidden from us.
As with dark matter, no hard evidence has been found proving the existence of vibrating strings far tinier than the smallest known particles.
A third possibility is that gravity has been hiding secrets that three centuries of research have failed to uncover.
5 years ago

‘Mini tornado’ damages 100 houses
01/01/2005 – 8:24:19 PM
Dozens of families were clearing up storm debris tonight after a “mini-tornado” damaged around 100 houses in the Republic of Ireland.
The sudden squall ripped slates from roofs, smashed windows and overturned sheds and cars at around 1pm.
The worst affected area covered three housing estates in Clonee in Co Meath on the Dublin border.
Gardaí and fire officers said it was amazing nobody was injured.
A main road between the Hansfield, Castaheaney and Hunters Run estates was closed off and residents were urged to stay indoors.
“There is still a danger of falling branches and slates,” said one fire officer.
Earlier, residents fled into their homes as the freak storm swept through their estates.
One resident said: “It got very dark and blustery. I saw a flash of lightning and then the house started to shake. It was the most frightening thing I have ever gone through.
“It felt like an earthquake or a mini tornado.”
Local fire service said they responded to dozens of calls reporting structural damage in Cos Dublin, Meath, northeast Kildare and Louth.
Fallen trees were reported in the Tallaght area of Dublin and a local road was closed until further notice because of fallen trees and power lines.
All Irish Ferries Swift sailings on the Dublin to Holyhead route were been cancelled.
There were 80mph winds at Dublin Airport which caused two parked planes to collide.
The unoccupied Aer Lingus A330 Airbus planes were on a ramp beside the terminal building when a sudden gale dislodged them around 1pm.
The nose of one aircraft suddenly struck the body of the adjacent aircraft under its wing area.
Passengers had been due to embark on one plane and depart for New York via Shannon at 1.30pm.
Up to 600 transatlantic passengers were being accommodated in hotels overnight while Aer Lingus arranged alternative aircraft tomorrow.
5 years ago

I’m actually starting to think you might have a point. All these weird weather conditions are strange.
5 years ago

I’m actually starting to think you might have a point. These weather reports are a bit weird.
Neverknwo. Why Not Draft A Book And Make Money Out Of It? You Have Some Informaton In There.
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