Wednesday, February 25, 2009

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Symbols of an Alien Sky Part 1
by The Thunderbolts Project

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This video is a ten-minute introduction to a three hour video production presently in development. Other segments, well underway, will follow. Here, the underlying themes are:
  • Memories of planetary upheaval in ancient astronomies
  • Monumental civilization: commemorating a prior "age of gods and wonders"
  • Why did the first astronomers identify the greatest gods as planets towering over the world?
  • Archetypal memories of Doomsday
  • Other archetypes: golden age, primeval sun, mother goddess, warrior-hero, chaos monster
  • Most common form of the chaos monster: the cosmic serpent or dragon
The video is in rough cut, and modifications will be more than likely in coming months, as other segments are completed. The principles stated are far-reaching, but they are not speculations, just facts that are too rarely acknowledged.

One reason for publishing this video in rough-cut form is that, if any statement of fact is exaggerated, or in any way inaccurate, we will want to correct the statement before releasing the first hour. Responses will be carefully reviewed.

David Talbott

For more info check out our mythology TPODs

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Symbols of an Alien Sky Part 2

by The Thunderbolts Project

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The second ten-minute segment of the proposed 3-hour production, Symbols of an Alien Sky.

If you have not yet seen Part 1, we highly recommend you read the introductory comments, and watch it first.

Dave Smith

For more info check out our mythology TPODs

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Symbols of an Alien Sky, Part 3
by the Thunderbolts Project

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This is the third 10-minute segment of the three-hour video presentation in development, "Symbols of an Alien Sky" - a reconstruction of the celestial dramas that inspired the myth-making epoch of human history.

The present video concludes with "snapshots" of the hypothesized Polar Configuration, a gathering of planets in ancient times, evolving through phases of awe-inspiring beauty and terrifying cosmic violence. This segment will thus serve as the fulcrum for evaluating the hypothesis in the remaining two and a half hours.

David Talbott

For more info check out our mythology TPODs

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Remembering the End of the World - (Excerpt 4) When Saturn Ruled the World
by The Thunderbolts Project

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Here is the fourth of our excerpts from Remembering the End of the World. For a full summary and to view the first two installments click here.

For more info visit

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Remembering the End of the World - (Excerpt 3)
The Cosmic Warrior Mars
by The Thunderbolts Project

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Here is the third of our excerpts from Remembering the End of the World. For a full summary and to view the first two installments click here.

For more info visit

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On shuttle flight STS-114 at August 6, 2005 a UFO passed by the right side of the shuttle at 13:53:00 GMT. As the object flies into the distance it then begins to change course to a full right turn and eventually disappears off the right side of screen.
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Zooming in on Sagittarius A* Superluminal Toroidal SuperStar!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 12:11 PM

Sorry Photos didn't get sent through email,

Sagittarius A*, 2 degrees by 1 degree, is within 1 degree of Galactic Centre.

I will now zoom in on the Superluminal Toroidal SuperStar, the
Central Sun, the MotherStar, which Astronomical Convention has
named Sagittarius A*


Stellar size, energy, brightness, spin velocity, and topology evolves
from small Spherical Orange Stars, with slow spin ...


to medium-sized Yellow Stars, with higher spins, which are spheroids
slightly flattened from pole to pole. [imaging sitting on a beach ball.]


the brighter, faster spinning, White Stars are more flattened north to south;
while the the superbright Blue Superstars, are quite flat, like squashed pumpkins,
and spinning VERY VERY rapidly.


the brightest superstars, which covert astrophysics has mis-promoted as Black Holes,
are superluminally spinning disk SuperStars -- where the magnetic polar fields, and
radiation beams, are so strong that they have opened up as toroids, donuts, spinning
at greater than 300,000 kilometers per second!

amongst all our sacred relations,

Millennium Twain

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Case of Missing Asteroids Uncovered by Univ. of Arizona Scientists

from Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

The main asteroid belt is a zone containing millions of rocky objects between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The scientists find that there ought to be more asteroids there than researchers observe. The missing asteroids may be evidence of an event that took place about 4 billion years ago, when the solar system's giant planets migrated to their present locations.

UA planetary sciences professor Renu Malhotra and graduate student David A. Minton and UA planetary sciences say missing asteroids is an important piece of evidence to support an idea that the early solar system underwent a violent episode of giant planet migration that might possibly be responsible for a heavy asteroidal bombardment of the inner planets.


Outrage Over Jindal's Reckless
Comment Hits ScienceCommunity

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal came off as a complete hypocritical idiot last night in his Republican response to President Obama's speech to the nation. Jindal criticized government spending in the stimulus bill, citing examples including "$140 million for something called 'volcano monitoring.'" The $140 million to which Jindal referred is actually for a number of projects conducted by the United States Geological Survey, including volcano monitoring.

This monitoring is aimed at helping geologists understand the inner workings of volcanoes as well as providing warnings of impending eruptions, in the United States and in active areas around the world where U.S. military bases are located.

A chain reaction of anger and concern over such reckless rhetoric, and coming from someone who doesn't have a clue of geo-science, has both sides of isle (republican and democrat) how to address this gaff.

When John Eichelberger, Program Coordinator for the USGS's Volcano Hazards Program heard Jindal's remarks, Eichelberger said he "was frankly astonished" that the governor would use this particular example, given his own states recent brush with a catastrophic natural disaster.


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