Moore talks at length about how he and Obama, with members of a circle of "culturally diverse" and "international" friends, participated in campus demonstrations against apartheid in South Africa, and how Obama first began to demonstrate his skill as a speaker. But this is not the great meaning-slash-suspenseful part! As it turns out, it may have been Moore who got Obama to go from Barry to Barack:
Way back when, Moore asked him, "What kind of name is Barry Obama? For a brother, you know, it's very unusual." Obama told Moore about his parents and how his real name was Barack. As it turns out, Moore had recently been to Kenya, specifically, the village where Obama's father came from. "I told him, Barack is a strong should rock Barack."
Moore goes on to say that the use of Barry seemed to be an "accommodation" that made it so he didn't have to "explain himself all the time." Of course, if Moore had called him up in the 1990s to advise Obama to maybe change his middle name, because, want to talk about having to explain yourself to people!
Anyway, the secondary appeal of the video are these pictures of Obama that Moore took, cold chillin' at college:
Here's the President-Elect, during a period of time when he was known as "Kanye Blagojevich Obama." [Not pictured: the Weather Underground.]
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell Subject: Formal Request to The Embassy of Kenya for authentication of Kenya National Assembly, Official Report, November 5, 2008 To: Date: Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 9:31 AM
TO: His Excellency the Ambassador The Embassy of Kenya 2249 "R" Street, N.W. Washington 20008 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, USA
Greetings Hon. Ambassador:
My office currently represents the United States (Federal Government) ex rel. before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, in the matter of Berg v. Obama et al.
In that capacity, the United States ex rel. has most recently petitioned the Third Circuit for discretionary judicial notice of certain documents by means of this pleading now archived here on the Internet:
The Official Report of the Kenya National Assembly, dated November 5, 2008, has come to our attention for the first time today. That Official Report is archived here on the Internet:
Accordingly, the United States ex rel. now wishes to demand that the Third Circuit take mandatory judicial notice of said Official Report, pursuant to Rule 201(d) of the Federal Rules of Evidence ("FREV").
An electronic copy of FREV Rule 201 is here on the Internet:
Our questions are these: Is your office willing to authenticate the Official Report above? And, if so, what procedures are required of the United States to obtain that authentication from your good offices?
RSVP here at your earliest convenience.
Thank you very much, Hon. Ambassador, for your prompt and professional consideration.
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