Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Financial Times, UK - 14 hours ago
But, for the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible. A "world government" would involve much more than ...

New World Order Being Taught In Schools

I noticed that when this kid shows his textbook section, "America In The New
World Order" - it's in Chapter 33.
...of course...
-------Original Message----- --
Date: 12/8/2008 12:58:52 PM
Subject: New World order taught in Public Schools

Are you afraid that discussing issues like 9/11, Chemtrails and the NEW WORLD ORDER will earn you a tin foil hat?
Watch this astounding high-school student reveal what's really happening in our schools.

A wakeup call. Everything that worries you is connected:

The Banking Bail-Out
The Auto-maker Bail-out
9/11: American False Flag and Holocaust but no justice or criminal trial
Iraq War: 9/11 was the pretext
Afghan War 9/11 was the pretext
Election Fraud
War on Drugs Hoax
War on Terror Hoax
Homeland Security Hoax
Patriot Act Hoax: Loss of Rights
MIlitary Commissions Act: Held with bond


Interview Saturday Capt. May and Maj. Fox

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 4:53 PM

To: "The Jeff and Mike Show"

Dear Jeff and Mike,

The interview Saturday about the Mumbai false flag attacks sounds great! Both Major Fox and I will be at my home number at 3:00 PM Pacific (5:00 PM Central), and look forward to a stimulating and insightful conversation on The Jeff and Mike Show.

I am posting this reply to my reader list, and hope that many of them will tune in for the program at:

I think that a couple of articles and a brief interview snip would be fine links to include at your web site to give listeners an idea of the developing Mumbai false flag story.

Here is a link to our December 7th article:

Here is the link to a December 7th news article by Kurt Nimmo and published yesterday, which corroborates our suspicion that Mumbai was a false flag attack:

Here is a link to a December 7th CNN interview in which the former chief of Pakistani intelligence asserts that Mumbai was an inside job:

Best regards, Captain May

--- On Tue, 12/9/08, Jeffrey Lynch

> From: Jeffrey Lynch
> Subject: Re: Interview proposal regarding “Black Bush” Barack?

> Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 10:46 AM

> Hi Captain May,
> Having Major Fox on the shown with you is fine with us.
> This is important information that our listeners need to
> hear. Please let us know if this Saturday at 3:00pm a good
> time for you, and we will advertise the interview on our
> site.
> Thanks,
> Jeff

I think we need to start taking all actions relating to Israel, Russia, and that whole area more serious. IMO...Things are starting to come together to bring about the final war and we are deliberately being side tracked so as not to be properly prepared. Please Stay Alert!

Israel Going Through the Motions of Planning Iran Attack?

Rick Moran

Would Israel attack Iranian nuclear facilities without the cooperation and approval from the United States?
If they have to, you betcha. But a couple of problems inherent in a positive response to that query is the question of what would be meant by “have to” and the notion that the Israeli Air Force has the ways and means of being successful in any such attack in the first place.
War monger George Bush has apparently rebuffed the Israelis when the Jewish state asked for American cooperation in attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities last May. I frankly don’t understand how that’s possible, considering that Seymour Hersh and many others on the Left assured us that Bloodthirsty Bush was itching for war with Iran in order to bring about the end times and fulfill the prophecies of the Bible.
Over the last four years, Lefties like Hersh have predicted a U.S. strike on Iran (or our tacit approval of one by the IDF) so many times I’ve lost count. Is there a faction in the Administration that would love to see us level Nantanz and a few other installations? Absolutely. But there has always been opposition to this move by the real politik crowd who, since getting burned by going along with the neocons on invading Iraq, have asserted themselves on Iran and it appears they have convinced Bush that only in the most dire, last resort circumstances should such a shattering attack be approved.
We won’t go into the pros and cons now. I summarized most of them here if you wish to revisit the familiar. Suffice it to say that attacking Iran would be a monumentally bad idea, a disaster for Iraq, a disaster for the region, and a potential disaster for the world. The only possible justification would be if Iran is on the cusp of constructing a bomb and would have perfected a delivery system – something they are at least a year away from the former and several years away from the latter.
The news reports about Iran having enough nuclear material to build a bomb have been incredibly misleading. There is no evidence that Iran has any facilities to enrich their uranium from its current 3-5% to the 85-90% necessary to make it go boom. The problem is that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Even IAEA lickspittle ElBaradei is worried that he and his group of nuclear enablers cannot guarantee Iran doesn’t have some secret installation that can complete the enrichment process and build a bomb. What is known, however, is that they are not doing it at Nantanz where the centrifuges keep whirling merrily away, creating the raw material of Israel’s destruction.
This, of course, is the $64,000 question and is the reason Israel is so nervous. Another unknown is how far along Iran is in perfecting their plutonium manufacturing process at Arak where there is a heavy water facility. The IAEA inspected the plant last year while it was under construction. Once operational, that plant alone could produce enough plutonium to make five or six bombs a year – if the Iranians could master the extraordinarily difficult task of fashioning a weapon from the more efficient nuclear material. Most experts say the Iranians are at least five years away from getting the Arak facility up and running and another few years from being capable of building a plutonium device.
But the Israelis are looking at the 250 pounds of enriched uranium sitting in storage knowing it would take just a few months to continue the enrichment process and make Iranian dreams of a bomb come true. That’s if the Iranians had a mind to do so and if they had a facility or facilities that they could keep the prying eyes of the world from discovering what they are doing.
As for the former, the only people willing to debate the “no” position are either still in diapers or are liberals. The latter supposition is a lot trickier and depends on both what we know from history and what we can assume from Iranian statements on their nuclear program.
As for history, we can consider ourselves lucky we can prove the Iranians have a nuclear program at all. We only uncovered its scope when we unmasked the nuclear black market being run by A.Q. Kahn, the “Father of the Pakistani Bomb” who not only supplied hardware to states wanting to get their hands on nuclear weapons but also expertise in the form of rogue nuclear scientists who were assisting several states including North Korea, Iran, and Libya.
What makes Khan’s assistance so significant is that he was not helping these countries to build power reactors or submarine power plants or even really cool experimental stuff that might unlock the nature of the universe. He was helping these nations for one reason and one reason only – to build an atomic weapon. Much of the equipment he loaned or sold these nations – not to mention apparently selling the actual design for a bomb – reveals an unmistakable desire on the part of these nations to acquire nuclear weaponry.
As for statements by the current regime in Iran speaking to their intent; while mouthing nonsense about using their knowledge and technology for “peaceful purposes” they have, out of the other side of their mouths, been a little more forthcoming in their desire to “wipe Israel off the map” and make Iran “a great power.”
Put one and one together and you are left with the unmistakable impression that Iran wants to build a nuke. It would be the height of folly and wishful thinking to believe anything else.
That said, whither Israel? If an Obama Administration will not authorize an Israeli strike or go after Iran itself, where does that leave the Jewish state?
The IDF is drawing up options for a strike on Iranian nuclear facilities that do not include coordination with the United States, The Jerusalem Post has learned.
While its preference is to coordinate with the US, defense officials have said Israel is preparing a wide range of options for such an operation.
“It is always better to coordinate,” one top Defense Ministry official explained last week. “But we are also preparing options that do not include coordination.”
Israeli officials have said it would be difficult, but not impossible, to launch a strike against Iran without receiving codes from the US Air Force, which controls Iraqi airspace. Israel also asked for the codes in 1991 during the First Gulf War, but the US refused.
Several news reports have claimed recently that US President George W. Bush has refused to give Israel a green light for an attack on Iranian facilities. One such report, published in September in Britain’s Guardian newspaper, claimed that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert requested a green light to attack Iran in May but was refused by Bush.

Just looking at a map will show the difficulties for Israel in attacking Iran without permission to traverse Iraqi airspace. The IAF would have to fly over the entire length of Syria and part of Turkey in order to reach Iranian territory. From there, it is another long leg to hit the main Iranian nuke facilities in central and southwestern Iran. The Israeli air force has the capability but the mission would be incredibly dangerous – virtually a one way trip considering everything. That is – unless the U.S. gave the IDF permission to fly over Iraq.
(Note: An e-mailer points me to Ed Morrissey’s piece positing another route for the IAF to Iran – down the Red Sea through the Gulf of Aden around the Arabian Sea and finally flying into the Persian Gulf. That means going around the entire Arabian peninsula just to get to the Gulf where there are two good targets; Bushehr and Shiraz – the latter is a missile testing site while the former is the site of a Russian built light water reactor.
But this would really be stretching Israeli refueling capability not to mention that it is a 5,500 mile round trip. That much flying time is almost guaranteed to alert Iran to the sortie. As for any other route – flying over Jordan and Saudi Arabia for instance – both nations possess sophisticated air defenses courtesy of Uncle Sam. Without U.S. approval, it is doubtful the Saudis would appreciate so many Israeli planes flying over their territory.)
Would Obama consent? During the campaign he made the right noises about not taking the military option “off the table” on Iran but realistically, I don’t think an American attack or a green light to Israel are in the cards when he takes office. The downside to an attack is so bad that perhaps the prospect of Iran with nukes wouldn’t look as bad – at least, that will probably be the advice he will be getting from everyone but Hillary.
So the question of whether Israel feels it will “have to” bomb Iran will be extraordinarily difficult for the Livni government to puzzle out. Given all that we know about the difficulties facing Israel in carrying out such an attack, the prospects for limited success, the blowback in the form of Hamas and Hezbollah increased terrorism, and the certainty that it would further isolate the Jewish state and perhaps even drive a wedge between them and their #1 ally – all of this would lead one to believe that Israel has no intention of attacking Iran and that these leaks are, for all intents and purposes, just for show.
At least that’s the impression one gets from this piece in ToL:
However defence officials played down the reports today, telling The Times that an attack by Israeli forces alone would probably fail to take out all of Iran’s nuclear facilities, which experts say are scattered across several sites, some deep underground.
“That would leave us open to a nuclear attack from Iran’s remaining weapons stock. Israel would likely need the support, the backing, of forces from a Western ally to successfully carry out the operation,” he said.
Except the existential threat to Israel may be so great that they may feel compelled to attack anyway – alone if absolutely necessary.
They and the rest of the world have time, but not much. Postulating that Iran has someplace they could enrich the uranium they already have to bomb making levels, it would still take many months at their current level of technology to accomplish the task. Unanswered questions are whether they have a workable bomb design and more importantly, have been able to configure the bomb to fit atop one of their Shahab missiles. But I doubt whether Israel is going to wait to discover the answers. More likely, once the Iranian nuclear program has passed a certain point of no return, they will consider acting.
Right now, Israeli intelligence pegs that point as the end of 2009.

The Kennedy School of American Government?
The Citizen, MA - 1 hour ago
... international in order to reflect the international nature of business in today’s world. Government, one could argue, is inherently more local. ...

Beware the New Globalism: Justin Raimondo, CA - 9 hours ago
In literature, future utopias are almost always characterized by a world government, on the grounds that presumably the people of earth have evolved beyond ...
Chris Powell: State deficit the product of rampant union costs
Norwich Bulletin, CT - 9 hours ago
But even in its different world, government has to use the same mathematics used in the world inhabited by the governed, so there soon will have to be ...
America is Going Down
Christian News Wire (press release), DC - Dec 8, 2008
Then my attention was called to the Council on Foreign Relations and their strong desire to see a one world government. In doing my research, ...
Political oarsmen will determine if we sink or swim
Financial Times, UK - 9 hours ago
Sir, Gideon Rachman (December 9) makes a very serious case for a world government. In an economically globalised world, the Marxist Structuralist model ...
Strengthening Transnational Governance to Mitigate Risks
Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, CT - Dec 8, 2008
A confession—for a college application essay back in the day (back in 1978 to be exact) I wrote an essay on why we needed a world government and I’ve never ...
Social responsibility
BusinessWorld Online, Philippines - 23 hours ago
... and increasingly engage in inquisitive discussions or meaningful action to help improve our world. Government social responsibility is good governance. ...
And what’s so bad about a One World Government?
The Union of Grass Valley, CA - Nov 24, 2008
The fear that Obama’s presidency is a “big step toward a conciliatory acceptance of a One World Government” is not indicated in anything he has proposed. ...
Time after time, the global one-world government agenda has had to be pushed back because of resistance from the American people. Being unable to complete ...

One world government coming
Sun newspapers, FL - Nov 26, 2008
If George Orwell could see with such clarity the possibility of World Government and Big Brother in the early 1900s, why is it so far-fetched to see this as ...
Peace, order and good government
Globe and Mail, Canada - Dec 5, 2008
They are much like principles of international law: understandings and practices that nation-states usually accept, in the absence of a world government or ...
Logical step to a world government
Financial Times, UK - Nov 23, 2008
... I assume that the international regulator advocated by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff (Comment, November 18) will report to the World Government. ...
Monetary Reform Bibliography - A self-study guide for uncovering ...
Atlantic Free Press, Netherlands - Nov 27, 2008
“World government could only be kept in being by force”, as Bertrand Russell had put it. The latest financial crisis is designed to systematically create a ...
Pearl Harbor: Motives Behind the Betrayal
The New American - Dec 4, 2008
... War I. When World War II loomed, Council publications began clamoring for entry into the war — not so much as a means to peace, but to world government. ...
UK steps in the right direction
RGE Monitor, NY - Dec 6, 2008
In this world, government creation of M0 will be sent straight to the banks to reduce debt levels. The impact on turnover of goods and therefore prices will ...
Obama and the advent of a one-world government
The Union of Grass Valley, CA - Nov 18, 2008
It appears to me that Obama believes in “waiving” the flag. Is the Obama presidency the “big step” toward conciliatory acceptance of a One World Government?

40 Techniques of the Illuminati
American Chronicle, CA - Dec 4, 2008
... want to call them—plan and organize behind closed doors to bring about their global governance, or the New World Order (NWO) or one-world government. ...
The shifting North American Unionized Map
Canada Free Press, Canada - Dec 4, 2008
Beyond both these arrogant activists, we all find out too late that the North American Union is just another term for One World Government. ...
No Bailout Causes Coup in Canada Human Events
Chong blasts deal allowing separatists to share power Wellington Advertiser
all 4,050 news articles »

Our 7 dolphins are now in Philippines
Solomon Star, Solomon Islands - Dec 8, 2008
The transport was fraught with numerous complaints and protest by Environmental groups around the world. Government sources said that a levy of over $800000 ...

BorderFire Report
Global economy collapsing along with the world financial system
BorderFire Report, TX - Dec 9, 2008
So the goals of the Illuminati are to create a One World Government and a New World Order, with them on top to rule the world into slavery and fascism. ...

India vs China: new world frontrunners against global financial ...
Cleveland Indy Media, OH - 11 hours ago
... to my books for further discussions 2. China and the new world order: how entrepreneurship, globalization, and borderless business reshape China and world.

The trouble with print media and the new world order
Vancouver Sun, Canada - Dec 8, 2008
By Jeff Lee 12-08-2008 COMMENTS(0) Inside the 2010 Olympics Last Thursday I attended a pretty interesting meeting about social media types in Vancouver ...

are China, India ready to be new world leaders amid global ...
Cleveland Indy Media, OH - 11 hours ago
There is a perception that labor in China is cheapest, but leading strategist George Zhibin Gu (in his new book: China and the new world order) is on the ...

[Comment] Taking sustainable development seriously, Belgium - 5 hours ago
We therefore need a new world order for financial flows and wealth distribution. And a new way of thinking on how we make the world a better place for ...

Progressive moral ambiguity III: The New World Order's rainbow lawyers
Enter Stage Right, Canada - Dec 7, 2008
... pore out of the world's international intelligence factories such as Harvard and are best known now as the burgeoning leadership of a "New World Order". ...

Post-American Century: The Emergence of a New World Order?
American Muslim, MO - Dec 7, 2008
by Dr. Robert D. Crane The subject of my talk is the Post-American Century: The Emergence of a New World Order. This fits well with my lifelong professional ...

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