Monday, October 8, 2007

My Trip to Logan County...

A couple of my best friends invited me down to their home this last weekend to come visit and checkout his personal family relics of his Grandfather's official Knight Templar "Royal Prince of the 32nd Degree" Documents and his personal Masonic Bible.

Let's call them "CJ" so as to not reveal their true

identity, because they asked to keep the real names private. 'CJ' have been a great friends and we are
very close when it comes to the NWO over the last 10 years. 'CJ's' hospitality is second to none....
They are true friends when it comes to people and I now knwo where they get it from 'CJ's' grandfather were taught the greatest gift we hold as humans as part of being a great human and that was to Love your fellow brother greater then yourself.

'CJ' may not be rich with wealth, but they make up for it with true friendship. This family will give you the shirt off their back and never question it. So let me say they went to a great sacrifice to in order that we all were treated like Honored guests in their home and I publish this for the World to also Discover. Yesterday we went on a road trip and took a tour of Logan County , all to see 'CJ's' discoveries about what he learned growing up at in his home town and they always has wanted share it with me to see what they knew. About 17 years ago I used to do work down in Logan County as a Regional 'Aqua Spa' Sauna Repair Technician through Macdonald Supply, so I kind of knew where many of the major landmark's already were. While we drove around Logan county we stopped by and saw a few "Key" locations in Logan County and from what I have discovered is Totally
Amazing! I have already begun some research in what "CJ' has Illuminated me with and it's like opening a Pandora's box of the NWO..........

If you were to see everything I recorded would feel just like me being the middle of a surreal movie plot, like a
cross between Indiana Jones and National Treasure.

If anyone is interested in my latest exclusive research documentary video footage of the
"Knight's Templar Castles" of Logan County please help 'CJ' and Family and send us a Donation
to them help out.

"Knight Templar Castle Barn Quilt" presently on display /designed and made by 'CJ'
a neverknwo photo exclusive scoop

You can find the "Donation Link" on the left side of this page by scrolling down and clicking the link to paypal.

Secret Tunnels and Secret Societies are both connected to this Knight Templar Castle.

Knight Templar Castle of Ohio
Uploaded by neverknwo

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