Thursday, November 15, 2007

YubaNet, CA - 4 hours ago
"Now, Comet 17P/Holmes holds that distinction." On Nov. 9th, a team of Hawaii astronomers led by Rachel Stevenson measured the diameter of the comet's ...
Comet Holmes tops the solar system, now larger than Sun
iTWire, Australia - 4 hours ago
By William Atkins Comet 17P/Holmes, which has been growing larger since October 23, 2007, is now larger than the Sun. Although the Sun is now the second ... via Yahoo! News - Nov 15 6:15 AM
A comet that has delighted backyard astronomers in recent weeks after an unexpected eruption has now grown larger than the sun.

Science Centric
Hubble Zooms In On Heart Of Mystery Comet -- Comet Holmes
Science Daily (press release) - 4 hours ago
15, 2007) — The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has probed the bright core of Comet 17P/Holmes which, to the delight of sky watchers, ...
Incredible Comet Bigger than the Sun
Holmes Comet Coma Grows Bigger Than The Sun Slashdot
all 10 news articles »
Hubble probes a comet's heart
MSNBC - 22 minutes ago
Comet Holmes is turning into the star of the night sky, thanks to a huge cloud of dust that makes it look more like a cosmic fuzzball than a dirty snowball. ...

Slashdot - 32 minutes ago
coondoggie passed us a NetworkWorld article, as he does, noting that there is now an object in our solar system bigger than Sol. The Holmes comet has a huge coma, with a diameter scientists are now calculating to be larger than our own middle-sized star. "Scientists don't seem to have a guess as to how big it will ultimately become. The Holmes coma's diameter on Nov. 9 was 869,900 miles (1.4 ...

Universe Today - Nov 13 10:25 AM
All right, that title is a little misleading. In fact, when I first read the original press release, my skepticism alarms went off. But it's true, the amazing Comet Holmes now has a halo that's larger than the Sun. Not bad for a comet that, until three weeks ago, was just a tiny dim dirty [...]

Comet may have wiped out mammoths and mastodons 12900 years ago, Thailand - Nov 13, 2007
The comet theory first began generating a buzz at an international meeting of geophysicists in Mexico in May. The findings were published this month in the ...

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