Friday, November 16, 2007

Chemtrails: Is U.S. Gov't. Secretly Testing Americans 'Again'?

09 Nov 2007
Could a strange substance found by an Ark-La-Tex man be part of secret government testing program? That's the question at the heart of a phenomenon called "Chemtrails." In a KSLA News 12 investigation, Reporter Jeff Ferrell shows us the results of testing we had done about what's in our skies.

Mystery clouds airport spying investigation
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, PA - Nov 2, 2007
By Richard Gazarik Despite official denials, directors of the Washington Township Municipal Authority in Fayette County are trying to determine who ...

Chemtrails and Black Triangles: Commonalities
UFODigest, Canada - Nov 6, 2007
by Regan Lee It might seem odd at first to compare chemtrails and black tirangle ufos. While they are not the same thing at all (I'm not suggesting they are ...

American Chronicle
Global Warming – Hot air and conspiracy theories?
American Chronicle, CA - Nov 4, 2007
Is it not true that “Chemtrails” could be designed to keep something out, as well as something in? I find it difficult to believe that governments would ...

Weather Manipulation, MA - Oct 21, 2007
... uses of the transmitter, and I am sure most of us here have noted at least in passing the rise of the "chemtrails" debate and speculation around it.

Rain Dancing in the 21st Century
Wired News - Nov 14, 2007
He told me about the experiment, run by Bill Woodley in the late 1970's, designed to confirm an earlier experiment that suggested cloud seeding success. ...

New York Times
Commercial Airlines Given Priority in Military’s Space
New York Times, United States - 2 hours ago
The experiment will start Wednesday and run through the Sunday after Thanksgiving. If the experiment works in that period, it could be used again at the end ...
Regional Variation In Warming From Sun During Solar Cycle Shown By ...
Science Daily (press release) - Nov 13, 2007
Woods is the principal investigator on nasa's $88 million Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment, or SORCE, mission, launched in 2003 to study how and why ...

Satellite to study Sun’s influence on Earth’s warming climate
SORCE also is helping scientists better understand violent space weather episodes triggered by solar flares and coronal mass ejections that affect the upper ...

Colorado State University (press release), CO - 21 hours ago
One experiment investigates mid-level non-precipitating clouds that are particularly relevant to military operations and radiative properties of the ...

BBC News
Sun and global warming: A cosmic connection?
BBC News, UK - Nov 14, 2007
At Cern, the giant European physics facility, an experiment called Cloud is being constructed which will research the notion that cosmic rays can stimulate ...
Skeptics raise doubts on global warming
Arizona Republic, AZ - Nov 10, 2007
Watts, who now runs his own weather-data service in Chico, Calif., started an experiment examining whether the type of paint used on the boxes that housed ...

China Leads Weather Control Race
Wired News - Nov 14, 2007
A few weather modification scientists have told me that, and my gut instinct was to focus on China's less-than-stellar human rights record and say just say, ...
Cosmic ray mystery solved?
innovations report, Germany - Nov 12, 2007
... and four lidar (light detection and ranging) devices to monitor dust, clouds, water vapor and other atmospheric conditions above the Auger Observatory. ...

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