Scientists Mentioning Methane being at levels that will 'kill millions of people'.
2000 U.S. troops cleaning oil in gulf
1900 Defense Department and associated personnel are deployed to the GulfWhat's really scary is some scientists are starting to voice concern about the methane being at levels that will kill millions of people.
This is no longer just a spill.
This is a deathly hazard.
17,500 National Guard troops authorized to fight the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Defense Secretary Robert Gates has authorized up to 17,500 National Guard troops to fight the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but only a fraction of that number has been deployed so far -- raising questions about where the troops are and why they have such a small presence.
A Defense official told Fox News that governors are afraid that activating more troops would be politically harmful, charging taxpayers a high cost for duties that won't keep troops busy. The skill sets these troops have don't match the needs, the official said, and the governors aren't about to pay soldiers to stand on the beaches waiting for oil to wash up.

Secret Societies of America's Elite
Thanks to Rob for recommending this excellent book - basically a complete history of secret societies and their influence in America.
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast
HOUSTON, 7/15/10 -- The U.S. Government's Homeland Security , FBI and Coast Guard have teamed up with BP's security police in Texas City, Texas to roust journalists who ask questions or take pictures (i.e., do journalism). Claiming Patriot Act powers, they confiscate whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want, and from whomever they want.
Enter the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, editor of NaturalNews. com, to do battle with "Brit Pee," as Texas Citizens are now calling it. He wrote a 7/7 column, still going viral, in which he considered the possible reasons for BP's platoons of goons. He close with thought-provoking ideas about the BP "nuclear option" to fix the catastrophe along the Gulf Coast. He wrote:
- "There is a conspiracy under way right now. It's a conspiracy between the U.S. government and British Petroleum to cover-up all evidence of what's really happening in the Gulf Coast."
- "See, rather than tell the truth about what's happening in the Gulf, BP has resorted to police state tactics to threaten the media and intimidate journalists, threatening them with arrest, detainment and felony crimes if they get close enough to snap photos of what's really going on in the Gulf Coast."
- "Perhaps BP and the federal government are about to unleash a nuclear explosion to stop the oil outflow, and they don't want anyone knowing about it until it's already done."
- "Perhaps the U.S. government is planning a multi-state roundup and evacuation of the population to clear out the entire Gulf Coast region in anticipation of something big and dangerous (such as a nuke, or an oil-soaked firestorm of a major U.S. city, or a dangerous new chemical being dumped in the Gulf by BP, etc.)"
Adams does a good job proving that BP, especially in its "Toxic City" backyard, is a criminal conspiracy posing as a cowboy company. I'm a lifelong Houstonian and journalist whose experience with BP confirms his worst fears -- in every particular.
The Iconoclast has been receiving emails and calls from anxious employees of BP and other Gulf Coast oil companies since we published a report of bizarre high atmosphere explosions over Texas CIty on the night of July 28, 2005. These occurred only three hours after the third major BP Texas City refinery explosion in 15 months, and only two days after the first NASA space shuttle launch since Columbia's destruction 30 months earlier. NASA was in Clear Lake City, just a quarter hour away, causing many witnesses to suspect that NASA and BP were up to something together.
The insider report below reached us last year, and it shows exactly what Big Oil is trying so hard to silence with lawyers, guns and money.
From: Izzi Ixxi (a pseudonym -- CM)
Subject: BP playing anniversary games
To: The Lone Star Iconoclast
Date: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 12:22 AM
Hello Captain,
I've been watching their moves at work. I have a plant radio and get to hear everything on the Refinery side and the Chemical side. In the last two weeks a lot of Refinery units were evacuated. Everybody had to leave except the skeleton crew. There is one thing that especially gets my attention, an email sent out to the Chemical side. I'm cutting and pasting it for you to read:
Since the 2005 ordeal with the Shelter In Place for 16 hours, I just thought this was something that needed to be brought to your attention. What's the shuttle doing this week? I tried to look on their website today, and it said landing is to be determined!! ! Are they waiting on us?
Like many an editor, I keep late hours, so by the time I opened the alarming email it was high noon, and Ixxi's intelligence was half a day old. I pondered whether there were anything specific enough to warrant exposing Ixxi's life or living to a killer company. We had never met or even spoken, but I had come to trust the BP Deepthroat who was so aware of the security details in Texas City, including that, in the aftermath of 9/11, Israeli Mossad agents had come to town to set up a counter-terror program for Texas City. The Iconoclast only recently obtained confirmation of this claim, from a senior member of Marathon Oil's security.
I was just about comfortable with my decision when I leaned that I had made the wrong one. At one o'clock a news alert about Bryan, Texas broke. The college city that provided for Texas A&M was just an hour northwest of us, and it was on fire. Next came a jolting number: 70,000 people were evacuating. The El Dorado fertilizer factory, reportedly chock-full of ammonium nitrate, might blow up like earlier amonium nitrate explosions in the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995, or the Texas City explosion of 1947. A military HAZMAT team just happened to be training in the area, and it rushed in to help. The Aggies, whom the rest of us Texans accuse of being a bit slow-witted, were quick to salute their saviors.
BRYAN Chemical fire prompts massive evacuations, KXXV, 7/30/2009, http://www.kxxv.com/global/story.asp?s=10819714
Not long afterward I caught another report that clarified things better still. At the time that this potential national-level emergency was playing out, Barack Obama was sequestered with his top military aides to participate in National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE-09).
"Obama Participates in Terror Preparedness Test," CBS, 7/30/2009, http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544162-5198249-503544.html
Later Obama kicked back with some buds to drink a few Buds, and the media spent the rest of the day discussing the drinking. They forgot to tell us more about the near-disaster out by Texas A&M, where the George HW Bush presidential library stood, and where Defense Secretary (and former CIA chief) Robert Gates had been the university president for years.
"Beer Summit Begins: Obama Sits Down With Crowley, Gates," Huffington Post, 7/3/2009, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/30/beer-summit- egins-obama-_n_248254.html
Joe Biden showed for the festivities, a nice touch, and I thought the pre-brew photo-op went fairly well, although BO didn't seem particularly festive. It was the Kenya Kid's first time in the driver's seat, after all, and for a military exercise in the vital petrochemical core of Southeast Texas. That's the very area that had become so strangely accident-prone since 9/11. Obama may well have had a bit of NLE-09 PTSD.
Just thinking about his maiden mission must have given him the chills. If that fire in Texas Aggie turf had touched of a fertilizer-filled factory, lots of college kids would have died, and the cause would never have been ascertained. People might have supposed that foreign terrorists had done it, and clamored for more war. The personnel and equipment would be hard-pressed to hang on until the Obama nation mobilized. If the terrorists were American, say some Internet insurrectionists who published conspiracy theories, then he would have to invoke secret emergency powers that W had drawn up for himself in 2007, and refused to show to Congress, NSPD-51. Crazy people had to be kept in check if you were leading your country from a global to a world war, he mused. He smiled his first real smile of the day.
Given time, the Obama nation he was chosen to create would materialize, one way or another. 9/11 had worked wonders for W years ago, and a 9/11-2B could give him the advantage he needed to move the ball in the court of public opinion. It wouldn't be a bad thing, really, if something like that occurred to refocus America, where people are so cynical about following their leadership.
Biden smiled with avuncular ease. Everyone knew that he could be counted on to step up if they had to replce KK (code-name for "Kenya Kid"). For now, at least, there was still time, and no one was thinking of Plan "Biden. In Obamalot, he was as loyal to Barry as Launcelot was to Arthur, and he liked Barry a lot more than Lyndon ever liked Jack.
The Lone Star Iconoclast, 3/3/2008
For the most complete collection of my articles, books and interviews:
America First Books, 2003 - present
In the articles section are my latest work on world war and false flag prospects, particularly in Chicago and Houston. At the site as well is the Mission of Conscience history by my former unit XO, Major William B. Fox (USMC). His research into the Ghost Troop missions is invaluable, as it documents our development of cyber-cavalry tactics to save countless lives in the BP explosions of 3/30/2004 and 7/28/2005, and in the Texas City nuclear incident of 1/31/06 - 2/2/2006.
"Captain Eric H. May Deserves Congressional Medal of Honor," The Lone Star Iconoclast, 2/2/2010, http://lonestaricon .com/index. php?option= com_content&view=article&id=472:captain- eric-h-may- deserves- congressional- medal-of- honor&catid=31:editorial&Itemid=71
* To join Ghost Troop write unit executive officer, Lt. Pat Woodard, at ghosttroop@spiriton e.com
US agencies converge on central Kansas for domestic terrorism exercise
Local, state, federal agencies converge on central Kansas for domestic terrorism exercise – WDAF.
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — An eight-day training exercise is under way in central Kansas, testing the responses of local, state and emergency officials to an act of domestic terrorism.
National Guard units from Kansas and Nebraska are taking part in the exercise, which began Sunday and runs through July 18.
The goal is to test civilian and government agencies in how well they respond to a terrorist act.
Officials begin with a tabletop exercise and move outdoors to Crisis City, a Kansas National Guard training venue near Salina.
Responders Train For Disaster Before It Happens
The training will involve a chemical, biological and nuclear response team of the Nebraska National Guard.
Explosion, Fake Terrorists Included In Response Drill
Kansas National Guard:
Kansas conducting terrorism response exercise - KTIV NewsChannel 4 ...- - 9:10am3 days ago - Kansas conducting terrorism response exercise. Associated Press - July 12, 2010 5:15 AM ET. TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - An 8-day training exercise is under way in ...
www.ktiv.com/Global/story.asp?S=12788792 Kansas conducting terrorism response exercise | News Updates ...
3 days ago - An eight-day training exercise is under way in central Kansas, testing the responses of local, state and emergency officials to an act of domestic ...
www.kansas.com/2010/.../kansas-conducting-terrorism-response.html - CachedKansas conducting terrorism response exercise - NBCActionNews.com
- 9:09am2 days ago - Kansas conducting terrorism response exercise. Kansas National Guard. Regular Photo Size. advertisement. alt. Posted: 2:36 PM ...
www.nbcactionnews.com/.../kansas-conducting-terrorism-response-exercise - CachedKansas Conducting Terrorism Response Exercise
- 9:10am2 days ago - National Guard units from Kansas and Nebraska are taking part in a terrorism response exercise, which began Sunday and runs through July 18.
www.wibw.com/home/headlines/98266244.html - Cached

Anti-terror drill brings buzz to bridge
PALMYRA — The bomb on the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge didn't go off Tuesday morning.
Then again, it wasn't supposed to.
It was a fake, part of a training exercise that looked like the set of an action movie starring Bruce Willis.
Motorists craned their necks as they drove by to catch a glimpse of state police Detective Mike Ward in an 80-pound protective Kevlar suit. He carefully approached the black SUV parked on the westbound lane.Dozens of law enforcement officials and emergency personnel watched as Ward fiddled with the wires connecting a large metal container in the trunk to the detonator in the front seat.
The exercise was meant to prepare law enforcement to respond to emergency situations.
"This is going to allow us to formulate better plans for a better response in case of an incident here on the bridge," said Patrick Reilly, the Burlington County Bridge Commission's director of public safety.
Between 75 and 100 law enforcement and emergency response personnel took part in Tuesday's exercises. Training included a terrorism scenario similar to the May attempted bombing in Times Square and a water rescue scenario similar to last week's duck boat incident.
The agencies involved in the state police-run exercises included the Burlington County Prosecutor's Office and Office of Emergency Management as well as police, fire and rescue squads from Cherry Hill, Palmyra, Cinnaminson and Riverton.
"It's been a long, long time since we brought together that many agencies," Reilly said. "In the event that there is some kind of problem here on the bridge, we can work cohesively."
Training on the bridge also gives authorities a chance to practice in a real environment, where not all variables can be controlled.
"Our K-9 had never been exposed to a grid like the one on the deck of the bridge," state trooper Chris Demaise said of the bomb-sniffing dog brought in to detect the mock explosive device in the vehicle.
Another unplanned challenge Tuesday was the weather. Although heavy rain had stopped by the time training started, the state police helicopter that was to perform the water rescue was delayed in Trenton.
Palmyra Police Lt. John Lippincott said the training allows officers to identify and address problems before a real emergency arises.
"You kind of work out the kinks that we have to work on."Terrorism response exercise: Large emergency response exercise to date...
If you're were driving through Kissimmee on Tuesday and noticed dozens of police, SWAT teams and helicopters swarming an abandoned hotel — do not be alarmed.
More than 20 city, state and federal law-enforcement agencies will participate in an emergency response exercise at the property on U.S. Highway 192 near North Thacker Avenue.
Osceola County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Twis Lizasuain said the four-hour event will be a full-scale exercise, so people can expect specialty units including hazmat and may likely hear loud noises.
Law-enforcement will be in uniform as well as in plain-clothes.
The exercise plot involves the discovery of an international terrorist cell.
"The exercise and evaluation will test response capabilities that include rapid and accurate notification and communications, command and control responsibilities, and information sharing among all regional participating agencies," Lizasuain stated.
The event will occur from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
A similar activity will occur Wednesday at DeLand High School, where the Orlando/Orange Urban Area Security Initiative will have a four-hour exercise to simulate a terrorist plot involving a person with a gun at a high school.
The Wednesday exercise is a simulated terrorist plot involving a person with a gun at a high school.
120 Hour Surface Current Forecast for Gulf (VIDEO)
Showing the surface currents moving around the Gulf.
What is striking is the position of the Horizon blowout in the close to middle of the loop current !

UPDATE: New Cap Attempt 'Will Fail' as Stated June 4th 2010
Record Collapse of Earth's Upper Atmosphere Puzzles Scientists
by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
Head-in-hand, I can only repeat what I reported on June 4th 2010. "I feel shameful, and I am guilty, for not coming forward with what has been passed to me from the geological community, and a few geo-petro specialists with inside information. It appears BP has always known they cannot stop this rupture. At best August, but many are now thinking early 2011."
What I didn't realize at the time of the above report, was the US administration has been involved and supportive of this known playbook of: "we will know something in the next 24 hours - we will know something in the next 48 hours - we will know something in the next 72 hours." Then the week passes, a new week begins and the same deceptive lies are repeated again and again.
The goal is to have you one day say: "I'm sick of hearing about this oil crap, what's the latest on Lindsay Lohan?" or "who won on America's got Talent?" As pathetic as this sounds, it is a factual method of lulling the American people to sleep.
It is far more easy to understand BP's motives for this shameful trickery, but why would all branches of the US government participate? Yes, Republicans as well as Democrats and even Independents are guilty. -- But Why?
To my mind, there is only one answer. Everyone involved knows of the cracks (fissures) on the seabed. It would be impossible to cap the well which has a tremendous pressure of 12,000 psi or greater, and not expand or explode the current cracks (fissures) surrounding the oil reservoir.

One question I cannot answer is why the US administration will not simply come out with the truth telling the world of this dire situation? There is obviously more to this picture than meets the eye. What that is - only a very select few know the answer.
Geomagnetic Storm In Effect
A minor geomagnetic storm is underway as Earth enters a solar wind stream. Sky watchers around Antarctica should be alert for auroras. Arctic auroras will be overwhelmed by the summer midnight Sun.

Today's activity consisted of a C2/Sf flare at 13/1051Z from Region 1087 (N21E20). 1087 decreased in areal coverage and spot number during the past 24 hours and is currently classified as a Dso with a beta-gamma magnetic configuration.

*BREAKING* CNN reports well has “weak points at 9,000″ & “17,000 feet” that BP is likely “watching in the seismic” (VIDEO)
We don’t know if there ae significant leaks deep in the well.
There’s a couple of weak points at 9,000 feet, and one at 17,000 feet, that they might be particularly interested in looking and watching in the seismic.
tranceformation of america
Big Pharma nanotechnology encodes pills with tracking data that you swallow (UPDATE 1)

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