United Nations and FEMA plan to evacuate Tampa Bay over Oil Spill ..
As the UN, FEMA and other government agencies prepare for what is now being called the worst oil spill disaster in history, plans to evacuate the Tampa Bay area are in place. LINK Investigative researchers like David Icke, Dr. Micheal Salla and others suggest that the Gulf Oil Spill clean up is being mis-directed by an Manipulative Extraterrestrial command structure which serves an alien agenda. Dr. Salla and Gary McKinnon have elaborated on the Manipulative Extraterrestrial infiltration of elite organizations. The plans are to be announced when toxic fumes start to pose an imminent threat to Tampa Bay residents. The elderly and those with respiratory problems would be more susceptible to health risks, in the event of a controlled burn.
Independent scientists now suggest that the true spill rate, before the riser pipe was cut off in June, was up to 100 barrels a day. Since the April 20th explosion, which resulted in the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon rig, there have been more than a million gallons of chemicals poured into the Gulf of Mexico in efforts to break up the spill. The chemicals have come under scrutiny because of their own toxic nature. LINK
See attached file....Ignore at your Peril

--- On Wed, 6/30/10, Francis Riley wrote:
From: Francis Riley
To: "The Greek"
Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 1:22 PM
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Chet Lockett
Many hope it does not come to Forced Evacuation. Every day those hopes are dashed as the Oil Spill spews out 2,000,000 gallons a day and the NWO Forces escalate. The Oil will hit Europe if not contained and stopped. Containment is slated for August-September. Should we have a severe Hurricane Season 2011 is the target, well enough to have declared NATIONAL MARTIAL LAW (NML) ALONG WITH FORCED EVACUATION of the majority of AMERICANS INTO THE PREPARED FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) DEATH CAMPS.
Harris County

- 6:35am
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Tom
Subject: ALERT! / Potential evacuation zones in Gulf States! / See the maps!
The pressure at the depth of the gulf well is 100,000 pounds per square inch. This is an almost too intense of a figure to comprehend. It was simply too much in the first place, and that is why the terrible accident happened. That, Hoagland says, along with some of the worst planning imaginable.
Richard is warning of a gas explosion that may occur in weeks or months resulting in a massive tsunami, which he says would travel at 400-600 MPH toward the most vulnerable coastline in America.
This he says, would sink all vessels for miles and drive the oil, toxic dispersants and gases inland within minutes.
Hoagland said, “Think Mount St. Helens — underwater. Depth recorders have detected a gas bubble growing under the ocean floor, around the well head. If this potential bubble does not get controlled ASAP before it explodes, impending disaster could be awaiting millions of residents in the gulf states.”

ILLUMINATI Card Game..BP Oil Spill Was Planned?

'And The Sea Shall Turn To Blood'...

This Illuminati Card Game shows this entire oil spill incident was planned to bring down America. Likewise another card, issued well before 9-11, showed the twin towers being taken down is one of the most shocking of all, especially in light of the fact that this game first hit the specialty stores in 1995! How in the world did Steve Jackson know that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were going to be attacked? In fact, this card accurately depicted the World Trade Center attack in great detail.
Read the rest here: http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2010/05/illuminati-card-game-bp-oil-spill.html
Illuminati is a standalone card game made by Steve Jackson Games (SJG), inspired by The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. The game has ominous secret societies competing with each other to control the world through sinister means, including legal, illegal, and even mystical. It was designed as a “tongue-in-cheek rather than serious” take on conspiracy theories. It contains groups named similarly to real world organizations, such as the Society for Creative Anarchism. It can be played by two to eight players. Depending on the number of players, a game can take between one and six hours.
Steve Jackson Games (SJG) is a game company, founded in 1980 by Steve Jackson, that creates and publishes role-playing, board, and card games, and the gaming magazine Pyramid.
Facebook pulling BP page was a "terrible mishtake"
Defacebook is not part of a global conspiracy Facebook has claimed that the pulling of a page which campaigned for a BP boycott was a terrible mishtake.
A Facebook spokesman said that the page was pulled because of a technology cock-up.
It was not bought down at the request of BP which did not use its all powerful illuminati style connections to censor the site to prevent a boycott.
The group, which had 700,000 members went down on Monday, with visitors redirected to Facebook's home page.
Facebook said that an automated system mistakenly flagged the page for removal.
"After a manual review it now has been restored along with the page," said Defacebook
Public Citizen, a nonprofit public interest group that has been promoting the boycott, said that it was not much of an explanation.
The fact that a community that large could be taken down without explanation is a problem. Facebook and other social websites have become the public squares of the internet.
BP has shrugged and said it was not involved. In fact, it notified Facebook and helped get the page up and running again, a spokesBP claimed.
Willdan Supports Deepwater Horizon Gulf Coast Hurricane Emergency Evacution plans ...

FEMA readies oil-spill evacuation plans for Gulf cities
FEMA Plans to Evacuate Tampa Bay Area In Place?
FEMA has plans for the evacuation of the Tampa Bay area, according to the Hernando County Political Buzz Examiner.
(TAMPA, Fla.) - FEMA has plans to evacuate the Tampa Bay area in the event of a controlled burn of surface oil in the Gulf of Mexico, or if wind or other conditions are expected to take toxic fumes through Tampa Bay, according to a report by Maryann Tobin in the Hernando County Political Buzz Examiner. Tobin has been a freelance writer for more than twenty years, writing for local publications in New York and Florida.
Maryann Tobin’s news story has generated high reader interest. It’s obvious that the Gulf oil spill continues to be the leading story in the media as long as the oil well remains uncapped and the threat of exposure to environmental hazards like benezene exists.
For Maryann Tobin’s news story on the FEMA plan to evacuate Tampa, see: Florida Gulf oil spill: Plans to evacuate Tampa Bay area are in place - examiner.com
Maryann Tobin has been following the BP oil spill with a series of short, hard hitting news stories for weeks. Click on this link for access to some of Tobin’s news stories on the Gulf spill: Search Results for "mary ann tobin gulf oil" - examiner.com
If you’re a conspiracy advocate and I’m not, you may see some devious FEMA plot to do away with people. In fact, if the crude oil nears Tampa Bay and burn off is used on the oil spill, there may be health risk of inhalation exposure to inhabitants. It follows that evacuation as in the case of a hurricane is a logical alternative.
An informed source told us on June 25th that there were reports of the smell of oil in the Tampa Bay area. Real or imaginations running wild?
Joel Achenback, Washington Post staff writer, in an article of June 23rd entitled “Each Day Another Way to Define Worst-Case for Oil Spill,” reported that Matt Simmons, founder of Simmons and Co., an oil investment firm and “and since the April 20 blowout, the unflagging source of end-of-the-world predictions. “Can you imagine evacuating 20 million people? . . . This story is 80 times worse than I thought.”
The only thing for sure is that this story is not going away as long as the well is unplugged and the crude oil continues to spread into the Gulf.
Chemicals in crude oil and dispersants can cause a wide range of health effects in people and wildlife, depending on the level of exposure and susceptibility. Crude oil has many highly toxic chemical ingredients that can damage every system in the body. Dispersant chemicals can affect many of the same organs. For more information on this, see: Gulf Oil Spill Health Hazards - sciencecorps.org/
FEMA: Evacuation Plans
www.fema.gov/plan/prepare/evacuation.shtm - Cached - Similar
Jun 4, 2009 ... a building evacuation plan that is regularly practiced. ...
Escape Plan. n a fire or other emergency, you may need to evacuate your ...

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