Sunday, June 13, 2010

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Congressman Stutzman on World Government and the New World Order Exclusive

neverknwo: Hey Marlin I just wanted to get you on film and what you think about World Government see where you stand on the New World Order.

Marlin: Well... I'm opposed to it

neverknwo: ok

Marlin: and um..I believe in Local Government first of all I beleive in communities a government that serves closer to the people serves best.

neverknwo: Ok

Marlin: And you know then it's up to the State ...

And then we got to remember the states establish our Federal Governement.

And you knwo our Federal Governement continues to take away more and more of our freedoms away from us.
If we are gonna move into World Order I'm Opposed to it.

neverknwo Ok...

That's were I wanted to see where you stood at my friend.

Marlin: You're welcome

neverknwo: Alright.

I did it. Today I made a trip to Columbia City, Indiana to participate in Today's Special Election 3rd District Congressional Caucus and meet the canidates to see where they stood on the World Government Issue. I made history today and met with favorite Marlin Stutzman to get him on record. This is my exclusive Video Report of Today's Event. neverknwo NEIN Field Reporter PBN8510

Marlin Stutzman winning Indiana's Special Election 3rd District Congressional Caucus

Stutzman wins GOP nod

Politico - Alex Isenstadt - ‎12 hours ago‎
State Sen. Marlin Stutzman has won the GOP nomination in the race for the open seat last held by former Indiana Rep. ...

Indiana GOP picks state senator to replace Souder

The Associated Press - ‎13 hours ago‎
COLUMBIA CITY, Ind. — Republican officials in northeast Indiana have selected state Sen. Marlin Stutzman to replace former US Rep. ...

Ind. GOP readies to pick Souder successor nominee

Chicago Tribune - ‎Jun 10, 2010‎
AP Political insiders are expecting political theater -- and a long day -- Saturday when hundreds of Republican Party precinct officials gather to nominate ...

According to World, Souder wrote, "I prayed multiple times a day, sang hymns with emotion and tears, felt each time that it wouldn't happen again, read the Bible every morning. : So how in the world did I have a 'torrid' (which is an accurate word) many-year affair? How could I compartmentalize it so much?"
more by Mark Souder - 1 hour ago - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (2 occurrences)

Stutzman wins on 2nd ballot

Fort Wayne Journal Gazette - Samuel Hoffman - ‎1 hour ago‎
Precinct committee members listen to candidates at the Republican caucus Saturday at Indian Springs Middle School in Columbia City, where the event was ...

GOP race to replace Bell is heating up

Fort Wayne Journal Gazette - ‎1 hour ago‎
Competitors in another Republican caucus have started lining up – this time to take Rep. Matt Bell's place on the general election ballot in House District ...


Stutzman Is GOP Nominee In IN-03

National Journal (blog) - Tim Sahd - ‎12 hours ago‎
GOPers in IN-03 chose state Sen. Marlin Stutzman (R) to be the party's nominee today in the special election to replace ex-Rep. Mark Souder (R). ...

Indiana GOP picks candidate to replace Mark Souder, congressman who resigned ...

Los Angeles Times (blog) - ‎12 hours ago‎
Republican officials in northeastern Indiana have selected state Sen. Marlin Stutzman to replace former US Rep. Mark Souder on the November ballot. ...

United States

Stutzman Dominates Congressional Caucus, Captures GOP Nomination

Indiana's NewsCenter - Jeff Neumeyer - ‎7 hours ago‎
Columbia City, IN (Indiana's NewsCenter) ---State Senator Marlin Stutzman turned Saturday's Republican Congressional nominating caucus into ...

Stutzman handily wins Republican caucus

News Sentinel - Bob Caylor - ‎11 hours ago‎
After a year-and-a-half of campaigning for the US Senate, then the House, state Sen. Marlin Stutzman of Howe has locked in a spot in a race ...

Coats congratulates Stutzman

WANE - ‎13 hours ago‎
“I congratulate our Republican nominee for the United States House of Representatives in the Third District, Marlin Stutzman. “Now with the caucus behind us ...

Fort Wayne, IN

10 candidates out in first round of caucus voting

Fort Wayne Journal Gazette - Niki Kelly - ‎14 hours ago‎
The first round of voting at the 3rd district GOP congressional caucus eliminated 10 candidates because they did not receive 5 percent of the votes. ...

GOP Caucus Preview: The Final Three

Indiana's NewsCenter - Jeff Neumeyer - ‎Jun 11, 2010‎
FORT WAYNE, IN (Indiana's NewsCenter) --- One top contender and two newcomers to politics are featured in our final segment, previewing the ...

Souder e-mails sad, bizarre and show politics' failings

News Sentinel - Kevin Leininger - ‎Jun 10, 2010‎
Nearly three years ago, Allen County Recorder John McGauley told me for publication something he told local Republican leaders behind ...

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Indiana's 'Special Election' 3rd District Congressional Caucus

On Sat. June 12th in Columbia City, IN. Precinct Committeeman will be selecting the first Interm Congressman after Mark Souder in this Historic Event got caught getting a Blow Job from an assistant by a park ranger. So the GOP held a special meeting to fill us in on Sat. details what will occur and the schedule of events.

If you live in Indiana and want your voice heard you have only a few hours to call your Precinct Committeeman elected representatives and let them knwo who you want for congress for Northeast Indiana.
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Now that I hold an officail elected office in the State of Indiana, No Link News Service is off to the State Capitol to meet the Gubermer next week and start my new job.
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David Hannay - New World Disorder: The UN after the Cold War - An Insider's View

Posted By : alba-negru | Date : 05 Jun 2010 13:58:35 | Comments : 0 |

David Hannay - New World Disorder: The UN after the Cold War - An Insider's View Publisher: I. B. Tauris | 2008-07-15 | ISBN: 1845117190 | PDF | 320 pages | 5.80 MB
Helmut Dubiel, "The Lesser Evil: Moral Approaches to Genocide Practices (Cass Series--Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions)"
Publisher: Routledge | 2004 | ISBN 0714683957 | PDF | 241 pages | 1.4 MB
This book compares the genocide perpetrated by both Nazism and Communism. Both political systems were evil yet, when compared, they lose some of their power to shock. The book considers: the different receptions given to Nazism and Communism; whether people can behave "rationally" in contexts of great wickedness; whether the Communist or Nazi worldview was more "rational" the relationship between post-war memories and history; and how atrocities are remembered by society and how intellectuals construct them. The editors argue that these twentieth-century evils invite comparison if only because of their traumatic effects and that we have an obligation to understand what happened and an obligation to understand how we have dealt with it.

Can we have a new UN please?

Arab News - Aijaz Zaka Syed - 2 days ago
It's time to build a new UN and a new world order. A just and democratic world is not possible without justice and equality at the UN.

illuminati new world order:the future on a card game

Before It's News - 9 hours ago
Illuminati: New World Order (INWO) is a collectible card game (CCG) that was released in 1994 by Steve Jackson Games, based on their original boxed game ...
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The New World Order Is Modern Pharisaism. Is Its Sudden Antizionism Hegelian Tactics?
Contributed by Zen Gardner (Editor)

More stories from this contributor

(Posted by Anders,

Letter from "One Jerusalem" received on 11 June 2010: "The narrative the world accepts is always that of Israel as the evildoer. Daily, the world continues its relentless campaign to demonize the Jewish State."

Summary: The bloody Israeli action against the Turkish aid flotilla recently was so amateurish that it does not fit into what we know about Israeli warfare. The commando raiders hardly acted on their own - and the order must ultimately have come from the Defense Minister and former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak. It is alleged that the Israelis started shooting from the helicopter before their descent. Why would Israel - even far out in international waters - have such a bloody episode, the safest way to isolate itself completely, while Iran and Syria/Hezbollah are pressing? It seems as if the Jewish elite definitely wants to lay Israel bare to the world's hatred. Subsequently, a shockingly perplexed Obama soon supports the Israelis - then abruptly to switgh over to Turkey instead. The Israeli leaders are not just national - but global players in the international elitist clique around Rothschild´s world government efforts. Israel's presence is the key obstacle to the New World Order integration efforts in the Union for the Mediterranean, which brought Israel on confrontation with the EU after the Gaza War 2008/2009. Rothschild created Israel after biblical prophetic outline and corruption - and his guru Freemason, Albert Pike, has published a scenario for Israel's destruction - after biblical prophetic outline. Are we going to isolate Israel in order to do away with the country in Hegelian tactics? World over, the Jewish elite's blatant effort for their own dictatorial New World Order, including the mockery of opposition to mass immigration, their control over the media with the concealment of their and their followers´ dictatorial actions, authors of the current financial crisis and the global warming lie made sure to turn sympathy for this Jewish elite and Israel as its visible symbol into anger and demands for Israel being dismantled. Particularly the American blogosphere is becoming more and more against "the Jews". It is a pity because this disaffection is again involving the many decent Jews - even though most blogs are trying to differentiate. Some Jews argue that Israel can only survive if threatened on its existence, that it will otherwise fall apart. Should Israel go under because the Rothschilds are now taking over world domination (2009 was the first year of world governance according to EU Pres. Van Rompuy) the global Jewish clique will once again have trampled on their own countrymen: They also financed the Holocaust! No doubt that whatever will happen in the Middle East Rothschild architects will be behind. Pres. Obama is behaving totally confused and incompetent. Russians and Chinese are doing everything they can to stay out - so Amedinejad has a free hand to order the players about - until Israel does something desperate.

The forces behind Illuminism, which the EU profess are now endangering the security of an aggressive and desperate Israel. It is about the global Jewish elite behind the hardly incidental Mavi Marmara and a perplexed and irresolute President Obama, who is running an uncanny swaying course, one day supporting Israel – and then on the following day all of a sudden twisting the arm of Israel in order to please Turkey and Egypt – in a situation where toothless fresh US sanctions are creating a dangerous Turkey-Iran Alliance making the promotion of the escort with Turkish and Iranian war ships of a fresh Gaza aid flotilla in the days to come more likely. This means either to force the obstinate Jews to humiliate themselves, losing all deterrent credibility – or force them to desperate actions. Remember Amalek.

What Exactly Is Obama's New World Order?

FOXNews - Judith Miller - May 25, 2010
The president offers a curtain-raiser on his national security policy. But we're still left to wonder what constitutes success in Iraq and ...

Obama's New World Order

Human Events (blog) - Robert Maginnis - Jun 3, 2010
President Obama released his blueprint last week for pursuing a new world order that offers no compelling vision to guide the ship of ...
Limiting for Whom the Bell Tolls- Huffington Post (blog)
Analysis on the new US national security strategy- People's Daily Online
Obama presents an idealistic security strategy- Financial Express Bangladesh
all 53 news articles »

Ahmadinejad Stresses Need for New World Order

Fars News Agency - 6 days ago
Reminding that major world and Asian players will take part in the Istanbul conference, the Iranian president underlined that "Iran, too, will have active ...

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Sinkholes in 0bamaland

Welcome to latest edition and compilation of various pics from around the World.
Nature is showing as a supernatural course all over the world, unfortunatelly Guatemala isn't the only place sufering the Obamaland Curse.
Sinkhole outbreak in China now it this weeks latest news and Zero Point Conspiracy Theory is just like a Bottomless Pit.

How deep does will the Rabbit holy go?

Between the groovy music and the repeating backgrounds who couldn't love making a video?

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Dragon Wagon

Made a stop at Canal Days yesterday and this video diary of my visit to downtown New Haven.

A big piece of Michael Jackson history was now in downtown New Haven for it's annual Festival.

The Dragon Wagon Kiddie Coaster was also once part of Jackson's private amusement park at Neverland Ranch

The kid-sized coaster features a grinning dragon that loops behind a gray castle adorned with gargoyles resembling dancers from Jacko's "Thriller" video.

Michael Jackson's Neverland Ride for Sale in Coney Island ..

Its journey to find enough rides, the right quality rides, was proving difficult," said John Strong, who owns Dreamland's freak show.

Dragon Wagon Goes Off The Rails, 11 Injured At Bronx Carnival

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