Dr. Horn traveled to Washington DC, where he met with Masons at the House of the Temple, the headquarters of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite. Horn says these men were very cordial and mostly responsive to his questions, even confirming his understanding of the influence of Freemasonry in American history. Only when he pressed one of them about a ritual called the Raising Ceremony (the raising of Osiris from the dead—a.k.a. Hiram Abiff), which is conducted in the Temple Room on the third floor of the building, did these Masons become evasive and visibly uncomfortable. The reason for this, according to Horn, is that in addition to the Raising Ceremony being conducted when members reach the 33rd Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, this strange ceremonial is performed without public knowledge in the Temple Room at the inauguration of every U.S. president. Why? Because deep esoteric meaning behind Egyptian and Rosicrucian magic that was incorporated in the rites and rituals of Freemasonry holds that the spirit of Osiris can be raised from the underworld and "installed" (for want of a better term) in the reigning king or president... "There is a Bible that is ‘magically bound’ inside this square in Washington," says Horn. "It is the same Bible Dan Brown called ‘the Lost Symbol.’ ... To assure that the arrival of Apollo/Osiris will not be impeded by the influence of Christianity—which so many of America’s citizens have been devoted to since the country’s founding—the "Lost Symbol" Bible was placed in a Magic Binding Square inside the "testes" of the DC Obelisk of Osiris (Washington Monument). According to the occultism, this binding utility is meant to restrain the Bible’s influence while allowing the seed of Osiris to materialize...
"This alignment is one of many such transglobal earth meridians and is perhaps one of the most strategic alignments of the North Atlantic. Encompassing this northern ocean and shared waters of the Mediterranean Sea, it is readily visible simply with globe and string, stretching from Mexico City to Mount Carmel in Israel. Along this tour of power and blood you will find located: the mouth of the Mississippi River in New Orleans, Atlanta, Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York City, Boston, the Satan Axis through Nova Scotia, Belfast, London, Brussels, the Franco-German Border and Kososo.Perhaps from this you can see the geomantic effect such places have on the peace and security of the rest of the world when Kosovo or Israel goes to war with themselves. With such established centers of economic and political power located as such- there is potential, with geomancy, to harmonize and bring peace to this line that has been the flash point for world wars, trade wars, religious wars, civil wars, sectarian wars, revolutions and evolutions. This is one of many examples where through education in geomancy one is free-ed from the tyranny of a collective rut."A Masonic Compass symbol embedded in the "Parc du Bruxelles" lay-outPhoto: Masonic Compass symbolPhoto: Map of Brussels 1782 with the already incorporated Masonic Compass symbolPhoto: Map of Brussels 1834 with the redesigned Masonic Compass symbolPhoto: Recent live map of the "Parc du Bruxelles" and it's partly hidden Masonic Compass symbolPhoto: -red dot- the Palace of NationsThe Royal Palace"The Royal Palace of Brussels (Dutch: Koninklijk Paleis van Brussel, French: Palais Royal de Bruxelles) is the official palace of the King of the Belgians in the centre of the nation's capital Brussels. However it is not used as a royal residence, as the king and his family live in the Royal Castle of Laeken on the outskirts of Brussels. The website of the Belgian Monarchy describes the function of the palace as follows: "The Palace is where His Majesty the King exercises his prerogatives as Head of State, grants audiences and deals with affairs of state. Apart from the offices of the King and the Queen, the Royal Palace houses the services of the Grand Marshal of the Court, the King's Head of Cabinet, the Head of the King's Military Household and the Intendant of the King's Civil List. The Palace also includes the State Rooms where large receptions are held, as well as the apartments provided for foreign Heads of State during official visits."The palace is situated in front of Brussels Park. A long square called the Paleizenplein/Place des Palais separates the palace from the park. The middle axis of the park marks both the middle peristyle of the palace and the middle of the facing building on the other side of the park, which is the Palace of the Nation (the Belgian Federal Parliament building). The two facing buildings are said to symbolize Belgium's system of government: a constitutional monarchy"."After the Belgian revolution the palace was offered to Leopold of Saxe-Coburg when he ascended the throne as the first King of the Belgians. Just like his predecessor William II he used the palace mainly for official receptions and other representational purposes and lived in the Royal Castle of Laeken. During his reign (until 1865) little was changed to the palace. It was his son and successor Leopold II who judged the building to be too modest for a king of his stature, and who kept on enlarging and embellishing the palace until his death in 1909. During his reign the palace nearly doubled in surface. After the designs of his architect Alphonse Balat, imposing rooms like the 'Grand Staircase', 'Throne Room' and the 'Grande Gallerie' were added. Balat also planned a new façade but died before the plans could be executed. It was only after 1904 that the new façade was executed after new plans by Henri Maquet. In his new design the palace received a formal front garden which separates the building from the 'Place des Palais'".Photo: -red dot- The Royal PalaceA Kabalistic Tree of Life symbol embedded in the Brussels city center lay-outPhoto: Kabalistic Tree of Life symbolPhoto: The "jubelpark" and it's hidden Kabalistic Tree of Life symbolThe Masonic Lodge"This museum is housed in a former masonic lodge of the Droit Humain in the Rue de L'Ermitage / Kluisstraat, 86 - 1050 Brussels.The former masonic lodge was transformed into a Museum of Modern Architecture in 2001-2002 according to the plans designed by the architects Elie Levy and the Brussels Ekla Architects Office. The main ground floor rooms have been redesigned and restored, keeping the original space and decoration intact. The study of the evolution of the colours allowed the reconstruction of a polychromy on the ground floor inspired by the original 1935 design of the building. The ceiling of the masonci temple has been rebuilt, based on a project by de Bodson and Van Hooveld that was never put in practice. The tile floor, which was in a rather bad state, has been replaced with a wooden floor copying the original mosaic floor. Each room has been dedicated to one of the architects who were at the cradle of the "Archives d'Architecture Moderne" movement. : Fernand Bodson, Antoine Pompe, Louis Herman De Koninck, Victor Bourgeois and Renaat Braem."The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium (Dutch: Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, French: Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique), is one of the most famous museums in Belgium. It is situated in the capital Brussels in the downtown area on the Coudenberg. There are four museums connected with the Royal Museum, and two of them (the Museum of Ancient Art and the Museum of Modern Art, Brussels), are in the main building. The other two (the Museum Constantin Meunier and the Antoine Wiertz Museum) are dedicated to specific Belgian artists, are much smaller, and are located at different points in the city.The Royal Museum contains over 20,000 drawings, sculptures, and paintings, which date from the early 15th century to the present. The museum has an extensive collection of Flemish painting, among them paintings by Bruegel and Rogier van der Weyden, Robert Campin (the Master of Flémalle), Anthony van Dyck, and Jacob Jordaens. The museum is also proud of its "Rubens Room", which houses more than 20 paintings by the artist. The Museum also houses the famous painting The Death of Marat by Jacques-Louis David.There are constant changing exhibitions. For example, in February 2007, the museum displayed exhibitions on the Belgian artist Leon Spilliaert and one showcasing Christmas food in Flemish painting.A Magritte Museum (named Musée Magritte Museum) should open in June 2009. Therefore a lot of paintings by the Belgian surrealist are temporarily not exhibited.Photo: The Masonic Lodge/the Museum of Fine Arts"Originally it was part of the military exercising ground outside of the center of the city, the so-called "Linthout" plains. For the world exhibition of 1880, the plain was converted to an exhibition center. The original pavilions of the exhibition have now mainly been replaced with the Arch and the large halls on both sides of the arch, leaving only the glass constructed Bordiau halls as a memento of 1880.The Arch was planned for the world exhibition of 1880 and was meant to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the independence of Belgium. In 1880, only the bases of the columns had been constructed and during the exhibition the rest of the arch was completed with wooden panels. During the following years, the completion of the monument was the topic of a continuous battle between king Leopold II and the Belgian government, who did not want to spend so much money on it. The monument was finally completed by way of private funding in 1905, just in time for the 75th anniversary of the Belgian independence. It is the widest and second highest (after Paris) triumphal arch in the world".The Arc of CinquantenairePhoto: -red dot- The Arc of CinquantenairePhoto: Triangle/piramid shapes in the lay out of Brussel's city center."Caesar wrote about Ambiorix in his commentary about his battles against the Gauls: "De Bello Gallico". In this text he also wrote the famous line: "Of all the Gauls, the Belgae are the bravest." ("...Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae..."). This sentence has often been misquoted as "Of all the Gauls, the Belgians are the bravest.", while Caesar meant the tribes collected under the name, "Belgae" and not "the Belgians", because Belgium didn't exist until 1830.Ambiorix remained forgotten until the 19th century. When Belgium became independent in 1830 the national government started searching through their historical archives for persons who could serve as national heroes".Photo: The Ambiorix Plain (next photo is 90° turned to show another symbol)Photo: The first "Knight Templars Cross" or the "Cross of Lorraine"Photo: The statue of AmbiorixPhoto: Another interesting feature (if anyone has ideas on this one please feel free to share)Photo: A total view of the Masonic Compass symbol, Kabalistic Tree of Life and the triangle/piramid shapes.Sources: http://www.geomancy.org/e-zine/2000/spring/geomancy-future/index.htmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomancyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambiorixhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Museums_of_Fine_Arts_of_Belgiumhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinquantenairehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Palace_of_BrusselsAdditional info: http://odeo.com/episodes/24693517-Cort-Lindahl-Geomantic-Information-SystemsPromoters: http://www.michaeltsarion.com/http://www.redicecreations.com/mtsarforum/
Photo: The Castle of Kings/DarknessIn his writings ("Bloodlines of the Illuminati", p. 205) and speeches, Fritz Springmeier mentions a secret castle located near the village of Muno in Belgium. This castle would, according to him, be a center of the occult and have a cathedral inside with a dome with 1,000 lights. This castle is referred to as the Mothers-of-Darkness castle. Monarch programming would be performed on children there.This castle is also sometimes referred to as the "Castle of Kings". Its real name is "Château des Amerois" and it is located in Bouillon (Belgium), near the village of Muno. This castle and its domain, the Muno forest, belonged to Prince Philippe of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, Count of Flanders and father of King Albert I. He bought the property in 1869 to the Marquis van der Noot d'Assche.The castle of Romantic style was built in 1877 for Philippe of Saxe-Cobourg Gotha by the architect Gustave Saintenoy. It has 365 windows. This castle was later bought by Alice Solvay, niece of the Belgian scientist and industrialist Ernest Solvay.Photo: Prince Philippe of Saxe-Cobourg-GothaHe was born Prince Ferdinand Philipp Maria August Raphael of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-Koháry, he was the eldest son of August of Saxe-Coburg-Kohary and Clémentine of Orléans.Photo: Count Philippe of Saxe-Cobourg GothaPhoto: The Castle of Kings/DarknessPostcards of the castleStrangely, Fritz Springmeier is not the only one to mention this castle. In their 2001 book dedicated to the Dutroux affair, "Dossier pédophilie. Le scandale de l'affaire Dutroux" (Paedophilia File: The Scandal of the Dutroux Affair) p. 259, Jean Nicolas and Frédéric Lavachery also mention the Amerois castle as a place where satanic ritual parties with children sacrifices allegedly took place. A report of the Dutroux affair refers to the letter of a retired gendarme talking about his castle. At the beginning of April 1996, he hosted a Mexican priest. A Dutch friend of the priest came to pick him up. The Dutch mentioned the Château des Amerois as a place where satanic soirées took place with children sacrifices. An American from the NATO, who allegedly took part to one of these parties and felt disgusted, gave this information to the Dutch.This domain still belongs to the Solvay family. The document below shows an authorization was delivered in 2005 to Denis Solvay to hunt deer on the Amerois domain (October 23, November 13 and December 4).http://www.apfn.org/pdf//Battues-2005.pdf or http://www.info-bouillon.be/UserFiles/File/Battues-2005.pdfDenis Solvay (born on 1 July 1957) is vice-president of the Solvay Group, Chief Executive Officer of Abelag Aviation and Director of Eurogentec (a biotechnology company).There are more intriguing pieces of information. According to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg official bulletin (28 December 2001), Patrick Solvay, shareholder of the Solvay Group, who lives in the Amerois castle (1, Les Amerois, B-6830 Bouillon (Belgium)) founded a company with Alexander de Wit, on July 3rd 2001. The name of this company is Itaca International. Through this holding company, Patrick Solvay is the main shareholder of The Little Gym, which organizes activities for children with summer and holiday camps. On May 1st 2004, Itaca International’s registered office was transferred to Bertrange (5 rue Pletzer, L-8080 Bertrange). This address corresponds to The Little Gym, located at the very same place. It seems that the former name of Itaca International was "The LifeSkills Company", which also belonged to Patrick Solvay. This is rather weird when you think about what Fritz Springmeier and a police report of the Dutroux affair told about the Amerois castle.There were pictures of the Amerois castle available at globalview.be, but they have been deleted. You can only find their traces in Google’s cached snapshots. There are weird things going on in this area. There are many testimonies recorded during the Dutroux affair pointing to orgies organized in castles. Michel Nihoul, Marc Dutroux’s accomplice, organized orgies in his Faulx-les-Tombes castle. Children corpses have been exhumed in the park of the Château du Sautou, close to the Belgium border, which was the property of the serial killer Michel Fourniret.RegardsHarry Fritz SpringmeierSource: http://www.illuminati-news.com/060406a.htmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Philipp_of_Saxe-Coburg_and_Gothahttp://www.apfn.org/apfn/MOD-Castle.htm
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