ovni 332 China same spiral of Norway???
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Incredible Video of Huge Pyramid UFO Over Moscow

A Star Heralds the Emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher
Also see "Incredible Video of Huge Pyramid UFO Over Moscow" On the morning of Dec. 9, 2009 there was an amazing "spiral UFO" seen in Norway (see "Videos of Bizarre 'Star Gate' Light Over Norway: Spiral UFO"). We found a video (below) of a virtually identical incident in China. We also found a fascinating document (pdf) from the infamous Foreign Technology Division (DoD)with the enticing title "First UFO Incident For Our Country," authored by Long Ruyi (translated to English by Randy Dorsey), stamped October 7, 1983. Source: http://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/ufo/ADA133326_UFO.pdf The document's subtitle is "UFO incident causes sensation throughout half of China." On page 1 of the document, it's written that "According to the Chinese Association for UFO Research, such a huge spiral UFO has occurred at least three times in the last four years over northwest China. During the inquiry into these matters, three viewpoints have been formed: 'the metor theory', 'the aircraft theory', and 'the flying saucer theory'." (Emphasis added) Note, Dec. 10, 2009: The Wall Street Journal reported that "Russia admitted Thursday to another failed test of its much-touted Bulava intercontinental missile, after unusual lights were spotted from Norway across the border from the launch site." ... (Question: Why did Moscow initially deny that this was their missile?)
Spiral Light Over Norway - the 'Star' That Heralds Maitreya's Emergence
An enormous, spiral light with a glowing centre, seen over
Share International Foundation believes that the 'star' is really one of four enormous spacecraft placed around the world. Since
The huge spiral manifestation over
For more information, watch 'The star sign' video on YouTube and visit Share International website: http://www.share-international.org
Background information
For over 30 years artist, author and lecturer Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for what he believes will be the biggest event in history - the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher, and His group, the Masters of Wisdom. Millions of people have heard his information and wait expectantly for this momentous event.
Share International claims that since
He has not come to found a new religion but as an educator in the broadest sense. His message can be summarized as: "Share and save the world."
For those who seek signs of His coming, Maitreya has manifested miracles worldwide, touching the hearts of millions and preparing them for His imminent appearance.
With Maitreya and His group working openly in the world, offering Their guidance and teachings, humanity is assured not only of survival but of the creation of a brilliant new civilization.
Note to Editors:
A picture accompanying this release is available through the PA Photowire. It can be downloaded from http://www.pa-mediapoint.press.net or viewed at http://www.mediapoint.press.net or http://www.prnewswire.co.uk.
Star sign- latest update 11 December 2009
A UFO has circled the Kremlin – well, that's if you believe a short clip which has soared to the top of YouTube Russia’s most viewed videos.
The film, apparently shot from a passing car, has become a sensation.
Another YouTube clip shot in daytime shows a grey object in the sky near Red Square.
However, skeptics say that if the images were for real, the public would have reported the sightings to police – who have made no comment on the issue.

Click for video
MUFON witness report: While looking at the reporters photo of a news story on Seacoastonline, I noticed a strange shape in the photo. Directly above the fire truck in the attached photo, is a triangular shape. There is no such shaped object in the area where this photo was taken. I am not the taker of the photo, either, merely curious at what it could be. I have sent an e-mail to the newspaper this morning inquiring as to whether or not this photo was photo-shopped prior to publishing. I have not had a response as of yet. My first thought was that the photo was a screen capture of an on-line paused video (where a triangle shows in the middle of the screen). When I zoomed in on the photo, it does appear that the right most point of the triangle is behind the building.
seacoastonline - A potentially deadly situation was averted Thursday morning after a trash compactor struck a telephone pole, causing electrical wires to fall on top of the truck that was leaking fuel with the driver trapped inside.
The accident occurred at approximately 9:15 a.m. on Commerce Way, not far from Hesser College. Police and fire personnel arrived to find a Waste Management truck on its side with three-quarters of a snapped telephone pole resting on top of it. The driver was conscious and standing through the open passenger-side window.
The volatile situation was calmed approximately 20 minutes later when rescue personnel determined the truck was not charged, placed a metal ladder against it and successfully removed the driver.
It was unclear what caused the vehicle to strike the poll.
The driver initially refused treatment, but eventually went to Portsmouth Regional Hospital with what are believed to be minor injuries.
Assistant Fire Chief Steve Achilles said they were fortunate to a have a firefighter who is also a city electrical inspector, who helped determine the driver could be removed safely.
“Initially you have a victim entrapped with a live wire and a fuel spill, so you always worry about him getting injured further or electrocuted, or if there's a spark that ignites a flammable hydraulic fluid or the diesel tank,” said Achilles. “The biggest thing right now is the serious environmental impact it might have.”
The accident occurred 10 feet from a large marsh area beside Market Basket Plaza on Woodbury Avenue. Approximately 50 gallons of hydraulic fluid was leaking, according to Achilles, though the diesel tank remained in tact. Fire personnel used booms to try to keep the fluid from spreading into the wetland.
Achilles said a representative from the state Department of Environmental Services was heading to the scene to assess the damage.
“It looks like we'll be here for a while,” said Achilles, at approximately 9:45 a.m.
At 10:30 crews were awaiting response from FairPoint Communications, which owns the pole.
NOTE: the anomaly also shows up on the video. Is there a plausible explanation?...Lon
NZ sightings of spiral 'UFO'?
Timaruvians may soon get a chance to see the large, star-like object in the sky that has excited believers and astronomical experts around the world.The enormous spiral light with its glowing centre was seen over Norway on December 9.
The Share International Foundation said the sighting was a sign that Maitreya, the World Teacher, would soon appear in his first television interview, which will take place in the United States.
However, Defence Ministry officials in Moscow admitted it was the exploding trail of Russia's latest intercontinental ballistic missile, which had gone up in smoke.
The foundation's South Island spokeswoman, Val Parker, a former Timaruvian, said "there are two versions – believe what you like".
The foundation says the "star" is one of four enormous spacecraft placed around the Earth. Since last December many sightings have been reported on YouTube and television news.
In New Zealand, there have been three sightings, with photographs to document them. The first was in the upper North Island on February 17, which was followed by sightings in Cambridge and Auckland in April.
South Canterbury's Transmission Meditation said the best way to see the star was by facing the west at sunset, taking a photo and studying it closely.
A spokesperson said "there's going to be a World Teacher come forward and he's going to suggest how we might do things better".
Ahmadinejad Reportedly Claims US is Blocking Return of Mankind's Savior
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims the United States is attempting to thwart the return of mankind's savior, according to reports from Al Arabiya, a television news station based in Dubai.
Ahmadinejad reportedly claims he has documented evidence that the U.S. is blocking the return of Mahdi, the Imam believed by Muslims to be the savior.
“We have documented proof that they believe that a descendant of the prophet of Islam will raise in these parts and he will dry the roots of all injustice in the world,” Ahmadinejad said during a speech on Monday, according to Al Arabiya.
"They have devised all these plans to prevent the coming of the Hidden Imam because they know that the Iranian nation is the one that will prepare the grounds for his coming and will be the supporters of his rule," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying.
Ahmadinejad continued the rant by claiming there have been plots by both the West as well as countries in the East to wipe out his country, according to Iranian news Web site Tabak.
"They have planned to annihilate Iran. This is why all policymakers and analysts believe Iran is the true winner in the Middle East," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by the site. He also alleged that foreign nations seek to control Iran's oil and natural resources.
"In Afghanistan, they are caught like an animal in a quagmire. But instead of pulling their troops out to save themselves, they are deploying more soldiers. Even if they stay in Afghanistan for another 50 years they will be forced to leave with disgrace — because this is a historical experience," Ahmadinejad reportedly said.
"They know themselves that they need Iran in the Middle East, but because of their arrogance they do not want to accept this reality. They are nothing without the Iranian nation and all their rhetoric is because they don't want to appear weak."
Click here for more from Al Arabiya.
"We have documented proof that they believe that a descendant of the prophet of Islam will raise in these parts and he will dry the roots of all injustice in the world," Ahmadinejad said during a speech on Monday, according to Al Arabiya. more by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Dec 7, 2009 - FOXNews (35 occurrences) |
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