Saturday, September 12, 2009

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2 Million $erpent $layers take a $tand

Yesterday I saw them claim Tens of Thousand were in Attendance and under 2 Hundred Thousand was what they were claiming, like anyone would believe them since they said the Coast Guard nearly Shot the President?

The take close up shots to ignore the real numbers of people. Then when they finally fan out their camera scope, it's "after the rally is over, and people have dispersed.

There were 1.5 million people there when they were only accounting for hundreds, possibly a few thousand.

2 Million March on Washington D.C.
NBC announced 2 million in attendance!
My friend Roberta said she was in a "Sea of People".

Looked like a Flood to me...

w00p w00p

C-SPAN FROM 9-12-09
Scroll about half way down the page to where all the videos are and just sit back and watch, if you happened to miss what happend in Washington DC on 9/12/09



For those who missed it - CSPAN Channel 1 feed coming from the massive 9/12 Rally in Washington D.C.

Tea Party Express Takes Washington

FOXNews - ‎7 hours ago‎
FreedomWorks Foundation, a conservative organization led by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, has organized several groups from across the country ...

Axelrod Says 'Tea Party' Protesters Are 'Wrong'

FOXNews - ‎8 hours ago‎
White House senior adviser David Axelrod says that the demonstrations in Washington, DC, Saturday do not represent the views of the broader public when it ...

Tea party movement has anger, no dominant leaders

CNN International - Jim Spellman - ‎11 hours ago‎
Aboard the Tea Party Express (CNN) -- From the stage, Deborah Johns is the angry conscience of the tea party movement. ...

Tea Party Protesters March on Washington

ABC News - Russell Goldman - ‎Sep 12, 2009‎
Carrying signs depicting President Obama as Adolf Hitler and the Joker, and chanting slogans such as "'No big government" and "Obamacare ...

Crowds Pack Downtown DC To Protest Spending

NPR - Allison Keyes - ‎Sep 12, 2009‎
Tens of thousands of people marched through Washington Saturday to protest President Obama's proposed health care plans. ...

Tea party activists rally at US Capitol

CNN - ‎Sep 12, 2009‎
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The conservative advocacy group Tea Party Express massed at the US Capitol on Saturday to protest health care reform, higher taxes and ...

Angry Tea Party protesters flood DC

Kansas City Star - Yael T. Abouhalkah - ‎Sep 12, 2009‎
The Tea Party protest movement showed up Saturday in Washington behind its usual rallying ...

Raw Video: Tea Party Protesters Converge on DC

The Associated Press - ‎Sep 12, 2009‎
Thousands of people protesting what they call out-of-control government spending are marching to the US Capitol in downtown Washington. (Sept. 12)

9/12, Tea Party groups plan rallies throughout Dallas area

Dallas Morning News - Richard Abshire - ‎Sep 12, 2009‎
More Tea Party-style demonstrations are on the way, with events planned today in North Texas and the nation's ...

A march today, but is it a movement?

Politico - Kenneth P. Vogel - ‎Sep 12, 2009‎
Do the marchers signal a small, angry minority -- or a growing majority that could affect change in 2012? ...

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Up To Two Million March On US Capitol To Protest Obama's Spending And Out-Of-Control Government In Tea-Party Demonstration
Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol on Saturday, carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare makes me sick" as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending. The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way to the capitol, according to the Washington Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency. People were chanting "enough, enough" and "We the People." Others yelled "You lie, you lie!" and "Pelosi has to go," referring to California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. Demonstrators waved U.S. flags and held signs reading "Go Green Recycle Congress" and "I'm Not Your ATM." Men wore colonial costumes as they listened to speakers who warned of "judgment day" - Election Day 2010. Richard Brigle, 57, a Vietnam War veteran and former Teamster, came from Michigan. He said health care needs to be reformed - but not according to President Barack Obama's plan. "My grandkids are going to be paying for this. It's going to cost too much money that we don't have," he said while marching, bracing himself with a wooden cane as he walked. FreedomWorks Foundation, a conservative organization led by former House of Representatives Majority Leader Dick Armey, organized several groups from across the country for what they billed as a "March on Washington." Organizers say they built on momentum from the April "tea party" demonstrations held nationwide to protest tax policies, along with growing resentment over the economic stimulus packages and bank bailouts.

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Sea Of People Rally In Capital To Protest Big Government
A sea of protesters filled the west lawn of the Capitol and spilled onto the National Mall on Saturday in the largest rally against President Obama since he took office, a culmination of a summer-long season of protests that began with opposition to a health care overhaul and grew into a broader dissatisfaction with government. On a cloudy and cool day, the demonstrators came from all corners of the country, waving American flags and handwritten signs explaining the root of their frustrations. Their anger stretched well beyond the health care legislation moving through Congress, with shouts of support for gun rights, lower taxes and a smaller government. But as they sang verse after verse of patriotic hymns like “God Bless America,” sharp words of profane and political criticism were aimed at Mr. Obama and Congress. Dick Armey, a former House Republican leader whose group Freedomworks helped organize the protest, stood before the crowd and led the rallying cries in nearly the same spot where Mr. Obama took his oath of office eight months ago. “He pledged a commitment of fidelity to the United States Constitution,” Mr. Armey said, suggesting that Mr. Obama was in violation of what the founding fathers intended the size and scope of the government to be.

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Tens Of Thousands Protest Obama Initiatives And Spending
Tens of thousands of conservative protesters, many complaining that the nation is racing toward socialism, massed outside the U.S. Capitol on Saturday, angrily denouncing President Obama's health-care plan and other initiatives as threats to the Constitution. The crowd -- loud, animated and sprawling -- gathered at the West Front of the Capitol after a march along Pennsylvania Avenue NW from Freedom Plaza. Invocations of God and former president Ronald Reagan by an array of speakers drew loud cheers that echoed across the Mall. On a windy, overcast afternoon, hundreds of yellow "Don't Tread on Me" flags flapped in the breeze. "Hell hath no fury like a taxpayer ignored," declared Andrew Moylan, head of government affairs for the National Taxpayers Union, urging protesters to call their representatives. The demonstrators roared their approval.

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Obama Extends Bush 9/11 National Emergency
U.S. President Barack Obama has extended the state of emergency put in place by President George W. Bush following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d), provides for the automatic termination of a national emergency unless, prior to the anniversary date of its declaration, the President publishes in the Federal Register and transmits to the Congress a notice stating that the emergency is to continue. President Obama says consistent with this provision, he has sent a notice to the Federal Register stating that the emergency declared with respect to the terrorist attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001, is to continue for an additional year. He said the terrorist threat that led to President Bush declaring a national emergency on September 14, 2001 continues, and for this reason it is necessary to continue the national emergency in effect after September 14, 2009. "Consistent with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared on September 14, 2001, in Proclamation 7463, with respect to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States," the President said.
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by Tom DeWeese
September 7, 2009

Many Americans appear to be awakening from their slumber of apathy as government forces are making their move for total control of our lives. Massive TEA Party protests on April 15th, followed by more than 1000 again on Independence Day, show a growing movement of concerned, dedicated Americans. But there is a major component missing from those protests. There is a nearly universal lack of understanding of the issue of Sustainable Development and the dangers it poses to our liberty. Consequently, that issue is being left out of the protests.

Meanwhile, as thousands attend the TEA Parties and protest the Federal Reserve, taxes, and out of control federal government, inside their local city halls, international forces are busy turning the communities into little soviets.

I have been traveling the nation over the past few months sounding the alarm that we cannot win this battle to restore our Republic if we don’t understand that what we face is not a bunch of random issues – but a complete agenda of control – Sustainable Development. (Read my Spokane speech here Part1, Part2) Cap N Trade, global warming, population control, gun control, open borders and illegal immigration, higher taxes, higher gas prices, refusal to drill American oil, education restructuring, international IDs, natural health supplement control, food control, farming “reform,” control of private property, NAIS and UN Global Governance are all part of the Sustainable Development/Agenda 21 blueprint.

To that end, I am focusing this entire issue on Sustainable Development to give activists all the ammunition they need to fight back. I am also including a list of more than 500 cities that are currently enacting Sustainable Development policies. If this is happening in your town (and it is), I urge you to challenge your local city council and mayor to stop these polices. The battles now must be fought on the local level. Remove Sustainable Development from every community and policies out of the federal government will be neutralized. And only then can we be on our way to restoring the American Republic. -- Tom DeWeese

Sustainable Development: The Root of All Our Problems

In his book, Earth in the Balance, Al Gore warned that a “wrenching transformation” must take place to lead America away from the “horrors of the Industrial Revolution.” The process to do that is called Sustainable Development and its’ roots can be traced back to a UN policy document called Agenda 21, adopted at the UN’s Earth Summit in 1992.

Sustainable Development calls for changing the very infrastructure of the nation, away from private ownership and control of property to nothing short of central planning of the entire economy – often referred to as top-down control. Truly, Sustainable Development is designed to change our way of life.

In short, it’s all about wealth redistribution. Your wealth into a green rat hole.

During the Cold War, communists tried to get us to surrender our liberties and way of life for the wisdom of Karl Marx. Americans didn’t buy it.

But now, they have taken the same clap trap and wrapped it all in a nice green blanket, scaring us with horror stories about the human destruction of the environment – and so we are now throwing our liberties on the bon fire like a good old fashioned book burning -- all in the name of protecting the planet.

It sounds so friendly. So meaningful. So urgent. But, the devastation to our liberty and way of life is the same as if Lenin ordered it.

We now have a new language invading our government at all levels. Old words with new meanings fill government policy papers. The typical city council meeting discusses “community development,” “historic preservation,” and “partnerships” between the city and private business.

Civic leaders organize community meetings run by “facilitators,” as they outline a “vision” for the town, enforced by “consensus.” No need for debate when you have consensus! People of great importance testify before congressional committees of the dire need for “social justice.”

Free trade, social justice, consensus, global truth, partnerships, preservation, stakeholders, land use, environmental protection, development, diversity, visioning, open space, heritage, comprehensive planning, critical thinking, and community service are all part of our new language.

What are they really talking about? What mental pictures come to mind when those words are used? George Orwell realized that those who control language and manipulate key phrases can control policy.

The language is being changed and manipulated to quietly implement a very destructive policy. Whenever you see or hear these words, know that, in every case, they are defining one thing - the implementation of Sustainable Development.

Rather than good management of resources, Sustainable Development has come to mean denied use and resources locked away from human hands. In short, it has become a code word for an entire economic and social agenda.

I have spent most of the past 12 years studying every facet of this new political agenda which is fast becoming a revolution -- touching every aspect of our businesses, our public education system, our private property, our families and our individual lives.

Interestingly, it is not a Republican or Democrat issue. It’s not liberal or conservative. It is being implemented on a purely bipartisan basis. It is now the official policy of the United States, put in force by literally every department of the government. It is the official policy of every state government, and nearly every city, town and county in the nation.

But, I warn you, accepting the perception that Sustainable Development is simply good environmental stewardship is a serious and dangerous mistake.

So what is Sustainable Development? The Sustainablists insist that society be transformed into feudal-like governance by making nature the central organizing principle for our economy and society.

To achieve this, Sustainablist policy focuses on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control.

Keep in mind that America is the only country in the world based on the ideals of private property. But, private property is incompatible with the collectivist premise of Sustainable Development.

If you doubt that, then consider this quote from the report of the 1976 UN’s Habitat I conference which said: “Land …cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore, contributes to social injustice.”

According to Sustainablist doctrine, It is a social injustice for some to have prosperity if others do not. It is a social injustice to keep our borders closed. It is a social injustice for some to be bosses and others to be merely workers.

Social justice is a major premise of Sustainable Development. Another word for social justice, by the way, is Socialism. Karl Marx was the first to coin the phrase “social justice.” Some officials try to pretend that Sustainable Development is just a local effort to protect the environment -- just your local leaders putting together a local vision for the community. Then ask your local officials how it is possible that the exact language and tactics for implementation of Sustainable Development are being used in nearly every city around the globe from Lewiston, Maine to Singapore. Local indeed.

Sustainable Development is the process by which America is being reorganized around a central principle of state collectivism using the environment as bait.

The best way to understand what Sustainable Development actually is can be found by discovering what is NOT sustainable.

According to the UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report, items for our everyday lives that are NOT sustainable include: Ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, single family homes, paved and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment (capitalism, free markets).

Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Rio Earth Summit in 1992 said, “…Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”

Are you starting to see the pattern behind Cap and Trade, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and all of those commercials you’re forced to watch about the righteousness of Going Green? They are all part of the enforcement of Sustainable Development.

And one of the most destructive tools they use to force it on us is something called the “precautionary principle.” That means that any activities that might threaten human health or the environment should be stopped -- even if no clear cause and effect relationship has been established – and even if the potential threat is largely theoretical.

That makes it easy for any activist group to issue warnings by news release or questionable report and have those warnings quickly turned into public policy – just in case.

Many are now finding non-elected regional governments and governing councils enforcing policy and regulations. As these policies are implemented, locally-elected officials are actually losing power and decision-making ability in their own communities. Most decisions are now being made behind the scenes in non-elected “sustainability councils” armed with truckloads of federal regulations, guidelines, and grant money.

The Three Es

According to its authors, the objective of Sustainable Development is to integrate economic, social, and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.

The Sustainablists insist that society be transformed into feudal-like governance by making Nature the central organizing principle for our economy and society. As such, every societal decision would first be questioned as to how it might effect the environment. To achieve this, Sustainablist policy focuses on three components; land use, education, and population control and reduction.

The Sustainable Development logo used in most literature on the subject contains three connecting circles labeled Social Equity; Economic Prosperity; and Ecological Integrity (known commonly as the 3 Es).

Social Equity

As stated, Sustainable Development’s Social Equity plank is based on a demand for “social justice.” Today, the phrase is used throughout Sustainablist literature. The Sustainablist system is based on the principle that individuals must give up selfish wants for the needs of the common good, or the “community.” How does this differ from Communism?

This is the same policy behind the push to eliminate our nation’s borders to allow the “migration” of those from other nations into the United States to share our individually-created wealth and our taxpayers-paid government social programs. Say the Sustainablists, “Justice and efficiency go hand in hand.” “Borders,” they say, “are unjust.”

Under the Sustainablist system, private property is an evil that is used simply to create wealth for a few. So too, is business ownership. Instead, “every worker/person will be a direct capital owner.” Property and businesses are to be kept in the name of the owner, keeping them responsible for taxes and other expenses, however control is in the hands of the “community.” That policy is right out of the Socialist handbook.

Economic Prosperity

Sustainable Development’s economic policy is based on one overriding premise: that the wealth of the world was made at the expense of the poor. It dictates that, if the conditions of the poor are to be improved, wealth must first be taken from the rich. Consequently, Sustainable Development’s economic policy is based not on private enterprise but on public/private partnerships.

In order to give themselves an advantage over competition, some businesses -- particularly large corporations – now find a great advantage in dealing directly with government, actively lobbying for legislation that will inundate smaller companies with regulations that they cannot possibly comply with or even keep up with. This government/big corporation back-scratching has always been a dangerous practice because economic power should be a positive check on government power, and vise versa. If the two should ever become combined, control of such massive power can lead only to tyranny. One of the best examples of this was the Italian model in the first half of the Twentieth Century under Mussolini’s Fascism.

Together, select business leaders who have agreed to help government impose Sustainablist green positions in their business policies, and officials at all levels of government are indeed merging the power of the economy with the force of government in Public/Private Partnerships on the local, state and federal levels.

As a result, Sustainable Development policy is redefining free trade to mean centralized global trade “freely” crossing (or eliminating) national borders. It definitely does not mean people and companies trading freely with each other. Its real effect is to redistribute American manufacturing, wealth, and jobs out of our borders and to lock away American natural resources. After the regulations have been put in place, literally destroying whole industries, new “green” industries created with federal grants bring newfound wealth to the “partners.” This is what Sustainablists refer to as economic prosperity.

Ecological Integrity

“Nature has an integral set of different values (cultural, spiritual and material) where humans are one strand in nature’s web and all living creatures are considered equal. Therefore the natural way is the right way and human activities should be molded along nature’s rhythms.” from the UN’s Biodiversity Treaty presented at the 1992 UN Earth Summit.

This quote lays down the ground rules for the entire Sustainable Development agenda. It says humans are nothing special – just one strand in the nature of things or, put another way, humans are simply biological resources. Sustainablist policy is to oversee any issue in which man interacts with nature –which, of course, is literally everything. And because the environment always comes first, there must be great restrictions over private property ownership and control. This is necessary, Sustainablists say, because humans only defile nature.

Under Sustainable Development there can be no concern over individual rights – as we must all sacrifice for the sake of the environment. Individual human wants, needs, and desires are to be conformed to the views and dictates of social planners. The UN’s Commission on Global Governance said in its 1995 report: “Human activity…combined with unprecedented increases in human numbers…are impinging on the planet’s basic life support system. Action must be taken now to control the human activities that produce these risks"

Under Sustainable Development there can be no limited government, as advocated by our Founding Fathers, because, we are told, the real or perceived environmental crisis is too great. Maurice Strong, Chairman of the 1992 UN Earth Summit said: “A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally-damaging consumption patterns. The shift will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations.”

The politically based environmental movement provides Sustainablists camouflage as they work to transform the American systems of government, justice, and economics. It is a masterful mixture of socialism (with its top down control of the tools of the economy) and fascism (where property is owned in name only – with no control). Sustainable Development is the worst of both the left and the right. It is not liberal, nor is it conservative. It is a new kind of tyranny that, if not stopped, will surely lead us to a new Dark Ages of pain and misery yet unknown to mankind.

© 2009 Tom DeWeese - All Rights Reserved

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Russian Mystery Ship Suspected of Nuclear Arms Shipment to Iran
Questions continue to surround the Russian cargo ship that was hijacked in July, with some press reports claiming it was en route to Iran with advanced air defense missiles. Flaming those allegations now are new reports of a secret trip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may have taken to Russia this week to discuss the secret cargo. Netanyahu’s recent mysterious disappearance led to a flurry of press speculation and eventual backtracking by the government on his whereabouts. “After initially issuing a vague statement about visiting a top-secret Mossad installation inside Israel, Netanyahu kept silent Thursday as reports emerged that he flew to Moscow aboard a private jet for urgent talks on Iran,” the Associated Press reports. Various accounts speculated that the Israeli prime minister was pushing the Russians to halt arms sales to Iran, or possibly warning of an impending strike against Iranian nuclear facilities. The most interesting speculation, however, is that the secret trip was linked to the mysterious hijacking of a Russian cargo trip off the coast of Sweden in July. Russia is vehemently denying reports that the ship was carrying S-300 missiles bound for Iran.
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Rachel4Congress Grabill Fair Parade

Rachel Grubb for Congress campaigns at Grabill County Fair

( Today the Campaign for Liberty made a stop in Congressman Souders backyard and shifted the March for Freedom into overdrive today. Looking for something unique and different to vote for in 2010? Rachel made a stop in Grabill to offer something diffferent for the people.
You can get the up-to date-information at her website which lists her commitment to Freedom and the Constitution. Grabill is a small town in N.E.I.N. just a stone throw away from where Congressman Mark Souder family's business in this large Amish community.
Rachel4Congress website:
The Grabill Fair is an 'Old-fashioned' little town where you can step back in time and enjoy strolling the streets. So sit back and enjoy some good old country fun from your favorite Patriot Field Reporter.


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Final days to collect petitions for Mass Action Day!

Saturday, September 12, 2009 9:37 PM

September 13, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

With its endless creation of worthless fiat money and provision of continual fuel for the business cycle, the Federal Reserve has played a key role in destroying the value of our dollar, which has lost over 95% of its purchasing power since the Fed's creation in 1913.

While the Fed has partnered with Congress, the president, and the Treasury Department to put us on the hook for almost $13 trillion in bailouts and loans (and that's likely just for starters), it has refused to release the details about which institutions are receiving our money.

That's right.

The Federal Reserve can freely loan out your dollars and commit you to deals with foreign central banks and governments without having to provide any significant details to your representatives.

The Fed is one of Washington's most secretive institutions, and it has successfully defeated attempts time and again that would have required greater transparency.

But never has the Fed faced a fight as serious as the one the freedom movement has mounted in the last several months.

We have seventy five percent of the American people behind us.

We have 287 cosponsors for the House version, HR 1207. Three more cosponsors will give us a two thirds majority of support.

We have nearly a quarter of the Senate.

On Friday, September 25 at 9:00 am, Audit the Fed will have hearings before the House Financial Services Committee.

This Tuesday, September 15, Campaign for Liberty will be holding a Mass Action Day to gain cosponsors for the Senate version of Audit the Fed, S 604.

You have worked hard over the last few weeks to gather petitions for this effort. For the last week, you have been calling your senators' D.C. offices. On Tuesday, we will deliver those petitions to our senators' local offices and personally follow up on those phone calls as we take a stand for transparency and accountability.

While you are mobilizing across the country, C4L National staff and several grassroots volunteers will be delivering over 100,000 of your petitions to Capitol Hill.

Visit our website here to see what your state and local coordinators have planned for Action Day events in your area.

If you haven't yet signed up to call your senators, click here and commit to contacting them on Monday.

If you are unable to make it out to a senator's local office on Tuesday, you can join in the events by calling, faxing, and writing Congress.

We only have a few days left before the Action Day, so let's take full advantage of them. Download petitions and other materials and spread the message that the American people are demanding to know how their money is being spent and what deals they are being committed to.

And don't forget, we're adding an extra incentive to this Mass Action Event. The person who gathers the most signatures in each state will win a pocket Constitution and a copy of Dr. Paul's new book, End the Fed, both autographed by Congressman Paul himself.

And whichever state collects the most signatures (as a percentage of population) will win a $1,500 gift certificate to the Campaign for Liberty store!

Your efforts have made history, but we're not done yet.

On September 15, we will petition our senators in defense of transparency and accountability. On September 16, Congressman Paul's End the Fed will officially be available in stores and will take the debate to a whole new level.

Throughout all of the challenges and events in the past two years, you have demonstrated your unshakable resolve to fight for liberty. This Tuesday, let's remind our senators and all the rest of Washington that we're not going away until we've restored our liberties. Audit the Fed is only the beginning.

I look forward to hearing the reports from Tuesday as we continue this historic effort!

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. For far too long, the Fed has gotten away with saying “No!” to your elected officials. Together, we will lift this shroud of secrecy and take a major step toward restoring a sound money system in our nation. Click here to find out how to take action in your local area.

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logo of udhr@60+ - 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Gathering a Body of Global Agreements
logo of World Commission on Environment and Development

Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future

Transmitted to the General Assembly as an Annex to document A/42/427 - Development and International Co-operation: Environment

Here is the New World Order Global Governement Enviromental Documentation, from 'One Earth to One World' and Agenda 21, I showed you from my library, you wanted to study.... Remember that the U.N. has a double meaning to their Vocabulary and that these are the basis for all the Global Warming issuses today with the Clean Water Act, the Cap and Trade Bill, etc....

Table of Contents

Acronyms and Note on Terminology

Chairman's Foreword

From One Earth to One World

Part I. Common Concerns

  1. A Threatened Future
    1. Symptoms and Causes
    2. New Approaches to Environment and Development

  2. Towards Sustainable Development
    1. The Concept of Sustainable Development
    2. Equity and the Common Interest
    3. Strategic Imperatives
    4. Conclusion

  3. The Role of the International Economy
    1. The International Economy, the Environment, and Development
    2. Decline in the 1980s
    3. Enabling Sustainable Development
    4. A Sustainable World Economy

Part II. Common Challenges

  1. Population and Human Resources
    1. The Links with Environment and Development
    2. The Population Perspective
    3. A Policy Framework

  2. Food Security: Sustaining the Potential
    1. Achievements
    2. Signs of Crisis
    3. The Challenge
    4. Strategies for Sustainable Food Security
    5. Food for the Future

  3. Species and Ecosystems: Resources for Development
    1. The Problem: Character and Extent
    2. Extinction Patterns and Trends
    3. Some Causes of Extinction
    4. Economic Values at Stake
    5. New Approach: Anticipate and Prevent
    6. International Action for National Species
    7. Scope for National Action
    8. The Need for Action

  4. Energy: Choices for Environment and Development
    1. Energy, Economy, and Environment
    2. Fossil Fuels: The Continuing Dilemma
    3. Nuclear Energy: Unsolved Problems
    4. Wood Fuels: The Vanishing Resource
    5. Renewable Energy: The Untapped Potential
    6. Energy Efficiency: Maintaining the Momentum
    7. Energy Conservation Measures
    8. Conclusion

  5. Industry: Producing More With Less
    1. Industrial Growth and its Impact
    2. Sustainable Industrial Development in a Global Context
    3. Strategies for Sustainable Industrial Development

  6. The Urban Challenge
    1. The Growth of Cities
    2. The Urban Challenge in Developing Countries
    3. International Cooperation

Part III. Common Endeavours

  1. Managing The Commons
    1. Oceans: The Balance of Life
    2. Space: A Key to Planetary Management
    3. Antarctica: Towards Global Cooperation

  2. Peace, Security, Development, and the Environment
    1. Environmental Stress as a Source of Conflict
    2. Conflict as a Cause of Unsustainable Development
    3. Towards Security and Sustainable Development

  3. Towards Common Action: Proposals For Institutional and Legal Change
    1. The Challenge for Institutional and Legal Change
    2. Proposals for Institutional and Legal Change
    3. A Call for Action


Throughout this report, quotes from some of the many people who spoke at WCED public hearings appear in boxes to illustrate the range of opinions the Commission was exposed to during its three years of work. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission.

logo of the United Nations UN Documents: Gathering a Body of Global Agreements
has been compiled by the NGO Committee on Education of the
Conference of NGOs from United Nations web sites
with the invaluable help of information & communications technology.
logo of the Conference Of NGOs

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