Monday, July 13, 2009

Like many of you I get the sense that our movement is being hijacked. Over the last couple of years, as our numbers grew and our influence increased, I’ve often wondered how the establishment would try to take down our movement. Would they demonize the patriots in the media like they did in the 90’s? Would they try to infiltrate our movement and set up their own false leaders from within like they’ve done with other political movements? I’ve been waiting to see what the establishment would do because I knew that day would come. They can ignore us for only so long. Well, it appears they are taking another route by attempting to co-opt the movement, keep people locked into left right politics, and water down the message of liberty.

I went to the Glenn Beck Meetup last week. I was really encouraged to see people show up to protest the bailouts and stimulus packages. I came away from the event discouraged and not Inspirired at their offensive cause that doesnt represent fugly ole me or my fugly friends. I even had them trying to limit me from freedom of expression. I got yelled at for trying to make a comment after I waited 10 minutes with my hand in the air and railroaded by some wacked out bobbleheaded beach, when she said I spoke out of turn. It was essentially a meeting for digruntled employees wanting to start a Patriot Organization of like minded white people. Most of the people there were Republicans that seemed to have short memories and were all white. Now they are complaining about the Fugly stuff I said and tried to spin into Rascism. I guess the bait worked to perfection and once again they are more concerned about limiting expression then hearing the truth. King Taran said he had the 'Blood of Africa within him' and they didn't get offended at that Rascist Comment? They sure in the hell don't want to make nice with the ugly people then. So I guess, I must provide them with my Ugly News Service. They want to ram their Moral system down our throats still even after thier moral principles failed them under Bush. I guess they forget that it was their man George Bush that started all of this fucked up mess. They spoke of liberty and the Constitution, but they didn’t seem to know what it all meant.

Listen to the comment made that the Glenn Beck group wants to decide who runs for Congress not allowing the pubilc to decide between the 2 canidates.

Then there is Glenn Beck. We’ve all watched with suspicion the “awakening” of Glenn Beck. Is this a move by the establishment? Sean Hanity, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, and Newt Gingrich are now jumping on the Tea Party bandwagon. It seems apparent that this is a move by the right to hijack the message of liberty and steer it into a dead end.

The more I ponder this move by the establishment, the more I come to realize that you are all making a huge fucking mistake!


If Glenn Beck’s message really is controlled, then they made a huge mistake by letting him bring up subjects like FEMA camps, globalism, and the gold standard. As people look into these topics on their own, they awaken and start the strange journey down the rabbit hole. As they do independent research on the internet, they arrive at sites with links to other liberty sites. These are OUR websites! This is OUR message. We OWN the message. We dominate the market so to speak. There are thousands and thousands of liberty websites, thousands of YouTube videos, and thousands of liberty minded folks on social networks. The establishment might own Glenn Beck and the airwaves, but we own the internet!

The problem with trying to control the message of liberty is that you can’t. Once you learn the message of liberty, your world view completely changes. By simply studying the intent of the founders and what rights really are, you awaken to the fact the left/right paradigm is false. You also start to quickly realize that the media is controlled. Once you are awake, you can never go back to sleep.

The first big wave of our movement was the Patriot Movement back in the 80’s and 90’s. The second big wave came with Ron Paul’s presidential run (that’s how many of us got involved.) Folks, like it or not, Glen Beck’ audience and all those that are attending the Tea Parties are the next surge of our movement. There are millions of people that are fed up with the government. They are awakening to the fact that our Federal government no longer represents them.

These people are looking for answers.

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They are looking for something different.

But when the do find it they get offended.

Unfortunately, these people are still locked into the false left/right paradigm.

We need to “co-opt” the “co-opt” attempt.

We need to steer these people in the direction of true liberty.

I think the most important thing we need to do is to grow our movement. They are open to our message. We have a fantastic opportunity to swell our ranks which includes the Good, the Bad and the Ugly! I don’t know if we’ll have another shot at this. The attempt by the establishment to steal our movement could go either way, but if we do nothing, I know which way it will go.

This is what I’m doing. I think the Tea Parties are the perfect opportunity for us to spread the liberty message. We can make a lot of converts there. I plan to go to my local Tea Party, not as a protestor, but as a promoter. While all of the newbies enjoy the event and shake their fists at Washington and at me, To prevent this from becoming a Republican event, I’m making it clear that this is for all Americans and that both parties are to blame.

I’ll close with a quote I saw here on the DailyPaul:

“I simply do not understand why so few comprehend that the greatest weapon against the tyrant is the truth. Their method of control is through knowledge. They need us to believe the lie. Once we know the truth the lie loses it's power, turns to dust and blows away.”

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin

Libertarians who believe that "liberty" includes Cursing, legalizing pornography, homosexual marriage, and recreational drugs... and that is just the tip of the iceberg, the question of abortion should be up to the individual, say that we are opposed to liberty. The truth is that we support liberty as our founding fathers not as the founding mothers defined it, and this is included in the definition below.

Definitions of liberty

  • The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing.

  • autonomy: immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence

  • freedom of choice; "liberty of opinion"; "liberty of worship"; "liberty--perfect liberty--to think or feel or do just as one pleases"; "at liberty to choose whatever occupation one wishes"
  • A right or immunity to engage in certain actions without control or interference: the liberties protected by the Bill of Rights
  • personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression

One more quotation is worthy of citation: "They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety... deserve neither safety nor liberty." Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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A couple of months ago, a newly formed militia reared its head in a familiar place -- the Panhandle of Northern Idaho. Sisyphus at 43rd State Blues had a full description:

Sporting a photoshopped image of the Statue of Liberty with the torch replaced by an assault rifle, as well as displaying the flag from the "Republic of Idaho", another newly formed Idaho militia crawls out from the wilderness to register their displeasure with the status quo yet offering no solutions other than vague grade school platitudes and a thinly veiled threat of revolution. As is their wont they invoke the civil war cry of state sovereignty. ...

The General applied to be a sniper with them, and got a positive response. Kewl!

But it's not just northern Idaho. It's occurring across a broad swath of the Northwest, mostly in rural precincts, as a Missoulian story recently explored:

“It's the old Freemen days,” Anderson said. “That's what we're seeing here again. And it's not just Lincoln County.”

Lincoln County Detective Capt. Jim Sweet agrees that “there's an uprising of anti-government groups that's definitely connected to the election of the Obama administration.”

Law enforcement agencies throughout the multi-state region, Sweet said, are “talking about the patterns. It's obviously bigger than Lincoln County.”

People are afraid of losing gun rights, he said, and they're stockpiling weapons and ammunition, and they want a sheriff who will stand up to federal agents.

Continue reading »

NEIN Field Reporter
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--- On Sun, 7/12/09, Michael Lewinski wrote:

From: Michael Lewinski
Subject: Re: [The-Fort-Wayne-Glenn-Beck-We-Surround-Them] Be productive not counter productive.

Date: Sunday, July 12, 2009, 6:43 PM


I concure!. There are individuals on the fringe who play silly ideological games that are fun for them, but add absolutely nothing of value to our efforts to achieve a Second American Revolution at the polls. These Fringe agitators do have a right to free speech, just as we have a right not to listen. They have discouraged, frightened, and driven away too many of our members already. They need to give us the web address where they can tilt at their conspiratorial windmills all day long and we can go there to listen to them if we choose, We have much too important business to tend to without having to deal with the distractions of every esoteric theory ever conceived. The Progressives are giving us more than ample fuel for the struggle to save our freedom. We don't need their pet theories to excite and motivate the people.

Michael Lewinski

PS The grandchildren are great up here in the Northwoods of Michigan

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-------------- Original message from Sue Yeager : --------------

It would seem to me there are a couple of people sending messages through this group that do absolutely nothing to help our cause. Actually they are harming the cause. They are using divisive tactics to divide people and when someone calls them out on it they hide behind the 1st amendment to make themselves look like a martyr. People sending messages should be offering fact and trying to get everyone to come together to find solutions to problems. Instead we have people putting out conjecture and opinion to which they have no solutions nor are they looking for any. These people just want to get everyone angry over things there may possibly be no answer for at our current impasse. I would suggest If you want to attack a politicians character based on your opinion you use a blog not an organizational group.

“A person who points out all the problems and offers no solutions is worthless to the cause.”

I thank you for your time.

Kody Linville


I am sorry that you are leaving, and I think I understand your reasons for
leaving this group. I assure you that the not everyone has the same opinion
and views as some have expressed.

The "discussion" on race needs to stop. Now. This does not help our cause,
in fact it is a detriment to it.

Tom Mackin

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Ellen Pequignot"
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [The-Fort-Wayne-Glenn-Beck-We-Surround-Them] King Tarzan says
that he has the "Blood of Africa" within him.

> please remove my address from your mailers.
> Thanks.

> lnpknu
> On 7/12/09, Darkness Fish <> wrote:
>> I think you missed my point, although could have said it better. My
>> objection was to your imprudent use of the word "primate". For most
>> folks,
>> perception is reality, so this sort of thing brings unneeded charges of
>> racism and it causes the rest of us to be considered guilty by
>> association.
>> That was the ONLY point I was trying to make.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: neverknwo
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 11:44 PM
>> Subject: Re: [The-Fort-Wayne-Glenn-Beck-We-Surround-Them] King Tarzan
>> says
>> that he has the "Blood of Africa" within him.
>> That's the point. You responded to this thread as if you're a
>> racist, then you're a racist. Addressing the wild inaccuracies and
>> fallacies
>> in the definitions of the words Tarzan and Primate means you're the
>> racist.
>> Lacking dark skin pigmentation automatically qualifies you as a racist.
>> If
>> you don't like obama, it's because you're a racist.
>> It's all pure Critical Race Theory bullshit, of course, but 'fun
>> with audio' is effective nonetheless.
>> I find a picture on Free Republic and add voice sync to it and
>> take
>> what someone else says, then share what I find, mix it all together and I
>> get labeled a Racist?
>> Tough job but somebody has to do it!
>> Yesterday when the DJ was telling what I considered pretty funny,
>> clean jokes.
>> The "worst" one was...If you spin a man from the orient round and
>> round does he become disorientated?
>> All the call ins after that said it was racist and offensive.
>> Where was your Racist outrage when SNL dressed Bush up in a
>> Monkey
>> Suit?
>> neverkwo
>> No link News at your Service
>>Image and video hosting by TinyPic
>> --- On Sat, 7/11/09, Darkness Fish < wrote:
>> From: Darkness Fish <>
>> Subject: Re: [The-Fort-Wayne-Glenn-Beck-We-Surround-Them] King
>> Tarzan says that he has the "Blood of Africa" within him.
>> To:
>> Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 7:32 PM
>> If you want to post and show your idiocy, go right ahead. I
>> just
>> want to make sure that this group is not branded as racist by
>> association.
>>Image and video hosting by TinyPic
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: neverknwo
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 9:26 PM
>> Subject: Re: [The-Fort-Wayne-Glenn-Beck-We-Surround-Them]
>> King
>> Tarzan says that he has the "Blood of Africa" within him.
>> So if there are ones who claim that some 47 million
>> year
>> old primate is linked to Human Evolution, wouldn't that make us all
>> Racist
>> Primates?
>> So where is God Obligated to step in and stop us
>> stupid
>> monkeys from creating another Species through stem cell research and
>> Artificial Racist Life that will replace us humans on some giant leap in
>> evolution?
>> neverknwo
>>Image and video hosting by TinyPic
>> --- On Sat, 7/11/09, Darkness Fish
>> <
>> wrote:
>> From: Darkness Fish
>> Subject: Re:
>> [The-Fort-Wayne-Glenn-Beck-We-Surround-Them] King Tarzan says that he has
>> the "Blood of Africa" within him.
>> To:
>> Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 6:02 PM
>> I don't know about you, but i am sick of being called
>> a
>> racist just because I am a conservative. If you call Obama the
>> Primate-N-Chief, that has racist overtones that will stick to the entire
>> group. Manning can (sadly) get away with the "tarzan" gloss because he
>> too
>> is black. If you had left it at Tarzan, I probably wouldn't have said
>> anything. The Primate blast is racist and offensive, and as
>> conservatives,
>> we have an obligation to one another and to God not to stoop to the level
>> of
>> the and huffingtonpost.
>> This crew in Washington is just looking for reasons
>> to
>> discredit us if not silence us altogether. All I'm saying is you have to
>> think about this sort of thing before you post this.
>> Jim
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: neverknwo
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 8:44 PM
>> Subject: Re:
>> [The-Fort-Wayne-Glenn-Beck-We-Surround-Them] King Tarzan says that he has
>> the "Blood of Africa" within him.
>> "This is about Tarzan"
>> Sorry Jim but your absolutly wrong about
>> telling
>> me about my Right to Free Speech and based upon Rev. Manning the name
>> Tarzan
>> will be who I talk about from now and on out.
>> So take your Racism Fear and stick it where
>> the
>> sun don't shine!
>> neverknwo
>> --- On Sat, 7/11/09, Darkness Fish
>> <> wrote:
>>Image and video hosting by TinyPic
>> From: Darkness Fish <>
>> Subject: Re:
>> [The-Fort-Wayne-Glenn-Beck-We-Surround-Them] King Tarzan says that he has
>> the "Blood of Africa" within him.
>> To:
>> Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 4:23 PM
>> As much as I despise BHO, this
>> (highlighted)
>> is uncalled for. We cannot be doing/saying things that will cause others
>> to
>> discredit us by calling us racists. The hateful crap that Morrissey was
>> spewing about Jews was unacceptable and so is this.
>> Jim
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: neverknwo
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 4:40 PM
>> Subject:
>> [The-Fort-Wayne-Glenn-Beck-We-Surround-Them] King Tarzan says that he has
>> the "Blood of Africa" within him.
>> KING TARZAN says that he has the "Blood
>> of
>> Africa" within him.
>> US PRIMATE-N-CHIEF Barack Obama, during
>> his
>> address to the Parliament of Ghana and the rest of Africa, says that he
>> has
>> the "blood of Africa" within him.
>> "I say this knowing full well the tragic
>> past that has sometimes haunted this part of the world. I have the blood
>> of
>> Africa within me, and my family's own story encompasses both the
>> tragedies
>> and triumphs of the larger African story."
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Tax Evaders Guilty of Plot to Kill Feds

N.H. Couple Convicted on All Counts For 9-Month Standoff at Fort-Like Home

Jury gets weapons case against NH tax evaders

The Associated Press - Holly Ramer - ‎Jul 8, 2009‎
"Ed and Elaine Brown and their supporters never intended to have this end peacefully," said prosecutor Terry Ollila. "They wanted guerrilla warfare. ...
'They wanted to wage war' Concord Monitor

Tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown go to trial

Kansas City Star - ‎Jul 2, 2009‎
Or as the federal government likes to call them, "tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown." The Browns spent nine months holed up in their New Hampshire home, ...

NH tax evaders face new trial for weapons arsenal

The Associated Press - David Tirrell-Wysocki - ‎Jun 25, 2009‎
Ed Brown, now 66, and Elaine Brown, now 68, go on trial again Monday on charges they fortified their home on 110 acres in rural Plainfield with a cache of ...

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