Tuesday, September 16, 2008

NWO FAKE TERROR UPDATE: School Shooting just a Drill

NWO FAKE TERROR UPDATE: False Alarm School Explosion Scares Parents

FAKE TERROR UPDATE: NWO Rat Masters Zap Nuclear Plant cause Massive Blackout

NWO FAKE TERROR UPDATE: Simulated pandemic doubles as training exercise

NWO FAKE TERROR WARGAME UPDATE: It pays to monitor terror exercises...

NWO FAKE TERROR RED ALERT: Real Deal Terror drill turns into a Real Life Bomb Scare

NWO FAKE TERROR WARGAME ALERT: Port Arthur TX pipeline explosion

NWO FAKE TERROR WARGAME ALERT: No Bomb Found on Jet In Oakland

Anthrax Scare turns out to be another Fake Terror False Alarm

School Shooting Drill Terrifies Unknowing Teachers
NBC 10.com, PA - Sep 9, 2008
The school district put the drill in place to test staff readiness. The Phillipsburg School Board heard from angry teachers and parents Monday night.
Surprise school gun drill too realistic for teachers
KARE, MN - Sep 9, 2008
The Phillipsburg School Board began hearing from angry teachers and parents. The school district would only say that student safety is their primary concern ...
• Union criticizes 'disaster' The Express Times - LehighValleyLive.com
all 5 news articles »
• Fake shooting, real terror
The Express Times - LehighValleyLive.com, PA - Aug 29, 2008
The drill was coordinated between Phillipsburg police and school administrators to create a realistic scenario. It included an actor dressed as a gunman ...

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