Bush speaks on the possibility of another 9/11, says attack would come from Pakistan

US used September 11 as 'pretext' for invasions


US used September 11 as 'pretext' for invasions


Foreign Policy "After Bush" Gather.com, MA - ... a global war on terrorism, the defining effort of the Bush presidency and the driving force behind US foreign policy since the 9/11 terrorist attacks. ... Think about it — what if Gore had been president? A war of decades Transcript of Obama's Columbus speech |
CIA sent 14 of 9/11 suspects to Jordan NDTV.com, India - ''The Bush administration claims that it has not transferred people to foreign custody for abusive interrogation,'' said Joanne Mariner, ... |
Let’s deter Iran by threatening to nuke them if they ...
Hot Air, MD -Apr 11, 2008
... shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear attack upon Israel by Iran, or originating in Iran, as an attack by Iran on the United States, ...
Hot Air, MD -
... shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear attack upon Israel by Iran, or originating in Iran, as an attack by Iran on the United States, ...
Nuclear Attack on Iran appears imminent!
Scoop.co.nz, New Zealand -Apr 7, 2008
Heads-up warning to the American Peoples – Nuclear attack on Iran appears imminent! Project Humanbeingsfirst cannot humbly emphasize enough the first order ...
Nuclear War: HOW SOON?
The Statesman, India -Apr 11, 2008
Sooner or later, there will be a nuclear attack of some sort. Perhaps a crazed terrorist will cause it. Then again it could be a crazy national leader. ...
.Scoop.co.nz, New Zealand -
Heads-up warning to the American Peoples – Nuclear attack on Iran appears imminent! Project Humanbeingsfirst cannot humbly emphasize enough the first order ...
Nuclear War: HOW SOON?
The Statesman, India -
Sooner or later, there will be a nuclear attack of some sort. Perhaps a crazed terrorist will cause it. Then again it could be a crazy national leader. ...
AFP | Switzerland shrugs off Jewish group's attack on Iran deal AFP - Explaining the move, the ADL said it is "concerned that Iran's profits from the energy deal could help the regime to accelerate and complete its nuclear ... |
Israel May Reveal Details of Attack on Alleged Syrian Nuclear Program
Forward, NY -Apr 10, 2008
Israel, according to press reports, is concerned mainly about alleged North Korean involvement in developing Iran’s nuclear program. ...
Forward, NY -
Israel, according to press reports, is concerned mainly about alleged North Korean involvement in developing Iran’s nuclear program. ...
US attack on Iran is not the answer
Arizona Republic, AZ -
A US attack on Iran would jeopardize all of America's interests in the region and engulf it in conflict. An attempted surgical strike on Iran's nuclear ...
![]() PRESS TV | Israel Can Stand Up for Itself New York Times, United States - If so, Israel’s own arsenal — and its manifest willingness to respond to a nuclear attack — ought to suffice. If, on the other hand, the Iranian leadership ... Cheney on the Warpath Again? |
![]() Javno.hr | Bush says no plans to attack Iran: interview AFP - The president accuses Iran of seeking nuclear weapons and arming and funding groups fighting US forces in Iraq. And he made clear in the interview that he ... African-American Perspective Bush 'Divorced From Reality' Any fresh attack on the US will be the handiwork of militants ... |
![]() Alalam News Network | At best, we can deter Iran from using nukes Minneapolis Star Tribune, MN - During the Cold War, we prevented an attack not only on the United States but also on America's allies by extending the American nuclear umbrella -- ie, ... |
Pak-based militants may attack US: Bush DailyIndia.com, FL - ... of the US to convince the world of Iran's capacity to enrich its uranium capacities for a potentially threatening nuclear weapons program. ... |
Fars News Agency, Iran - ... about a possible military attack on Iran. The US is at loggerheads with Iran over the independent and home-grown nature of Tehran's nuclear technology, ... |
Iran's footprints are all over the Middle East The Tennessean, TN - The real question is not how to deter Iran, but how the international community could avoid being deterred by a nuclear Iran, as it continues to work toward ... |
![]() The People's Voice | The attack of 'Al-Qaeeda' and Pakistani 'loose nukes' The People's Voice, TN - ... in the Western press, be forewarned that the crossing of the nuclear Rubicon which already appears imminent (“Nuclear Attack on Iran appears imminent! ... |
![]() ITV.com | Blast kills 9 gathered to hear cleric speak in Iran Los Angeles Times, CA - The explosion comes amid rising tensions between the US and Iran over Tehran's nuclear program and its alleged support for militant groups in Iraq, ... 8 killed, 50 hurt in Iran mosque attack—reports |
A US Nuclear Guarantee to Israel
National Review Online Blogs, NY -22 hours ago
Krauthammer calls on the US to issue a nuclear guarantee to Israel to deter Iran from launching a nuclear attack on the Jewish state. ...
National Review Online Blogs, NY -
Krauthammer calls on the US to issue a nuclear guarantee to Israel to deter Iran from launching a nuclear attack on the Jewish state. ...
Legal snags delay trials of detainees in 9/11 case Denver Post, CO - 11, 2001, attacks, the move was part of an effort to kick-start the Bush administration's sluggish military commission system, which has yet to hold a ... |
America is entering a secular era Statesman Journal, OR - In truth, Bush's victory rested both on 9/11 and on enthusiasm from religious voters. But what's most important is that 2004, like 1928, is destined to be ... |
Jesse Ventura Joins the Ron Paul Revolution Nolan Chart LLC, VA - Ventura wants an end to the current wars and bin Laden brought to justice (although shockingly we may not have evidence for 9/11, we do for the bombings at ... ![]() |
![]() KATU | Bush admits waterboarding approval MWC News, Canada - He was the person who ordered the suicide attack - I mean, the 9/11 attacks," Bush told ABC. "And back then, there was all kinds of concerns about people ... Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld 'were directly involved in decision to ... Cheney, Others Said to Approve Torture Torture Reportedly Micromanaged from the White House by Top Bush ... |
Cheney on the Warpath Again?
Washington Post, United States -Apr 11, 2008
By Dan Froomkin Vice President Cheney went on right-wing talk radio yesterday with a dramatic new argument for preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons, ...
Washington Post, United States -
By Dan Froomkin Vice President Cheney went on right-wing talk radio yesterday with a dramatic new argument for preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons, ...
Bush fenced in by incompetence Palm Beach Post, United States - "Why they keep focusing on this border issue," El Paso Mayor John Cook told the El Paso Times, "acting as though the 9/11 terrorists are going to come back ... |
Laurie Anderson taking on 9/11 politics in 'Homeland' Daily Breeze, CA - And then you have (President) Bush saber-rattling against Iran - '(Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is) an evil dictator "We've all heard that before," ... |
![]() Boston Globe | Bush took care of his kind, his interests first Bloomington Pantagraph, USA - My point is that the original letter written is blaming Bush for everything: Not keeping America Safe (duh, we are safe. NO attacks since 9/11 thank God), ... One candidate, two camps, one direction Is John McCain A Muslim? A Conversation With Cliff Schecter |
US says 9/11 law allows detention of Chinese Muslim, even without ... International Herald Tribune, France - AP WASHINGTON: The Bush administration says that when Congress approved military action against the Sept. 11 terrorists, it also gave the president ... |
FBI: No hard evidence linking Bin Laden to 9/11 Nolan Chart LLC, VA - President George W. Bush reportedly called the so-called Confession video "a devastating declaration" of UBL's guilt. Added Rudy Giuliani, mayor of New York ... |
Reforming the radicals Times Online, UK - ... that Bush, Blair, the army, police and banks that charged interest were all “targets” - and that 9/11 was a “deserved punch in the nose for America”. ... |
UN Official Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11 New York Sun, NY - The false flag thesis has it that the Bush administration is somehow responsible for the September 11 attacks as a pretext for the wars in Afghanistan and ... |
Waging war on the home front Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - "It was almost like throwing a switch and being back in the '50s," Faludi writes in her new book, The Terror Dream: Fear And Fantasy In Post-9/11 America. ... |
9/11 Contradictions: Bush in the Classroom Center for Research on Globalization, Canada - One of these contradictions involves the question of how long President Bush remained in classroom in Sarasota, Florida, on the morning of 9/11. Bush was ... |
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