-----[JR: Geo-engineering is to mitigation as chemotherapy is to diet & exercise. You can find some more specific reasons geo-engineering is unlikely to make sense at these posts: "Geo-engineering remains a bad idea" and "Geo-engineering is not the answer." I will be blogging again on this shortly. In the absence of strong mitigation efforts, geo-engineering will not stop catastrophic outcomes, like the end of most ocean life.]
Time magazine has declared geo-engineering one of "10 ideas that are changing the world."
"Messing with nature caused global warming," Time wrote. "Messing with it more might fix it."
What are they thinking?
Geoengineering - What's Next 2008 - TIME
Vancouver Sun, Canada - 3 hours ago
Several years ago, studies by Tad Patzek, a geo-engineering professor at the University of California at Berkeley, and David Pimentel, a professor of ...
Speech Addresses Threat of Global Warming
The Hornet, CA - Mar 27, 2008Richard Turco discussed global warming and various geo-engineering techniques to mitigate climate change in a lecture two weeks ago. ...
UC Berkeley Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics
Cape Cod Times, MA - Mar 27, 2008
Pretty heady stuff like "The New Austerity" and "Geo-Engineering." But the one that really hit home was "The End of Customer Service. ...
Bahraini scholar wins UK award
Gulf Daily News, Bahrain - Apr 2, 2008
Hassan's 800-word winning essay addressed the topic of geo-engineering and climate change. He had to deliver a presentation before a panel of judges and a ...
Do We Owe Future Generations Anything?
Reason Online, CA - Mar 25, 2008...
with nuclear wastes, carbon sequestration sites and geo-engineering systems — all subject to human error and to failures that would be deadly. Really? ...
Genetic fortune-telling and engineering the Earth win young ...
Imperial College London, UK - Mar 19, 2008
Hassan's essay suggested a number of geo-engineering methods for tackling climate change. This is a relatively new concept which targets the carbon dioxide ...
Lloyd's List
Scanning the risk horizon for emerging threats
Lloyd's List, UK - Apr 7, 2008
“The risks attached to geo-engineering – fertilising the oceans to encourage plankton growth and increase the size of the carbon sink, for example – are ...
Unity Bridge to be ready in early 2009
East African, Kenya - Mar 30, 2008
The China Geo Engineering Corporation, which is building the $40 million bridge, has already installed 19 piers to support the structure linking Cabo ...
Climate Capital Network launches global market for investors ...
TechWhack (press release), India - Mar 18, 2008...
that tackle climate change (eg renewable energy, clean technology, energy efficiency, recycling, CDM, JI, CCS, geo-engineering, forestation etc…). ...
How will climate change affect US military strategy?
Montgomery Advertiser, AL - Mar 14, 2008...
pandemics, droughts, heat waves, environmental refugees, floods, wildfires, ocean acidification, geo-engineering, state failure and mass extinctions. ...
1 comment:
Hi NeverKnwo. Don't they know that spraying chemtrails actually heats the earth? There will be no radiational cooling. Chemtrails not only poisons us, but destroys the world.
We should abolish this government now. The Declaration of Independence grants us that right. Many Democrats that believe the main stream media are gullible suckers... Obama won't change a thing, and Obama even admits that. What the hell is wrong with people? They can't think for themselves and they are too dumbed down to investigate. I think the CFR has been doing mind control with TV, not just subliminal messages, but broadcasting frequencies. And lately I've been sick, I got zapped. I think it's from that undercover agent, pretending to fix the lights and water hydrant but doesn't, probably put EF equipment on there. I hate those stupid terrorists, someone is going to use EF equipment on them.
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