Monday, March 17, 2008

The Terraces of the Shrine of the Báb

On the evening of May 22 in Haifa, Israel, more than 4,500 people are expected to gather on "God's Holy Mountain," Mt. Carmel, for a dedication ceremony of the new Shrine of the Bab, a succession of 19 terraced gardens that evoke the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and the Baha'i World Center, a complex of classically designed shrines and administrative buildings which will serve as the headquarters for an emerging world religion.

The dedication of the new complex signals Baha'i's growing prominence in the world, and its leadership in the evolution of a new one-world religion — which it claims is the fulfillment of all other religious traditions.

Useful Idiots

Meanwhile, the recruitment and enlistment of Catholics into the cause of world government and a one-world religion continues apace, as evidenced by the April 25-27 Global Sustainability: Toward Unity Among All Beings conference held at the Assisi Community Center in Rochester, Minn.

This meeting of the Global Education Associates-Religious Orders Partnership, according to promotional publicity for the conference, "is a collaborative network of 160 Catholic religious orders working with the Global Education Associates and with each other to affect global systemic change."

GEA's mission is to advance global systems that will secure ecological integrity, peace, human rights, economic and social well-being, and democratic participation, with special care to include the voices and perspectives of poor and marginalized people and of diverse cultural and religious traditions.

Global Education Associates
475 Riverside Drive
Suite 1848
New York NY 10115

Phone: 212-870-3290


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