Why the fascination with the end of the world?
A huge particle accelerator experiment is about to start and a tiny group of people believe it could spell the end of the world. But why are we so obsessed with the possibility of apocalypse?
The world will end. That much is a certainty. But it may not be soon. And in all probability it will not come to a shuddering, fiery, boiling, cataclysmic end on Wednesday this week.
Aftermath: Population Zero investigates what would happen if every single person
on Earth simply disappeared. Drastic changes to the environment animals running
wild Meltdowns and explosions all over the world. This is what life will be like
on earth from day ten to one year after humans vanish from existence. This is the
astounding story of a world we will never see.
In Endgame, documentary filmmaker Alex Jones chronicles the history of the global elite s bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars using order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire.
Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive, secretive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to uncover their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world s agenda and instigating World War III.
Learn about the formation of the North American transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever.
Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science Eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation.
View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union.
Never before has a documentary assembled all the pieces of the globalists' dark agenda. Endgame's compelling look at past atrocities committed by those attempting to steer the future delivers information that the controlling media has meticulously censored for over 60 years, fully revealing the elite s agenda to dominate the earth and carry out the most wicked plan in all of human history.
Times Online | Apocalypse now? 30 days when the world Times Online, UK - 3: 2nd century AD: The Montanists, founded in around 155 AD by a chap called Montanus, were perhaps the first recognisable Christian "end of the world" cult ... |
TCPalm, FL -
It was, really, the end of the world as we knew it. Soon, we would hear that a third plane went into the Pentagon. Then came word of Flight 93 going down in ...
GwinnettHerald.com, GA -
by Scott Sowers One of the big news stories of the week gave some gloom and doom end of days fear for people around the world. No, it doesn't have anything ...
Liverpool Echo, UK -
End of the world? Bring it on! It’ll be a breeze and a blessed relief. Apparently, though, according to those party-poopers/so-called experts who always ...
guardian.co.uk | Is this the way the world ends? guardian.co.uk, UK - And yet, the artists who portrayed the end of the world in the Renaissance were not pessimists. They believed the destruction of life as we know it was the ... |
Times Online, UK -
Sir, In his dismissal of Balanced Migration’s call for a cap on immigration (Opinion, Sept 9), David Aaronovitch apparently accepts without question the ...
Population control is important after all Denver Post, CO - By Neal Peirce For years, in company with most journalists, I've been ducking the population issue. We Americans seem to have it on our DNA — we believe ... |
Natural News.com | Codex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer ... Natural News.com, AZ - Population control for money is the easiest way to describe the new Codex which is run by the US and controlled by Big Pharma and the like to reduce the ... |
Inquirer.net, Philippines -
Edcel Lagman is making another pitch for his controversial population control bill in the House of Representatives’ deliberations on the proposed ...
Irish Independent, Ireland -
Right from the start, the population control movement has been driven by mainly racist ideologues. Perhaps the best study in this area is 'The Inherent ...
Gov’t to spend more on family planning: official VietNamNet Bridge, Vietnam - Ca Mau authorities were having troubles getting the population control message through to rich families, many of whom were now having three children, ... |
Sierra Leone Immigration – Influx of Foreigners A National Concern Standard Times Press, Sierra Leone - For security; for population control through the entry visa process; for monitoring the movement and engagement of non citizens within the country, ... |
Church claims population control bill railroaded Inquirer.net, Philippines - By Felipe V. Celino ROXAS CITY, Philippines—The Catholic Church in Capiz remains steadfast in its opposition to three controversial bills seeking to promote ... Population bill proponent ready to dialogue with bishops |
Remaking Humanity The Claremont Institute, CA - Bold in its claims and wildly arrogant in its approach, the international population control movement of the 20th century provides a stark example of the ... |
Electric New Paper, Singapore -
2. The Greeks instituted pederasty, a practice where adult males enterinto relationships with boys so that they wouldn't get the women pregnant 3. ...
OpEdNews, PA -
This document explicitly laid out a detailed strategy by which the United States would aggressively promote population control in developing nations in ...
Summerland Review, Canada -
I offer Weisman’s thoughts to the readers so that they can think about the need for population control. It will be absolutely necessary, as China has done, ...
Informed Consent or Institutionalized Eugenics? How the Medical ... RedOrbit, TX - Viewed in this light, the appeal to good health, while unobjectionable on its face, may promote eugenic attitudes that individuals with some disabilities ... |
Daily Mail | Royal Mail honours family planning pioneer Marie Stopes - but ... Daily Mail, UK - But she is also a controversial figure who was accused of being racist and anti-Semitic and advocated eugenics - even disapproving of her own son's choice ... |
Wired News -
As a window into the wrongness of American eugenic science, this can't be beat -- not just because of the underlying belief in Aryan superiority, ...
Washington Post | 'I Served the King of England': What Didn't He Do in the War? Washington Post, United States - ... where Jan works changes to a clinic for eugenics (populated by perfectly blond Aryan goddesses), then to a hospital treating injured war veterans. ... |
VDARE.com, VA -
The Olympics are always a festival of human biodiversity, with each sport having its ideal body-type. The Chinese Olympic team flagbearer Yao Ming, ...
Eugenics: Study Finds Vast Majority (84%) of Down Syndrome Babies ... Lifesite, PA - By Thaddeus M. Baklinski TRONDHEIM, Norway, August 13, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A recently published Norwegian study of prenatal detection of trisomy 21 ... |
British Government Chooses Hitler-Loving Abortion Movement Pioneer ... Lifesite, PA - So successful was she at altering British society in favour of her eugenics doctrines, the British government has chosen her to be included in a "Women of ... |
Karadzic's Arrest Brings to Light Psychiatry's History of Ethnic ... Nolan Chart LLC, VA - Rudin was president of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations and world leader of the eugenics movement which sought to remove "inferior" ... |
A mainstream moment for Down syndrome Minneapolis Star Tribune, MN - This is properly called eugenic abortion — the ending of "imperfect" lives to remove the social, economic and emotional costs of their existence. ... |
Al Gore: Too Big for His British Genes Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), VA - The British sought scientific legitimacy for their genocide, and named it eugenics. A supposed "race science" to improve the human species through selective ... |
Center for Research on Globalization | Militarism and a Uni-polar World Center for Research on Globalization, Canada - In an effort to support such views, the Rockefeller family became involved with Eugenics, a fascist doctrine that advocated breeding a superior race by ... |
Center for Research on Globalization, Canada -
Part 1 in this series described this philosophy and its relation to eugenics. The second article outlined the purpose of UNESCO, which is to mentally ...
The chaos started Friday morning after news broke of high gas prices and gas shortages in North and South Carolina. The word "ration" was just mentioned and ...
Some stations in Nashville, Georgia had their unleaded price at more than four bucks a gallon, and the scene appeared calm. But one Flash Foods Store had ...
Diesel appears to be in good supply, gasoline lines long The Trucker - Long lines could be found a many gas stations across the nation, and especially in the southeast and southwest where prices jumped by as much as $1 a gallon ... Easley activates state law against gas price gouging Hurricane Ike fuels higher gas prices, shortages Gas Prices Rising Around the Country |
Gas reaches $4 and more at many Columbia stations The State, SC - There were similar lines at the Kangaroo station across the intersection. One man on a motorcycle claimed to have waited 45 minutes to get to the pumps, ... Rumors fuel area pump rush |
$4-plus gas prompts long lines, price-gouging feared
Rock Hill Herald, SC -
Some motorists are waiting 20 minutes in line for $4 gas today, while some gas stations were asking customers to limit fuel purchases to 10 gallons as ...
ENC Today, NC -
At 10:45 am he said the station would continue service until the fuel was gone, which he estimated would be two hours. On Neuse Boulevard, more long lines ...
Ike causes local fear, gas shortages Morganton News Herald, NC - Many stations boast long lines, and some are running low on gas, waiting for tankers to come deliver more. Drivers like Mooresville's Johnny Broome have ... |
Locals line up for gas Augusta Chronicle, GA - Long lines were seen at a number of gas stations, including the Circle K at 226 Georgia Avenue in North Augusta, where there had been a continuous stream of ... |
WSIL TV | Fuel Fears: Long Lines As Gas Prices Sky-Rocket WSIL TV, IL - Gas stations like Kroger in Herrin had long lines where folks had to wait upwards of 20 minutes just to fill up. We had reports that some gas stations ... |
The Associated Press -
Emergency management officials in three western North Carolina counties said lines formed and some stations ran out of fuel Thursday after rumors of supply ...
Tyler Morning Telegraph, TX -
Gas pumps at the Whitehouse Brookshire’s on State Highway 110 were shut down around 11 am this morning as areawide fueling stations face similar shortages. ...
Bristol Herald Courier, TN -
By News Channel 11 Long lines could be seen at gas stations all across the Tri-Cities Region today. Gas prices have risen over 30 cents, and a few stations ...
Bizjournals.com, NC -
The average retail price of gasoline in San Antonio remained virtually unchanged heading into the weekend. However, analysts with AAA Texas are keeping a ...
HEADLINE NEWS WITH DBICKFORDTRUTHTV! HURRICANE GUSTAV CREATED BY HAARP! A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION THE US GOVERNMENT IS USING! PAUL,KUCINICH,OBAMA,MCCAIN,ALEX JONES,ALL CONGRESS,SENATE,GOVERNORS KNOW THE TRUTH! 503-995-0567! On Katrina's 3rd anniversary, another storm brews By MARY FOSTER, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 46 minutes ago NEW ORLEANS - The solemn ceremonies for the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina on Friday for the most part were blown away by Tropical Storm Gustav, which threatens (...) 10:10 From: DBICKFORDALANZ |
Proof Population Control will be underway SOON! They are now talking about it on the mainstream news... Thanks to Quandary121 for this info on this man Rick Oltman "Consequences of Excessive Immigration" Given April 18th, 2007 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd03PoXe6OY Hold Their Feet To The Fire Rally - Rick Oltman http:/ (...) 05:31 From: Earthlasthope |
Population Explosion - ECU #156 The population is booming and Mike Hanauer of Zero Population Growth considers that the world's leading environmental problem. Population growth is already straining the world's environmental and energy resources. If current trends continue, the population of the U.S. could reach a (...) 06:30 From: piucaprim | |
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POPULATION REDUCTION ☠ MUST WATCH Codex Alimentarius was created in 1962 as a trade Commission by the UN to control the international trade of food. Its initial intentions may have been altruistic but it has been taken over by corporate interests, most notably the pharmaceutical, pesticide, biotechnology and chemica (...) 05:19 From: teabowbraine | |
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A graphic description of world population growth from 1 A.D. World Population (Millenium Edition) was produced and copyrighted by Population Connection (formerly Zero Population Growth, Inc.) in 2000. Population Connection is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization. www.popconnect.org 07:31 From: rgumbrecht | |
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I made this for my Population and Environment class, Fall 2006, University of Oregon, Geography Department. Leave a comment, I'd like to know what people think. 05:22 From: deftonedinzion | |
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The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 1 of 8) And probably the most boring. But then again, when I told that to my students and had them give me feedback, most said that if you followed along with what the presenter (a professor emeritus of Physics at Univ of Colorado-Boulder) is saying, it's quite easy to pay attention, becau (...) 09:17 From: wonderingmind42 | |
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Population Reduction - Take your medicine and shots Population Reduction - Take your medicine and shots to help the Earth of course. Eat you prepackaged food from Kroger's Corporate Distributors, whether from US or China and drink down that city water. After all, it's good for the environment if you die. 09:57 From: vudumojo | |
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How may we scare you? Let me count the ways... 09:44 From: scarboz40 | |
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How would the Earth react if people suddenly disappeared? The long-term effects are explored here. Aftermath: Population Zero : SUN MARCH 9 8P et/pt : http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/?source=4003 03:43 From: NationalGeographic | |
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Red Hot Chili Peppers Save the Population track 16 on the Red Hot Chili Peppers Greatest Hits album from 2003 The ending of this song is just beautiful 04:04 From: TheFuzzysham | |
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Excellent horror movie! This is a clip about how they do population control in this town. Synopsis: While traveling to Rockwell Falls in an assignment of the US Census Bureau, the surveyor from Chicago Steve Kady has two flat tires nearby the small town. The local Deputy Bobby Cain (...) 10:23 From: FunnyHorrorFlick | |
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The High Cost of a Lower Population - The One Child Policy See the updated version! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-_06DyfRoo This is a documentary entry for National History Day 2006/2007 created as a partner project between myself (Wilfred Chan) and my partner, Tim Tan. We're both in the 10th grade at Shorewood High School. The NHD them (...) 10:00 From: zuperbeef | |
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Red Hot Chili Peppers - Save The Population -Love Hina AMV- Made when I was 15. Constructive criticism is appreciated, things like "you're ruined good song with a bad cartoon/vid" just proves how narrow minded you are. Anyway, for AMV makers, viewers - enjoy! 04:05 From: pita077 | |
David Rockefeller speaks about population control. David Rockefeller gives a speech about over population. In this video, you will hear and see him discussing how the U.N. should sustain the population. 03:39 From: slaintrimmer | |
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http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1131942400352901009 this video is going to show what all these 911 truthers are talking about when they are saying all this population reduction. though it may be exaggerated to an extent by them. this is all you need to know in the current (...) 09:03 From: thesunofjuda | |
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Population Control: Evidence of harm (News clip Montage) Biological warfare and testing on the public. 09:54 From: slaintrimmer | |
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Population Control: The Eugenics Connection - Part 1 Has eugenics faded away with time, or has the pseudo science morphed and cloaked itself under new auspices? Were some of the original founders of population control efforts themselves eugenicists? How and when did eugenicists shift from Galton era ideals to Malthusian population con (...) 10:00 From: oldthinkernews | |
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David Rockefeller speaks about population control. David Rockefeller gives a speech about over population. In this video, you will hear and see him discussing how the U.N. should sustain the population. 04:14 From: Politicophobia1776 | |
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Inside Story -Sudan's displaced population - 17 June 08 - P1 A long and costly war between the Sudanese government and former rebels in the south made the country home to millions of internally displaced people. Inside Story team visited one of the camps of the IDPs just outside Khartoum and and also met with some southerners inside the capit (...) 24:23 From: AlJazeeraEnglish | |
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~ NPI: Global White Population to Plummet to a Single Digit Global white population to plummet spacer Statistics show that white people will become a tiny minority on the planet within the space of just a few generations. Free download as e-book http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/publications/?b=population WHO SPEAKS FOR US? White (...) 03:56 From: NPISupporter | |
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Sigourney Weaver talks gorilla and visits the local population - BBC wildlife Sigourney Weaver jounreys back to Rwanda to visit the family of gorillas she first met on the set of gorillas in the mist 20 years ago. Watch as she employs some of her gorilla etiquette and techniques to refamiliarise herself with the family. 00:00 From: BBCWorldwide | |
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Food as a weapon : The global population reduction agenda A documentation of how the criminal elite has used and will continue to use the food supply as a way to carry out their plans for one-world tyranny and global population reduction. Trans fats and aspartame are nothing but tools for the CFR-funded eugenics agenda. The CFR uses the C (...) 07:02 From: wvoutlaw2002 | |
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Seahorses flourishing off the coast of the UK are facing a threat from boats churning up the sea grass which provides them with food and shelter. 00:00 From: bbcworldnews | |
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update town population Jimmy Robbins Me doing a little updating and then playing don't fly away :-) 06:21 From: jimmyrobbins | |
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Jewish Archivements III. -The Armenian Population Reduction Part 3 of my series on Jewish archivements. 08:18 From: Krauthammer2000 |
100 man vs 1 01:54 From: therm0man | |
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The Population at Sticky Fingers The Population at Sticky Fingers in Gothenburg, Sweden. 20/8 2008 03:56 From: thepopulationsweden | |
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Many people in Singapore are getting old. Here, we learn about about how the seniors citizens live in Singapore and how the government help out. 00:00 From: frostingdud | |
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Jews in Iran - Australian TV - 1/2 There are 25,000 Jews living in Iran. When Israel backed a plan to pay Iranian Jewish families $60,000 to settle in Israel, Society of Iranian Jews met the announcement with scorn, issuing this statement: "The identity of Iranian Jews is not tradable for any amount of money. Iranian (...) 07:51 From: samsedaei | |
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Population Control: The Eugenics Connection - Part 1 Kopie von oldthinkernews http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=PVhE3Muh3co Has eugenics faded away with time, or has the pseudo science morphed and cloaked itself under new auspices? Were some of the original founders of population control efforts themselves eugenicists? How and when did (...) 10:00 From: 4GodNUs | |
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Proof Population Control Will Be Underway SOON! IMPORTANT: CLICK *MORE* ENDGAME - ALEX JONES - BLUEPRINT FOR GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1070329053600562261 So do you want these global elite bastards to have their way with you. Set up Global Government to get you all into these compact cities by (...) 05:31 From: bill122460 | |
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The Southern Cross University Whale Research Centre commenced land based research two weeks ago at Cape Byron lighthouse. Marine Science students & volunteers, under the guidance of researcher Daniel Burns, have sighted approximately 1,400 whales during the 14 day study period. This (...) 02:58 From: TheOceaniaProject | |
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