Saturday, November 17, 2007

Slashdot - Oct 21, 2007
IMHO, weather control such as steering hurricanes will create more problems than it solves. Do you know what the results would be? ...
Scientists Closer To Steering Hurricanes (But There’sa Caveat)
Blogger News Network - Oct 23, 2007
Remember back in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans? Immediately afterward we were all told by those in the know that because of global ...
MyFox Washington DC, DC - Oct 30, 2007
"Say if you steered a hurricane so that instead of 100 people being dead, two people are dead — somebody would blame us." But storm steering can have a ...
Scientists a step closer to steering hurricanes, United Kingdom - Oct 20, 2007
By Tim Shipman in Washington Scientists have made a breakthrough in man's desire to control the forces of nature – unveiling plans to weaken hurricanes and ...
Boston-area scientists study controlling hurricanes with soot
iTWire, Australia - Nov 1, 2007
Alamaro and Hoffman also contend that satellites could beam down microwave radiation onto the clouds, which would also heat up the tops of hurricanes to ...
Scientists unveil ways of weakening hurricanes, Barbados - Oct 21, 2007
At the same time, Alamaro suggested that the top of the clouds could be heated up using microwave beams from satellites to allow the soot to absorb the ...

Boston-area scientists study controlling hurricanes with soot
iTWire, Australia - Nov 1, 2007
Alamaro and Hoffman also contend that satellites could beam down microwave radiation onto the clouds, which would also heat up the tops of hurricanes to ...

Weather Manipulation, MA - Oct 21, 2007
Satellites could also heat the cloud tops o by beaming microwaves from space."..more, woo hoo,...


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