Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Pilots to Tell Their UFO Stories for the First Time
PR Web (press release), WA - 10 hours ago
The first involves a Peruvian Air Force pilot who fired many rounds at a UFO which was not affected. The second was an Iranian Air Force pilot’s attempt to ...
UFO spotted over Deline
Northern News Services (subscription), Canada - 17 hours ago
6, 2004: A Nahanni Butte resident attributes two stands of downed trees in the shape of a circle to UFO activity. Feb. 5, 2001: UFO sighting reported in ...

UFO show draws fans, followers and sceptics
South Africa Mercury - 05 November 2007 (Subscription)
Lights, beings, beams: Just a typical night in Australia's UFO capital
Philippines Daily Tribune - 05 November 2007
and Darwin, a pitstop at Australia's self-proclaimed UFO capital might just revive them. While filling up... now attracts international visits from "experts," occasional UFO conventions and constant local media coverage of the...
Lights, beings, beams: Just a typical night in Australias UFO capital - 04 November 2007
and Darwin, a pitstop at Australia's self-proclaimed UFO capital might just revive them. While filling up... now attracts international visits from 'experts,' occasional UFO conventions and constant local media coverage of the...
The Voynich Manuscript
Book of Thoth - 04 November 2007
For some as of yet unexplained reason, UFO activity had to have been as common as... you, it will broaden the idea of UFO sightings during the Middle Ages, to UFO contact...
Identified flying pols
Boston Herald - 03 November 2007
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, and his UFO fears. Kucinich has not claimed to have been...
Letters: Aliens in the news, redux
Dallas Morning News - Found 5 hours ago
going back to the 1947 Roswell, N.M., UFO crash, for the complete veil of secrecy perpetrated... Andy Morgan's letter expressed my feelings about UFO information exactly. The media, who are supposed to...
Presidential Hopeful Says He Saw a UFO
First Coast News - 04 November 2007
Democratic presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich defends his UFO sighting. Click on the video link to hear...
Finally, a little fun surfaces in debates
Sun Herald - 04 November 2007
Shirley MacLaine has written, he saw a UFO at her house, Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio... piece of the UFO action, without actually endorsing their existence, by saying that a reported UFO...
At the next debate: Driver's licenses for space aliens?
Press of Atlantic City - 05 November 2007 (Registration)
Shirley MacLaine has written, he saw a UFO at her house, Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio... piece of the UFO action, without actually endorsing their existence, by saying that a reported UFO...
Jon Kraus: Rare Sightings: UFOs and Impeachment
Huffington Post - Found 8 hours ago
governments have now disclosed their top secret UFO documents? The French have! Sarkozy may not want...

Wednesday letters: Aliens in the news, redux
Dallas Morning News, TX - 9 hours ago
We can thank all administrations going back to the 1947 Roswell, NM, UFO crash, for the complete veil of secrecy perpetrated on Americans, ...

UFO Travel: Aliens Light Fires in Sicily
Jaunted - Nov 6, 2007
A bunch of unexplained fires three years ago in the northern Sicily town of Canneto di Caronia were caused by aliens. A $2 million investigation involving ...
Locals say aliens; sceptics say beer
Independent Online, South Africa - Nov 5, 2007
This tiny dot on the map, 400 kilometres north of Alice Springs, surrounded by scrubland, now attracts international visits from "experts," occasional UFO ...

Wonkette (satire)
From Mexico and Outer Space, Aliens Visit Debates
Wonkette (satire), DC - Oct 31, 2007
But he is crazy and officially got measured for his straight jacket last night: “Russert: Did you see a UFO? Kucinich: I did. And I’m moving my campaign ...
Close encounters of the Turkish kind
Asia Times Online, Hong Kong - Oct 30, 2007
... the owner of the Istanbul UFO museum that opened in 2002 (commercially riding on the back of these multiple UFO events) and any extra interest in aliens ...

The search for extraterrestrial life
IIT Tech News, IL - Nov 3, 2007
In fact one of the first ever recorded UFO sighting was by Alexander’s army in central Asia in 329 BC. Digging even deeper we find that UFO stories are ...

UFO Reporting Center operates out of former missile site
Seattle Post Intelligencer - Oct 28, 2007
That doesn't necessarily mean that aliens are not visiting Earth, Oberg said. "But the evidence does not rise to the level of an unavoidable conclusion that ...

Aliens responsible for Italian machine uprising
Register, UK - Oct 29, 2007
The report - leaked in various Italian newspapers - also details a possible UFO landing close to the village, elaborating that "burnt imprints which have ...

Spaced out, or switched on? Aliens blew up our fridge
Scotsman, United Kingdom - Oct 26, 2007
The report also details an incident of a possible UFO landing close to Caronia - 60 miles east of Palermo - after "burnt im-prints which have not been ...
'Aliens testing weapons' caused Sicily fires, United Kingdom - Oct 26, 2007
The report also detailed a possible UFO landing close to the village, citing "burnt imprints which have not been explained were found in a field. ...

NASA to Search Files for UFO Incident
The Associated Press - Oct 26, 2007
WASHINGTON (AP) — NASA has agreed to search its archives once again for documents on a 1965 UFO incident in Pennsylvania, a step the space agency fought in ...
National briefs: NASA to search for 1965 UFO files
Kansas City Star, MO - Oct 26, 2007
WASHINGTON | NASA has agreed to search its archives once again for documents on a 1965 UFO incident in Pennsylvania, a step the space agency fought in ...
She came from another planet at Belleville UFO Day
Isthmus Daily Page, WI - Oct 30, 2007
It doesn't really commemorate aliens, though -- neither groups of little green men or undocumented immigrants waltzed down the street in procession. ...

Daily Mail
What IS the secret of Silbury Hill?
Daily Mail, UK - Nov 2, 2007
UFO landing pad? Too bonkers. So what IS the secret of Silbury Hill? Terry the Druid reveals all Can there be anything more po-faced than a health and ...After 'UFO', a

comet on city horizon

Times of India, India -
Oct 31, 2007

KOLKATA: After much hoopla over an unidentified object in the Kolkata sky, another
celestial phenomenon has caught the imagination of stargazers in Kolkata. ...

UFO puzzle has city in a tizzy
Times of India, India - Oct 29, 2007
Many others spotted the strange object streaking across the eastern sky and hundreds gathered along EM Bypass to catch a glimpse of the "UFO". ...

The 1958 Fontes Saucer Briefing
UFODigest, Canada - Nov 6, 2007
by Ed Komarek Dr. Olavo T. Fontes, of Brazil was a prominent UFO researcher in the 1950's. He was one of the best informed civilian UFO ...


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