Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The New World Order Golden Triangle of Intrigue

I put together this Video Presentation Today as a Tribute to those who have served through the years and were caught up in the NWO's Global


The death of Burmese warlord Khun Sa severs one of the few remaining links between Washington's Central Intelligence Agency and the trafficking of heroin out of Southeast Asia's famed Golden Triangle... In one of the CIA's more foul operations, its agents used its Air America airline to fly out Golden Triangle heroin. The drug was sold to corrupt South Vietnamese and Thai politicians who then peddled it to GIs in South Vietnam and a booming population of addicts in America. The CIA shipped those drugs back in the Bodybags of the Dead, so as to conceal their Secret NWO Population Control Operation.

Plus Circumstantial Evidence linking the CIA to training Bin Laden, Mohamed Atta & the Venice Flying Circus on 9/11

Late Edition: Armitage on Leaking Plame’s Identity and Smart Power

What an amazingly refreshing and grown up admission from a former member of the Bush Administration. When shown a clip of Valerie Plame Wilson castigating him for revealing her identity to Robert Novak by Wolf Blitzer, former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage has really only one thing to say: She’s right.

Wolf asks Armitage about his work with the CSIS Commission on “Smart Power.” Armitage’s response to the way that Bush & Co. have prosecuted the “War on Terror” sounds amazingly like a *gasp!* progressive position:

BLITZER: Are you suggesting that the “War on Terror” is not the central component of U.S. policy right now?

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