Tuesday, November 6, 2007

In Part One of this article, entitled: “The Rider on the White Horse: Symbol of the Gospel of the Kingdom Being Preached,” it was shown how the Rider on the White Horse in the Book of Revelation is depicted - via Sacred Sethite Astronomy - in the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius. In addition, it was shown that this rider prophetically depicts the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the whole world during the pouring out of God’s Wrath. This preaching will be carried out via the 144,000 Witnesses (Rev. 7:2-4), followed by the Two Witnesses (Rev. 11:3), and an angel (Rev. 14:6-7).

Now, using the Language of God, let’s study the meaning of the Rider on the Red Horse, who is revealed after the Second Seal of judgement is opened:

“When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, ‘Come and see.’ Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.” -- Rev. 6:3-4 (NKJ)

Note that this rider carries a great sword, and rides a fiery red horse. As shown in my books: “The Language of God in the Universe”, and “The Language of God in Humanity”, the greatest sword in the Zodiac is being wielded by the messianic figure of Orion, a decan of the fiery Red Bull called Taurus. In addition, two of the most prominent fiery red stars in the heavens are found within Orion and Taurus. This suggests that these constellations may depict the Rider (Orion) on the Red Horse (Taurus).

One of those two red stars is often thought of as the eye of Taurus. This bright orange-red star is called “Al Debaran,“ meaning “The Leader,” and it signifies Christ as the spiritual leader of the congregation of righteous followers signified by the Hyades star cluster forming Taurus’ face. As shown in my book “The Language of God in History”, the Red Pyramid at Dahshur in Egypt depicts the red star known as “El Debaran,” and both the star, and the pyramid are symbols for Christ. Likewise, just as the Sethites intended, the Great Pyramid at Giza is tied to the belt star of Orion known as “Al Nitak,” or “the Wounded One.” That Wounded One was Christ on the Cross, meaning that Orion, and the Great Pyramid represent Christ as both an atonement sacrifice, and a conquering Prince.

The second reddish-hued star in the Taurus region is found marking the right shoulder of Orion, a decan of Taurus, and a powerful Christ figure in the Zodiac. This star is called “Betelgeuse,” which means “The Branch Coming.” It is one of the most massive stars in the visible Universe, with a diameter that is 600 times that of our Sun! As such, it seems fitting that Betelgeuse, and Orion as a whole actually represents Yahshua the Messiah (i.e. Jesus the Christ), the Righteous Branch that came through the righteous line of Seth, and down through Shem, Abraham, Jacob, and Judah.

Oddly, Orion and Taurus have two diametrically different sides that are hinted at in the two horns of Taurus, which also represent the horns of two unicorns, one turned red in rebellion, the other one turned white in perfection. On the one hand, Orion signifies Christ as an atonement sacrifice, which is also depicted by Taurus the Bull in its guise as the white unicorn. As such, it signifies the 2,000-year Church Age sanctified by Christ’s shed blood, and is a symbol of God’s blessing and mercy upon the Gentiles through Christ.

In its End Time application, however, Orion signifies Christ as a great Prince conquering the red, raging unicorn side of Taurus. In this guise, Taurus becomes an uncanny metaphor for the evil Beast from the Sea in the Book of Revelation. Likewise, the Pleiades star cluster on Taurus’ back, which depicts the Seven Churches of the Church Age, will switch to depict the Whore of Babylon riding the Beast! This red beast, or dragon is a symbol of the Antichrist’s unholy armies.

After this fiery Rider on the Red Horse, the Third Seal is opened, and a dreadful Rider on a Black Horse with a pair of scales in his hand appears:

“When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, ‘Come and see.’ So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, ‘A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.’” -- Rev. 6:5-6 (NKJ)

In the Zodiac, only one of the twelve major signs can correspond to the pair of scales in this dark rider’s hands, and that is Libra, the Scales. In the Zodiac, the imbalanced scales of Libra represent the fact that all people will be judged against the perfection of Christ. Those who are not covered with His blood will be seen as inferior to Him, and will be cast out of heaven forever, while those who wear Christ’s blood as a cloak of righteousness will pass the test, and be allowed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Interestingly, this rider’s horse is black - the color most often associated with evil. Black, however, is also a color associated with grave illness, and imminent death. Furthermore, the remainder of the Scripture indicates that the Rider on the Black Horse has to do with the buying and selling of food. Since much sickness and death is caused by malnutrition, the black horse implies that much evil will come from the rationing and exorbitant pricing of food supplies, and the great restrictions that will be placed on buying and selling it by the one-world government of the Antichrist.

Finally, we come to the prophetic Zodiac imagery associated with the fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse - the Rider on the Pale Horse who appears at the opening of the Fourth Seal:

“When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, ‘Come and see.’ So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.” -- Rev. 6:12-17 (NKJ)


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