ExpectMore.gov: Justice Prisoner and Alien Rendition Transportation System
The Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (JPATS) supports the Federal Judiciary by effectively transporting prisoners who are in the custody of ...http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/expectmore/summary/10003818.2006.html
Wondering how you and your family were going to get to camp? Right now the only way that the government will cop to is J.P.A.T.S. We'll explore other possibilities including white boxcars, buses and such but first... In 1995, the air fleets of the Marshals Service and the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) merged to create the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (JPATS). The merger created a more efficient and effective system for transporting prisoners and criminal aliens. Operated by the Marshals Service, JPATS is one of the largest transporters of prisoners in the world - handling hundreds of requests every day to move prisoners between judicial districts, correctional institutions and foreign countries. The JPATS supports the federal judiciary by scheduling and transporting prisoners to courts and detention facilities around the country, including sentenced prisoners who are in the custody of the Bureau of Prisons (BOP). The JPATS transports ICE (Immigration Customs and Enforcement) criminal and administrative aliens to hearings, court appearances and detention facilities. The JPATS also provides regular international flights for the removal of deportable aliens. Military, state and local law enforcement agencies use JPATS to shuttle their prisoners between different jurisdictions at a significant costs savings to them. On average, more than 270,000 prisoner and alien movements a year are completed by JPATS. A network of aircrafts, cars, vans and buses accomplishes these coordinated movements. The JPATS operates a fleet of aircraft, which move prisoners over longer distances more economically and with higher security than commercial airlines. Nearly all air movements are done aboard aircraft that the Marshals Service owns or leases, including three Boeing 727s, four MD-82s and several smaller jets. Ground transportation is performed by the Marshals Service, ICE and BOP. The JPATS airplanes comprise the only government-operated , regularly-scheduled passenger airline in the nation. The JPATS routinely serves approximately 40 cities, plus every other major city in the United States on an as-required basis. Detailed itineraries are required to ensure that each prisoner appears in court at the designated time. The JPATS scheduling function is located in Kansas City, MO. Air fleet operations are located in Oklahoma City, OK, with hubs in: Alexandria, LA; Mesa, AZ; Anchorage, AK; and the Virgin Islands. ExpectMore.gov: Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System Assessment
Before we begin let me first say that unlike the rest of this site I can not confirm any of the following try as I might. It all may be true or it all may be a delusion. This info can be found on both left and right wing Internet sites, which make it the universal conspiracy theory? Along with this comes tales of UN or NATO troops currently training on US military bases to help US troops with rounding up all us liberals and other trouble makers. In addition to the above mentioned JPATS this group includes enough "special white and black boxcars to hold 15 million US citizens plus another 20,000 boxcars we bought from China. Not to mention "white buses" and trucks pulling portable jails beyond that point it gets down right silly. Still considering what we've witnessed as well as what the US government has done to people in the past this is something you should at least be aware of.
FY2008: Congressional Budget Submission - Justice Prisoner and ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML The mission of the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (JPATS) is to transport. federal detainees and prisoners. The JPATS Revolving Fund is ... http://www.usdoj.gov/jmd/2008justification/pdf/26_jpats.pdf |
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. (ICE) merged to create the Justice Prisoner and Alien. Transportation System (JPATS). http://www.usmarshals.gov/duties/factsheets/jpats.pdf ============================================================== |
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