Thursday, March 19, 2009

A so called “bailout backlash”, a huge rise in public antagonism toward banks and Wall Street, is set to provide the Obama administration and the governments of the G20 nations a pretext to usher in a new era of international centralization and control over financial practices and institutions. The backlash or “bailout rage” as others have dubbed it, has been further heightened by revelations regarding AIG’s squandering of almost $100 billion in taxpayer rescue funding - which it siphoned off to Goldman Sachs and a number of European banks - in addition to the company’s plan to continue issuing massive bonuses to the people in the very division that were responsible for it’s spiraling derivative-driven downturn. The intention to use such practices to push for increased authoritative regulation is clear. “Mr. Obama’s advisers argued that to at least some extent, this was a sentiment they could tap to push through his measures in Congress,” reported The New York Times yesterday. However, the Times article also highlights the fine line that Obama and other heads of state must tread in utilizing such backlash for their own gain.
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The prayer gathering came as a result of Thursday’s panic when about 90 pupils from the school had to be rushed to the Ladysmith Provincial Hospital after some began experiencing dizzy spells, fainting, breathing difficulties, convulsions and foaming at the mouth. Local religious leaders were on the scene yesterday to cast out what they say were demons after some of the pupils claimed they saw huge serpents. Yesterday’s meeting saw about 15 pupils collapse and begin foaming at the mouth and convulsing during the prayer service which was attended by about 250 people. Paramedics on scene treated those affected but declined to take them to hospital because the attacks were spiritual in nature. Those present at the meeting included Town Mayor Dudu Mazibuko and several priests. The school has called on religious leaders to congregate there today. According to Sapa, a similar incident was reported in 2007 at Mahlenga High School in northern KwaZulu-Natal when classes were disrupted when pupils began crying and screaming.
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Its website says "Common Purpose gives leaders the inspiration, the knowledge and the connections they need to produce real change - in their workplaces and in their communities." According to one Common Purpose "graduate" who spoke to the BBC, Common Purpose's activities seem innocent enough: delegates attend a week-long residential course, where the emphasis is on personal development and making new contacts. She said delegates were encouraged to identify their strengths and weaknesses and were taken on outings to a mental hospital, a prison, a local tenants' association and the City. But former naval officer Brian Gerrish, who leads a campaign against Common Purpose, says: "It's a secret society for careerists. The key point is that the networking is done out of sight of the general public. "If you actually look at the documented evidence as to what Common Purpose is doing, they are clearly not just a training provider. They are operating a highly political agenda, which is to create new chosen leaders in society." The conspiracy theorists think Common Purpose is trying take over the world. They believe it is shaping people to work to its hidden agenda of promoting a European super-state, forcing diversity on British society, and imposing political correctness.

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New center revives North America agenda

Presses Obama administration to advance continental integration
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State University has created a new trilateral research center to advance the continuing globalist agenda to integrate the United States, Mexico and Canada into a North American configuration. The North American Center for Transborder Studies, or NACTS, makes clear that while North American integration advocates may have backed off promoting the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America as their vehicle to create a North American Union, the globalist effort to integrate North America economically and politically continues under different names. NACTS Director Rick Van Schoik held a press conference Feb. 10 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to appeal directly to President Obama to utilize his first foreign presidential trip, to meet with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, "to strengthen U.S. partnerships with its neighbors on challenges ranging from border security and environmental protection." Prominent among members of the NACTS Board of Advisors is Robert A. Pastor, who for more than a decade has called for the creation of a North American Community, which would include a central bank to manage a new currency, the amero, to replace the dollar. In the July/August 2008 issue of Foreign Affairs magazine, published by the Council on Foreign Relations, Pastor wrote an article entitled "The Future of North America," in which he declared that the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP, is "dead" in wake of exposure from sources such as WND and CNN's Lou Dobbs. Reference to the SPP appears nowhere in NACTS documents. At the National Press Club, Schoik unveiled a new 28-page document entitled, "North America Next: A Report to President Obama on Building Sustainable Security and Competitiveness. " In the first of a series of eight recommendations to Obama, NACTS recommended an expansion of the Merida Initiative. WND has reported on the Merida Initiative under which the U.S. Congress, at the strong urging of the Bush administration, allocated last December a total of $197 million of the $500 million authorized, under a $1.6 billion program. The Merida Initiative aimed to provide U.S. military assistance in the form of training and equipment to the Mexican military to help it contain the drug cartels. NACTS second recommendation was to "energize and expand the North American Trilateral Leaders' Summit" to provide "solutions to needs throughout North America." Under this recommendation, NACTS neglected to address whether or not the Obama administration should continue or discontinue the operation of some 30 trilateral bureaucratic working groups organized under SPP to "integrate and harmonize" U.S. laws and regulations into North American laws and regulations across a wide range of policy issues, including border security, transportation, health, energy and the environment. NACTS recommended the creation of a "revolving fund for infrastructures in North America" in which the three nations would pool resources to "maximize the competitiveness benefit vis-à-vis Asia and Europe and jump-start our collective economic engine." WND reported in July 2006 that Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, withdrew legislation to create a North American Investment Fund Act – a similar idea to the NACT proposal for an infrastructures fund – after WND pointed out the legislation would have put into place a key piece of Pastor's plan to create a North American Community. In his 2001 book "Toward a North American Community," Pastor argued a North American Development Fund would advance the "North American integration" needed to produce the union as a super-regional government according to the model of the European Union. Pastor was vice chairman of a May 2005 task force report by the Council on Foreign Relations entitled "Building a North American Community." Creating a North American Investment Fund was also a key recommendation of the CFR task force report. The NACTS report also recommended the creation of an "effective trade and transportation plan with Canada and Mexico" as well as creating a common border crossing permit with a "single window" electronic form, a joint customs team and common U.S.-Mexican and U.S.-Canadian booths to prevent duplicative border procedures and expedite crossings. NACTS also recommended creating a North American Greenhouse Gas Exchange to facilitate the type of "cap-and-trade" step toward a global tax the Obama administration has recommended. This recommendation confirms NACTS has embraced global warming alarmism, as has the Obama administration, despite what WND reports is continued scientific debate on whether or not human emissions of greenhouse gases cause global warming and the new fear of "climate chaos" that recent unusually cold winters have caused anti-carbon fuel advocates to substitute as their new banner. NACTS' "North America Next" document repeatedly argues that the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, has been responsible for massive continental job creation. "Almost 40 million jobs were created n Canada, the U.S. and Mexico between 1993 and 2007, and today," the executive summary notes, without pointing out that the U.S. trade balances with both Mexico and Canada have become negative under NAFTA. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's Foreign Trade Statistics, in 1993, the year President Clinton signed NAFTA into law, the U.S. enjoyed a nearly $1.7 billion favorable balance of trade with Mexico, exporting approximately $41.6 billion and importing approximately $39.9 billion. By 2008, the trade balance had reversed, such that the U.S. had a negative $64.4 billion trade balance in Mexico's favor, after the U.S. exported approximately $151.5 billion to Mexico and imported $215.9 billion. With Canada, the U.S. in 1993 already had a $10.7 billion negative trade balance, which had expanded to a $74.2 billion negative by the end of last year. What these data would suggest is that the net new jobs created under NAFTA in North America are likely being created in Mexico and Canada, not in the U.S. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. manufacturing sector has lost approximately 4 million manufacturing jobs since 2000, nearly 25 percent of the total manufacturing workforce. Partner universities for the ASU North American Center for Transborder Studies include four Mexican universities and two in Canada. Also included on the trilateral Board of Advisors is Stephen Blank, co-director of the North American Transportation Competitiveness Research Council. Blank has been the driving force behind the North America Works II conference held in Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 1-2, 2006. The meeting was organized by the David Rockefeller- created Council of the Americas to discuss "North American competitiveness" and the SPP. Pastor and Blank are joined on the NACTS board by fellow North American Forum on Integration, or NAFI, board member Christine Frechette, the founding president and executive director of NAFI. As WND has reported, NAFI conducts an annual "North American Model Parliament" in which 100 university students from the U.S., Canada and Mexico participate in an exercise in which they simulate a North American parliamentary meeting in which the students role-play North American legislators, lobbyists and journalists. American University continues to list Pastor as on sabbatical, but the university media relations office told WND he has returned. The NACTS Board of Advisor lists Pastor as the director of the Center for North American Studies at American University in Washington, D.C. Yet, WND reported last year that Pastor explained in an e-mail that he had stepped down as vice president of International Affairs at American University and as director of the Center for North American Studies in the Office of International Affairs, a program he had headed since he began at American University in 2002. Last year, WND also confirmed that American University President Neil Kerwin had decided to shut down Pastor's Office of International affairs. The university media relations office told WND in a phone call that there is no current phone number for the Office of International Affairs. The number the university media relations gave WND as the phone number for the Center for North American Studies was answered as "The Elders." WND has reported that Pastor had begun working with The Elders, a conflict-resolution group of world figures, including Nelson Mandela and Jimmy Carter. A WND e-mail to The Elders asking to determine Pastor's relation with group went unanswered. A WND phone call to Pastor was also not immediately returned.


FEMA Camps and REX 84 ( Orders and Locations by State) FEMA Camps and REX 84 ( Orders and Locations by State) Xkaliber Lord Daniel A complete list of the orders for Rex 84 and Fema Camps. This Natural Solutions Report gives the orders for Civilian Concentration Camps and the locations by stste for the enslavement of the citizen's. When the time has come all will be steered like chattel into one of these locations. Resist by all means or become a victim of enslavement. Can we afford to be complacent ?

From the Army web site comes proof of FEMA's REX 84 Program.

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The Kremlin published its priorities Monday for an upcoming meeting of the G20, calling for the creation of a supranational reserve currency to be issued by international institutions as part of a reform of the global financial system. The International Monetary Fund should investigate the possible creation of a new reserve currency, widening the list of reserve currencies or using its already existing Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, as a "superreserve currency accepted by the whole of the international community," the Kremlin said in a statement issued on its web site. The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement the existing official reserves of member countries. The Kremlin has persistently criticized the dollar's status as the dominant global reserve currency and has lowered its own dollar holdings in the last few years. Both President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin have repeatedly called for the ruble to be used as a regional reserve currency, although the idea has received little support outside of Russia. Analysts said the new Kremlin proposal would elicit little excitement among the G20 members. "This is all in the realm of fantasy," said Sergei Perminov, chief strategist at Rye, Man and Gore. "There was a situation that resembled what they are talking about. It was called the gold standard, and it ended very badly. "Alternatives to the dollar are still hard to find," he said. The Kremlin's call for a common currency is not the first in recent days. Speaking at an economic conference in Astana, Kazakhstan, last week, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed a global currency called the "acmetal" -- a conflation of the words "acme" and "capital."

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Canadian economist and Nobel-prize winning professor Robert Mundell, who is credited with formulating the intellectual basis for creating the euro, is pushing for a one-world currency, Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports. "This prominent endorsement is yet another indication that globalists are advancing global governance and structures, including the idea of a global currency, as solutions to the worldwide economic recession," Corsi writes. Mundell has endorsed Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev's idea to create the "acmetal" as a world currency. "I must say that I agree with President Nazarbayev on his statement and many of the things he said in his plan, the project he made for the world currency, and I believe I'm right on track with what he is saying," Mundell told the Australian News. Nazarbayev and Mundell called on the G-20 to form a working group to study the proposal at its April 2 meeting in London. Nazarbayev explained that his coining of the name "acmetal" comes from the Greek word "acme," meaning "peak" or "best," and "capital." A one-world currency presupposes the creation of a one-world central bank that would manage the currency, thereby superseding the authority of nation-state central banks, such as the Federal Reserve in the United States and the European Union Central Bank, Corsi writes.
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Russia suggests the G20 summit in London in April should start establishing a system of managing the process of globalization and consider the possibility of creating a supra-national reserve currency or a “super-reserve currency.” The Russian Federation’s proposals for ways out of the ongoing financial and economic crisis and for a post-crisis order of the world financial system have been published on the Kremlin’s website. The proposals have been dispatched to the leadership of the G20 countries, the CIS and international organizations. “The current global economic crisis points to the need for discarding standard approaches and requires the adoption of collective decisions, agreed at the international level and geared to creating a system of globalization process management,” the document says. Russia suggests “acting with the maximum resolution in order to restore sustainable economic development and also confidence and stability in the financial markets.”
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There's growing concern in defense and intelligence circles that the global recession has the potential to threaten America's national interests. But a small group of academics and Pentagon policy-makers believe that the U.S. could benefit from the financial havoc. With economies around the world on edge, they argue, a weakened-but-still-gargantuan USA has new opportunities to pressure adversaries through the strategic application of market trades and bank transfers. They call their theory "financial warfare." "Countries are under stress. Their populations are getting more and more agitated. So they're more dependent on our investments," one Pentagon official tells Danger Room. "This kind of financial warfare — it could be another tool in the toolkit."

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Scientists are to use the world’s most powerful laser system to replicate the fiery core of the sun in experiments that may ultimately offer humanity a clean source of energy. After more than 50 years of experimentation, physicists are hoping to develop the first form of nuclear fusion technology that produces more energy than it consumes. Within the next fortnight, researchers at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California will fire 192 separate laser beams capable of generating 500 trillion watts - 1,000 times the power of the US national grid - for a fraction of a second. The energy pulse will be concentrated on a tiny pellet of hydrogen in an attempt to mimic the reactions that take place inside the sun. The scientists hope to refine the process over the next year until they trigger a nuclear reaction capable of producing large amounts of energy. “We hope the ignition experiments will show that we can generate more power than we put in and that fusion can be the source of a supply of carbon-free energy,” said Ed Moses, director of the NIF. “I think the old joke about fusion being just 50 years away, no matter when you ask, is about to become defunct.

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Dozens of emergency workers from a number of different local agencies and the Army National Guard swarmed the North Carolina Port in Morehead City Monday—but it was all part of a training exercise. Firefighters and EMS crews from across Carteret County and MCAS Cherry Point joined the Port Authority and the National Guard in the first day of an exercise called Eastern Shield. The three-day drill gives first responders a chance to test their readiness in a number of situations. On Monday, they practiced responding to a chemical attack on the port. “We probably have located some things that we need to work on,” said Carteret County Emergency Services Director Jo Ann Smith. “Communications is always an issue ... and this exercise has been good to show us what we need to work on.” Aircraft from the Marine Corps are scheduled to join in the training later this week.
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USA Today - ‎19 hours ago‎
Who sent 22 military police and an Army officer into the tiny Alabama town of Samson last week after a gunman went on a rampage that left 11 people dead? ...

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Army reviews troop use after fatal Ala. shootings

The Associated Press - ‎15 hours ago‎
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — The Army said Wednesday it opened an inquiry into whether federal laws were broken when nearly two dozen soldiers were sent to a ...

Town planning memorial to man hailed as hero in Alabama shootings

Seattle Times - ‎15 hours ago‎
The south Alabama town of Samson is planning a memorial to a man hailed as a hero in last week's mass shooting that claimed 11 lives. ...

Army reviews troop use after fatal Ala. shootings

The Associated Press - ‎20 hours ago‎
SAMSON, Ala. (AP) — The Army has launched an inquiry into whether federal laws were broken when soldiers were sent to an Alabama town after 11 people died ...

Hundreds mourn 4 relatives, victims of Ala. gunman

The Associated Press - ‎Mar 17, 2009‎
SAMSON, Ala. (AP) — The funeral procession for four people killed in a 24-mile shooting spree in south Alabama retraced part of the gunman's route Tuesday, ...

Army probes domestic use of troops in Alabama

Raw Story - ‎16 hours ago‎
Though the strained Samson Police Department was no doubt glad to have US Army military police on hand to direct traffic during last week's tragic shooting ...

Army News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports ... - ‎16 hours ago‎
By Gina Cavallaro - Staff writer The Army is investigating the deployment of 22 active duty military police and the provost marshal from Fort Rucker, Ala., ...

Standing Army

Lew Rockwell - ‎19 hours ago‎
Even with hundreds of thousands of troops deployed abroad, the US has plenty at home to help with law enforcement. "The US Army has launched an inquiry into ...

Ala. sheriff says he asked Rucker MPs for help

Lieutenant colonel at post had offered assistance in wake of shooting spree that killed 10

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14 Mar 2009 A new document meant to help Missouri law enforcement agencies identify militia members or domestic terrorists has drawn criticism for some of the warning signs mentioned. The Feb. 20 report called "The Modern Militia Movement" mentions such red flags as political bumper stickers for third-party candidates, such as U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, who ran for president last year; talk of 'conspiracy' theories, such as the plan for a superhighway linking Canada to Mexico; and possession of subversive literature.
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You may have noticed I am a big fan of rugged individualism, self-reliance, individual freedoms, liberty, self-determination and defiance — heavy on the defiance. These uniquely American characteristics course through our veins and pulse in our genes, gifts from our amazing, defiant forefathers. They sailed across an unknown ocean, to an unknown land, to establish a country free of kings and tyrants. In securing our freedom, they wrote a constitution that limited the power of the federal government. They knew even back then that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Of the Bill of Rights, the 10th Amendment says this: Powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved for the states, respectively, or to the people. Now, I am no lawyer or windbag lawmaker. But I find those words easy to understand. You need not be a constitutional scholar to know the 10th Amendment was written to limit the abusive growth of power by the federal government. As Thomas Jefferson stated, “The States should be left to do whatever acts they can do as well as the federal government.” The current gang of political punks, scoundrels and crooks in Washington, D.C., is not worthy to stand in Jefferson’s shadow.
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This message is from Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD, Natural Solutions Foundation Medical Director and Trustee: Food is becoming a battle ground like no other: freedom, survival, fascistic take over of a once-free people (more or less, at least), corporate triumph over independent producers - it’s all happening around food. And the mechanism is simple: a set of bills ostensibly devoted to “food safety” and “food security”. In essence, these bills are a sneak attack implementation of Codex Alimentarius. The Natural Solutions Foundation has been warning that organic farming and home growing, clean food and food freedom were under heavy attack. Here is the Mother of All Food Fascism Assaults and we still have some time to defeat it. Congress often comes up with bad ideas. This is not just a bad idea: it is a catastrophically bad idea for health and freedom. In fact, it is nothing short of food tyranny and will kill not only organic farming, but lots of people as well, along with the entire private farming sector. Your own gardens are at risk as well.

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It appears as if the Obama administration is seeking to pursue an agenda that will setup the federal food police. Using the popular formula of proposing phony solutions to problems that are either manufactured or otherwise, Obama has come out stating that we need more regulations to keep our food safe. With this in mind, it is interesting to see legislation entitled HR 875 or the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 which has been proposed in the U.S. House of Representatives. This bill uses language so broad and wide reaching that even home gardeners and organic farmers would be subject to the regulation of a new government bureaucracy. The bill appears to be aimed at destroying family farms through federal regulation so that large corporations like Monsanto can consolidate more control over food production in this country. As defined in HR 875, the bill would establish an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services to be known as the Food Safety Administration. This new agency would regulate food safety and be given draconian police powers and regulatory authority.
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Some small farms and organic food growers could be placed under direct supervision of the federal government under new legislation making its way through Congress. House Resolution 875, or the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, was introduced by Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., in February. DeLauro's husband, Stanley Greenburg, works for Monsanto – the world's leading producer of herbicides and genetically engineered seed. DeLauro's act has 39 co-sponsors and was referred to the House Agriculture Committee on Feb. 4. It calls for the creation of a Food Safety Administration to allow the government to regulate food production at all levels – and even mandates property seizure, fines of up to $1 million per offense and criminal prosecution for producers, manufacturers and distributors who fail to comply with regulations.
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Tim Neal of Miller County was shocked recently when he heard a radio program about a strategic report compiled by state and federal law enforcement agencies to combat terrorism. Titled “The Modern Militia Movement,” the report is dated Feb. 20 and designed to help police identify militia members or domestic terrorists. Red flags outlined in the document include political bumper stickers such as those for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, talk of conspiracy theories such as the plan for a mega-highway from Canada to Mexico and possession of subversive literature. But when Neal read the report, he couldn’t help but think it described him. A military veteran and a delegate to the 2008 Missouri Republican state convention, he didn’t appreciate being lumped in with groups like the Neo-Nazis. “I was going down the list and thinking, ‘Check, that’s me,’ ” he said. “I’m a Ron Paul supporter, check. I talk about the North American union, check. I’ve got the ‘America: Freedom to Fascism’ video loaned out to somebody right now. So that means I’m a domestic terrorist? Because I’ve got a video about the Federal Reserve?” Blogs and Web sites frequented by people interested in civil liberties issues have been overloaded in recent days with comments from angry readers who view the document as a precursor to an American KGB spying on U.S. citizens. “The government is out of control, we are just trying to survive,” wrote one poster who identified himself as John Adams.

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The leader of the nation's largest veterans organization says he is "deeply disappointed and concerned" after a meeting with President Obama today to discuss a proposal to force private insurance companies to pay for the treatment of military veterans who have suffered service-connected disabilities and injuries. The Obama administration recently revealed a plan to require private insurance carriers to reimburse the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in such cases. "It became apparent during our discussion today that the President intends to move forward with this unreasonable plan," said Commander David K. Rehbein of The American Legion. "He says he is looking to generate $540-million by this method, but refused to hear arguments about the moral and government-avowed obligations that would be compromised by it." The Commander, clearly angered as he emerged from the session said, "This reimbursement plan would be inconsistent with the mandate ' to care for him who shall have borne the battle' given that the United States government sent members of the armed forces into harm's way, and not private insurance companies.
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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is one of the world's best-loved fairytales. As Judy Garland's famous film nears its 70th birthday, how much do its followers know about the story's use as an economic parable? Dorothy in Kansas conjures up nostalgic thoughts of childhood Christmases hiding behind the sofa from the Wicked Witch of the West. Or those flying monkeys. It's unlikely its young fans will have been thinking about deflation and monetary policy. But the story has underlying economic and political references that make it a popular tool for teaching university and high school students - mainly in the United States but also in the UK - about the economic depression of the late 19th Century. At a time when some economists fear an onset of deflation, and economic certainties melt away like a drenched wicked witch, what can be learnt from Oz?
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Rabbi Cahn describes the “Eight Harbingers of Judgment” experienced by Israel and their uncanny parallels to the events of September 11, 2001: his insights are prodigious, overwhelming and foreboding. The consequences that would befall the nation that would not hear the Watchman after experiencing the prior warning which would be a shadow of the cataclysm to come... Rabbi Jonathan Cahn reveals the significance of the harbinger of the sycamore: "The Bible records the sycamore tree as being a sign of judgment. It even says in Egypt the sycamore tree was struck down as a sign of judgment. On September 11th, a freak event happened in the devastation: a steel beam from the North Tower was hurled from the sky. As the Tower fell, it went through the air and struck down an object: it was a tree. The next day [when] the people returned to ground zero, they found a tree lying on the ground, pierced by the beam of a falling Tower. There, at Ground Zero was a sycamore tree – struck town…after the tree of Isaiah 9…a harbinger of judgment…’the sycamore has fallen'…and strange, eerily, the people made a display of it, not realizing what it was in the Bible… and put it on display, its roots exposed…not realizing, as if to draw more attention to the sign. And a sculptor was commissioned to make a cast of it. He poured metal into the cast: he cast it into bronze, the Biblical metal of judgment…an image of the fallen sycamore to be displayed on Wall Street.
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Large 7.9 Mag. Earthquake
Hits Tonga Islands

by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

The Pacific Tsunami Warming Center has issued a 'non-expanding' regional tsunami warning for part of the Pacific near the epicenter after a large magnitude 7.9 earthquake hit near Tonga Islands.

No destructive widespread tsunami threat exists based on historical earthquake and tsunami data. However, earthquakes of this size sometimes generate local tsunamis that can be destructive along coasts located within a hundred kilometers of the earthquake epicenter. Authorities in the region of the epicenter should be aware of this possibility and take appropriate action.

Geographic coordinates: 23.015S, 174.781W. Magnitude: 7.9 Mw. Depth: 10 km. Universal Time (UTC): 19 Mar 2009 18:17:37. Time near the Epicenter: 20 Mar 2009 06:17:37. Local standard time in your area: 19 Mar 2009 18:17:37. Location with respect to nearby cities: 213 km (132 miles) SSE (167 degrees) of NUKU'ALOFA, Tonga.

Yesterday on March 18th a spectacular undersea volcano erupts off the coast of Tonga, tossing clouds of smoke, steam and ash thousands of feet (meters) into the sky above the South Pacific Ocean. The eruption was at sea about 6 miles (10 kilometers) from the southwest coast off the main island of Tongatapu, an area where up to 36 undersea volcanoes are clustered.

Spectacular Video:

Australian 'Swarm of Earthquakes' Interests Seismologists

Experts are investigating the third earthquake to hit eastern Victoria this year and say it is impossible to know whether further earthquakes will occur. The magnitude 4.6 quake yesterday afternoon was centered near Korumburra in Gippsland in eastern Victoria and was felt up to 200 kilometers away.

Nearby residents reported their houses shaking and experienced as many as three aftershocks. Seismologist Steve Tatham from Geo-science Australia says it is unusual for earthquakes of the same magnitude to happen in such a short period of time.


Puerto Rico Swarm Continues

An ongoing swarm of earthquakes has been occurring for two months with no end in sight.

They are appearing just off the
Publish Post
Puerto Rico northeast coastline. This is a known subduction zone called the Puerto Rico Trench subduction zone similar to the Cascadia subduction zone and the Sumatra subduction zone.

Scientists are now collecting data that could better help predict an event which would have devastating consequences as the result of a tsunami hitting the Caribbean region and the US east coastline.

Puerto Rico Swarm:

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Battlestar Galactica takes over the U.N., seriously!

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Was 'burning fireball' in the sky a UFO?

Essex Echo - ‎Mar 18, 2009‎
Paul Joslin, from Crays Hill, near Billericay, is a budding UFO tracker. Together with his group, the Unknown Phenomena Investigations Association, ...

Mystery Object Photographed In Sky Near Wilmington

WKRC TV Cincinnati - ‎19 hours ago

An expert from the Cincinnati Observatory has some unique perspective on a series of photos of a bright and mysterious light in the sky. ...

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