Friday, November 2, 2007

By Haaretz Editorial The relations between Israel and the the world's Jews, especially those in the United States, have always been fraught with hypocrisy. While everyone has been careful to pay lip service to Israeli democracy and its citizens' exclusive right to determine their fate, Jewish tycoons have known how to translate the millions they donate into influence and esteem. The state, which managed to absorb millions of Jews and build a flourishing economy, continued its small-town mentality of kowtowing to the masters from overseas. The national institutions set up to prepare the future state's infrastructure - the Jewish Agency, Jewish National Fund, United Israel Appeal and World Zionist Organization - continued to be run as a hub of Israeli political interests combined with trips abroad to flatter philanthropists.
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Grand Haven Tribune, MI - 2 hours ago
BY DOUG FURTON Comet Holmes continues to shimmer in the night sky, but astronomers still don't know why last week it suddenly became a million times ...
Spectacular comet bursts into night sky Arizona Republic
Be star-struck tonight; check out the Holmes comet
Comet Holmes 17p: A bright, oddball Halloween visitor from Deep Space Range News
Baltimore Sun - The Oregonian -
all 10 news articles »

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Actually, the comet is even bigger than it looks. While the Moon is a mere 240 thousand miles away, Comet Holmes is 150 million miles from Earth. The comet's physical diameter is thus seven times wider than the planet Jupiter--and it is still expanding.

Space Daily
Comet brightens night sky
Connecticut Post, CT - 15 hours ago
Comet Holmes 17P, for decades an obscure object in the solar system, has had a burst of brightness in the last two weeks, and astronomers say this could be ...
New images of Comet Holmes Baltimore Sun
Comet Holmes explodes in evening sky
Astronomers invite public to view exploded comet (subscription)
Times of India - Anchorage Daily News (subscription)
all 21 news articles »


Sci Fi Tech
Invisible tank ready for service by 2012, Australia - Nov 1, 2007
In secret trials last week, the army said it had made a vehicle completely disappear and predicted an invisible tank would be ready for service by 2012. ...
Invisible Tank: British Researchers Unveil Cloaked War Tank Post Chronicle
British Defense Researchers Create Invisible Tank FOX News
British Army Tests Invisible Tank Technology Newsroom America
Sci Fi Tech - Daily Times
all 10 news articles »
Sun: MoD has Bond/Potter/Klingon cloaking device
Register, UK - Oct 31, 2007
By Lewis Page → More by this author The quality press is awash with invisible-tank stories this morning, as the Daily Mail, Telegraph, Ananova news wire et ...
British Army Tests 'Invisible' Tank
AHN - Oct 30, 2007
London, England (AHN) - The Ministry of Defense confirmed that they are testing technology they claim makes tanks and troops invisible. ...
Invisible cloak for army tanks
Ninemsn, Australia - 22 hours ago
... the barrel of a tank gun." The British Army predicted that invisible tanks would be in use by 2012, although how it works in combat is very sensitive. ...
Weird Tech: How to make an army invisible
Tech, UK - 1 hour ago
The new technology reportedly uses cameras and projectors to beam images of the surrounding landscape onto a tank. Now we're not military experts, ...
The Top 10 real life Star Trek inventions, MA - 23 hours ago
In recent trials officials said it had made a vehicle completely disappear and predicted that an invisible tank would be ready for service by 2012. ...

A former FBI agent accused of conspiring in a mob murder spree has been cleared of the sensational charges, but the vaunted law enforcement agency received a scathing rebuke from a judge in the process.In a four-page decision that brought the trial of ex-agent Lindley DeVecchio to a stunning end Thursday, state Supreme Court Justice Gustin Reichbach said the FBI violated its own rules by allowing DeVecchio to court a known killer as an informant for well over a decade.``In the face of the obvious menace posed by organized crime, the FBI was willing ... to make a deal with the devil,'' Reichbach said in a hushed Brooklyn courtroom. ``At best, the FBI engaged in a policy of self-deception, not wanting to know the true facts about this informant-murderer whom they chose to employ.''
Doug Bandow
Put a straight-jacket on them. That seems to be Los Angeles Times columnist Rosa Brooks's position on President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney.As she explains, "We're in the middle of a disastrous war in Iraq, the military and political situation in Afghanistan is steadily worsening, and the administration's interrogation and detention tactics have inflamed anti-Americanism and fueled extremist movements around the globe." Yet Bush and Cheney appear to want another war, this one against Iran.
Heroic or Horrific? "The Real Superhumans and the Quest for the Future Fantastic" Forecasts the Next Stage of Human Evolution, Nov. 4 on Discovery Channel and Discovery HD

Since the beginning of life on Earth, evolution has been dictated by Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. And now, humanity is on the brink of a change so radical, so rapid and unlike any other stage in human history. And while most of us are waiting at the precipice, have some already taken the leap?
Roswell, Presidential candidates, and
LSD inventor Albert Hofmann tops list of the 100 Living Geniuses.
British geniuses feature heavily in a recent list that notes the greatest living thinkers of our time - proportionately more than any other country.

The top 100 living geniuses was compiled by a panel of six experts in creativity and innovation from Creators Synectics, a global consultants firm.

The company emailed 4,000 Britons this summer and asked them to nominate up to 10 living people who they considered geniuses.


ROUND ROCK, Texas — If he wins his bid for the White House, Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson may be just the man to get to the bottom of the 60-year-old Roswell UFO mystery.

Answering questions at a townhall meeting Friday, a Dell employee asked Richardson about the 1947 incident in which many people still believe a flying saucer landed near the eastern New Mexico town.

"I've been in government a long time, I've been in the cabinet, I've been in the Congress and I've always felt that the government doesn't tell the truth as much as it should on a lot of issues," said Richardson, who is governor of New Mexico.


The Nevis cyclotron, which was constructed at Columbia University's Nevis Research Laboratory in Irvington, New York. A plaque at Columbia proclaims it a Registered National Historic Landmark, but there is no mention of ties to the bomb.By nature, code names and cover stories are meant to give no indication of the secrets concealed. “Magic” was the name for intelligence gleaned from Japanese ciphers in World War II, and “Overlord” stood for the Allied plan to invade Europe.
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UNITED STATES. Just weeks after being named America’s top ghost hunter – along with her husband Ed who died in August 2006 – Lorraine Warren is facing a major lawsuit. It concerns the reprinting of The Devil in Connecticut by Gerald Brittle, about an alleged case of “demonic possession”.

Often cited as more frightening than the Amityville possession case, also investigated by the Warrens, the main subjects now claim it was not a case of possession at all but of mental illness.

A small helicopter that can take off underwater from a submarine and hold two passengers - designed jointly by students at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa and the University of Pennsylvania - has won first prize in a US helicopter design competition.

Photo: Technion

Called "Waterspout," the helicopter can be stored inside the submarine without taking up too much space. It is released through existing openings in the submarine, so no new ones have to be made.

The helicopter is autonomous, can function in a variety of weather conditions and can be dispatched from a submarine from some 15 meters under the water's surface (enough for a periscope to see into the air from under the water.)
