Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Indian strategic community, ecstatic about growing ties with the US, should bear in mind that Washington is too involved with Beijing to give up its embrace of the dragon. The US does not see its relationship with India as a zero sum game

Sanjay Kapoor Delhi

In 1969, the Chinese and Soviet troops fought a short but bloody war near River Ussuri in China's northeast. Although ceasefire was declared after USSR's Premier Kosygin stopped by at Beijing and met with his counterpart, Chou en Lai, there was little love and trust left between the two communist powers. The US, as subsequent events proved, was the clear beneficiary of this rupture as it began to woo China in right earnest. The efforts of the US were helped by the views of Chinese leader Mao Ze Dong who believed that a relationship with Washington would provide security against the enemy at the doorstep (Soviet Union).

The growing mistrust between the USSR and China presented an opportunity to Henry Kissinger and President Richard Nixon to make a trip to Beijing and shake hands with Mao in 1972. It was a week that changed the world.


India hasn’t accepted Russia’s Il-38 jets with the Sea Dragon navigation system and suspended the payments under the contract sealed by Rosoboronexport and executed by Ilyushin Aircraft Construction Company. The result of delay could be the failure of Rosoboronexport in the tender that India holds to choose eight new antisubmarine jets.
India has suspended the payments under $150-million contract with Russia for upgrading five Il-38 patrol aircraft by new search-and-track Sea Dragon system, said sources with defense and industrial complex of Russia.
Alien captured on CNN standing behind Bush
OK this is clip two that I found and wanted to compare it with better qaulity and another angle.

Noticed reflection on White House door above George's right shoulder, showing a Gray alien peeking through?

Was sluethin the net and pick up this scoop today about the pic, so I found it
watching Rueters and President Bush was talking about the Housing Market last Thursday.

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As we continue our journey from one part of our planet to the other, traversing from America in the West to East and returning back again, we are making extraordinary discoveries about ourselves and others. One of my greatest observations was sighting in on the universal pattern and design that is interwoven among the many cultures and diverse societies of our Indigenous People all around the globe. This crisscross pattern that we discussed in the last article that is recognized throughout Africa and Asia, as well as the Islands of the Pacific to remote areas of our planet from the Himalayas to the Andes and from Mongolia and Siberia, crossing over again to the Americas, represents the symbol of the migratory path of our ancient peoples. Its origin is in the cosmos itself, representing the interwoven movement of energy seen in the heavens above and reflected to the earth below.
That Iraq is a Laboratory for what the Bushites mean to do here is well known to most of us. However, what many may not know is the full extent of the conspiracy to demoralize, depopulate, destroy and dominate our democratic citizenry by fascists. This is a primer on how and what the New World Order, step by step has in store for an America whose "Leadership" is too blind and deaf, and too busy cashing-out to care and further, what has motivated several families, the Harriman's, Walker's Bush's and Cheney's, some of which have specialized over the last hundreds of years in fomenting and profiting by chaos, war revolution, and every sort of despicable behavior and why and how America let it happen, and why some people don't seem to give a hoot and others are clueless.
APEC: road show of the ‘new world order’
Three-metre high security fences, heart-stopping tasers, a bone-smashing water cannon, mobile prison buses and — perhaps most disturbing of all — the threat of automatic incarceration for randomly abducted protesters? Welcome to the growing international phenomenon of “population control”. The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum is in Sydney, and NSW security chiefs are telling you to follow orders, shut up and stay away. Prison cells are ready and waiting if you fail to heed the warning.
NWO FAKE TERROR WARGAME ALERT: No Bomb Found on Jet In Oakland

No Bomb Found After Jet Forced To Land In Oakland
(CBS 5 / BCN) OAKLAND No bomb was found on a Southwest Airlines plane that was grounded at Oakland International Airport Friday night after the airline received a threatening phone call, an airline spokesman reported.

Flight 770 left the airport for Phoenix at approximately 4:09 p.m. A bomb threat was called in to the airline's reservation center, an 800 number at 4:25 p.m. Officials say the threat was specific to the flight.

After hearing word of the threat, the captain decided to return back to Oakland Airport.

All 123 passengers safely departed the plane and were placed in a secure holding area while authorities conducted a security sweep of the plane, said airport spokesman Robert Bernardo. The search did not produce a bomb or any other suspicious items.

Transportation Security Administration officials unloaded and inspected luggage on board, with a bomb squad standing by. The search did not produce a bomb or any other suspicious items.

Officials with Southwest Airlines say the passengers will make it to Phoenix sometime Friday night.

The plane has since been cleared for flight and the airline is in the process of re-screening and re-boarding its passengers early Friday night, Mainz said.

"We expect (the passengers) to finish boarding and (the flight to) take off shortly," he said.
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