Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ron Paul DVD - Hot off the press - The DVD to WIN the straw poll!!

The DVD that we have been talking about that will be distributed to Iowa voters is hot off the press and I just found it on several torrent sites. This DVD is top quality and is highly recommended. The DVDs purpose is to entice Iowa voters to make the trip to the straw poll and vote for Ron Paul. Video is the best medium because Dr. Paul is SO powerful on video. There are currently 13,000+ DVDs in production, many more than the number of votes that won Bush the straw poll in 1999. Please copy, share, and SEED as much as you can. I want this torrent to spread like wildfire, like Ron Paul's message. Currently this file is in ISO form. I did not make this video, but it is copyright free, and it is encouraged that you distribute it as much as possible.

Here is the link to the torrents:
The Intelligence Report / Mark Koernke / 7/18/07/ Weapons Wed/ Mark Dewitt
Michigan State Party Politics wants to prevent Ron Paul from appearing in the debates. So those in the Patriot Community are seeking to get Ron on all the Ballots in all 50 states. Special Guest Mark Dewitt of the Ron Paul Michigan Republican Party to prepare everyone for the campaign. More Militia of Michigan Analysis and Future Mexican Border Deployment Maneuvers.

NEIN Field Reporter

'D.C. Madam' speaks out on CNN's Larry King, talks to Larry Flynt and the alleged madam about Sen. Vitter and who else could be exposed as a client.

Your Next "Landlord" Will Speak Chinese
Meet your future landlord: Thanks to the Federal Reserve and our own profligacy, Washington is looking to China to bail out the distressed mortgage industry.

It takes a mind better attuned than mine to the arcane science of high finance to understand why the Dow briefly crested 14,000 today (July 17). The mystery deepens considerably when items such as this are taken into account:

How to stop cows burping is the new field work on climate change
They have become the fashionable target for environmentalists, but four-wheel-drive vehicles may be less damaging to the environment than the cows and sheep essential to the rural economy.

With the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation predicting that methane emissions from livestock could increase by as 60 per cent by 2030, the issue is being treated with some urgency.

Scientists attempting to find new foods for cattle have already exploded the myth that most bovine emissions come from the rear. They have found the majority come from belching.

Eating beef found to be more harmful to Earth than driving ==========================================================

Imprisoned 'Duke' tells of scope of corruption
According to an 11-page FBI summary of the sessions, obtained by Copley News Service, Cunningham was very much the initiator of his corrupt actions, demanding bribes, accepting envelopes with cash and displaying an insatiable appetite for more money, more cars, more drink, more fine food and more expensive goods.

Cunningham's answers are bad news for Brent Wilkes, president of Poway-based ADCS Inc., who is fighting bribery charges. They set the stage for what could be a dramatic courtroom showdown between Cunningham and his longtime benefactor.

Wilkes faces 30 counts in two indictments, including charges that he gave Cunningham $600,000 in gifts and cash in exchange for Cunningham's help in getting more than $80 million in defense contracts. Wilkes' two trials are expected to occur this fall. The government has not said whether it will bring Cunningham to San Diego to testify.


Senator wants Homeland Security agents to shoot suspects in the back

Border Patrol agents should be allowed to shoot at fleeing drug traffickers, a Republican senator suggested Tuesday.

The patrol's deadly force rules were questioned at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing concerning the conviction of two agents who shot a fleeing, unarmed drug trafficker and covered it up.

"Why is it wrong to shoot the [trafficker] after he's been told to stop?" asked Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma


A Free Press or a Ministry of Truth?
In his novel 1984, George Orwell portrayed a future time in which the explanations of recent events and earlier history are continually changed to meet Big Brother's latest purpose. Previous explanations disappear down "the memory hole."

Sound familiar? Any American who pays attention can observe the identical phenomenon occurring in the U.S. today.

Think about the Bush regime's changing explanations for the failed U.S. occupation of Iraq. Shortly after Bush's May 2003 announcement of "mission accomplished," the mission revealed itself to be very much unaccomplished. Americans were told that the cause of the snafu was a small Sunni insurgency of two or three thousand at the most inspired by "die-hard Ba'ath Party remnants." Remember the propagandistic deck of cards identifying the most wanted down to the less wanted? Americans were assured that once Saddam Hussein and his relatives and henchmen were rounded up, our troops would be pelted with the promised flowers instead of roadside bombs.


The Militarization and Annexation of North America

Besides the Bush administration's imperial aims and permanent war on the world, add the one at home below the radar. Its weapons include the WTO, NAFTA, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), FBI, CIA, NSA, NORTHCOM, militarized state and local police, National Guard forces, paramilitary mercenaries like Blackwater USA, and all other repressive instruments of state power and control. They target the people of three nations slowly becoming one headquartered in Washington. That's the apparent aim of those in power here wanting one continent, "indivisible" minus old-fashioned ideas like "liberty and justice for all" we used to believe in when, as kids, we recited our "Pledge of Allegiance." They now have a whole new meaning. They're just words drummed into young minds hoping they'll still believe them when they're old enough to know better.
Bush Outlaws All War Protest In United States
In one of his most chilling moves to date against his own citizens, the American War Leader has issued a sweeping order this week outlawing all forms of protest against the Iraq war.

President Bush enacted into US law an ‘Executive Order’ on July 17th titled "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq", With this being so, the American people should, likewise, contemplate their ‘new’ future, and as, also, stated best by George Orwell, "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."
