Thursday, June 7, 2007

911 Truth - Al Qaida (A.K.A Tha' Boogeyman) Does NOT Exist!


Future Combat System showcases a few of them expected to be in Soldiers hands very soon.


The 2008 presidential candidates air their dirty laundry


RAW VIDEO: Bilderberg Meeting Protest in Istanbul, 02 Jun 2007

The highly secretive 'Bilderberg Meetings' drew angry protests in Istanbul The only U.S. media report this year about 200 of the most powerful people in the world meeting in secret was a single article in the Dallas Morning News - in terms of media freedom and journalistic muckraking, the Turkish press puts its cowardly and controlled American counterparts to shame.

Number of mainstream U.S. news outlets that reported on Paris Hilton over the past week: 10,000+

Number of mainstream U.S. news outlets that reported on a meeting of nearly 200 of the world's most powerful people this past weekend; Less than a handful.

The Bilderberg Group meeting, an annual conference at which the consensus for future global policy is provably manifested, again passed by with barely a mention on behalf of America's corporate media.

The Dallas Morning News carried a single article about Texas Governor Perry's visit, a story that was subsequently picked up in brief blurbs by a couple of local Texas TV news affiliates and a few bylines on page 30 of a couple of papers in the lone star state.

Apart from that, save a mention in an online Village Voice blog - nothing, absolutely nothing about a confab of the most powerful and influential people on the planet. In comparison, G8 is a mere talking shop and yet it is lavished with attention while Bilderberg is hidden in the shadows.

Nothing in the New York Times and nothing in the Washington Post or the Wall Street Journal, both of which were represented at the meeting. Nothing in Le Figaro of France or the Financial Times of London, who also were both represented by chief editors.

Media moguls who attend Bilderberg, such as Washington Post CEO and Chairman Donald E. Graham, swear an oath of secrecy and fulfil a promise each year to omit any coverage of Bilderberg from their news outlets.

Is it really any wonder that the traditional media model is dying and that more and more enlightened people in their droves are turning to alternative news sources in search of the truth?

Even the Turkish media, hardly reputed as a bastion of free speech, put the U.S. press to shame with a deluge of newspaper and TV coverage of Bilderberg and the protest that accompanied it in Istanbul.

Bilderberg routinely claims that it is simply a private meeting and that no policy is set within the confines of the ring of armed security the group erects around its hotel of choice. Yet courageous researchers like Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin have demonstrated year upon year that what is discussed at Bilderberg quickly becomes policy if not in the near-term then years down the line.

The BBC uncovered documents form a former Bilderberg member dating back to the early 50's betraying the fact that the European Union and the single Euro currency were both brainchild's of the Bilderberg Group.

At the 2005 Bilderberg meeting in Munich Germany, leaked talking points obtained from the speeches given at the conference indicated that Bilderberg expected oil prices to surge over the next 12 months, which is exactly what happened.

Bilderberg has a proven history of acting in a kingmaker capacity. Both Bill Clinton and Tony Blair attended before becoming President and Prime Minister and it was also reported that Bilderberg selected John Edwards as Kerry's running mate in 2004. Hillary Clinton was rumored to have attended last year's conference in Ottawa.

Bilderberg is not about signing treaties, trade deals or agreeing to topple certain foreign heads of state - it's about creating a consensus for its members to adhere by, and the way in which topics are presented by speakers makes it obvious what the agenda will be.

This veneer of distinction provides Bilderberg with the justification to claim they don't set any concrete policy, but only the most deluded and naive observer could dismiss the notion that hundreds of the most influential people in the world getting together and talking doesn't have some play in what we later see unfold as policy.

Bilderberg members expressed their alarm at the speed of which the rush to invade Iraq was being pushed by the American elite in 2002, and so they resolved to recommend any military action be delayed until 2003, which is exactly what happened.

This year, speakers expressed their "concern" about Iran's nuclear proliferation - which in Bilderbergese is a rubber stamp for war. Though the language is couched in the lexicon of international relations, make no bones about it, the orders are transmitted and followed.

Bilderberg is the closest thing you will ever get to the secret world government and no amount of sneering, whitewash or smear on behalf of the corporate media - many of which are represented at the conferences, diminishes that fact.


Jim Tucker at Bilderberg Protest Covered On Turkish TV News

Meetings are held privately and attendees are prohibited from talking about what took place. This reporter has been covering Bilderberg since 1975.
James P. Tucker Jr. will be crafting his next report in Istanbul. AFP supporters are helping Jim pay his expenses traveling to and from the meeting by sending in $35. In return, donors get a personalized, autographed copy of Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary. (Issue #23, June 4, 2007)

Please make a donation to American Free Press
Not Copyrighted. Readers can reprint and are free to redistribute - as long as full credit is given to American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003

2007 Norwich Beer Festival a toast to the dragon

Entries for a competition to design a logo for this year's 30th Norwich Beer Festival came from as far as Italy and Poland but it was local man Matthew Bullock who impressed the judges with his dragon inspired motif.

Organisers are hoping this logo will be less controversial than the Olympic design which was also launched this week.

Mr Bullock, from Norwich, was chosen from more than 100 adult entries and his design will appear on publicity material, glasses, products and clothing, all of which will be taken away by 15,000 customers.

Festival Organiser Martin Ward said: “This is a return to a more traditional logo. The entries represented many beer and dragon related themes but in the end this one stood out above the others. I would like to thank the entrants for their efforts. All will receive either a complimentary ticket to the festival or, if a junior entrant, a festival badge.”

Mr Bullock receives a cheque for £100 and a selection of products featuring his logo.

The junior winner, Thomas Linstead of Norwich, will receive a cheque for £25.

  • The festival takes place from October 22-27 in St Andrews and Blackfriars Halls. It will feature more than 200 real ales, 30 plus ciders and perries and a selection of bottled beers from all over the world.

  • Link

    Turkmen president opens Dragon Oil refinery, lays stone for Petronas gas plant

    ASHKHABAD (Thomson Financial) - Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov today inaugurated the country's first foreign oil refinery and laid the first stone of a gas processing plant, and invited other foreign companies to invest in his country.

    The president took part in the inauguration of the refinery built by the Irish company Dragon Oil PLC, and laid the first stone of a gas complex which will be built by Malaysian state oil company Petronas, state television reported.

    The refinery cost 25 mln usd to build and has capacity for 2.5 mln tonnes of oil per year.

    The gas processing plant will be built between now and 2010 at a cost of 500 mln usd. It will produce, purify and transport to the national distribution network 10 bln cubic metres of gas per year from the Caspian Sea.

    'Turkmenistan will create the most favourable climate (for foreign companies)', Berdymukhammedov said on state television. 'A broad international cooperation will contribute to the efficient exploration of the country's natural resources'.



    On fear, lizard brains, and 1984 Fear mongering in America

    Appealing To Our Lizard Brains/ Why Bush Is Still Standing

    Arianna Huffington

    I spent much of yesterday having people try to scare the hell out of me. In the morning it was President Bush. At night it was Big Brother. At times, it wasn't easy telling them apart. Let me explain:

    My very scary day was jump-started by the president's chilling tale of how my hometown had narrowly escaped a 9/11-like attack, with hijacked planes being flown into a downtown Los Angeles skyscraper. I know, I know: the story is old news, a four year-old plot that we were already told about years ago, which, in fact, some experts believe never got off the al-Qaeda drawing board -- and which Holden picks apart. But the president sure made it sound really, really frightening.

    Then, at night, I saw a preview performance of a brilliant new production of George Orwell's 1984 -- adapted by Michael Gene Sullivan and directed by Tim Robbins -- and was struck by the ways that Big Brother uses fear and perpetual war to keep the citizens of Oceania under control. And, especially, how that fear effectively blots out memory.

    "His memory," writes Orwell of his rebellious hero, "was not satisfactorily under control." Memory "satisfactorily under control" is a perfect description of the mindset that allows Bush and Cheney to repeatedly lie to the American people and get away with it. Thanks to the constant fear-mongering. Again and again. ('Last throes'? who remembers anything about 'last throes'?)

    Orwell also shows how a frightened people will look to the strongest and most confident to save and protect them. As Goldstein says in the play: "Even the humblest, most industrious citizen is expected to be an ignorant fanatic, whose prevailing moods are fear, hatred, adulation, and triumph, regardless of his own suffering. In other words, the mentality appropriate to a state of war. And being at war, and therefore in danger, makes the handing over of all power to a small caste seem the natural, unavoidable condition of survival."

    I knew Karl Rove was a student of history, but apparently he's a student of literature, too.

    The Big Brothers in the Bush White House bang the fear-gong like clockwork. Early in the week, the administration took some hits on its NSA warrantless wiretapping program, with even Republicans like Sen. Arlen Specter and Rep. Heather Wilson raising doubts. And before the week was out, there was the president, offering up details of shoe bombs and "young men from Southeast Asia" meeting with Osama bin Laden and preparing to attack L.A. (In 1984, the unseen enemy keeps shifting from "Eurasia" to "Eastasia" and back again).

    The president didn't directly link the disruption of the attack with the NSA wiretapping but, as noted by the New York Times, Frances Townsend, his counterterrorism adviser, "did not rule out the program as a factor in discovering the plan." How very vague of her.

    Listening to Bush's speech, I kept flashing on comedian Kevin Nealon's classic Subliminal Message Guy character: "Since [9/11] we've taken decisive action (no time for FISA) to protect our citizens against new dangers (old ones too). We're hunting down terrorists (Osama who?) using every element of our national power (even illegal elements) -- military (mission accomplished), intelligence (warrantless wiretapping), law enforcement (more wiretapping)... When an American president says something, he better mean what he said (except for all the times he doesn't)."

    Scaring the bejeezus out of us any time the going gets tough is simple, crude -- and has worked like a charm for the Bushies. I'm guessing that they're saving a fresh elevation of the terror alert status until closer to November.

    Watching my personal "Fear Factor" double feature -- Bush and Big Brother -- reminded me of a conversation I had during the 2004 campaign with Dr. Daniel Siegel, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist whose book Mindsight explores the physiological workings of the brain. He explained that the Bush campaign's unrelenting fear-mongering had left voters "shrouded in a 'fog of fear,'" reacting not with their linear, logical left brain but with their lizard, more emotional right brain.

    Deep in the brain lies the amygdala, an almond-sized region that generates fear. When this fear state is activated, the amygdala springs into action. Before you are even consciously aware that you are afraid, your lizard brain responds by clicking into survival mode. No time to assess the situation, no time to look at the facts, just fight, flight or freeze. Fear paralyzes our reasoning and literally makes it impossible to think straight. Instead, we search for emotional, nonverbal cues from others that will make us feel safe and secure.

    This is precisely why Rove wants to paint Democrats as having "a pre-9/11 worldview" which, by implication, makes them unwilling to go the extra -- even illegal -- mile to keep America safe.

    The only way to break through this "fog of fear" is to keep shining a light on this cynical strategy, like Hillary Clinton did the other day at the UAW convention: "If you're paying attention, you saw two weeks ago, Karl Rove, in a room like this, telling the Republican National Committee, 'Here's your game plan, folks. Here's how we're going to win. We're going to win by getting everybody scared again.... We're going to keep playing the fear card.'"

    Some in the mainstream media are doing the same. The headline on the jump page of the Los Angeles Times story on Bush's speech reads, "Critics Question Timing of Disclosures About Plot." And the New York Times' story on it offered a similarly dubious tone: "Mr. Bush's speech came at a time when Republicans are intent on establishing their record on national security as the pre-eminent issue in the 2006 midterm elections, and when the president is facing questions from members of both parties about a secret eavesdropping program that he describes as pivotal to the war on terrorism."

    Maybe even the MSM's lizard brains are getting wise to the White House's scare tactics. And, just maybe, we're about to enter a new era where our collective memory is no longer "satisfactorily under control."

