Tuesday, May 8, 2007


A music teacher and former military code breaker says he has cracked a real secret hidden in the Scottish chapel that appeared in "The Da Vinci Code."

Thomas Mitchell told The Telegraph that he and his son, Stuart, also a musician, began studying symbols carved on the walls of Rosslyn Chapel 20 years ago. They were especially interested in 213 carved cubes bearing flowers, diamonds, hexagons and other symbols in the building's Lady Chapel.

"I was obsessed by these symbols," Mitchell said. "I was convinced they meant something."

The Mitchells decided that the symbols are called cymatics or Chladni patterns, which form when powder-covered sheets of metal or glass are vibrated by a musical note. They have now created "The Rosslyn Motet," a piece of music based on the cube patterns.

The 600-year-old chapel near Edinburgh became internationally famous when author Dan Brown used it as a hiding place for the Holy Grail in his novel, "The Da Vinci Code."

Mitchell, who served as a code breaker with the RAF during the Korean War, said that he and his son had a "eureka moment" after years of puzzlement.

We believe this is the Holy Grail of music and, unlike "The Da Vinci Code," it is absolutely factual," he said


Goverment Ordered Kent State Students Murdered caught on newly released tape

KENT, Ohio -- Three survivors of the 1970 Ohio National Guard gunfire that killed four Kent State University students arranged a campus reunion Tuesday to call for a new investigation in view of a recently uncovered audio tape purportedly showing a command was issued ordering Guardsmen to fire.

"Right here! Get Set! Point! Fire!" comes the command in a crisp style indicating that a Guard officer's order led to the crack of gunfire that also wounded nine students during an anti-war protest, according to Alan Canfora, 58, who was wounded in the wrist.

Canfora and two other victims, Tom Grace and Joseph Lewis, were holding a news conference to release the tape found several months ago by Canfora in Yale University archives while doing research.

A familiar face also agreed to take part in the gathering: Mary Ann Vecchio, whose iconic image kneeling over slain student Jeffrey Miller, her arms outstretched in grief, became emblematic of the anti-war emotions of the Vietnam era. John Filo's photo won a Pulitzer Prize.

Canfora said he wanted a renewed investigation to get to the truth of how the shootings happened, but wasn't interested in pursuing the shooters. Eight Guardsmen were acquitted of federal civil rights charges four years after the shootings.

After the shooting, the FBI investigated whether an order had been given to fire, and said it could only speculate. One theory was that a Guardsman panicked or fired intentionally at a student and that others fired when they heard the shot.

Scott Wilson, a spokesman with the FBI in Cleveland, said Tuesday that he was unaware of any request to look into the matter. The Ohio National Guard had no comment on the tape's release, spokesman James Sims said Tuesday.

Canfora said the reel-to-reel audio recording was made by Terry Strubbe, a student who placed a microphone at a windowsill of his dormitory that overlooked the anti-war rally. Strubbe turned the tape over to the FBI, which kept a copy.

Strubbe, who still lives near Kent, keeps the original tape in a safe deposit box, said Canfora, who heads a nonprofit organization at Kent State that leads a candlelight vigil every May 4 to mark the anniversary of the shootings. Friday will mark the 37th anniversary.

Canfora said only a small portion of the tape was reviewed during various investigations.

Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

NWO High Ranking OTO Masonic Cult engaged in Protected Satanic Ritualistic Pedophilia?


The 911 Stargate


NASA Discovers 'Twilight Zone' of New Air Particles

An extensive and previously unknown "twilight zone" of particles in the atmosphere could complicate scientists'efforts to determine how much the Earth's climate will warm in the future, a new study finds.


DUSTY & 'THE BOYS': The CIA, the Narco-Republicans, & 5.5 tons of cocaine

The first anniversary of the April 10 2006 seizure in Mexico’s Yucatan of a American-registered DC9 caught carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine passed virtually unnoticed last week. It shouldn’t have...

April 23 2007
by Daniel Hopsicker

Porter Goss resigned less than a month later, the same day the FBI executed a search warrant at the house of the No. 3 official in the Central Intelligence Agency, Kyle “Dusty” Foggo, soon to go on trial for corruption with accomplice Brent Wilkes.


The Hologram Projector.

So now who is it that say, 'but what about all those witnesses that saw Airplanes flying into the WTC and Pentagon on 9/11'?

This is a new device called the Heliodisplay.


Cheney on DC Madam's list.

May 8, 2007 -- Cheney on DC Madam's list. Yesterday,
WMR reported on the DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey's list:
"WMR has been informed that the CEO of a major corporation
is a former CEO but, nonetheless, the aforementioned
extremely high-level official of the Bush administration.
The individual, who is definitely "newsworthy,"
reportedly engaged the services of Palfrey's escort
firm while he was the CEO and maintained a residence
off Chain Bridge Road in the Ballantrae neighborhood
in McLean, Virginia, a few blocks from the headquarters
of the CIA."

Link Title


The Dragon Brigade

Video showing the work that is being done by the Soldiers of the Dragon Brigade.